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2009/02/18 at 21:37

jm2t edited message on 2009/07/21 at 08:44

I have decided to create a thread with all the strategies united, and standarized so you can refer people to
this thread when they ask for a strategy and they will find lots of them easy and fast. All the strategies
will have this form:


 RENEWING: Specify 30/60/90 days or not renewing.
 RECYCLING: Specify your recycling strategy: How you choose the referrals, how often and
how much you spend at most.
 OTHER: Specify other things to be taken into account, like software you use or some tricks.

That is all, please post your strategies here, this thread will grow thanks to you, and the more strategies

there are, the more helpful it is


 AUTOPAY: ON always.
 RENEWING: Renew for 30 days, or for 60 if you can afford.
 RECYCLING:Recycle all the referrals who didn't click for 4 days. Do this daily, with no
maximum/minimum amount to spend. If you are ultimate, recycle all the referrals who didn't click
for 4 days and have an avg lower than 1.5.
 OTHER: Wait for discount days to do mass renewing, use a spreadsheet to manage your account
and click always.


 AUTOPAY: off
 RENEWING: 90 days always
 RECYCLING: When needed based on 3 things (last click / avg / ref since)
 OTHER: Oselamet script

 RENEWING: Divide your ref through 90 and pay for these for 90 days (do it if you begin to
build up your rented refs.)
 RECYCLING: inactive 5 days, then older than 14 days and avg. < 1.2
 OTHER: I still use xargoon's script, to display inactive refs, and bad refs - easy to find the ones to


 RENEWING: 30 days for all refs that have the next payment date as "Red"
-All refs who haven't clicked for 5 days and average less than 1
-All refs who haven't clicked for 6 days and average less than 1.5
-All refs who haven't clicked for 7 days unless he has a mad good average. (ie. Golden clicker)
-All refs who only click one ad every day.
 OTHER: Xargoon's script is helpful.Buy as much refs as you can every week.Make sure you
leave enough money in rental balance for renewals though.


 AUTOPAY: always ON
 RENEWING: for 30 days, for more if can afford
 RECYCLE: free recycle after 14 days of inactivity[/q]


 RENEWING: 30 days.
 RECYCLING: Every 4 days, anyone with 1.4 or below.
 OTHER COMMENTS: My average has always been steady and above 1. I have reached an
average of 2 and working my way back up since I missed a day of recycling which threw me off.

 AUTOPAY: ON Always
 RENEWING: 30 Days, only to referrals with a 2+ average
 RECYCLING: Referrals who have not clicked in 4 days, or have lower than 1.5 average
 OTHER: Do Not Over Recycle! Try to set a limit!


 RENEWING: 30 days until I get 4k refs
 RECYCLING: Let the system handle it
 OTHER: Recycling barely helps your average. Is it worth what you pay?


 RNEWING: Refs with an avg of 2-2.5 and above for 30 days.
 RECYCLING: Refs that don't click for 4 days


 RENEWING: All for 90 days
 RECYCLING: Very few since it worth nothing and average still dropping.


 AUTOPAY: off
 RENEWING: renew 4 refs daily for 90 days closest to 30 days, 30 days for refs with 1 day left
 RECYCLING: $1 to recycle refs who've gone longest without clicking and have avg clicks under
1 (increase avg if no refs avg is under 1)
 OTHER: i transfer $3 daily from my account to rental balance, about $2 is used for renewing the
rest for recycling


 RENEWING: 90 days, unless refs are falling close to falling off of autopay.Only then 30 days.
 RECYCLING:I let the system handle most of it.If I have a ref that has been mine for over one
month and has less than a 1.0 average, ONLY then will I pay to recycle.
 OTHER:. Don’t wait around for your renting time.Get on the rental queue as soon as you can.


 RENEWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: 5 days without ref click and AVG lower than 1.2
 OTHER: Nothing


 RENEWING: Always 90 days
 RECYCLING: Let the system automatically renew them every 7 days.
 OTHER: When I am not using any spreadsheet or something, but I want to use, or the
neobuxmanager or neogest table.


 RENEWING: 30 days good refs, 90 for refs 'above average'.
 RECYCLING: I do not currently use any strategy for recycling.
 OTHER: Do not use anything.

 AUTOPAY: No, I will only connect it when I go Golden
 RENEWING: 90 days (only the best refs, the rest 60 days)
 RECYCLING: 6 days without ref click and with an AVG lower than 1.2
 OTHER: I use the notebook, I write down all of my Ref's and so I know manage them easier.


 RENEWAL: 30 days when they have only 5 days left.
 RECYCLING: Recycle refs inactive for more than 7 days.
 OTHER: Do not use anything else.


 RENEWAL: Everyday renew 4 referrals for 30 more days.
 RECYCLING: I recycle all those who do not click from 7 days, and some that do not click the
6,5,4 according to their AVG. I always focus on recycling those with the worst average and not
clicked yesterday or before yesterday.
 OTHER: I follow the line to my strategy, as I want to rent the maximum amount per week while I
am profiting everyday, I only recycle when I surpass that minimum of profit.


 RENEWING: Anyone under 1.5 click avg expire and if they had less than 12 days I let expire.
(3/4 of my refs were less than 1.5 and also had less than 10 days left)
 RECYCLING: If they had more than 12 days and less than 1.5 click avg, I recycled
 OTHER: If my ref was above 3.0 click avg, I simply paid for 90 days at 20% discount, otherwise
I just paid for 30 days to see the quality of my ref under 3.0 click avg, but above 1.5 click avg. If
your total clicks for the day is less than your total refs, you are definitely not profiting, and you
have liabilities you'll need to get rid of quickly.

 RENEWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: Recycle referrals inactive for 5 or more days.


 RENEWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: Recycle referrals inactive for 7 or more days independently of their average.
 OTHER: Leave die bad clickers, add 30 days to those with a high average.


 RENEWING: Always 90 days
 RECYCLING: Never clicked and has more then two weeks remaining - recycle after 3 days of
inactivity.Clicked before and has more then two weeks remaining - recycle if average drops below
2 and after 4 days of inactivity.Any referrals with an average of over 2 will not be recycled, just
let to not be renewed if they remain inactive.Anyone with less then 2 weeks less will not be
renewed since chances of a profit are lower.
 OTHER: If you don't extend for 90 days turn autopay on.I currently average 2.19 referral clicks
per day.


 RENEWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: 4 days no click
 OTHER: Spend all the money on renew.

 RENEWING: Always 90 days each day 1% of refs(for example If i have 1200 refs then i will
renew 12 refs for 90 days)
 RECYCLING: All who do not click 3 days and more and they are minimum 7 days old and have
avg under 1.3
 OTHER: I am using xargoon script for better recognizing and useing own software for statistics.


 RENEWING: When needed 30 days.
 RECYCLING: Anbody with an average below 2 that HAS clicked within 4 days, any that have
been missed let the system recycle.


 AUTOPAY: Always ON
 RENEWING: For 30 Days, can also be 60 or 90 depending on your budget
 RECYCLING: 1. Choose an average 1.0 or above, recycle those who have not clicked for 4 or
above days.
2. For new Referals, wait for 7 days before recycle, so that inactive referals are automatically
replaced. This applies for recycled ref's also.


 AUTOPAY: OFF until 100 referrals.

 RENEWING: 90 days
 RECYCLING: Recycle:
- No clicks for 4 days and below 2 avg
- No clicks for 7 days and below 2.5 avg
- Don't recycle anyone who clicks more than 7 ads per day

 RENEWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: 4 days without ref click and AVG lower than 1
 OTHER: If you have an average lower then 1 use my strategy, If you get an average of 1.3 or
higher Renew your refs for 90 Days.


 AUTOPAY: ON, saves you the burden of renewing manually, and it hurts less.
 RENEWING: Renew at the same time as you rent (see OTHER to know why). Do 60 days for
goldens, or higher if you can.
 RECYCLING: Only recycle whenever you are SURE the referral is gone, and only if he is over
19 days, so that the new one can take advantage of the autopay. Do NOT get carried away.
 OTHER: Save up all your money from your profit and aim for a goal to rent refs. All of the
money left over once you rent should go to renewing, and if you have any left, recycle. Keep track
of your profit with a spreadsheet.


 RENWING: 30 days or more if you can afford
 RECYCLING: Recycle referrals with 4 days of inactivity and with a lower AVG than the
previous day.


 RENWING: 30 only to the referrals that have clicked on the last 3-4 days
 RECYCLING: Once a week, recycle all the referrals that have not clicked for 5 days. Recycle
also the referrals that only click 1 ad every day.
 OTHER: I use xargoon's script and uriburu626's one, as well as admin's one, they are all pretty

 RENWING: 90, 60 or 30. Always try the best you can afford.
 RECYCLING: Recycle those who do not click in the last 5 days and with an average below 1.5.


 RENWING: I started my new strategy paying for 60 days, use all my earned money paying for
60 days, after all the refs over 45 days [the end in the near future (5 days)], begin to pay for 90
days, 0.5% of those (according to my accounts will keep all of the above Autopay for a good time.
 RECYCLING: I stopped recycling, I'm leaving the refs self-recycle after you noticed that they
like to click 5 ~ 8 days of being inactive in the beginning I thought it would fail, with average 0.5
or less, but now tah giving up due to many being recycled per day for free ... I only start to recycle
those "without clicks' to 5 days because'm seeing that it gives up.
 OTHER: Use a table, nothing automated, with no graphics, So you have an idea of my situation
and can compare with the days I have it since January (with small hole these days because My
journey to a) but after that I think will stay with a reasonable profit


 RENWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: Recycle all that did not click in the last 7 days, with rare exceptions where a good
clicker that stopped suddenly
 OTHER: Use a table in Excel to track the revenue and expenses of referrals.


 RENWING: Referred with average over 2.0 once for 30 days. In an "extraordinary" (Read it:
Averages above 2.5) once for 60 or 90 days, depends on the balance.
 RECYCLING: Referrals with average below 1.6 down to 3 days, those with an average 1.6 to 1.8
down to 4 days, those with an average 1.8 to 2.0 down to 5 days and above 2.0 down to 7 days.
Never recycle that one with 10 days or less to expire.

 RENWING: Only those with above average 2. Renewal for 60/90 and 30 or taking advantage of
deals that arise. Thus lowering the average required to be rented a considerable cost.
 RECYCLING: Recycle those that didn't click on 4 days with an average below 1.2 since that is
not close to expiration.
 OTHER: Do not mass recycle, Sometimes if the injury is only minorlet referrals expire. I hope
that better times will come.


 RENWING: 30 days
 RECYCLING: those who do not have any new clicks for 4 consecutive days and those with avg
lower than 1.0
 OTHER: Despite an avg that have less than 1.0, I still rate the individual to see if it is worth
waiting for him, because something may have happened. This strategy gave me a reduction of
spending on recycling by 50% and kept my clicker mean: 1.1 ~ 1.2 Do not recycle the referals
missing 0 ~ 4 days to be recycled automatically, and the remaining 6 days it expires.


 RENEWING: Only the refs with an avg above 1.5, for 30 days (or 60-90 days if you can afford
 RECYCLING: Everyday the refs who didn`t clicked for 3 days and has an avg less than 1.5, the
refs above 1.5 will go to autorecycle.
 OTHER: Always rent refs till you have 4000 refs.


 RENEWING: Avg 1.5 to 2 gets 30days, Avg 2 - 2.5 gets 60 days and 2.5 + gets 90 days. Refs
with Avg of 1.5 or below are deleted
 RECYCLING: Don't do it let the free system do it instead.
 OTHER: My system is to be more efficient by keeping only the most active clickers. This system
is time consuming and can have low money making in short term. After nearly 1 year it is starting
to pay off


 RENEWING: 90 days always
 RECYCLING: For now I let the free system do it as recycling didn't seem to work or be worth,
even by individual graphics analysis.


 RENEWING: 90 days (only refs with best avg, useing all money you can so it'll be ~1/3 of refs
of pack bought after a month) let other 2/3 die.
 RECYCLING: 4 days no click or avarage lower than 1.5 after 15days when you have that ref
 OTHER: that 1/3 renewed for 90 days will make you great profit in next 3months


 RENEWING: 90 days
 RECYCLING: With no clicks after the rent, I recycle after 2 days; the others, normaly 5 days
without clicks, but I check everytime the Golden graph to make a better analyse and chose who is
 OTHER: My strategy doesn't rigid. I check first the number of clicks and if is a regulary clicker.
If is a poor clicker, I recycle. I'm less rigid on holydays.


 AUTOPAY: ON (usually) /OFF (depends)

 RENEWING: 90 days always or keep AUTOPAY ON.
 RECYCLING: no clicks for 4 days and avg. less than 1.2. Also, if a lot of clicks already done by
the ref, then check graph.
 OTHER: Dont cashout. renew as much as possible and then rent and renew new refs. AUTOPAY
ON when renewing not affordable. AUTOPAY OFF to collect money for renting or renewing


 RENEWING: always for 90 days if affordable, otherwise 30.
 RECYCLING: 1) Not clicking refs

a) Refs who have not clicked for 4 days: recycle those with an average of 1.2 or lower.
b) Refs who have not clicked for 5 days: recycle those with an average of 1.3 or lower.
c) Refs who have not clicked for 6 days: recycle those with an average of 1.4 or lower.
d) Refs who have not clicked for 7 days: recycle those with an average of 1.8 or lower.
e) Refs who have not clicked for 8 days: recycle all of them. (6 days to auto recycle, but i prefer to
get new ref from pool)
f) Make the steps above DAILY.
g) Always renew your ref paying +90 days for them to get the 20% discount.
h) Turn Autopay OFF.

2) 0 clickin refs

a) Watch for 2 days

b) Recycle if not clicked for 3 days.
c) If clicked once, then view for 3 days and then recycle if not clicked by relevant days according
to steps 1) a), b), etc.

3) View per ref graphs

Beofore recycle, look at each ref's graph and get the clicks and avg for last 15 days. For that i use
Uriburu626's script which was translated by JM2T.

If the ref have an avg below 1.1 for last 15 days, definitly recycle him. Otherwise give him one
day more until he reach 1) e), ie on 8 th day no mercy for anyone.

I do not prefer to look only the last 15 days data since if the ref is older than 15 days. For 15+
aged refs from global avg (Total clicks/total days ad my ref)
gives us a view with a more scope. So i can think about his overall activity.
But refs not older than 15 days we are automatically using step 1)

 AUTOPAY: ON always
 RENEWING: 90 days always
4 days without clicks and average below 1
5 days without clicks and average below 1.5
Try to set a limit to recycling.
Personally use oselamet's grease monkey script, or u can use a spreadsheet to calculate your
Try to get as much direct referrals as you can. They make you pure profit.


 AUTOPAY: Off always

 RENEWING: Good refs 90 days, Ok refs 30 days
 RECYCLING:4 days of inactivity
 OTHER: Not over recycling to put myself in a loss


 RENEWING: Renewing all referrals for 90 days
 RECYCLING:4 days of inactivity


 RENEWING: 30 days if they drop under 20( to keep autopay on)
 RECYCLING:after 4 or 5 days of inactivity ( if they have never clicked before, even after 3
 OTHER: Always rent when you're financial situation allows you to do so + get the maximum of
direct reft you can have

 RENEWING: All Referrals to 90 days Due to being standard i need more of a profit to come in
with less money on extending my current refferals
 RECYCLING:I have cut down on recycling but for a member under 1.2 average and 5 days
inactivity he must go
 OTHER: I use ozlemas script to make my bar statistics look better and to see how long ago they
have clicked how many days it has been


 RENEWING: Always 90 days
 RECYCLING:3 days without clicks, under 1.4 average.....4 days without clicks, under 1.7
 OTHER: I look at every graph before recycling. I mark my golden's (those who click > 9 times)
with green flags and never recycle them.I periodically check the graphs the lowest averages but
are active (1 or 2 per day) and generally recycle those refs too.


 RENEWING: 90 days everyone
 RECYCLING:manual only refs with 4 days without clicks whom avarage is worse than 1.0, the
rest is autorecycled


 AUTOPAY: yes
 RENEWING: 30, 90 If afford
 RECYCLING:Anyone 1.4 Or Below (what ever day) OR 4 Days Un-Activ

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