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United in solidarity: the mission of

the Latin Palestinian Forum

By Rita Freire • • 4 min
July 3, 2023

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Latin Palestinian Forum

We often hear voices raised in solidarity with the Palestinian people

coming from organisations and individuals committed to ending Israeli
apartheid in occupied Palestine. However, it is interesting that the first
meeting of the Latin Palestinian Forum’s Board of Trustees pointed out
divisive issues. Connecting solidarity for more effective action is a
sincere proposal from the entities that carry the flag of a Free Palestine,
but the means to achieve such a goal need reinforcement.

The forum was born out of the World League of Parliamentarians for
Al-Quds (Jerusalem). It aims to add a Latin American perspective to
strategic approaches to be taken. The first meeting of its trustees was
held on 13 June. Forum members hailed it as an initiative playing a
unifying role.

Participants in the meeting came from ten Latin American countries

besides Mohammad Balaawi, the representative of the League for Al-
Quds. Several parliamentarians – Julia Argentina Perie, a member of
the Mercosur Parliament, and Cristina Heredia, a city Councilwoman,
both from Argentina; Uruguayan Senator Sandra Lazo; and Venezuelan
Congressman Júlio Chávez – emphasised the urgency of an intensive
working journey in person.

Israeli attacks and an international background of unconditional

support for the occupation have worsened the situation in Palestine for
several years. The protracted juncture effectively led to the rise of the
most extreme far-right government ever seen in Israel which has
expressed, more than once, the desire to end the presence of the
Palestinian people in their own land.

READ: Awareness of the Palestinian cause is growing at Brazilian


Even though this forum’s genesis is the experience of the League for Al-
Quds, aiming at parliamentary action focused on the protection of
Jerusalem, the composition of the Board of Trustees implies different
connections in Latin America, even beyond politics and social activism
to encompass culture, research and academia.

Moreover, the forum is part of the Latin American Forum of Popular

Solidarity in Brazil, which prioritises contacts among Indigenous or
diasporic communities which, in the 21st century, are still involved in
the struggle against colonialism. These links include Indigenous and
African-American struggles for land rights and anti-racism. The scope
of this work is vast, but the first meeting has already established some

Diplomat and human rights advocate Paulo Sergio Pinheiro called for
more action on university campuses, where solidarity is present but
scattered. Equally visible — as was seen at the protest held at Unicamp
against the arms trade with Israel — there is repression. In these
circumstances, it is crucial to develop the means not only to unite in
solidarity with the Palestinian people, but also to protect students from

Scholars also denounced censorship, as noted by University of Sao

Paolo Professor Francirosy Campos Barbosa, who had an article on the
Palestinian issue vetoed by the university. She attributed this to the
Zionist academic lobby. She pointed out the creation of an Israel
Section at the USP International Intercultural Centre (CII) in late 2021,
while there is no Palestine Section. As a result, the forum may reinforce
relations with scholars and students in Latin America interested in
building common agendas. International meetings with regional
governments are also an opportunity for raising awareness.

READ: Moving the Paraguay embassy to Jerusalem will be a wake-

up call for Palestine

Beyond dialogue, the forum may make clear its cause and proposals.
One demand brought to the meeting is to work towards removing the
“two-state” alternative from the mainstream political discourse.
Professor Arlene Clemesha of USP argued that accepting the “two-
state” formula as a solution is no longer feasible, keeping the
Palestinian people in limbo while Israel continues to encroach upon
what remains of their land. It is, she insisted, no longer a credible
option. However, every manifestation of solidarity from various
authorities still includes support for this failed and already moribund
“solution”, thus perpetuating the apartheid occupation.

As Professor Reginaldo Nasser stated, two important international

bodies, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International have
formally denounced Israeli apartheid. If Brazil respects the authority of
these organisations, argued Nasser, it is only natural that the
government should endorse their reports. Hence, the Latin Palestinian
Forum has an important role in exerting pressure on regional
Venezuelan Julio Chávez, proud of his country’s resistance to US-
imposed sanctions and maintaining solidarity ties with anti-imperialist
communities, mentioned meetings of left-wing Latin American
authorities, such as the Sao Paulo Forum, as an opportunity to amplify
the Palestinian agenda. Its meeting held in Brasília between 29 June and
2 July, discussed the integration of Latin American and Caribbean
countries and international relations in a moment of anti-hegemonic
disputes. Chávez and other members of the Latin Palestinian Forum
were expected to participate.

Mohamad El-Kadri, the head of the forum, said that it is necessary to

intervene in the international scene to counter the hegemonic Western
perspective, including the double standards in the response to the
Ukraine war compared with Israeli military offensives against the
Palestinians. As highlighted by Daud Abdullah, the International
Director of MEMO, this hypocrisy repeats itself when the US and other
partners condemn Iran’s nuclear programme while turning a blind eye
to the nuclear programmes of strategic allies, including Israel. Civil
society and organisations must play a predominant role in drawing
attention to this, urged Abdullah.

The Palestinian issue lies at the heart of the struggle for another
possible world in which the peoples of Latin America also get involved.
The Latin Palestinian Forum is a much-welcome opportunity to make a
difference by channelling efforts into solidarity between counter-
hegemonic and anti-colonial struggles.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.
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