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Geoforum 57 (2014) 167–169

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The hydrosocial cycle

The once deeply engrained idea that water management should 2009) (see Linton and Budds, 2014, for a comprehensive
be considered as a technical endeavour that is appropriately con- review of previous scholarship employing the term ‘hydrosocial
fined to hydrological science and hydraulic engineering has now cycle’).
largely ceded to the recognition that water issues also comprise This special issue on the hydrosocial cycle responds to the need
important social and political dimensions that call for the involve- to more precisely define and theorise the concept as a means to
ment of social science and multiple stakeholders. As such, in recent interrogate and elucidate hydrosocial relations and change, as well
years, increased attention has been paid to the nature and effects of as to explore and articulate its analytical and political purchase for
water policies, the roles of different water users in decision-mak- critical water research and action. The endeavour commenced
ing, and the emergence of conflicts and cooperation around water through a shared interest among the organisers in the politics of
at various scales. These social and political dimensions of water hydrology, and an aspiration to integrate this aspect more fully
have been subject to significant theoretical advances, drawing into the growing and vibrant body of work around political ecolo-
especially on insights from the broadly-defined political ecology gies of water, little of which had hitherto paid much attention to
tradition (including elements of science studies and anthropology), the construction and implementation of hydrological concepts,
that seek to transcend Cartesian dualisms between humans and methods and data. We pursued this interest through a series of
the environment in favour of the co-constitution between society panel and paper sessions at the Association of American Geogra-
and nature. Unlike conventional studies that focus on the relation- phers annual meetings in 2008 (Water, Science, Humans: Adven-
ship between humans and water conceived of as two distinct cat- tures of the Hydrosocial Cycle), 2009 (Water, Science, Humans:
egories that interact with one another, considering water as Advancing the Hydrosocial Cycle) and 2010 (The Hydrosocial
socioecological makes it impossible to abstract water from the Cycle: Between Hydrology and Critical Social Science), which
social context that gives it meaning and from the socio-political attracted wide interest and participation from human geographers
processes that shape its material flows and its discursive and cognate scholars. Through our engagement in these sessions,
representations. our initial aim to reflect on the nature and place of hydrology in
In line with this perspective, the notion of a hydrosocial, as political ecologies of water developed into a much broader endeav-
opposed to a hydrological, cycle has gained traction as a means of our to further understandings of the relationships between water,
both capturing and integrating the socio-political and biophysical people and science, with a view to refine the nature of the concept
processes that constitute water, as well as highlighting the limita- of the hydrosocial cycle and contemplate the ways in which it
tions of traditional science and practice. The hydrosocial cycle is might support and advance critical political ecologies of water
purposefully contrasted with the hydrological cycle, which is a within academic scholarship, that may in turn inform water policy
dominant and enduring concept for portraying the physical states and practice, as well as feed new perspectives into interdisciplin-
and flows of water, yet arguably regards water and water processes ary water education.
as asocial and apolitical. However, as the use of the term (alongside The primary aim of the collection of papers assembled in this
and beyond other uses of the term ‘hydro-social’ or ‘hydrosocial’) special issue is thus to further consolidate the concept as a frame-
has proliferated, different meanings and usages have become work that focuses attention on the materiality of water flows in
apparent that suggest the need for further scrutiny. The concept conjunction with the social and political practices and discourses
of the hydrosocial cycle has hitherto been deployed to capture that shape and are shaped by them. This need is justified by obser-
the deepening entanglement of water flows and power relations, vations that hydrological processes are increasingly influenced by
and to shed light on the politicised nature of water management, human activities and institutions with specific visions and motives,
with a view to reinterpreting the social and ecological implications that hydrological data and knowledge are acknowledged as socially
that emerge as effects of power relations rather than of policy constructed and politically mobilised, that water is increasingly
styles (Bakker, 2003a, 2003b; Swyngedouw, 2006, 2009). To date, recognised as being characterised by multiple and context-specific
the flows of water and social power embedded within the hydroso- cultural meanings, and that the material and symbolic characteris-
cial cycle have been examined in a range of contexts and from dif- tics of water also play an important role in shaping social relations
ferent perspectives, including through the capitalist production of and forms of governance. A core contention of this collection of
urban environments (Kaika, 2005; Swyngedouw, 2004), the histor- papers, therefore, is that, while the hydrological cycle remains a
ical construction and mobilisation of the concept of the hydrolog- widely used framework for understanding biophysical processes,
ical cycle (Linton, 2008, 2010), and the production of hydrological it is lacking for the analysis of water governance, politics and
assessments that reinforce unequal access to water (Budds, 2008, conflict. Unlike the hydrological cycle, the hydrosocial cycle is
0016-7185/Ó 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
168 Editorial / Geoforum 57 (2014) 167–169

not concerned with water per se, but with hydrosocial relations. The The following three papers engage with and advance debates
hydrosocial cycle directs analysis to how social and power rela- around the roles of social and biophysical agency in the hydroso-
tions – especially connected with power and capital - shape the cial cycle (c.f. Bakker, 2003b; Barnes and Alatout, 2012; Bear and
nature and dynamics of water and its circulation, and how water Bull, 2011). The paper by Jessica Barnes explores the re-use of agri-
is influenced by social processes occurring at a wide variety of spa- cultural drainage water along the River Nile in Egypt, where the
tial and temporal scales beyond the basin unit. As the lead article continual recycling of used irrigation water among farmers renders
contends, the hydrosocial cycle thus potentially constitutes a the- this increasingly saline. Focusing on the changing nature of water
oretical framework for political ecologies of water. quality within the hydrosocial cycle, she shows how flows of
Through the framework of the hydrosocial cycle, therefore, our water, salts and chemicals become sporadic over both space and
aim is not to simply integrate water and socio-political factors, but time, and result in differential access among farmers of varying
rather to elucidate how water is produced through social and polit- levels of income. Barnes thus argues that water becomes trans-
ical processes, and how water shapes social structures, relations formed into different waters within the hydrosocial cycle, and that
and identities, and with what effects across space and time. The these different waters produce distinct, and inherently uneven,
authors of this collection of papers show how a focus on hydroso- hydrosocial arrangements.
cial relations rather than water itself enables us to advance analy- The next paper, by Peter Mollinga, examines the storage, diver-
ses of the political ecology of water from (external) relationships sion and distribution of water in a large-scale surface irrigation
between people and water, to the (internal) co-constitution of scheme in south India. Similar to Barnes, he explores the ways in
water itself through social and political processes. An important which social structure and agency intersect with water’s spatial
contribution of these papers, therefore, is their explicit interroga- and temporal dynamics within the hydrosocial cycle to produce
tion of how ‘water’ is never simply H2O but always produced as a uneven patterns of water distribution. Through detailed empirical
particular ‘water’, materially and discursively, and within specific research, Mollinga shows how hydrosocial relations are shaped as
moments, contexts and relations. To this end, they collectively con- farmers are regulated by the storage and release of water within
sider how water itself is conceptualised, how water knowledge and irrigation systems, and by the seasonality of irrigation as well as
concepts are constructed, how elements of the waterscape embed longer-term processes of agricultural development and prosperity.
and express politics, and how water integrates with other pro- Jeffrey Banister’s paper examines the dynamism and instability
cesses and elements within the hydrosocial cycle. of hydrosocial relations in the context of irrigation management in
This perspective, we contend, opens up fresh possibilities of north-west Mexico. Enriching debates around hydrosocial dialec-
knowledge and understanding of water and its circulation: tics and hybridity with Deleuzian notions of matter, flux and flow,
whereas the hydrological cycle is deemed to present the universal he emphasises the intersection between the non-linear behaviour
and natural behaviour of water that continually circulates as H2O, and amorphous nature of water and people’s strategies to subvert
the hydrosocial cycle draws attention to the complex and context- control and rule. Banister reappraises Wittfogel’s theory of the
specific social production, discursive construction and political relationship between water infrastructure and state control, by
mobilisation of ‘water’, and the dialectic process through which showing how irrigation infrastructure installed as an attempt to
such (produced, constructed and mobilised) ‘water’ in turn config- impose bureaucracy and foster private capital accumulation was
ures society. Nevertheless, a challenge that remains for a future challenged by the unruly nature of water entangled with the per-
opportunity is to explore how the concept can be usefully mobi- sistence of indigenous practices.
lised politically, with a view to inspire change in hydrosocial rela- Banister’s paper also introduces the theme of the co-constitu-
tions within policy, advocacy and practice. By making manifest the tive relationship between water and the state, which is further
politicised nature of water and its circulation, the hydrosocial cycle developed in the following two papers. Continuing to draw on
has the potential to engage wider audiences to open up possibili- insight from Mexico, and also returning to the theme of agency
ties for democratic and/or emancipatory change. and infrastructure taken up by Mollinga, Katie Meehan examines
The special issue comprises a lead article that reviews and the agential role of water-related objects in the production of state
conceptualises the hydrosocial cycle, followed by eight papers power. Based upon an analysis of water laws and treaties, flood
that engage the concept and develop it through empirical work control and drinking water supply infrastructure, and ordinary
from around the world, which collectively illustrate how a focus tanks and buckets in low-income households in Tijuana, she shows
on the production of water rather than H2O per se directs our how these artefacts produce unevenness in state power over space
attention away from simply the politics of or around water, and and time. Meehan argues that these water-related objects are not
towards those that are embedded in and pursued through water, simply tools that are used by the state to consolidate power and
as water and society shape and reshape each other to produce control over water, but rather embody and produce power in
new hydrosocial arrangements over space and time (Bear and themselves, with the effect of reconfiguring hydrosocial orders.
Bull, 2011; Budds, 2013; Linton, 2010; Loftus, 2009; The paper by Rachael McDonnell explores the nexus between
Swyngedouw, 1999, 2007). water and energy within the hydrosocial cycle, by examining the
The first article by Jamie Linton and Jessica Budds traces the production of water through desalination and wastewater recy-
emergence of the hydrosocial cycle in critical geography and polit- cling technologies in Abu Dhabi. Critically engaging with com-
ical ecology, building on literature that critiques the desocialised monly held conceptions of the United Arab Emirates as rentier
treatment of water in political, managerial and administrative states, and echoing Banister’s reappraisal of Wittfogel’s theory of
practice and discourse (Budds and Sultana, 2013; Loftus, 2009, centralised state control in arid regions, she shows how the devel-
2011; Swyngedouw, 1999, 2004, 2007) by further developing the opment of the energy sector has enabled the large-scale production
concept in relation to water governance. The paper puts forward of new sources of water, which have in turn radically transformed
a conceptualisation of the hydrosocial cycle as a process through formerly arid landscapes, traditional water-saving cultures and
which water and society make and remake each other over space previous modes of state governance. McDonnell argues that Abu
and time, and develops it as an analytical framework to underpin Dhabi’s hydrosocial cycle cannot be understood in isolation of
critical political ecologies of water, by reflecting upon what water energy production and governance, thereby cautioning against an
is, how water is known, the co-constitution of water and politics, exclusionary focus on water within the hydrosocial cycle.
and the need to look beyond the water itself in hydrosocial The final three papers develop a focus on the internal relation
relations. between situated water knowledges and social orders within the
Editorial / Geoforum 57 (2014) 167–169 169

hydrosocial cycle. The paper by Rutgerd Boelens draws on the cul- Barnes, J., Alatout, S., 2012. Water worlds: introduction to the special issue of social
studies of science. Social Stud. Sci. 42 (4), 483–488.
tural and experiential dimensions of water (c.f. Mosse, 2003;
Bear, C., Bull, J., 2011. Guest editorial. Environ. Planning A 43, 2261–2266.
Orlove and Caton, 2010; Strang, 2004) to examine an Andean Budds, J., 2008. Whose scarcity? The hydrosocial cycle and the changing waterscape
indigenous conception of the water cycle, and its relationship with of La Ligua river basin, Chile. In: Goodman, M., Boykoff, M., Evered, K. (Eds.),
the development of hydrosocial relations in the highlands of Peru. Contentious Geographies: Environment, Meaning, Scale. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp.
He develops the notion of an Andean ‘hydrocosmological cycle’, Budds, J., 2009. Contested H2O: science, policy and politics in water resources
whereby water processes are understood and framed by Quechua management in Chile. Geoforum 40 (3), 418–430.
villagers through their experiences of interconnecting physical, Budds, J., 2013. Water, power and the production of neoliberalism in Chile, 1973–
2005. Environ. Planning D: Society Space 31 (2), 301–318.
human and spiritual factors. Boelens argues that the hydrosocial Budds, J., Sultana, F., 2013. Exploring political ecologies of water and development.
cycle serves to elucidate how Western notions of water have Environ. Planning D: Society Space 31 (2), 275–279.
served to naturalise existing hydrosocial relations and legitimise Cohen, A., Davidson, S., 2011. The watershed approach: challenges, antecedents, and
the transition from technical tool to governance unit. Water Alternatives 4 (1),
exclusionary patterns of water distribution. 1–14.
The next two papers draw on science and technology studies to Kaika, M., 2005. City of Flows: Modernity, Nature, and the City. Routledge, London
examine the historical and political construction of water knowl- and New York.
Linton, J., 2008. Is the hydrologic cycle sustainable? A historical–geographical
edge and concepts, and their subsequent naturalisation, depoliti- critique of a modern concept. Ann. Assoc. Am. Geographers 98 (3), 630–649.
cised implementation, and material effects (c.f. Budds, 2009; Linton, J., 2010. What is Water? The History of a Modern Abstraction. UBC Press,
Cohen and Davidson, 2011; Linton, 2008, 2010). Gabrielle Bou- Vancouver.
Linton, J., Budds, J., 2014. The hydrosocial cycle: Defining and mobilizing a
leau’s paper explores the co-production of water science and social
relational-dialectical approach to water. Geoforum 57, 170–180.
order, through a comparison of the development of water manage- Loftus, A., 2009. Rethinking political ecologies of water. Third World Quarterly 30
ment ideas and practices in the Rhône and the Seine river basins of (5), 953–968.
France. Whereas the concept of the ‘hydrosystem’ emerged out of Loftus, A., 2011. Thinking relationally about water: review based on Linton’s what is
water? Geographical J. 177 (2), 186–188.
scientific practice in the Rhône basin, water scientists in the Seine Mosse, D., 2003. The Rule of Water: Statecraft, Ecology and Collective Action in
basin developed the idea of the river as a series of ‘bioreactors’. She South India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
demonstrates how these concepts emerged in each context, Orlove, B., Caton, S., 2010. Water sustainability: anthropological approaches and
prospects. Ann. Rev. Anthropol. 39, 401–415.
according to the characteristics and dynamics of each river basin Strang, V., 2004. The Meaning of Water. Berg, London.
and the expertise of the lead scientists, whose consideration of Swyngedouw, E., 1999. Modernity and hybridity: nature, regeneracionismo, and the
what water was and how it should be managed reshaped modes production of the Spanish waterscape, 1890–1930. Ann. Assoc. Am.
Geographers 89 (3), 443–465.
of river basin development and waterscapes, thus implicating Swyngedouw, E., 2004. Social Power and the Urbanization of Water: Flows of
social order. Bouleau argues that an important component of the Power. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
hydrosocial cycle is the dialectical relationship between knowl- Swyngedouw, E., 2006. Power, Water and Money: Exploring the Nexus. United
Nations Development Program. Occasional Paper 2006/14. Human
edge of water and the identity of water, which are subject to stabi- Development Report Office.
lisation and destabilisation according to the circumstances within Swyngedouw, E., 2007. Dispossessing H2O. In: Heynan, N., McCarthy, J., Prudham, S.,
which they are produced. Robbins, P. (Eds.), Neoliberal Environments: False Promises and Unnatural
Consequences. Routledge, London, pp. 51–62.
In the final paper, Sara Fernandez also examines the epistemol-
Swyngedouw, E., 2009. The political economy and political ecology of the
ogy of water through the hydrosocial cycle, by providing a rich hydrosocial cycle. J. Contemporary Water Res. Education 142, 56–60.
genealogy of the Minimum Flow Requirements and their imple-
mentation in France. She explores the context-specific discourses Jessica Budds
and practices involved in the production of these indicators, shed- University of East Anglia, UK
ding light on the social and political implications of the manner in
Jamie Linton
which they portray rivers and determine what needs to be mea-
Université de Limoges, France
sured and how. Similar to Bouleau’s analysis, Fernandez argues
that the MFRs were promoted as scientific, which obscured the Queen’s University, Canada
politics that shaped their production, as well as the powerful inter-
Rachael McDonnell
ests that were served by their practical implementation, in partic-
University of Oxford, UK
ular their effect of socially constructing water scarcity.
Collectively, these papers frame, develop and exemplify the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture, United Arab Emirates
process of co-constitution of water and society as embodied within
the hydrosocial cycle, and we consider that they serve as an impor- Available online 28 August 2014
tant point of departure for future critical work and further discus-
sion in this area.


Bakker, K., 2003a. A political ecology of water privatization. Stud. Polit. Econ. 70
(Spring), 35–58.
Bakker, K., 2003b. An Uncooperative Commodity: Privatizing Water in England and
Wales. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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