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Present continous

to do list

Name :
Present continous tense indicates that an action or condition
is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future.

The present continuous tense is used to talk about something

that is currently happening in an ongoing way, generally for a
limited time - think of it as something that is going on. We form
the present continuous by taking am, is, & are - forms of the
verb "to be" - and adding -ing to the main verb.
Examples of Present Continous Tense =
(+) Ani is watching television
(-) Ani is not watching television
(?) Is Ani watching television?

(+) They are playing scooter in the yard

(-) They are not playing scooter in the yard
(?) Are they playing scooter in the yard?

(+) I am singing NCT new song

(-) I am not singing NCT new song
(?) Am I singing NCT new song?
Soal =
Jadikanlah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat present continous tense +,
-, ?
Roni, adhi, dan tio sedang membeli ice cream
Fafa sedang membeli baju di pasar
Aku sedang mencuci baju di kamar mandi

Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia

We are visiting our grand mother’s house in Surakarta City

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