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Abstract of Graduate Paper

Fully, consciously, and actively participating in the sacred liturgy was one of the goals of the
renewal of the liturgy called for by the Second Vatican Council. This paper explores the
question, how do we enter in? The answer is there are many ways to help the faithful take part in
the sacred action of the liturgy. One of the best ways is understanding what we are doing or
celebrating in the Sacred Liturgy of the Church. The practical way is comprehension of the
meaning of the liturgical gestures.

This paper examines the definitions, origins, meanings, and theology of the sign of cross, the
sign of peace, and liturgical processions, to assist the faithful to celebrate sacred signs or
liturgical gestures with the heart of full, active, and conscious participation. In other words, it can
help people participate in liturgy more fully, consciously, and actively.

Graduate paper relate to Synod

This paper can be used to help the faithful understand what , how, and why liturgical gestures:
the sign of cross, the sign of peace, and liturgical processions have been shaped and practiced in
the Church then and now. From this understanding, the faithful may ask the Church what
gestures should get back, reduce or dismiss in the liturgy.

Abstract of the homily: The theme of this homily is comparing the mission as a prophet of
Jeremiah and Jesus. Difficulty being a prophet, but love never fails.

Homily relates synod

As Christians, we are called by Pope Francis to participate in synod to listen to one another to
find out what the Church should do or should not do. In other words, we join synod as a prophet
to find, to listen, to speak the truth. We need to remember that Speaking God’s truth hurts, but
love prevails.

- -Difficulty being a prophet, but love never fails.

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