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How do you think can your organization/agency can achieve its vision?

Having to work in our office for about 8 months, I am aware that I have not witnessed every aspect of
transactions, processes and system in our organization. However as far as my knowledge ranges, I believe
that one of the occurring issue that is hindering our organization to reach its vision and utmost potential is
the lack of quality assurance of most construction projects. This is because of the occurring “tolerance to
sub-standard implementation” as what I may call. Thus, I believe that our organization needs to be strictly
meticulous in all stages of the project process specifically from the planning and designing, to the
construction phase and lastly to the maintenance phase. If our agency becomes more quality-oriented
rather than accomplishment-oriented, the vision of ensuring the “uplift of life of Isabelenos through
quality infrastructure projects” will be achieved.

Which division in your organization do you work under? Do you think that the division is fulfilling the
organization's mission?

As a contract of service employee with the position of Engineer I, I work at the Planning and Design
Division of our office. I highly believe that our division is fulfilling the organization’s mission as we are
the ones who are initiating the project before going through the construction phase and we receive a little
to none complaints from the higher-ups. Moreover, all of our design specifically follow the standards of
the National Building Code of the Philippines and are ensured strictly by the architects and civil engineers
in our division.

As an employee, how does your work contribute to the mission and vision of your organization?

Mainly, my scope of work is only limited to project estimates, programming and site survey. However
these three are part of the backbone of a successful project plan. I do the billing of materials for the
projects plans and also do site survey and inspection on upcoming and on-going projects. I believe that
my work greatly contributes to the mission and vision of our organization as it demands for quality and
economy. Without my work, the bidding, awarding, construction phase and turning-over wouldn’t be
possible at all.

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