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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to my fellow

friends, teachers and judges.

Today, on this fine morning, I would like to talk and share
with you about Music and how music inspires me

Music. We hear it every day. No matter where we are,

music will always be played either on the radio or just by
humming a tune. So, What is Music? Allow me to explain
the definition of music. Music is an art which uses sound
as its main medium.

Did you know that music started as early as the Paleolithic

era? So music is about 200 000 years old. Wow! It’s so
old. Still people enjoy listening to this ‘old’ art.

Ladies and gentleman,

Music have three important elements which are pitch,

rhythm and dynamics. The pitch is the combination of
melody and harmony. Rhythm is the beat of the music.
Dynamics are the volume. As I mentioned, the three
combined together to form good song.

Music genre is generally endless. It ranges from Acapella

to Fusion jazz, Gaana to Muzak. The most popular genres
that we hear nowadays are pop, dominated by the late
King of Pop, Micheal Jackson. Don’t forget our king of
Rock, Elvis Presley. Country written by Taylor Swift and a
few others. But the only thing I cannot deny is that the
most popular genre right now, K-pop or Korean Pop. Boy
bands like Super Junior and girl groups such as 2NE1 are
examples of artists who gets involve in K-pop. Boys and
girls are going nuts over the artists.

Through music and the lyrics, a massage could be passed

through. Moral values could also be found in them.
Motivating songs could boost and motivate anyone who
listens to it.

Music can sooth and calm me. What I love about music is
inspiration. We hear soft and loud music. But, inspiring
music is none other the best cure for me.

One thing I surely believe that song could boost one

motivation. We hear national anthem and sing it everyday.
We feel proud when we sing it. I can say that music unites
us all. We respect the song and we stand when we sing
and that’s the spirit of truly Malaysian.

Even in sport, we can hear Ella’s song, standing in the

eyes playing everytime. How could we possibly deny that
song lift our heart when we hear it. Therefore, we can
conclude that music is a good source of inspiration to

Music is written theoretically and made real practically. It

lives in every one of us. Music is like an international
language. Even though we do not understand the lyrics
but we understand the melody. The rhythm. The harmony.

Everything starts small. In music, it starts with a note.

Then, a tune. After that, a rhythm and a melody.
Finally, a harmonious song that unites everyone
disregarding the race or the background or whatever at all
was born.
Music unites the souls of Malaysia and the world. Guess
what! We enjoy it! With that, I end my speech.
Thank you and Assalamualaikum.

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