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Executive Summary

Setting short-term financial goals, as well as midterm and long-term, is an important step toward becoming financially secure. If you aren’t
working toward anything specific, you’re likely to spend more than you should. You’ll then come up short when you need money for unexpected
bills, not to mention when you want to retire. You might get stuck in a vicious cycle of credit card debt and feel like you never have enough cash
to get properly insured, leaving you more vulnerable than you need to be to handle some of life’s major risks.

Even the most prudent person can't prepare against every crisis, as the world learned in the pandemic and many families learn every month. What
thinking ahead does is give you a chance to work through things that could happen and do your best to prepare for them. This should be an
ongoing process so you can shape your life and goals to fit the changes that will inevitably come.

Description of your personal financial goals

and the things to do in order to achieve it

Personal finance is about meeting your personal financial goals. These goals could be anything—having enough for short-term financial needs,
planning for retirement, or saving for your child’s college education. It depends on your income, spending, saving, investing, and personal
protection (insurance and estate planning).

No matter your financial background, setting financial goals early can help establish effective money habits, which are key to securing your
financial well-being in adulthood. Financial goals can be broken into three primary types based on time frame: short-term, medium-term, and
longer-term. Solid financial goals for students include creating a budget, opening a savings account, beginning to invest for retirement,
establishing an emergency fund, applying for financial aid, beginning to build credit, using debt as little as possible.

Family cash in flow for the month of August 2023.


Family income: 15,000


Apartment bill=5000
Electric bill= 700
Clothing Expenses=2500

Food Expenses=4000
Allowance =2000(a month)

Total expenses= 14,200

Asset- Liabilities = Net worth

15,000 – 14,200 = 800 – Cash remain for the month of August 2023.

Reflection about your project and the subject

My Reflection about my project is I have a idea how to Make my personal finance it helps me a
Lot of idea about the system of finances and also to list all my Expenses for the month and it makes
Me managing your income according to your financial situation and creating a budget for how you spend and save your money. Personal finance
involves evaluating your income, your financial needs, and your expenses and allocating your money accordingly.

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