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1. This person helps people who speak different languages understand each other by translating what they
2. This person keeps places safe by watching over them and making sure nobody does anything bad.
3. This person helps plan and arrange vacations and trips for people, like booking flights and hotels.
4. This person takes care of pets and make sure they are healthy.
5. This person gives people medicine and explains how to use it to help them feel better.
6. This is a person on TV or the radio who tells us about the news that is happening in the world.
7. This person helps people move their things from one place to another, for example, when they change
8. This person takes care of sick people and helps doctors in hospitals and clinics.
9. This person makes gardens and outdoor spaces look beautiful by planting flowers and trees.
10. This person fixes and installs electrical things like lights and wires in houses and buildings.
11. This is a person who cleans dishes after we eat.
12. This person helps people at the bank by giving them money, taking care of deposits, and doing other
banking tasks.

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