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The primary function of the financial market is to foster and sustain stable and robust

economic expansion. These markets facilitate the accumulation of funds and the
preservation of capital across various investment channels. In addition, they contribute to
a more efficient use of funds and an increase in investment in diverse economic sectors.

Additionally, financial markets perform a role in channelling these funds towards

productive uses. In order to maintain a balanced and steady development of the economy,
their priority is to distribute resources evenly across various industrial sectors. Several
main sectors are essential to the growth and development of a nation's economy. These
include the service sector, the agricultural sector, the industrial sector, and others, each of
which contributes in their own unique way.
In addition to other essential factors, the economy depends heavily on its financial
infrastructure, which consists of financial assets, markets, and intermediaries. These three
pillars are indispensable for the economic expansion. In addition to their financial
services, they also provide funds for the improvement of infrastructure and industrial
facilities. In addition, financial markets have a significant impact because they serve as a
trading platform for various assets. In order to transfer resources, individuals perform
both the role of savers and investors.

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