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1st Grade 1st Semester Science Guide


Use low caps only to answer (minúsculas)

1. What is peer pressure? *

The influence that people of similar age or status place on others to behave in a certain

2. Can peer pressure be positive? Yes or no and why? *

yes, because is the influence from peers to behave in a responsible way

3. People that are responsible and mature want _________ *

the best for others.

4. "No one will ever Know" is a negative peer pressure statement. *


5. Name 3 possible consequences of giving in to negative peer pressure *

Harm health, Threaten your safety,
Cause you to break laws,
Cause you to show disrespect for yourself and others

6. Put a check mark if the option is an action to repair damage or a resistance skill *
ask for advice repair damage
be honest: dont blame others repair damage
give reasons for saying no resistance skill
make things right repair damage
say no with self-confidence resistance skill
avoid people who made wrong desicions resistance skill
avoid situations where you could make wrong decisions resistance skill
repeat your ¨no¨ response several times resistance skill
learn from your mistakes repair damage
Influence others to make responsible decisions resistance skill

7. What is self-confidence? *
is believe in oneself

8. What is assertive behaviour? *

The honest expression of ideas, feelings, and decisions without worrying about what
others think or without feeling threatened by the reactions of others

9. Passive behaviour is: *

The holding back of ideas, feelings, and decisions

10. Aggresive behaviour is: *

The use of words or actions that are disrespectful toward others

11. What is a conflict? *

A disagreement between two or more people or between two or more choices

12. Name the four types of conflict *

Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Intragroup, Intergroup

13. Choose if the following is a step for conflict resolution or not. *

Remain calm YES
Listen to the needs and feelings of others YES
Set a positive tone YES
List and evaluate possible solutions YES
Take responsibility for personal actions YES
It's all about being the one who is right. NO
Define the conflicto YES

14. What are decision-making styles? *

an individual can achieve a goal by learning how to make informed decisions, choices
that you make every day may seem trivial,but they add up toimportant effects on your
health status

15. Mention the 3 styles of decision-making. *

Inactive, Reactive and Proactive

16. Mention the 6 steps to make a responsible decision. *

1. Describe the situation that requires a decision.
2. List possible decisions you might make.
3. Share the list of possible decisions with a parent, guardian ,or other responsible
4. Use 6 questions to evaluate the possible consequences of eachdecision.
5. Decide which decision is most responsible and appropriate.
6. Act on your decision and evaluate the results

17. What steps do you make if you take a wrong decision? *

1. Take responsibility and admit you made a wrong decision,
2. Don´t continue actions based on wrong decisions,
3. Discuss the wrong decision with a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult,
4. Make restitution for harm done to others

18. What is good character? *

A person who uses self control to act on responsible values

19. What are values? *

A standard or belief
20. What is self control? *
The degreeto which a person regulates his or her own behavior

21. What is delayed gratification? *

is voluntarily postponing an immediate reward in order to complete a task before
enjoying a reward

22. What is self-respect? *

Having high regard for oneself

23. Mention 4 actions that promote self-respect. *

1.Pay attention to your appearance
2. Make a list of your responsible actions and review the list often,
3.Be a friend to yourself by enjoying activities by yourself,
4. Write your feelings in a journal,

24. What is self-esteem? *

A person´s belief about his or her worth

25. What is the social-emotional environment? *

The quality of the contacts a person has with the people with whom he or she interacts

26. What is a positive social-emotional environment? *

is when you receive plenty of social-emotional environment exists when you receive
plenty of social-emotional boosters.

27. What is a negative social-emotional environment? *

is when you experience too many social-emotional pollutants

28.What is a social emotional booster? *

is an interpersonal contact that helps a person feel encouragement and support, choose
responsible behavior and recognize options

29.What is a social emotional pollutant? *

is an interpersonal contact that limits options or may cause a person to feel discouraged
and aloneor choose a wrong behavior

30.What is personality?
an individual´s unique pattern of characteristics

31. What is an addiction? *

a compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior, continued use despite
negative consequences, and loss of control

32. How addictions affect your health? Mention the 5 consequences. *

1. can harm physical health,
2. can jeopardize safety,
3. can harm relationships,
4. can cause problems with the law,
5. can jeopardize financial health

33.Teens who are at risk for developing addictions have certain characteristics.
Mention at least 3. *
o depression ornegative self-esteem,
o genetic vulnerability,
o feelings ofguilt or shame,
o traumatic childhood,
o feelings of tension

34.Mention the 5 signs of addiction. *

1. having a compelling desire to take a drug or engage in a behavior,
2. taking a drug or engaging in a behavior instead of dealing with feelings of anxienty,
depression, boredom or loneliness,
3. feeling bad about oneself after taking a drug,
4. taking a drug or engaging in a behavior even when there are negative consequences,
5. trying to stop taking a drug or engaging in a behavior but being unable to do so

35. What is a relapse? *

is a return to a previous behavior or condition

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