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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Name: _________________________ Yr.&Section: ____________ Date: ________________Score: _______

Directions: Carefully read each question and write the letter of the correct answer on the box provided below.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

1. The following are examples of expressions in stating agreement EXCEPT.

a. I think so c. I think otherwise
b. I hold the same opinion d. He is absolutely right
2. A term which used to relate to how someone feels about something (issue, topic, event, etc.)
a. agreement b. opinion c. assumption d. expression
3. Which of the given below does not express opinionated statement?
a. I feel like something is not going right.
b. I believe COVID-19 is about to end.
d. I assume that everyone knows the appropriate handwashing procedure.
4. The following are examples of opinionated expressions in stating disagreement EXCEPT.
a. I have to come to the same conclusion. c. I don’t think that is quite right.
b. I take a different view. d. I do not agree.
5. “I assume that the feelings of an Asian mother are the same as the feelings of an Australian mother.” The statement
above expresses _________.
a. expression b. feeling c. fact d. opinion
6 - 8. Which of the following is an example of opinion?
a. To solve traffic in the Philippines, it is better to invest in subways and trains than in road widening
b. Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are some of the countries that are part of the
Southeast Asia.
c. In terms of area, Asia is the largest in the seven continents of the world.
d. The planet in the solar system that is closest to the sun is Mercury.
a. Kathryn Bernardo is more beautiful than Janella Salvador.
b. Your heart pumps blood through your body.
c. The leaves of growing plants are usually green.
d. People use their legs to walk.
a. Bethoven had a reputation as a virtuoso pianist.
b. The capital city of the Philippines is Manila.
c. The Philippine archipelago is divided into three Island groups: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
d. Travelling in the Philippines is more fun than travelling in Japan.

9.-10. Which of the following does not express an opinion statement?

a. Volleyball is a much more exciting sport than Table tennis.
b. Manny Pacquiao was the highest earning atlete in 2017.
c. Almighty God has created everything that is present in this entire world.
d. The cellphones being manufactured by IOS are way better than those produced by Android.
a. The beaches of Cebu are more astounding than the beaches of Palawan. b. Every person
must have a best friend.
c. The most beautiful country in Southeast Asia is the Philippines, next to Singapore and Japan.
d. Alligators and crocodiles are examples of reptiles.
11. The following are expressions in stating opinion EXCEPT.
a. I think so b. As for me c. I think d. I would say that
12. I don’t agree with your explanation it does not give appropriate answer. The underlined phrase is an expression of
_______. a. agreement b. opinion c. disbelief d. diagreement
13. Which of the following states an opinion?
a. The Philippines is the Pearl of the Orient.
b. The Philippines is the most beautiful country in Asia.
c. Philippines is geographically located in the Typhoon Belt.
d. Philippines will be celebrating its 500th Year of Christianity.
14. Which of the following statements expresses a comparison of ideas?
a. I ordered sneakers online; however, rubber shoes was delivered to me.
b. Yna eats pork, whereas her parents only eats beef.
c. Her bag has the same floral print as her dress.
d.Bill is six-feet tall, although his father is only five feet.
15. Which of the following statements expresses a contrast of ideas?
a. Annie had her nails done in color similar to mine.
b. Her pet dog has the same color as my dog.
c. I ordered spaghetti; however, carbonara was served instead.
d. That movie resembles one I watched few months ago.
16. _____________that the problems of a developing nation like the Philippines is similar to the problems of a fully
developed nation. Fill in the blank with the correct expression.
a. I would say that b. I believe c. I assume d. I think otherwise
17. ________________ robots will replace workers in the different industries. Supply the blank with the correct
expression in stating opinion.
a. I assume b. As for me c. I think otherwise d. I would say that

“Malaysia and the Philippines are two separate places, but they have similarities. I think both places have a
society that has strong colonial influence due to European presence in its history. Malaysia was colonized by
United Kingdom while Philippines by Spain, United States, Japan etc.. Philippines’ major religion is
Christianity while in Malaysia are Islam and Buddhism”
18. Which of the following expresses an opinion comparing the two places based on the given paragraph?
a. Malaysia and Philippines are both located in Asia.
b. Christianity is the major religion in the Philippines.
c. Malaysia was colonized by United Kingdom and Philippines by Japan, Spain, and United States.
d. Asian countries are rich in culture because of European presence in its history.
19. What type of expression is found in the given paragraph?
a. Stating opinion. c. Stating preposition
b. Stating agreement d. Stating disagreement
20. What two countries are compared in the given paragraph?
a. Philippines and United Kingdom c. Philippines and Spain
b. Malaysia and Japan d. Malaysia and Philippines
21. The following words are examples of positive words except _____________.
a. benefit b. difficult c. bright d. ensure
22. These are type of communication that provides good news, acceptance or congratulations in the workplace.
a. positive messages c. concluding messages
b. negative messages d. messages
23. If a message is positive or neutral, it will be organized in the ______ approach.
a. direct b. indirect c. persuasive d. imperative
24. Negative messages are a type of communication that conveys negative or unpleasant information – information
that is likely to disappoint, upset, or even anger a reader. It is also called a/ an _____________ message.
a. direct b. indirect c. persuasive d. imperative
25. “It is okay to cheat and just copy the answer in the Answer Key of the Module.” Recognize the message conveyed
in the above sentence. It expresses a _____.
a. positive message c. negative message
b. persuasive message d. direct message

Read the paragraph below.

Korean trend among Filipino teenagers has no negative effect because it is just a fad at this moment. This
trend will give opportunity for Filipinos to learn a thing or two about how good Korean culture is. However, many
believe that because of this trend, Filipino teenagers forget their sense of identity. This may mean that they could wish
to be a Korean instead of being a Filipino.

26. Which of the following sentences conveyed a positive message?

a. Filipino teenagers forget their sense of identity.
b. Filipinos could wish to be a Korean instead of being a Filipino.
c. The Korean trend will give opportunity for Filipinos to learn a thing or two
about how good Korean Culture is.
d. both A & B
27. What is the negative impact of the Korean trend among Filipino teenagers?
a. Filipino teenagers forget their sense of identity and wish to be a Korean
instead of being a Filipino.
b. Korean trend gives opportunity to Filipinos to learn Korean Culture.
c. There is no negative effect but it is just a fad at the moment.
d. All of the above

Read the two paragraphs below and answer the questions that follow.
Paragraph 1
Blaming the government and concerned state institutions has become the favorite
pastime of many Filipinos on social media. People tend to look outward and put blame on
others, instead of focusing on what they can do on their own to help curb the spread of the
disease. Despite the consistent public calls of local and international government and health
agencies, some people still choose to ignore protocols in practicing the minimum health

Paragraph 2

We sink or swim in this country so we have no other choice but to move as one. And
we cannot simply pin all our hopes on the discovery of a vaccine that is supposed to provide
immunity. This is the best time to let the Filipino spirit take us through this pandemic. As one
Facebook post said, “Pandemic ka lang, Pilipino kami.”

28. Which of the two paragraphs conveyed positive message?

a. paragraph 1 b. paragraph 2 c. both 1 & 2 d. none
29. Which conveyed the negative message?
a. paragraph 1 b. paragraph 2 c. both 1 & 2 d. none
30. What idea best exemplifies the author’s intention in paragraph 2?
a. People should think before taking an action.
b. Blaming the government can help us during the pandemic.
c. Filipinos must be united in fighting COVID- 19 pandemic.
d. Every one of us has its own part in this country.
Read the folktale and answer the questions that follow.


By: Matsuo Basho

Introduction: Long, long, time ago, at the foot of the mountain, there lived a poor farmer and his aged, widowed
mother. This place was governed by a despotic and cruel leader. During a famine he once proclaimed that all old
people should immediately be put to death by abandoning them to the mountain of Obatsuyama until their end came.
Rising Action: The poor farmer loved his aged mother, and the order filled his heart with sorrow. So with many deep
hopeless sighs, the youth prepared some food and started their painful journey up to the mountain.
Climax: At last, they reached the summit. The weary and heartsick youth gently released his old mother. Before he
left his mother, the old woman told his son about the mark of the pile of twigs that will guide him to the way home. At
that point, the farmer realized that whatever happened, he should not leave his mother alone. So he decided that both
of them would go home and would die together.
Falling Action: Both of them followed the pile of twigs and went home. The farmer hid his mother at a closet of their
kitchen so that the heralds in Shinano will not find the old woman. Time passed, and the farmer felt safe again until
the despotic leader sent forth heralds with another outrageous command: he wanted someone to present to him a rope
of ashes.
Ending: One night, the son told his hidden mother about the command. The old woman thinks of an idea. She advised
her son to make a rope twisted straw and stretch it upon a row of flat stones and burn it there into the windless night.
With the help of other people, they successfully made it and presented it to the governor. The governor was pleased
with the youth's wit, and from that, his cruel law was abolished. The governor, awakened by the truth, remembered the
saying 'With the crown of snow; there cometh wisdom. That very hour, the cruel leader become kind and humble to
his people.
31. Why did the young farmer obey the law the first time it was announced even if it meant leaving his mother to die?
a. He thought that his mother was old anyway so might as well just let her die
b. It was a practical thing to do in order to reduce the number of people who needed to be fed.
c. Because it appealed to his logos (reason)that if the cruel ruler found out he disobeyed the order they
would both be punished or even executed.
d. Because of the law’s appeal to pathos(emotion) through his love for his country, that if he didn’t
obey the ruler’s orders, he would be a lawbreaker and a traitor.
32. Why did the farmer change his mind?
a. He realized how sad it would be if he lived alone.
b. He couldn’t bear the sound of his mother crying.
c. Because the law was revoked just in time.
d. He saw how much his mother loved him.
33. What do you think made the ruler to give out such cruel decree of abandoning old people?
a. The logic appealed to his logos (reason or logic) because there was a famine and abandoning old
people would mean that there were less mouths to feed.
b. The thought never appealed to his ethos (ethics) because he probably was jus crazy.
c. He just wanted to punish his subordinates without any particular reason.
d. He probably just hated old people in general.
34. What do you think would have happened if the villagers blindly obeyed the cruel ruler?
a. He would declare more inhuman laws and would harm the citizens who lived under his rule
b. Their country would have flourished and the citizens became wealthy.
c. They probably would have had enouth food to eat.
d. The people would be living a comfortable life.
35. What role did the heralds play in spreading such vile rules from their leader?
a. They helped in protecting the citizens from the leader’s cruelty.
b. They were paid by the ruler to spread his unreasonable laws.
c. They helped the farmer hide his mother.
d. They opposed the ruler.
36. Do you think that the farmer made the right decision by hiding his mother?
a. No, he disobeyed the orders of the leader.
b. Yes, it appealed to his ethos (ethics) and it was the morally right thing to do.
c. No, because as a subordinate he was bound by law to follow orders from the leader.
d. Yes, because it would be difficult for him to live on his own and it was good that he saved his
mother so she can cook for him.
37. Why did the ruler have a change of heart after the farmer presented the rope of ashes?
a. He realized even if old people are physically weak, the current generation can learn from their
b. Because he finally realized how cruel he was so he changed his outlook in life.
c. He was looking for smart people and he found the farmer.
d. Because he thought the farmer was smart.
38. If other people actually left their parents or grandparents to die, what would be one of the probable reasons why
they could do such a thing?
a. They were blindly patriotic, but instead of loving the country they love the leader.
b. Because they were afraid that the ruler might kill them if they disobeyed.
c. They were tired of taking care of their parents.
d. They wanted more food.
39. Is it okay to commit cruel acts just because a person of authority tells you to do so?
a. Yes, because they are in the position to tell me so.
b. No, because as appeal to my ethos and logos it is not the right thing to do.
c. Yes, because I should show blind support to the leader to show my patriotism.
d. No, because I cannot gain anything from it. I should be given compensation such as financial
40. What is the importance of knowing how to analyze propaganda and advertisements using ethos, pathos, and
a. It helps you understand the information you are given, and to not let emotions overcome your
b. Nothing. It is easier to not think about things happening in our everyday lives.
c. It doesn’t help you because critical thinking is not good for young people.
d. It helps you be more emotionally mature.

Prepared by: Parent’s Signature

PRENELIE OLIVEROS _____________________________
Subject Teacher
Member, SalagNHS Member, L-RMNHS Member, Kal-ananNHS


Leader, Daantabogon NHS

Checked by:

School Head, DENMNHS

Approved by:


PSDS, Tabogon District

Grade 8 - ANSWER KEY C A


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