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International Psychogeriatrics (2020), 32:6, 681–683 © International Psychogeriatric Association 2020


Self-reported memory and depression over time

Self-reported cognitive difficulties or decline have self-reported cognitive difficulties can influence
been frequently associated with an increased risk whether they are associated with mood and with
of developing dementia (Jessen et al., 2014; Reisberg cognitive function. Opdebeeck and colleagues (2019)
et al., 2010). However, other studies have noted no reported different associations of self-reported
association between self-reported cognitive difficul- cognitive difficulties with objective cognition
ties and decline and subsequent dementia (Jorm and mood by style of question asked and by cog-
et al., 1997). There has also been significant debate nitive domain, with more consistent associations of
as to the associations between self-reported cogni- self-reported cognitive difficulties with mood than
tive difficulties and depression. Specifically, as to with cognition. The study by Opdebeeck and
whether depression results in people reporting colleagues was cross-sectional so while it could
more cognitive difficulties or if people experience highlight the importance of considering the method
an increase in objective cognitive difficulties due to of assessing self-reported cognitive difficulties, it
depression (e.g. Yates et al., 2015; Zlatar et al., could not provide any information on the temporal
2014). The paper by Hill and colleagues (2019), associations or directionality.
investigating the temporal bi-directional associa- A key issue in definitively identifying whether self-
tions between self-reported memory and depressive reported cognitive difficulties are to prove a useful
symptoms, covers two of the important potential predictor of future risk of dementia is in detangling
issues in investigating these associations, the differ- the complex associations between self-reported
ing methods used in measurement of self-reported cognition and depression. The study by Hill and
cognitive difficulties and the temporal association colleagues set out to address this issue using data
with depressive symptoms. By addressing the asso- from the Einstein Aging Study, a longitudinal cohort
ciations of self-reported memory with depressive study of community-dwelling people aged over 70.
symptoms overtime, they are able to highlight the The study included 1,163 participants who had no
importance of considering how self-reported cogni- clinical diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or
tion is measured as well as its complex association dementia during the study. There were up to 11
with depression. These are key considerations that waves of data for each participant, and the sample
need to be addressed if self-reported cognition is represented a relatively diverse population. As men-
going to be a useful tool in predicting future cognitive tioned above, self-reported memory was assessed in
decline or dementia. three different ways, while depressive symptoms were
Many different approaches have been used to assessed with the commonly used 15-item Geriatric
assess self-reported cognitive difficulties, so much Depression Scale (GDS-15; Sheikh & Yesavage,
so that even the terminology used can be somewhat 1986). The total GDS was calculated with 14 ques-
controversial. The most common cognitive domain tions with the item “Do you feel you have more
considered is memory but even within this single memory problems than most?” excluded to avoid
domain, there are wide variations in how self-reported conflating self-reported memory with depressive
memory is assessed. These methods range from single symptoms. Multilevel linear modeling adjusted for
items to complex multiquestion measures and from age, sex, education, race, and income was used to
asking people to report on their current memory, to assess the temporal associations between the three
compare themselves to others or to reflect on changes measures of self-reported memory and depressive
over specific time periods (Rabin et al., 2015). These symptoms. There were medium associations between
variations may go some way in explaining the the three self-report memory items at baseline, indi-
disparities in findings. Hill and colleagues address cating that while they are certainly related, these
this issue by including three methods of assessing measures likely taped into different aspects of
subjective memory – frequency of memory problems, self-reported memory. At baseline, participants
perceived 1-year decline, and perceived 10-year who reported higher frequency of memory pro-
decline. This allowed them to investigate the dif- blems or memory decline in comparison to 1 and
ferences in methods of assessing self-reported 10 years ago reported higher levels of depressive
memory in relation to depressive symptoms. Cross- symptoms than those who did not report memory
sectional studies have noted that the measurement of decline (Hill et al., 2019).

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682 Commentary

In relation to the key temporal relationships significant depression may be a key factor. This could
between self-reported memory and depressive be important, as it is likely that clinically significant
symptoms, Hill and colleagues report that in their depression may have a greater impact both on
sample the frequency of self-reported memory perception of cognition and on actual cognition.
problems at any particular wave did not predict Theories such as the Hopelessness Theory of
levels of depressive symptoms at subsequent waves. Depression (Abramson et al., 1989) may better
Similarly, depressive symptoms did not predict explain the associations between clinical levels of
frequency of memory problems at subsequent depression and subjective appraisals of functioning
waves. Additionally, self-reported 1-year decline than the associations with low-level symptoms.
did not predict subsequent depressive symptoms Depression, especially at clinical levels, has fre-
nor did depressive symptoms predict subsequent quently been identified as a risk factor or marker
reports of 1-year decline. Reports of 10-year decline for current poorer cognitive function and future
did not predict future depressive symptoms; how- decline and dementia (Almeida et al., 2017; Deckers
ever, depressive symptoms did predict future reports et al., 2015; Opdebeeck et al., 2018). This link
of 10-year memory decline. The other important between depression and cognitive function may be
finding is that while no self-report memory assess- due to some shared underlying mechanism
ment predicted future depressive symptoms, both (e.g. Byers and Yaffe, 2011). These potential
self-report memory decline questions co-varied with associations could add a layer of complication
depressive symptoms, in that increases in self- into the associations between subjective memory
reported memory decline were associated with difficulties or decline and depressive symptoms
increased depressive symptoms at each of the time that are not considered by Hill and colleagues.
points. While depressive symptoms predicted con- While there may be some limitations to Hill and
current changes in self-reported memory only in colleagues study, which are clearly noted by the
those who were older at baseline, these findings authors within the study, the strengths should be
potentially indicate important considerations into applauded. The study utilizes data from a large
the consistency of associations between self-reported cohort of people aged over 70 and represents a
memory and depressive symptoms that need to be relatively diverse sample, in terms of income at least,
taken into account. with a significant follow-up period. It highlights that
The study by Hill and colleagues adds growing there are important questions that can be addressed
weight to the argument that consistency in how self- via secondary data analysis of large cohort study
reported cognitive difficulties or changes are mea- data. While there are limitations to this approach,
sured is needed. As noted, reviews have identified notably in the often limited questions available on
huge variation in the methods used across studies to more specific topics, the availability of large data sets
assess self-reported cognition (e.g. Hill et al, 2016; to address questions of note should be considered by
Rabin et al., 2015). Attempts are being made to more researchers. There is a wealth of longitudinal
develop a standardized approach, for example, by cohort data available to researchers, which can be
the Subjective Cognitive Decline Initiative; how- used to address a wide variety of topics once the
ever, there is still a lot of inconsistency within correct permissions have been granted. However, it
studies. While Hill and colleagues study does pro- is important to note that as with the study under
vide some insight into how different approaches to consideration here, this can lead to limitations, for
assessing self-reported memory may influence the example, in the scope of measurement of self-
level at which difficulties or changes are endorsed reported memory difficulties and decline. Further
and their associations with depressive symptoms, research specifically designed to address this topic is
there are some limitations. Notably, each approach still needed to disentangle the complicated associa-
used a single question and only assessed subjective tions between self-reported cognitive difficulties or
memory. As noted by Rabin et al. (2015) and decline and depression and future cognitive decline
Opdebeeck et al. (2019), utilizing comprehensive or dementia risk.
assessments of subjective cognition and assessing In sum, the study by Hill and colleagues is a
different domains may also influence levels of valuable addition to the research on the complicated
endorsement and associations with other variables. associations of self-reported memory difficulties and
Another important consideration is the low levels of decline over 1-year and 10-year periods with depres-
depressive symptoms in this sample. As Hill and sive symptoms. It highlights that the associations can
colleagues rightly note, low levels of depressive symp- differ by the method used to assess self-reported
toms are to expected in a sample of community- memory and provide an insight into the variations
dwelling older people; however, it does still mean in the associations over time. While there was no
that it is not possible to consider whether clinically evidence to support that self-reported memory can

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Commentary 683

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lights the importance of considering this association cognitive decline or reflect past cognitive decline?
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