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CANCELLATION OF THE VELIXHOV INSTABILITY BY MAGNETIC CONFINMENT Jean-Pierre PETIT FRANCE: LABORATOIRE DE MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIOUE CuRS Q rue AUDE 13100 Aix-en-Provence FRANCE ABSTRAC In high Hall parameter regines,a non homogeneous maqmetic field creates a non homogeneous electrical conductivity,vhich tends to guide the electric current. In some non equilibrium and a priori unstable configurations,it 4s shown that magnetic corfinment may cancel the Velikhov instability and control strongly the current density pattern. Furthermore,this guidance appears to be stronger than the Hal] effect itself,such as it can almost suppress the transverse electric current. INTRODUCTION: In 1965,in Paris,Velikhov and Golubev presented some ‘@xperimental vork,done in a MHD disk convertor,in a non equilibrium regime. They revealed how fast the ionization instability could grow, and that vas the begining cf a lut of trouble for ciosed cycies. Tae donization instability created strong electron density and temperature inkonogeneities,which appeared clearly vith the fast canera pictures-The electric current tended naturally to follov these highly conducting pathes. Now dnstead of suffering inhonogeneities,vhy don't ve create and use it In a strong Hall regime,the direct abd transverse conductivities BER EAH CBs) EXPERIMENTS IN A DISK SHAPE MACHINE: B= 1009 In 1977 ve did some experinents in a disk accelerator,vith a central anode and three cathoces. This vas operated in lov pressure air (0.8 Torr). Tad "general" magnetic field vas 1000 Gauss. and,along spiral alleys,this field vas attenuated dow to 200 Gauss,i-e. the magnetic pressure contrast was 25. For moderate elgctric current densities (0.02 to 0.1 A/cm®) a good spiral electrig current pattern vas obtained, corresponding to some “appearent™ Hall caTHope parameter up to 5.The dianeter of the 1 converter vas 7 cm,and the voltage vas ! about one CV. They vere no evidence of I inkomogeneities.For lov current densities : the streamers appeared like thin chords. At the contrary,eien, the meqnetic Field ty vas honogeneous,the spiral pattern vas strongly altered,like in the Yelikhov experinents. in This last condition, the Figure 1. Disk accelerator jonization instability vas evident, creating inhomogeneities anong the spiral streaners,vhere the spiral angle,according to the theory,remained close to unity. The dmpact,of magnetic confinment on the iastability was interes~ ting,and ve decided to study different magnetic patterns. It appeared possible to control the current pattern,and a surprise vas to see that, {f desired,one could even reverse the spiral angle, through confinnent effect.See Figures 2 and 3- reverse current spiral gue to magnetic confinnent. It was clear that the magnetic confinment could act in a stronger vay than the Hall effect itself. SOME COMMENTS: A complete and correct analysis of this phenomenon is Fetesy-UiiFicuit-at first,this is quite 4ifferent from the classical Raguetic confinment un fusion machines. But we can try sone qualitative Gescription-when the voltage is applied,the electrical conductivity is Sprioti very different inside and outside the magetic alleys,in vhich Gnd Hela has been attenuated. Such ag the current tends naturally to Flow along these alleys. In a non equilibrium situation ,and jn the weak magnetic field areas,the electron density and tenperatire sre, increased. Probably the plasma Secomes Coulomb dominated inside the alleys.Such 35 the local Hali paraneter is decreased,and this is a first cause of Stabilication Furthermore, the dissipative process due to high, local Galues of the electric paraneters tends to. stabilize to. This is defini- ely a non Linear procese,but wow instead suffering it,ve USE it. ‘The method hag its own limits. We can try to build up's criterium for the magnetic confinnent:For an example, like in fusion machines,ve can compare the electron pressure Pe = Mekt, to the magnetic pressure. Te looks to fit-and as lov is°the ¢leftron pressure,as thin is the plasna chord At the Opposite, if the current density 13 increased enough, Phe spiral pattern may be altered,and disruptions occur. APPLICATION 10 A LINEAR GEOMETRY: Let us consider a Faraday convertor, Sperating Vith-e Tigh Hall parameter. Tt locks to be a contradiction. In effect this is the vorse machine one can imagine.But nov introduce 3 hon homogeneous magnetic fieldjas shown on the Figure 4+ strong B region confined current veak B region Figure 4.Faraday convertor with non homogeneous magetic field. ‘The magnetic field has deen attenuated along linear pathes. The experi- ment has been again carried in lov pressure air. Thin, distinct electric Jereaners have been obtained,without evidence of ionization instability. Gaile local Hall parameter remains larger than unity,this mackine operates like a Faraday convertor- FURTHER COMMENTS: Starting from these experimental facts,vould the ‘Glosed cycle problen be reconsidered ? Of course, these experinents have been carried out vith a very modest plant.Extension to Mi h pressure conditions vould be desirable. ve would Tike to Feconei¢er some experiments done in France in 1966-67 in helium argon nixtures,and in a shock tube generator.See reference 1 «A 30 7 3rgon,J0 * bellum isa Penning mixture,and provides a fast ionization Process,as it vas presented in the international meeting of Warsay in 1967-We ‘would like to reconsider such an approach,vith on homogeneous magnetic field. Shock tubes are very reliable for gas temperature explo~ Fation.This is vhat ve plan to do in France. Both linear and disk geometries can be considered. Tis rethod including the magnetic control of the streaners is a source of a lot of nev geonetric configurations. For an example,consider a disk generator: noderate 3B field. areas strong B field areas Figure 5. Disk generator The velocity is radial,and the induced electric field azimatal.with sone high parameter taiue,the desirable current vould flow almost radially,f the foni ation instability vould not occur. We can try to Geive the current along radial pathes, Joining face to face electrodes. Along these linear alleys,the magnetic field vould be vaaker. Tue magne— tic field tends to confine the currents.But this can be reenforced if sone seed can be emitted at the.vall, increasing the conductivity contrastyin the weak Field areas. CONCLUSION : During years,non linear instability process has been a Proolem For closed cycles-As a result,all the MHD Franch program colla~ peed im 1972.¥e are going to build a fev action according to these new leas. REFERENCES: (1) J-P-PETIT J.VALENST J.P.CARESSA : Caractéristiques électriques tun convertisseur utilisant conne Fluide de conversion un mélange binaire de gaz rares,avec ionisation hors 4*équilibre. International MHD meeting ,Warsay 1967. (2) 5-VELIKHOV V.GOLUBEV: HRD conversion experiments on 1 disk shape ngezie. International VHD meeting,Paris 1955. GG) J.P.pstIT M-AILLIOTTE M.VITON: Accelerateur A courants spiraux. cr. Acad Sc- Paris t.291 (6 Oct. 1980) B. 167 (4) J.P. Petit w. BILLIOTTE: vethode pour suppriner L'instabilité de Velikboy Cr: Acad. Sc. Paris (27 Avril 1981) p: 158-161 (5) J.P:PETIT J. VALENSE:Taux de croissance de i'instabilité électro- thermique et paranetre de Hal critique dana les generateurs MHD 4 cycle ferné lorsque ia mobilité électronique est variable. Gre Acad. Scr Parks t.269 pp. 365-367 (1 Sept. 1969) (6) J.P.PETIT: Perspective en magnetohydrodynamique. Rapport ¢e conjoncture CNRS 1980.

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