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The Effect of Caffeine Intake on Sleep Cycle

A Research Paper Presented to

Barayong National High School
Barayong Magsaysay Davao del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in


Katherin Curimao

Hecel Yocte

Loureanne Dinglasa

Nikko Carl Camarillo

APRIL, 2021
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Sangay ng Davao del Sur
Barayong, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur


June 14, 2021


Principal I
Barayong National High School
Barayong, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur
Good day!
We are writing this letter to ask permission from your good office to conduct
our research study entitled “THE EFFECT CAFFIENE INTAKE ON SLEEP
CYCLE” here at Barayong National High School, Barayong, Magsaysay,
Davao del Sur.

It is our desire to receive your good response regarding this matter.

Respectfully yours,


Grade XII– STEM / Researcher Grade XII – STEM / Researcher
Grade XII– STEM / Researcher Grade XII – STEM / Researcher

Research Adviser

SHS Assistant Principal II



Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Sangay ng Davao del Sur
Barayong, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur

JUNE 14, 2021

This is to certify that the research study entitled “THE EFFECT CAFFIENE

INTAKE ON SLEEP CYCLE” is an original work of Hecel B. Yocte,

Loureanne E. Dinglasa, Katherin C. Curimao, and Nikko Carl Camarillo a

Grade 12- STEM students of Barayong Natonal High School.

Research Adviser



SHS Assistant Principal II



Principal I
Barayong National High School
Barayong, Magsaysay,


Our Heavenly Father,

Our Beloved Parents,

Teachers, and


We Dedicate

This Fruit of Our Labor.


Our immense appreciation goes to our honorable Inquiries,

Investigation, and Immersion Teacher a virtuous woman, a great sisters and

mother, a great lecturer and a friend indeed, Mrs. Maricar Zabala, who despite

all the stress and tight schedule made time to go through our work with all

mistake and help us make the necessary correction and still never gave up on

us and in her own way encourage us to carry on the end. We pray that the

Lord will richly reward you with double folds and according to his riches and

glory, Amen.

Our regards also go to our worthy and able adviser, Mrs. Rosalie

Enanoria, for her encouragement and support in making this research. To our

very energetic lecturers, who in their own way brought us to where we are

now, and for their immeasurable impact of knowledge and wisdom in our life.

We will forever remain grateful to you all.

My sincere gratitude goes to our loving parents, who were there for

us, due to their love and desire for education and above all their prayers

which brought us this far. We couldn’t have asked God for more because they

are all we ever need.


Title Page…………………………………………………………………….......….i
Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………….……..ii
Certificate of Originality……………………………………………………………..iii
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………….vii
Chapter 1: Background of the study………………………………………………1
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………
Significance of the Study……………………………………………
Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………..
Conceptual Framework……………………………………………..
Definition of Terms………………………………………………….
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature……………………………………….
Chapter 3: Methodology…………………………………………………………
Research Design……………………………………………………
Research Settings………………………………………………….
Respondents and Sampling Procedure………………………….
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………….
Statistical Tools…………………………………………………….
1…………………………………………………………..…Conceptual Framework
2……………………………………………………………Map of Magsaysay
Chapter 1

Background of the Study


Coffee is one of the most widely traded and commonly consumed

drinks on the world, and for most people, it is also a big source of caffeine.

Caffeine's popularity is fueled not just by its taste but also by its reputation as

a stimulant. Coffee contain caffeine, which is a natural stimulant. It operates

by stimulating the brain and central nervous system, which keeps us alert and

avoids fatigue when we consumed it

Many of us rely on a morning cup of coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the

afternoon to help us get through the day. Caffeine stimulates the central

nervous system. The most obvious result when it hits the brain is alertness.

It's a common ingredient in prescriptions to treat or control drowsiness,

headaches, and migraines because it makes you feel more alert and less


In the United states, for example, 90% consume caffeine-infused

beverage such as coffee almost every day, with daily intake average of 200

mg per day. Due mainly to the misunderstanding between "coffee" and

"caffeine," self-reported caffeine consumption continues to be

underestimated, with other sources such as analgesics like cold remedies, hot

cocoa, tea, and energy drinks frequently missed. If caffeine intake is not

wisely regulated during the first daytime, sleep deficiency and performance

deficiencies can occur during the second daytime. According to the National

Sleep Foundation’s Sleep in America poll, 43 percent of Americans are “very

likely” to consume caffeine to stay alert during the day.

According to a report by Kantar Worldpanel Philippines, Filipinos

have moved from mild to strong coffee drinkers. According to the report,

coffee sales increased by 10% in June 2015, compared to 4% in June 2014,

outpacing the overall beverage segment growth of 5%. Increased purchases

of 3-in-1 coffee mixes powered sales development in Metro Manila, South

Luzon, and Mindanao. The rise has been steady for the past two years, and

93 percent of Filipino households, mainly in Metro Manila and among the

elderly, purchase coffee mixes once a week. Moreover, according to a 2016

survey by Healthy Living Index, Filipino adults, especially on Cebu, only get

6.8 hours of sleep per night instead of the recommendation of 8.2 hours.

Caffeine is the cause of irregular sleeping pattern. In addition to that a report

conducted by Health Grade inc. in 2014, over 10 million adults in the

Philippines suffer from insomnia, making it one of the countries with the

highest rates of sleep deprivation in the world.

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, the above scenario

spurred interest to the researcher to identify the effect of coffee consumption

on the sleep quality of the student of Barayong National High School in

Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. With the continuous expanding of coffee

plantation in the area of Davao del sur, the researchers wanted to know how

does the amount of coffee affects the sleep of the drinkers.

Statement of the Problem

The main trust of this study is to evaluate the amount of coffee intake

and its possible effect to the sleep cycle of student from Barayong National

high School to formulate insight on the proper consumption caffeine.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the question:

1. How does the amount of caffeine consumed by the student affect

their sleep cycle?


Null: The amount of coffee does not affect the sleep cycle of student.

Alternative: The amount of coffee does affect the sleep cycle of student.

Significance of the Study

Coffee is one of the driving forces for human to do work, this actively

demonstrate that coffee drinking is important in modern day life because it

has alerting effect on the brain. Some of us starts the day with a cup of coffee

and finish their day with coffee.

In this study, the researchers aim to find the effect of caffeine intake on

the sleep cycle of students in Barayong National High School. With this, the

beneficial and negative effect of coffee on the sleep cycle of the drinkers will

be identified.

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following person:

Coffee Drinkers. This study will help them to understand the possible effect

of coffee to their sleep cycle. This will give them awareness on caffeine


Future Researchers. This will be a helping hand to them when doing similar

studies about the effect of caffeine intake and this may also guide them.

Scope and Delimitation

This study primarily focused on the amount of coffee that the student

consumed and its possible effect on their sleep cycle. This experiment

restricts its scope of focus only to the researchers' respondents, who were the

students of Barayong National High School.

The researcher will used purposive sampling technique to select the

respondents of the study and to be able to get the needed information to

answer the question of how does the amount of coffee affect the sleep cycle

of the student.

Conceptual Framework

Amount of
Quality of

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The researchers wanted to know how does the amount of coffee

consumed by the students influence the cycle of their sleep. In this

experimental study the independent variable is the amount of caffeine intake

of student, while the quality of sleep is the dependent variable.

Definition of Terms

The following are the word used in the study

Caffeine Intake. Refers to the amount of coffee that a student consumed

within a day

Sleep Cycle. Refers to the quality of sleep

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter will present the existing literature related to the topic from

existing book, journal, surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other

sources relevant to area of research.

Related Literature

The Importance and Function of Sleep

Sleep is a mental condition marked by suspended consciousness,

which results in decreased vision, rest, and a lack of movement (Pollak,

Thorpy, & Yager, 2010). Sleep, unlike comas or hibernation in animals, is

quickly reversible. Increased arousal levels, a circadian rhythm and control of

a 24-hour pattern, basic position and location preferences, and homeostatic

regulation of missed sleep are all behavioral elements that help to better

characterize sleep (Lockley & Foster, 2012). Humans spend about one-third

of their lives sleeping, and some hypotheses have been proposed to

understand why (Reinoso-Suarez, de Andrés, & Garzón, 2011). According to

the Restorative Theory, sleep replaces the body's cellular components (Cirelli

& Tononi, 2008). During sleep, certain central nervous system genes are

expressed differently, cells are restored, and transcripts for synaptic

potentiation and fat metabolism are expressed at higher levels (Cirelli &
Tononi, 2008; Lockley & Foster, 2012; Pollak, Thorpy, & Yager, 2010). The

theory of energy conservation addresses the notion that sleep is an ecological

measure to reduce energy demands. During night, caloric demand and body

temperature decrease. Since the energy saved by sleep is very small, up to

10% in some animals, this hypothesis is not well supported (Division of Sleep

Medicine at Harvard Medical School, 2007; Lockley & Foster, 2012). The

theory of brain efficiency, also known as neural function theory, focuses on

cognitive dysfunction caused by sleep loss as well as the formation of new

neural networks (Cirelli & Tononi, 2008; Lockley & Foster, 2012). A similar,

but distinct, Cleansing Theory proposes that sleep purges unwanted

memories while consolidating those that must be retained (Pollak, Thorpy &

Yager, 2010). This person assumes that REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep

and dreaming are both factors in memory retention. The Circadian Theory

firmly assumes that sleep exists to regulate circadian patterns. This has an

effect on both homeostasis and a natural sleep-wake cycle for proper human

activity (Pollak, Thorpy, & Yager, 2010). Finally, many smaller and more

innovative hypotheses attempt to pinpoint basic needs as a function of sleep.

The universal role of sleep hypothesises that sleep developed to benefit all

species for the same reasons (Cirelli & Tononi, 2008). There is also a theory

that implies one key feature that sleep is the basis for, known as the core

function of sleep (Cirelli & Tononi, 2008). This means that sleep is a function

that affects a wide range of processes and pathways, and that there are many

ways to accomplish this aim through organisms and phenotypes (Cirelli &

Tononi, 2008). The exact rationale for sleep is still unknown, but it is critical to

the survival of all living beings.

The impact of caffeine consumption on subsequent sleep quality

Large cross-sectional surveys, such as Orbeta et al.'s study of 15,686

American adolescents, found that, when controlling for social causes,

students who consume a lot of caffeine are more likely to be exhausted in the

morning than those who consume very little. Caffeine's popularity as a

performance stimulant capable of reversing exhaustion-related deficiencies

suggests that it is often consumed by people who are fatigued, despite being

complicit in inducing the fatigue in the first place.

Caffeine's popularity, of course, implies that the drug has important

expectancy benefits, with Sun et al38 discovering that a caffeine dose

preceded by a placebo 4h later helped prolong the cognitive output of the

original caffeine dose past the time when elevated blood pressure and heart

rate subsided. However, the Atahualpa Project discovered little effect of

caffeine intake on sleep habits after correcting for other physiological

variables factors using data gathered in an Ecuadoran village with no fast

food stores, virtually no shift work, and no light or noise pollution during the

evening and night hours—and almost definitely a very different cultural

orientation toward caffeine. The lack of caffeine can be correlated with the

absence of other secondary wakefulness stimuli, such as noise or artificial

light, according to the researchers.

This makes determining cause more difficult. Researchers have often

discovered that becoming exhausted in the morning contributes to excessive

caffeine consumption, which is correlated with poor corresponding sleep

patterns; this is referred to as a "coffee loop." Drake et al investigated the

impact of 400 mg of caffeine given three times before their participants' daily

bedtime and discovered that doses as little as 6 hours before bedtime

dramatically disrupted sleep relative to placebos. The researchers also

discovered no difference in overall sleep time (TST) between conditions

where caffeine was consumed directly before bed or 3 hours before bedtime.

The study used a comparatively high dosage of 400 mg, which is equal to four

cups of brewed coffee, with the greatest effect in TST. Karacan et al.42 used

a single population and variable doses of caffeine delivered 30 minutes before

bedtime in a controlled Latin-square configuration, finding that the effect on

TST was dose dependent. Caffeine moved accelerated eye activity to the

early evening and phases 3 and 4 to the tail end of the (shortened) sleep

cycle. The majority of experiments have looked at caffeine administration

during the day with long latencies between absorption and sleep initiation,

which makes for associations with other possible sleep disturbance vectors

like dietary intake.

Landolt et al studied the function of caffeine in sleep control by giving

participants 200 mg of caffeine early in the morning (7 a.m.) and then

monitoring them with electroencephalography. Caffeine levels in the saliva

were found to rise 1 hour after consumption and then drop to less than a fifth

of that amount (3 mol/L) 16 hours later. Despite this decrease at sleep

initiation, both sleep productivity and TST were slightly lower in the

experimental conditions compared to the placebo. According to the scientists,

the presence of caffeine in the central nervous system decreases the

progressive onset of drowsiness associated with prolonged periods of

It is likely that people will learn to control their intake to suit their

individual reaction habits. A survey of 2,202 randomly chosen people from

three European countries (Iceland, Sweden, and Belgium) collected data on

sleep characteristics as well as the use of psychoactive drugs such as coffee.

When age, ethnicity, smoking, and seasonal fluctuations were taken into

account, they discovered that caffeine intake did not predict difficulties

inducing sleep or other sleep disruptions.

As a result, the effect of caffeine intake on subsequent sleep quality is

complicated by a variety of factors. For eg, it is often consumed by those who

are still fatigued, as well as being complicit in inducing the exhaustion in the

first place. Del Brutto et al. discovered secondary wakefulness stimuli like

noise and artificial light, as well as associations with other influences like food

that can interfere with sleep.

Caffeine, in a dose equivalent to two to three cups of coffee before

bedtime, caused significant sleep disruption in a group of late-middle-aged

subjects. No resistance was found (Goldstein et al. (1965)) who used self-

reports by young subjects of sleep onset delay and soundness of sleep after

caffeine and decaffeinated coffee. Even subjects who consumed a lot of

caffeine on a daily basis were not immune to the sleep-disrupting effects.

Reversal of sleep-deprivation performance deficits through the use of

Most experiments aimed at optimizing success with caffeine, ironically,

use sleep disturbance caused by caffeine (even introducing caffeine

intravenously during sleep) to demonstrate their impact. Caffeine involvement

is rarely adequately controlled for in studies, particularly when assessed

objectively by blood plasma levels.

Since consuming caffeine to remain alive and work optimally, the user

may be penalized in the following days. This assertion is readily "backed" by

cross-sectional studies, such as that done by Pecoti et al, who polled 323

medical professionals regarding their sleep schedules and caffeine

consumption, discovering that those who drank more caffeine indicated

having more difficulty staying awake. Caffeine intake increases when you are

exhausted in the morning.40 Caffeine consumption can be a reaction to

fatigue as well as a source of it.

Tieges et al investigated the accuracy of action control of a

comparatively easy task and discovered that caffeine doses of 3 and 5 mg/kg

of body weight (considered moderate) contribute to a decrease in errors as

compared to a placebo environment. In a recent review, Faber et al56 indicate

that group effects can moderate improvements in caffeine-related efficiency,

with elevated arousal correlated with higher doses contributing to lower group

performance, but they include no primary evidence to evaluate their complex


It is likely that the changes associated with caffeine consumption

detected the next day are actually the reversing of caffeine removal after a

period of overnight abstinence. The withdrawal model was popularized by

Rogers and Smith. The problem of caffeine habituation must then be

addressed. Caffeine use regularly raises the amount of adenosine receptors

in the central nervous system, with the body reacting to caffeine withdrawal by
decreasing the number of adenosine receptors, a mechanism that can take

days. For example, in one widely quoted report, heavy caffeine users and

“non” users were measured at 7-day intervals, with the user community

sustaining intake for the first 5 days of the monitoring period and then

abstaining for the next 2 days. Users demonstrated a substantial reduction in

results during the second testing, although there was no significant change at

Time 1. The research, though, did not (and could not) arbitrarily assign people

to the "user" and "non" user groups, which is a challenge. It is likely, for

example, for those experiencing sleep-related output deficits often "use"

caffeine to compensate. In comparison, a variety of experiments indicate that

often after just a few hours of "deprivation" (ie, when no substantial

deprivation has occurred), caffeine consumers still show significant

performance improvement after ingesting caffeine, compared to placebo.

Some have argued, though, that even these findings could not solve the

withdrawal argument convincingly. Lara66, for example, observes that even

short abstinence is caused by withdrawal symptoms. Attempts to investigate

the interpersonal impact of caffeine and sleep deprivation, like several of the

experiments cited in this article, by definition investigate the connection.

Although studies do appear to show a deterioration in mood, even after

the comparatively mild withdrawal associated with overnight caffeine

depletion, they do not appear to show a deterioration in other symptoms, such

as psychomotor function. Comparing high and low habitual users should be

able to discern these results. Mitchell and Redman predicted that habitual

caffeine users would balance out further withdrawal symptoms than caffeine-

naive topics. They failed to demonstrate this pattern across a range of

psychomotor and cognitive tasks. In a particularly compelling study,

Kenemans and Lorist compared performance differences between 12-hour

caffeine-deprived subjects given caffeine, similarly deprived subjects given a

placebo, and nondeprived subjects given neither stimulant nor placebo. The

challenge was sensory discrimination, with the results being hit rate and

response time. They contend that the disparity between the

deprivation/placebo and nondeprivation conditions should indicate the level of

withdrawal symptoms, whereas the difference between the

deprivation/caffeine and nondeprivation conditions should indicate the net

value of caffeine. According to the findings of this review, withdrawal and net

effects are both observable and of similar magnitude for hit frequencies, but

the “true” caffeine effect was significantly greater on reaction time. Finding

true “caffeine-naive” subjects for research in developed-world labs is difficult;

however, animal studies have true caffeine-naive analogs, and these studies

aim to validate net benefits.

Caffeine addicts may also experience elevated degrees of self-

deception regarding their own success skill.69 In other words, they may

overestimate the effect. However, the effect of caffeine on efficiency tends to

be independent of the sense of drowsiness. For eg, Ataka et al. offered safe

participants either a placebo or 100 mg/day of caffeine until inducing

exhaustion via a strenuous task output. They discovered, like Kilpeläinen et

al, that work success increased without affecting subjective perceptions of

exhaustion, enthusiasm, or sleepiness.

As Snel and Lorist17 point out, the relationship between “task, person,

and atmosphere actually decides the level of success, particularly during

suboptimal situations” (p. 108), and tasks that are more engaging or relaxing

can “mask” fatigue effects. Kilpeläinen et al.71, for example, concluded that

the lack of output loss during working memory tasks in their study of military

pilot students compared with substantial impediments on less engaging

requirements such as response time tasks.

A research by Carrier et al72 found that those who use caffeine to

"press on" through night shifts and focus on sleep the next day for recovery

have lower sleep quality than those who take caffeine at the same hour in the

evening but try to sleep at night. Caffeine at night poses a risk for both

daytime recovery sleepers and those attempting to sleep during “normal”

circadian hours, according to this study; however, the risk is greater for those

attempting to use caffeine to move sleep to the following day. For night

sleepers, the circadian cycle not only greatly “overrides” the influence of

caffeine, but for night staff seeking a daytime recovery sleep, the circadian

wakefulness propensity drive tends to blend (rather than overlap) with the

dissipation of homeostatic sleep pressure.

Lajambe et al investigated habituation in a randomized crossover

experiment that compared habitually low caffeine users to heavy (400 mg per

day or above) users. The patients were kept alive for 27 hours and were given

either low or high doses of caffeine gum or a placebo at3,5, and 7 hours. They

were awakened after 8 hours and given the psychomotor vigilance task

(PVT). There was compromised sleep management and decreased sleep

depth in the high dose caffeine condition, with lower habitual users being

worst affected, while postrecovery PVT output did not vary by dose or habitual

caffeine usage.
Caffeine-naive trials are uncommon in the literature, with even recent

studies reporting caffeine-naive participants struggling to properly validate

their status. This discrepancy in the literature is attributable, in part, to the

difficulties in hiring subjects who are genuinely caffeine naive (and these

subjects may be nonrepresentative of the population) due to caffeine's

ubiquity in the western diet. Studies who try to deal with patients that have

been subjected to very low doses of caffeine at the start appear to support the

beneficial effects on physical76 and cognitive functioning.

Lieberman10 studied Navy Seals using a broader range of cognitive

measures to see if caffeine could improve cognitive performance in those

exposed to multiple stressors over time, including sleep deprivation. The

patients were subjected to a 72-hour sleep deprivation as well as continuous

exposure to other stressors. A battery of cognitive assessments, including

perceptual vigilance, response speed, working memory, and learning tasks,

as well as functional marksmanship tests, were administered 1 and 8 hours

after being given either a 100, 220, or 300 mg caffeine (or placebo) tablet. As

anticipated, sleep deprivation had a negative impact on performance and

mood, and caffeine improved performance in areas such as vigilance,

response time, and alertness, with less effect on acquisition, exhaustion, and

sleepiness. Caffeine has little effect on marksmanship, which involves fine

motor control. The effects continued (though were muted) 8 hours after


Tharion et al,78 studied the impact on marksmanship (an authentic

measurement of success in this case), with this analysis showing response

time changes (in this case calculated by sighting time with the rifle) and
caffeine dose-dependent improvements. Furthermore, McLellan et al79

discovered a caffeine superiority in marksmanship as opposed to a placebo. A

third analysis in this sequence80 validated this trend in a design containing

identical assessments (with the inclusion of rational reasoning tests) and staff,

but enabling two 4-hour afternoon sleep cycles over a 72-hour testing cycle.

Throughout three overnight training cycles, the study found the same pattern

of reaction, as well as a highly important improvement in response speed

during logical reasoning experiments. The authors concluded that 800 mg

doses of caffeine every 24 hours enabled participants to retain cognitive

control throughout the extremely stressful and sleep-deprived time.

One placebo-controlled analysis included 81 participants who

performed a series of simulated driving activities. Caffeine has a significantly

important effect on alertness and a much less dramatic effect on reducing

steering variability. Caffeine, according to Welsh et al82, moderated the

association between sleep deprivation and deficiencies in some higher order

activities (ethical behavior) by “replenishing self-regulator resources” (p.


Caffeine and the sleep-wake cycle

Caffeine disrupts the normal circadian cycles that govern hormone

peaks and valleys as well as wake and sleep periods. This has an effect on

cognitive capacity, morale, and work; daytime sleepiness and failing to adapt

to the current sleep-wake cycle wears on the body over time (Verster, Pandi

Perumal, & Streiner, 2008). Caffeine is used by shift workers to avoid

exhaustion, but intake in the hours before bed will prevent sleep for the
remainder of the night and have an effect on the next day. Output and

wakefulness are sustained when combined with a nap (Smith, 2002; Snel &

Lorist, 2011; Verster, Pandi-Perumal, & Streiner, 2008). The tendency to

enhance arousal persists due to circadian patterns, which is why most people

drink coffee in the morning and gradually taper off caffeine by the end of the

day (Verster, Pandi-Perumal, & Streiner, 2008). Another time to be aware of is

after lunch, about two and three o'clock in the afternoon; this time frame is

most likely to result in a traffic crash due to a rise in sleepiness. Napping and

cleaning one's face have been seen to alleviate sleepiness (Verster, Pandi-

Perumal, & Streiner, 2008). Stress will also disrupt the sleep-wake cycle,

resulting in insomnia. Continued sleep loss leads to illness and job

absenteeism (Snel & Lorist, 2011).

Caffeine at high intakes

Caffeine users develop tolerance, which means that they need more

and more of the drug to achieve the same effects (James, 1997). Caffeine

increases the number of adenosine receptors in the brain (James, 1997; Snel

& Lorist, 2011). Tolerance has been linked to sleep disruption and increased

cardiovascular function (James, 1997). Tolerance is followed by physical

dependency. Withdrawal, or a period without caffeine after habitual

consumption, is unpleasant and can cause sleepiness, headaches, and

decreased performance; caffeine is usually the best treatment (James, 1997).

Caffeine triggers persistent neurological problems in 50 percent of cases.

Caffeine overdose, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, caffeine-induced sleep

disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise mentioned are among

the caffeine-induced mental disorders (Table 2) listed in the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) (American Psychiatric

Association, 2000; James, 1997). Based on tolerance, the effects of overdose

will worsen with one gram of caffeine; a fatal dosage of caffeine for an adult

male can range between 5-10 g and include convulsions, aspiration, or

dysrhythmias (Alpert, 2012; American Psychiatric Association, 2000;

Schellack, 2012).

Caffeine and mood

Caffeine has also been shown to have a detrimental effect on mood

when taken in doses of 500 mg or higher (Institute of Medicine (US)

Committee on Military Nutrition Research, 2001). Anxiety, stress, aggression,

and jitteriness are typical dysphoric symptoms (Institute of Medicine (US).

Committee on Military Nutrition Research, 2001; James, 1997; Weinberg &

Bealer, 2001). Caffeine can cause hallucinations in acute situations if drunk in

excess. This causes hallucinations as well as severe anxiety (James, 1997).

Caffeine also increases the impact of stress (Institute of Medicine (US)

Committee on Military Nutrition Research, 2001; Wilson & Temple, 2004).

Caffeine is believed to play a role in anxiety disorders as well, as low to

heavy intake is common in suicidal patients (James, 1997; Weinberg &

Bealer, 2001). Caffeine can also be used to "self-medicate" in some

populations during suicidal episodes, according to research (James, 1997;

Weinberg & Bealer, 2001). Caffeine has been linked to increased aggression,

as well as higher scores on the Profile of Mood States (POMS) Questionnaire

in one study (James, 1997; Weinberg & Bealer, 2001). Caffeine was used and

exploited by students with strong violent behaviors in another study

(Egbochuku, 2007).

Benefits of Caffeine Usage

Caffeine intake to enjoy its effects is extremely dose-dependent and

task-dependent. There is no agreement about what constitutes an acceptable

dosage, but anything above 500-600 mg is unlikely to be effective (James,

1997; Schellack, 2012). For activities that can last for a longer period of time,

200-400 mg caffeine has been shown to be effective in maintaining an

increase (Stickgold & Walker, 2009; Weinberg & Bealer, 2001).

Caffeine should be used as an ergogenic aid. Caffeine's ergogenic

effects are well-known. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has

currently ruled that athletes should not surpass a urinary concentration of 500-

600 mg of caffeine (12 g/mL) one to two hours before competition. Due to the

fact that everyone's metabolism differs, a few cups of coffee could disqualify

an athlete (James, 1997).

Caffeine enhances endurance activities such as walking and running

(Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Committee on Military Nutrition Research, 2001;

James, 1997; Spiller, 1998; Stickgold & Walker, 2009; Weinberg & Bealer,

2001). One hour before the workout, the participant will take the medication

while retaining 75-80 percent maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) (James,

1997; Spiller, 1998). Higher caffeine levels are preferable, with six to eight

cups of coffee worth of caffeine (James, 1997). Caffeine's ergogenic

properties are due to lipolysis activation and the sparing of the athlete's

glycogen reserves.

Aside from caffeine's positive impact on stamina, the medication has

little effect on strength or short-term endurance workouts (Institute of Medicine

(U.S.) Committee on Military Nutrition Research, 2001; James, 1997; Spiller,

1998). Caffeine can potentially reduce muscle tone in these situations (Spiller,

1998). Caffeine often aids in the reduction of the degree of perceived exertion

(RPE), or a person's sense of exhaustion (Weinberg & Bealer, 2001).

Chapter 3


Includes in this chapter are the discussion on the research design,

research setting, research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical

tools in this study.

Research Design

The methodological framework that will be used in this study will be

Quantitative Experimental study. Quantitative Research systematically

investigate existing phenomena through the collection of quantifiable data and

performing statistical computational technique. One of the Quantitative

methods is Experimental. Experimental research is a scientific research that

employs two set of variables. In this study the two variables are quality of

sleep and caffeine intake of student. The first set serve as a constant, which

will be used to measure the difference of the second.

To achieve the purpose of the study – which is finding out the effect of

the amount of coffee consumed by the students influence the cycle of their

sleep, the experimental research method will manipulate the independent

variable and applied to the dependent variable. It is experimental for the

reason that the amount of caffeine on students sleep cycle will be observed

and recorded to measures its effect on the latter.

And because of the situation of covid19 instead of using the traditional

experimental research the researchers will used Google form and based on

this the researcher will formulate insight on the consumption caffeine. The

researchers will base the experiment on the question:

1. How does the amount of caffeine consumed by the student affect

their sleep cycle?

Research Setting

This Experimental Study will be conducted at Magsaysay Davao del

Sur, on the house of the participants. The respondents must be comfortable

on sharing their experience on the experiment. The time frame for the study is

from April 2021 to June 2021.

Figure 2: Map of Magsaysay

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The respondents of this study will be consisted of Four (4) students of

Barayong National High School who drinks coffee either men or women. The

researcher will used purposive sampling technique to select the respondents

of the study and to be able to get the needed information for the study. The
researchers will choose respondents that are willing to do the experiment and

share their experience.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before gathering the data, a letter will be sent to Mrs. Sylvia A.

Fernandez Principal 2 and Mrs. Sharly S. Albonia, Assistant Principal of

Barayong National High School to seek permission to conduct a study on the

effect of caffeine intake on the sleep cycle of student. Upon its approval, the

researchers will send a letter to the selected participants and explained to

them the purpose of the study and humbly ask a little bit of their time and

consent to do the experiment regarding the amount of consumed caffeine and

sleep cycle. The researchers will give the respondents time to do the

experiment. When all of the respondents are already done doing the

experiment on their respective home, the researchers will then collect the

needed information through survey poll on messenger.

Statistical Techniques

In order to analyze the gathered data, the following statistical tools will

be utilized

Pearson r – a measure of strength of the association to determine the

relationship of the two variables

Regression – a series of statistical method to estimate the relationship

between the dependent variables and one or more independent variables

T-test – a statistical test used to compare the mean values of two types. In

hypothesis testing, is used to assess if a procedure or treatment really has an

impact on the population interest, whether two groups differ from each other.


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