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1. The membrane system is responsible for both trapping the light energy and also for the
synthesis of ATP and NADPH.
2. Synthesis of ATP and NADPH during photosynthesis is part of light reaction
3. Chloroplast align perpendicular to the walls of the means of fill when the intensity of
light is minimum to get more and more light
4. chloroplast align parallel to the walls of the mesophyll cells when the intensity of light is
minimum to get more and more light
5. optimum quality of incident light can be received by the chloroplast present in the
mesophyll cells when they are arranged along the wall
6. Within the chloroplast there is a membrane system which consist of three structures -
not 2 - grana, stroma lamellae, matrix stroma
7. this system which is responsible for trapping the light energy and synthesis of ATP and
NADPH - membrane system
8. Basket is sufficient amount of Sunlight that is stored in a Cell
9. Van Neil Based on his studies of purple and green bacteria demonstrator that
photosynthesis is essentially a light dependent reaction
10. the hydrogen from a suitable oxidising compound reduces carbon dioxide into a

11. Photo autotrophic organisms that do not split water to obtain reducing powers are
purple bacteria
12. organisms that do not evolves oxygen during photosynthesis are photosynthetic
Bacteria, Green sulphur bacteria and purple bacteria
13. A Girdling experiment was performed by plant physiologists to identify the plant tissue
which transports food. this was not done for both food and water
14. The person who first show that only green plants could release oxygen during
photosynthesis was engine house
15. Priestly concluded that -burning candle or an animal that breathe the air, both somehow,
damage the air.
16. priestley hypothesis - Plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning
candles remove.

17. Priestley - mint plant

engine house - aquatic plant
Angel man- cladophora
Van Neil - purple and green photosynthetic bacteria
18. Angel man conducted experiment with aerobic bacteria did detect sides of oxygen
evolution but not to detect the oxidising species in photosynthetic reactants
19. if a plant and ideal conditions is provided with an isotope of carbon dioxide 14, Glucose
will be labelled but the Oxygen will remain normal - glucose is manufactured from water
and carbon dioxide
20. In green plants water is the hydrogen Donor and his oxidised to Oxygen gas by splitting
of water molecules which takes place in the outer side of the thylakoid membrane

21. It was inferred from experiments performed on Green and Purple Sulphur bacteria that
Oxygen gas was evolved by Green plants from water.
22. O2 evolved by the green plant comes from H2O, not from carbon dioxide this was proved
using radioisotope techniques
23. Microbiologist - Cornelius van Niel
24. Some substance - chlorophyll is in the chloroplast which is the special body
25. Stromal lamellae are extensions that pass from one granum through the stroma and into
another. They connect with grana.
26. Grana lamellae are located inside the grana region and are found between the grana.
27. Common point between photosynthesis and respiration is their use of electron transport

28. After removal of carbon the oxygen in co2, sugar and water molecules
29. Compound that helped confirm oxygen evolved comes from H20 = H2 180
30. The light reaction of photosynthesis generates high energy electrons that end up in
NADPH2. they produce ATP and Oxygen gas
31. If green plant cells are incubator with 18 O labelled CO2, the molecule that will become
radioactive as the cells are exposed exposed to light is sugar
32. If green plant cells are incubator with 18 O labelled H2O, the molecule that will become
radioactive as the cells are exposed exposed to light is the Oxygen gas evolved

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