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Conference Agenda Presentations including ‘azzoune’ ‘TOMS 503: Novel nonlinear waveguides and materials ‘Time: 13/Sept2023: 3:30pm-5:00pm + Location: Santenay/Chablis, 4:15pm = 4:30pm 1D: 447 | ToMe S03: 3 ‘TOM 6 Nonlinear and Quantum Optics Improving photon pair generation in silica nanofibers through PMMAJDR1 nonlinear coating optimization Abderrahim Azzoune', Laurent Divay?, Christian Larat2, Syivie Lebrun? ‘Ecole Miltaie Polytechnique, Laboratoire Systémes Lasers, BP17, 15111, Sord-C-Bahri, Algiers, Algeria; “Thales Research and “Technology, 91767, Pala'seau Codex, France; “Université Pars-Saclay,Insitut Optque Graduate School, CNRS, Laboratoire Gnavles Fabry, $1127, Palaiseau, France \We report on the use of PNMAIDRI coating to enhance the efficiency of pholon pair generation in slica nanofibers. The coating improves ‘he second-order nontinearsuscentlty ofthe nanofibers, leading to improved photon pair generation effciency. We investigate the effect of varying the nonlinear optcal properties ofthe composite mara, and we characterize the photon par generation efficiency of tne coated siica nanofibers. Our modeling results show @ signficant enhancement in photon parr generation eficency by a factor of 1000 compared to bare sia nanofiber. ‘TOM6 $08: Nonlinear wave mixing and frequency combs. ‘Timo: 14/S0pt2023: 5:00pm-6:30pm : Location: Meursault! Nuit ST-G/Corton {6:15pm - 6:30pm ID: 462 / TOME 805: 6 ‘TOM 6 Noni ar and Quantum Optics Enhancing THz wave generation in silica nanofibers with Zinc Telluride nonlinear coating ‘Abderrshim Azzoune’, Sylvie Lebrun? ‘Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Laboratoire Systimes Lasers, BP17, 16111, Bord-E-Bahr Algiers, Algeria; "Université Par Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Fabry 91127, Pala'seau, France ‘This study investigates the use of Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) as a second-order nonlinear coating to enhance THz wave generation in slica ‘anofivers. Numerical simulations show that ZnTe coatings can signiicanly improve THz wave generation efciency due to ther large Second-arder nontinaar susceptibity and high transparency inthe THz frequency range. Spectically, wa observe a 2000-fld increase in THz ‘wave generation efficiency with a 100nm thickness ZnTe coating compared to an uncoated silica nanofber, Saclay, Institut hitps:slwwn.conftol.comfeosam2023/Index.php?page=browse SessionsSprint=yes8doprint-yesSnavoar_search=azzouneSsearch=azzoune 12 hitps flaw: 22

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