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Documentation tool

Main Idea #1

Write the main idea # 1. You are going to think about one idea you can
develop in a paragraph by providing reasons and examples. Remember, in
this section you will only need to write 1 sentence. Later on, you will work
on developing those ideas.
Climate change

Main Idea # 2

Write the main idea # 2. You are going to think about one idea you can
develop in a paragraph by providing reasons and examples. Remember, in
this section you will only need to write 1 sentence. Later on, you will work
on developing those ideas.
Documentation of the aquatic world


In this section you have to write your introduction, use the main ideas you
wrote in the previous section. You will briefly describe what you are going
to talk about in this text.
We will discuss the possible solutions that we can propose to achieve a medium
and long term change,

We will make a documentation on the amount of marine life and its habitats and
lifestyle of the animals that live in that marine environment.

Standard Page

In this section, You will write two short paragraphs developing the two
main ideas you wrote in the previous section. Remember that now you have
to use: Reasons and examples to explain your Topic sentences or main
Impulsar acciones urgentes para mitigar el cambio climático es esencial para
preservar nuestro planeta y garantizar un futuro sostenible para las generaciones

La vida marina, diversa y fascinante, desempeña un papel crucial en el

equilibrio de nuestros océanos y en la salud de nuestro planeta, pero enfrenta
amenazas significativas que requieren atención y conservación urgentes.


Now you are going to finish your text, by summarizing what you mention in
the body. Then you are going to make a conclusion about the topic, it might
be positive or negative accordingly.
Climate change is an undeniable reality that is significantly affecting our planet.
Greenhouse gas emissions, largely caused by human activities, are the main
driver of this phenomenon. If we do not take decisive action to reduce these
emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change, we will face devastating
consequences for the environment, the economy and the quality of life of future
generations. However, there is still hope. Global climate action is essential and
can be achieved through the transition to cleaner energy sources, conservation
of natural resources and the adoption of sustainable practices.


● Inform, Persuade, Entertain, Educate and Move.

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