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18 Tweets • 2023-09-12 •  See on 

Highly misunderstood, misinterpreted and mis-sold
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
“Tantra.” “Tantric.” Two words that have come to
mean sex, sexual massage and so on – you do a
google search and what do you get – Tantric Sex,
Tantric Massage but nothing about Tantra.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Such meanings get ascribed to “Tantra” only thanks to
west’s obsession with sex. Thus, they have managed
to create an impression, even in many Indian minds
that Tantra = Sex.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
But the truth lies elsewhere. Tantra isn’t something
you take to for a sexual release or escape; it is a
complex of multiple esoteric practices, texts &
traditions. These span multiple Indic faiths like
Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
The fact is that the west has appropriated “Tantra”
rather well with a highly oriental filter. The west has
successfully co-opted it under new-age western ideas
of sex, black magic and marketed it as an esoteric
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
This misrepresentation of Tantra as a sexual activity
has meant that people don’t believe you if you say -
Tantra is much more than sex. This Sex-focus in
west’s tantra marketing isn't just mistaken; it actually
wrongs a highly spiritual practice.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma
Very often, “Tantra” and “sex magic” are used as
synonyms by the west; they are clearly looking
through a western lens as there is no similarity
between sex magic of Americas & Europe of 19th/20th
century & ancient Indian tantric practices.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma
Their mainstreaming has been done by occultist
organization Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and
prominent people like Aleister Crowley.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Dominated by the west as it is, this ill-informed, non-
sensical version of Tantra dominates the west. For
them, “Tantra” is just a tool for orgasmic pleasure; a
spiritual awakening is a by-product via sexual
The truth is that originally, tantric practices were
essentially yogic in nature. The only sexual aspect of
it, in some way, was its purpose: achieving ānanda
(bliss), not pleasure. Of course, pleasure may lead to
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Such Tantric sexual practices are essentially ritualistic.
Largely esoteric, they are performed under a guru’s
supervision in highly controlled environments. Mantra
chanting accompanies them & the deities are Shiva &
Shakti, exhibited through ritual symbolism.
So, how & when did the west discover Tantra? What
made it ecstatic about it? For people living in sexually
repressive Victorian era of 19th/20th century it guided
them to seek releases in “deviant” sexuality & Tantra
was hence easy meat.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Repressed Christian missionaries in India were
fascinated by Tantra. It repulsed them; yet it allowed
them to indulge in perverse fascination. Colonizer &
pornographic “writer” Edward Sellon branded it as
“black art of crudest & filthiest kind”.
Eventually, Tantra became confused with repulsive
and gross orientalist pornographic descriptions of
Indian women in Victorian England.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism

OTO led the western spread of Tantra. Theodore

Reiss founded an esoteric brotherhood & pronounced
ownership of a most secretive form of esotericism &
mysticism. This led to a synthesized fusion of Western
Sex Magic & Hindu Tantra.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Nowadays, Tantra is about heightened sexual
pleasure, and is hence marketed towards people
focused on it. Instant gratification is promised as
described in a celebrated book by Judy Kazynsky -
“Complete idiots guide to Tantric sex.”
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
As you may notice, the West has been downright
racist when it comes to Tantra. It has taken a highly
spiritual discipline, Tantra, converted it into a
commodity and sold it to eager, salivating buyers.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Tantra is a shining example of the way “West
Supremacy” has been forced on all things from our
continent, especially India. Its time to assert ourselves,
turn this around and shed the colonial baggage once
and for all.
#spirituality #SanatanaDharma #Hinduism

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