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Find the statement that must be coherently true according to the given information:

1. Bilal has a paper route. Each morning, he delivers 37 newspapers to customers in his neighborhood. It
takes Bilal 50 minutes to deliver all the papers. If Bilal is sick or has other plans, his friend Sadaqat, who
lives on the same street, will deliver the papers for him.
a) Bilal and Sadaqat live in the same neighborhood.
b) It takes Sadaqat more than 50 minutes to deliver the papers.
c) It is dark outside when Bilal begins his deliveries.

2. Erum is twenty years old. For three years, she has been asking her parents for a dog. Her parents have
told her that they believe a dog would not be happy in an apartment, but they have given her permission to
have a bird. Erum has not yet decided what kind of bird she would like to have.
a) Erum's parents like birds better than they like dogs.
b) Erum does not like birds.
c) Erum and her parents live in an apartment.

3. When they heard news of the hurricane, Mahira and Hina decided to change their vacation plans. Instead
of traveling to the island beach resort, they booked a room at a fancy new spa in the mountains. Their plans
were a bit more expensive, but they had heard wonderful things about the spa and they were relieved to
find availability on such short notice.
a) Mahira and Hina take beach vacations every year.
b) The spa is overpriced.
c) Mahira and Hina decided to change their vacation plans because of the hurricane.

4. On weekends, Mr. Zubair spends many hours working in his vegetable and flower gardens. Mrs. Zubair
spends her free time reading and listening to classical music. Both Mr. Zubair and Mrs. Zubair like to cook.
a) Mr. Zubair enjoys planting and growing vegetables.
b) Mr. Zubair does not like classical music.
c) Mrs. Zubair cooks the vegetables that Mr. Zubair grows.

5. Gul lives in a large city on the East Coast. Her younger cousin Waqas lives in the Mid-west in a small
town with fewer than 1,000 residents. Waqas has visited Gul several times during the past five years. In the
same period, Gul has visited Waqas only once.
a) Waqas likes Gul better than Gul likes Waqas.
b) Gul thinks small towns are boring.
c) Gul is older than Waqas

6. Owais’s commute never bothered him because there were always seats available on the train and he was
able to spend his 40 minutes comfortably reading the newspaper or catching up on paperwork. Ever since
the train schedule changed, the train has been extremely crowded, and by the time the doors open at his
station, there isn’t a seat to be found.
a) Owais would be better off taking the bus to work.
b) Owais’s commute is less comfortable since the train schedule changed.
c) Many commuters will complain about the new train schedule.
Quiz 1: Identify how truth is being determined in the passages below:


“I may have no evidence that souls survive after death, but I want to experience the benefits of the
belief in immortality (such as strength, courage, comfort). Because the devout Muslim knows that
Allah endows him with courage in battle, then he will not falter as the Holy War is waged. Like
the kamikaze pilot could look forward with patriotic fervor to the moment when he could dive his
Suisei bomber onto the deck of an aircraft carrier, since he knew beyond doubt that he would return
in spirit directly to the Yasukuni Shrine and be visited by family and friends. So, I will believe in


It is safe to conclude that our modernized society seems obsessed with youth, it is at least partly
because companies are. Like it or not, the young increasingly pick the styles and brands that trickle
up to the rest of the population. Nike, Adidas and Reebok first found success with the young, and
when that clientele tired of them the companies felt the loss deeply. Now that adults are no longer
necessarily expected to act and look grown-up, parents and children can be found listening to
exactly the same music, playing the same computer games, watching the same TV programs, and
wearing the same brands of clothes and shoes.


How do I know that the fruit is good to eat? Well, I have a litmus test; for e.g. I am to eat this
watermelon then the best way to know if this watermelon is ripe and ready to eat is to feel it, thump
it and listen to the thump; plug it, smell it, and taste it. Now all the senses can’t be wrong, can


Our history professor said that “Alexander the Great never returned to Rome because he fell in
love with Cleopatra and spent the rest of his life in Egypt.” But how could that be because from
what I know Alexander died in 323 BC and he was certainly no Roman; and Cleopatra died in
about 30 BC. I believe he must have confused Anthony with Alexander.

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