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What does literacy mean? The ability to read and write may come to mind.
However, what if I told you it was more complicated than that? Commonly,
people have understood literacy as a binary concept—you are either literate or
you are not. But it turns out that literacy looks different across the globe.
Put simply, literacy is a way of thinking which allows individuals to speak,
listen, read and write a set of beliefs or ideas and understand information

Literacy is very important in modern life, because we are faced with a variety of
complex and varied information.
In everyday life, we often access information from various sources such as
books, newspapers, the internet and social media.
Without adequate literacy, we may have difficulty understanding information
and may even be deceived by false or misleading information.
In addition, literacy can also bring a better life for us.
By reading and understanding quality information, we can improve our
knowledge and skills, and prepare ourselves to face challenges in the future.
some of us still have such low literacy power. Where can we find out? From the
daily teaching and learning process, when the teacher instructs students to read,
they often seem less enthusiastic. Interest in reading among us is very low, why
is that? We can see that the library is always empty of visitors, the library is
only busy when distributing and returning books. Then feel lazy if told to read a
book that contains such a long text.

This is very concerning. UNESCO said that the reading interest of the
Indonesian people is only 0.001 percent. This means that out of 1,000
Indonesians, only 1 person likes to read. The results of research entitled 'World's
Most Literate Nations Ranked' conducted by Central Connecticut State
University in January 2023, Indonesia was ranked 62nd out of 70 countries
regarding reading interest.
The data above shows that literacy issues are still a matter that must be
addressed in Indonesia. Even though books play a very vital role in human life.
Only people with high reading interest are a prerequisite for an information
society which is a feature of modern society. Qualified human resources (HR)
are needed ahead of Indonesia Gold in 2045
Therefore, the government is aggressively promoting literacy programs in each
of its elements, especially in the world of education.

Literacy culture must start early. It's never too late to start literacy. Moreover,
nowadays literacy is not only in the form of books, but is very much packaged
in digital form which is equipped with interesting illustrations. Literacy can add
new insights for you, can train you to think critically, and can solve problems

The more we read, the more we know, the less we read, the less we know, if we
don't read, we don't know. Of course we should not be losers, in the sense that
we never read.

Even the first letter that Allah sent down to the Prophet Muhammad was about
literacy, about reading. Namely sura al-alaq 1-5.

Iqra = read!
God asks us to read.

Literacy was so powerful that it was chosen by Allah to be the first letter
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and his people. What does it mean? Allah
asks us to go ahead and explore the knowledge that exists in this universe as
much as we like. So that we can use the knowledge we get wisely.

If we dig up the awesomeness of literacy, then it is not impossible that our

country can progress, can dominate the world. Especially if it is supported by
abundant natural resources.
That way it is not impossible for our country to be able to progress and compete
with other sophisticated countries.

We can improve literacy in many ways, including:

1. Read as you wish. The first tip is to instill in yourself to want to read.
2. Keep Books in Frequently Seen Places.
3. Trying to Be a Role Model.
4. Knowing the Benefits of Reading Books.
5. Buy books regularly.

And there are many other ways we can do it... the most important thing is never
to be lazy to read books, make books our friends.

If people have the ability to read and write about their culture, they also have
the power to propose new ideas. Over time, what cultures believe, as well as
what topics they consider to be the most relevant changes. It allows people to
use literacy to read, write and create new ideas to share culture. Furthermore,
literacy can redefine all cultural values over time. This includes the ability to
reshape traditions, reconstruct values, and ENHANCE NORTH SUMATRA’S

So from now on, don't be lazy to be literate. Throw that laziness away. Don't
just be literate in the chat group, OK? You have to have more useful/useful
literacy. Because you are the pillars of Indonesia's future.
If literacy increases, knowledge and insight will certainly expand. Thus, the
people of North Sumatra will be more dignified."
Maybe that's all I can say more

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Greetings literacy!

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