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Anatomy : circulatory system in animals

● Small organism don’t have a circulatory system - too small and diffusion is sufficient

● Multicellular larger organisms need circulatory system because if limits of diffusion and
they have a low sa:vol ratio
● Functions of circulation : maintain optimal environment for cells ( transport of nutrients &
waste, maintains ph, maintains osmotic pressure, heat, transport hormones ;
communication )
● If diffusion is small and the
Part 6 : Blood flow regulation
● blood flow is controlled by arterioles
● Widespread construction leads to increase in peripheral “away from centre” resistance
● Intrinsic : blood flow due to local factors
● Extrinsic : blood flow control by factors outside the organ e.g circulating hormones

Intrinsic blood flow control :

Myogenic response ( response to stretching )
Vasodilator metabolites
Endothelial factors
Autocoids ( local hormones )
In skin : temperature
Metabolic hyperaemia ( increased blood flow that occurs when tissue is active )
● co2
● Lactic acid
● Adenosine
● K+
● Phosphate
● Osmolarity ( process of measurement of solute concentration)
These all increase blood flow

Intrinsic hyperaemia:
After exercise the blood flow to the muscle remains elevated for a few minutes - due to build up
of vasodilator metabolites, prostaglandin and NO ( nitric oxide )

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