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| ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 SKELETAL AND ARTICULAR SYSTEM LABORATORY PROCEDURE 1. For the axial skeleton cach student group should borrow from the laboratory technician the following bones: A. Skull B. Sternum C.Rib D. Vertebrae 1. cervical vertebrae ~ atlas ~ axis - l typical (C3 - C6) -C7 2. Thoracic vertebra 3. Lumbar 4, Sacrum Examine now the anterior view of the skull. Identify the frontal, nasal, maxillae, mandible, zygomatic bones. Look for an important features of frontal bone - superciliary arches and glabella. In the mandible identify the body, ramus, angle, coronoid and condyloid processes. In the maxilla & mandible, examine the alveolar processes with sockets. Label 3 cranial bones and 5 facial bones in the anterior view of the skull Frontal. Wengert ont, Ferithal bone Temporal bone, Maxillary bore Lygomat ¢ fr 49 Wate - mondibole Nasal bone vomur Identify now the orbital cavity - what are the main bones forming the roof, floor, lateral and medial wall? Look now at the nasal cavity. This is divided into 2 fossae by the nasal septum. Roof: Tmial Love Floor: Mayillq Lateral! 2ygomatic bene; greater wing of ethmnoid Medial: Lacrimal von’ Orital plate of efnpard phectd 10 Label the 3 major parts of the nasal septum. eid Nome: Septal Gavilage Point to the lateral wall, There are 3 rolled-up bones here called syi|_cariage ,vertval pote of He emma, Below and lateral to each are spaces called yeahs f yoner Turn to the skull to its lateral surface, identify the greater wing of sphenoid, parietal, temporal and a part of occipital bone. Identify the external acoustic meatus & mastoid process. There are parts of what bone? _Rwp0a)_ hive z Label 5 cranial bones and 4 facial bones in the lateral view of the skull Frontal pe Dygomatic pone Mandibls —_ In the superior/dorsal surface of the skull, identify the sutures in between the bones. The__pyrmjal____—_suture is in between frontal and parietal bones. _¢aqi suture on the other hand in between the 2 parietal bones and __[aydoid suture between parietal and occipital. What do you call the points of junctions of these bones? Pgipiry Label these sutures and points of junctions in the diagram on the left side. ‘These sites are related to membranous intervals in the skull in the newbom babies. These are called Hollow je ocipt one ip Esta pon fib asl Ident the foram magnum, occipital condyle, external occipital protuberance. More anteriorly, examine the hard palate. ‘What are the major bones forming the structure? fal jes ti and 3 cranial bones in the basal view Of He alain ones i 12 Remove the skull cap & study the internal surface of the skull There are 3 cranial fossa - anterior, middle & posterior. What parts of the brain are lodged in each? Pont We erebral hemisphere —Teltporal lobe ef cerciral_laenilsoner, Cerebellum , pone 2 medulia oblongata In the anterior cranial fossa, identify cribriform Plate of ethmoid. Below this is the Lateral to this part of ethmoid is the orbital plate of the frontal bone. nasal cavity. Below this is the pci __cavity. In the middle cranial fossa identify the bat-shaped sphenoid bone - body, lesser wing and greater wing. What do you call the depression in the body of the sphenoid? _Sella_-rdica What important structure is lodged here? _ 7} 4 Label 5 cranial bones in the internal surface of the skull Bhroid This time, hold one sternum, the common name of this is _\yeasvone 5 The 3 parts are: anit __,_(axdy ‘of Steen _& _ytynod process. en ; 13 Give an important landmark between the upper and middle parts of the stermum__ St¢rnal age Name the different types of ribs according to attachments. Label the parts of the sternum and the types of ribs below: Iuguior notch Manubrivm We ribs Angle 41-9) Body Yiphoid process Fale ris (ag) Floating Wes Give the different sao Ral it yortebrae, cages thoracic, lumbar and sacral. eeu anor Pas. Label the parts of a nil VERS mf eines 8 guptrtoe ar car fue Transverse process a paces Be the parts of atypical vertebra, differentiate the different vertebrae from each other. eee cereal foratlen wa Re masse! IL In the appendicular skeleton borrow the following bones: A. Upper extremities - clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna & bones of the hand B. Lower extremities - hip bones, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, bones of the feet Study now the clavicle. This is commonly called _(pllar bot bone. This is the most commonly fractured bone in the body and articulates medially with SHUM, and laterally with _¢apula . The shoulder blade in the other hand is the common name of this bone scapula . Examine its anterior, Posterior & lateral surfaces. Laterally there is a depression called __glenvid_cavtty articulating with head of humerus to form a ball and socket joint called j Posteriorly, look for the spine and acromion process. Anteriorly, we find the Sulsscapliar fossa & —coacnid process. Hold the arm bone this time. This is medically c: salled _ humerus . This articulates proximally with __stapula bone and distally with these bones Tadic &__ ula to form a hinge joint called Aloo joint : Label important parts of the humerus - head, greater and lesser tubergle, capitulum, trochlea and epicondyle. gredier tubercle epics Capifulum Assume now the anatomical posit Here. the lateral forearm bone is _ radius and notice that the ulna aferonh een te id of na head of ulna is seen inferiorly while head o| radius superiorly. What are the 2 processes found at the superior end of ulna? Study the 8 wrist bones. These are medically called Carpal vanes - There are 2 rows of these bones. a the lateral side, forming the proximal row are: —Scopioid ___lunde From the lateral side, forming the distal row are: ) captiale —homatt __ Identify the bones of hand proper. These are called _flevor yeringuilum Identify the head, neck and base. denify and count the phalanges. There are the bones ofthe fingers. For the thumb we have & dial _ es For the 4 lesser fingers we have each —yorima| = widale ST & _aaista)_ _phalanges. Study now the lower extremities. Start with the hip Cones: i Label the 3 bones fusing to form the hip bone —* Iifum , zscnium » Pub! Label also at least 4 important features of this bone. Tschium —_ Identify the thigh bone — femur. Label at Identify the leg bones — tibia and fibula. Jeast 3 important feature of femur. Label at least 2 features of each. head retindaular -forayning lesser trochanter medial Condyie, Tibial tuberosity Lateral maileolus Patellar sirfa a Study lastly the bones of the foot. Label the drawing below

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