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9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

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Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls. 766;, 93, 15;2‒1519

Related titles Ilkyiroclmetaom amto Rtyrlml4 Jamltab Noil`amc emi Wlebt

Som Del @ll† emi Ca`glrt H. Hronlmt*
Ertal NbHlrram Ilpertnlmt oh Bklnabe` Lmcamllramc, Ylxes E&N \maXlrsaty, Bo``lcl Rtetaom, Ylx

E slt oh amtramsab retl lquetaoms gesli om tkl Kouclm sSetsom horne`asn wes ilravli hor tkl il
oh ltky`glmzlml amto styrlml om e bonnlrbae` potessaun-pronotli arom bete`yst. Ykl noil`
emi perenltlr lstanetaom wes gesli om em lxtlmsavl slt oh lxplranlmts tket wlrl bomiubtl
rlebtor. Lxplranlmte` iete wlrl ogteamli hor e remcl oh tlnplreturls, spebl tanls, emi hlli n
stlen to ltky`glmzlml, styrlml to ltky`glmzlml, emi kyiroclm to ltky`glmzlml. E`` tkl lstanet
setasſtli tkl stetastabe` tlsts emi pkysabobklnabe` bratlrae, emi tkl jamltab noil` yal`ili em lxb
lxplranlmte` iete. Ykl noil` wes epp`ali am tkl sanu`etaom oh tkl ilkyiroclmetaom am amius
eiaegetab rlebtors watk latklr exae` or reiae` ﬇ow emi ebboumtamc e`so hor tklrne` reiabe`-typl rle
iahhusaom `anatetaoms bojl hornetaom emi cesaſtbetaom 1/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls. 766;, 93, 15;2‒1519

Related titles Ilkyiroclmetaom amto Rtyrlml4 Jamltab Noil`amc emi Wlebt

Som Del @ll† emi Ca`glrt H. Hronlmt*
Ertal NbHlrram Ilpertnlmt oh Bklnabe` Lmcamllramc, Ylxes E&N \maXlrsaty, Bo``lcl Rtetaom, Ylx

E slt oh amtramsab retl lquetaoms gesli om tkl Kouclm sSetsom horne`asn wes ilravli hor tkl il
oh ltky`glmzlml amto styrlml om e bonnlrbae` potessaun-pronotli arom bete`yst. Ykl noil`
emi perenltlr lstanetaom wes gesli om em lxtlmsavl slt oh lxplranlmts tket wlrl bomiubtl
rlebtor. Lxplranlmte` iete wlrl ogteamli hor e remcl oh tlnplreturls, spebl tanls, emi hlli n
stlen to ltky`glmzlml, styrlml to ltky`glmzlml, emi kyiroclm to ltky`glmzlml. E`` tkl lstanet
setasſtli tkl stetastabe` tlsts emi pkysabobklnabe` bratlrae, emi tkl jamltab noil` yal`ili em lxb
lxplranlmte` iete. Ykl noil` wes epp`ali am tkl sanu`etaom oh tkl ilkyiroclmetaom am amius
eiaegetab rlebtors watk latklr exae` or reiae` ﬇ow emi ebboumtamc e`so hor tklrne` reiabe`-typl rle
iahhusaom `anatetaoms, bojl hornetaom, emi cesaſtbetaom.

1 5. Amtroiubtaom emi ilsorptaom perenltlrs) wlrl iltlrnam

, Rtyrlml (RY) as oml oh tkl nost anportemt nomonlrs am tkl
2 Yo ebburetl`y prliabt tkl rlebtor plrhornemb
7 bklnabe` amiustry. Norl tkem 7.< Ó 563 NY/yler oh styrlml
y nlmt oh em amtramsab KouclmsSetsom typl jam
e nomonlr as proiubli wor`iwail.5 Ykl ilkyiroclmetaom oh
N ebboumtamc hor tkl eisorptaom emi ilsorptaom
m . ltky`glmzlml (LG) om arom oxail bete`ysts pronotli gy potes-
o u splbals, as amilli rlquarli. Ykas wes ettlnptl
8 ; saun ebboumts hor ;<% oh tkl bonnlrbae` proiubtaom.7 Glmzlml
; 1 6 worj stertamc hron em lxtlmsavl slt oh jamltab lx
46 5 (GT), to`ulml (YO), nltkeml, emi ltky`lml erl tkl neam
2 3
4 l 6 amtramsab jamltab noil` as amslrtli amto e kltlroc
9 /a gyproiubts.2 Ykl ilkyiroclmetaom oh LG as em lmiotklrnab emi
42 5 noil`, ebboumtamc hor iahhusaom `anatetaom ams
6 7 rlvlrsag`l rlebtaom watk em ambrlesl am tkl munglr oh no`ls, so
7 6 pertab`ls emi e`so hor tkl tklrne` rlebtaoms, to san
et .5 tket kack bomvlrsaom rlquarls kack tlnplreturls emi e `ow LG
6 exae` emi reiae` ﬇ow nu`tagli eiaegetab rlebto
X 5
A /a pertae` prlssurl.
M o noil` hor tkl neam rlebtaoms as e`so bongamli w
\ c /i Votessaun pronotls tkl bete`yst ebtavaty emi lmkembls tkl
M .ro bojl hornetaom emi cesaſtbetaom to be`bu`et
W s sl`lbtavaty to RY. Ykl ro`l oh potessaun as ettragutli to tkl
O b lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt oh tkl bete`yst hor iahh
J .es
lxastlmbl oh em ebtavl pkesl, potessaun hlrratl (JHlO7).9‒56
C g kyirobergom hlli retaos emi to amvlstacetl tkl
M u Votessaun e`so pronotls tkl cesaſtbetaom oh tkl bergomeblous
O p // bojl hornetaom om tkl rlebtor plrhornembl.
@ 4s ilposats om tkl bete`yst emi wou`i neamteam tkl bete`yst ebtavaty,
E p
@ ttk lvlm et rl`etavl`y `ow stlen-to-kyirobergom retaos (a.l., gl`ow
\ 7. Lxplranlmte` \mat
K n e no`er retao oh 55.;45).<,55,57
B o r Kack stlen-to-kyirobergom retaos hevor tkl sl`lbtavaty to RY
y h Ywo `aquai hllis, a.l., kyirobergom naxturl (L
i gut e`so tkl `ahltanl emi stega`aty oh tkl bete`yst gy ilbrlesamc wetlr, wlrl slperetl`y punpli emi bomtro``li
ei of 12
tkl umilsarli bergom proiubtaom. Ilvo`ilrlemi Hronlmt52 prlbasl syramcl punps. M7 wes usli es e ia`ulmt
m stuiali tkl am﬇ulmbl oh tkl hornetaom oh bojl om tkl bete`yst emi es em amtlrme` stemieri hor tkl ces bkrone
o emi oh ats cesaſtbetaom gy stlen om tkl oplretaom oh RY p`emts eme`ysas. Ykl ﬇ow retl oh M7 wes bomtro``li gy
emi amtroiubli tkl motaom oh e ‐iymenab lqua`agraun bojl ﬇ow bomtro``lr. Crlet berl wes tejlm to kevl
Related titles

cesls wl``-naxli tkrouck two prlkletlrs am sl

Ykl jamltabs oh LG ilkyiroclmetaom kevl gllm wail`y wlrl hli to tkl rlebtor. Ykl rlebtor wes heg
amvlstacetli59‒5; gut sl`ion am e humienlmte` wey, clmlretamc steam`lss stll` tugl emi kei em amtlrme` iaenltl
lnparabe` po`ymonae` borrl`etaoms hor tkl optanazetaom oh tkl `lmctk oh 5; am. Ykl ammlr surhebl oh tkl rlebtor
bonnlrbae` umat.51‒75 Hurtklrnorl, tkl rlebtaom retls rlportli bkronaun, to supprlss bojl hornetaom om tkl w
am nost oh tkl peplrs erl mot amtramsab, gut retklr erl lhhlbtavl wes kletli gy em l`lbtrab hurmebl surroumiamc t
(a.l., amb`uiamc tkl lhhlbts oh iahhusaome` `anatetaoms).59,58,77 Ykrll Onlce typl-J tklrnoboup`ls wlrl `obetl
Wlblmt`y, kowlvlr, Rbkü`l lt e`.72 ilravli e nlbkemastab noil` oh tkl amtlrme` we`` oh tkl hurmebl. Ykl tlnplr
usamc e samc`l-bryste` umpronotli arom oxail ſt`n. At amb`uils rlebtor wes nomatorli gy e Onlce typl-J tkl
LG ilkyiroclmetaom amto RY, gut at iols mot bomsailr GT emi s`ai amsail e tklrnowl``. Mo tlnplreturl creial
YO hornetaom emi tklrne` rlebtaoms. Ykl rliox rlebtaoms om ovlr tkl bete`yst gli.
tkl bete`yst emi bojl hornetaom wlrl amb`uili am tkl noil` tket Ykl bonnlrbae` arom bete`yst wes bruskli to
bomteams 25 perenltlrs, 52 oh wkabk wlrl lstanetli hron ovlre`` oh 6.7<-6.97 nn, to evoai amtlrme` iahhusaom `
jamltab nlesurlnlmts, wklrles tkl otklrs (subk es eisorptaom wes naxli watk tkl senl pertab`l sazl oh W-E`7O
MorVro, I-11) am e wlackt retao oh 548. Glbeu
* Yo wkon borrlspomilmbl skou`i gl eiirlssli. Yl`.4 +5-131-;9<-
2285. Hex4 + 5-131-;9<-8998. L-nea`4 c.hronlmtFbkl.tenu.liu. tugl iaenltlr to bete`yst pl``lt iaenltlr as .56,

V ii B W&I @C Bk @ i /W kV j amsail tkl rlebtor bem gl bomsailrli to gl oh tkl 2/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
i gut e`so tkl `ahltanl emi stega`aty oh tkl bete`yst gy ilbrlesamc wetlr, wlrl slperetl`y punpli emi bomtro``li
e tkl umilsarli of 12
bergom proiubtaom. Ilvo`ilrlemi Hronlmt52 prlbasl syramcl punps. M7 wes usli es e ia`ulmt
m stuiali tkl am﬇ulmbl oh tkl hornetaom oh bojl om tkl bete`yst emi es em amtlrme` stemieri hor tkl ces bkrone
o emi oh ats cesaſtbetaom gy stlen om tkl oplretaom oh RY p`emts eme`ysas. Ykl ﬇ow retl oh M7 wes bomtro``li gy
emi amtroiubli tkl motaom oh e ‐iymenab lqua`agraun bojl ﬇ow bomtro``lr. Crlet berl wes tejlm to kevl
Related titles

cesls wl``-naxli tkrouck two prlkletlrs am sl
Ykl jamltabs oh LG ilkyiroclmetaom kevl gllm wail`y wlrl hli to tkl rlebtor. Ykl rlebtor wes heg
amvlstacetli59‒5; gut sl`ion am e humienlmte` wey, clmlretamc steam`lss stll` tugl emi kei em amtlrme` iaenltl
lnparabe` po`ymonae` borrl`etaoms hor tkl optanazetaom oh tkl `lmctk oh 5; am. Ykl ammlr surhebl oh tkl rlebtor
bonnlrbae` umat.51‒75 Hurtklrnorl, tkl rlebtaom retls rlportli bkronaun, to supprlss bojl hornetaom om tkl w
am nost oh tkl peplrs erl mot amtramsab, gut retklr erl lhhlbtavl wes kletli gy em l`lbtrab hurmebl surroumiamc t
(a.l., amb`uiamc tkl lhhlbts oh iahhusaome` `anatetaoms).59,58,77 Ykrll Onlce typl-J tklrnoboup`ls wlrl `obetl
Wlblmt`y, kowlvlr, Rbkü`l lt e`.72 ilravli e nlbkemastab noil` oh tkl amtlrme` we`` oh tkl hurmebl. Ykl tlnplr
usamc e samc`l-bryste` umpronotli arom oxail ſt`n. At amb`uils rlebtor wes nomatorli gy e Onlce typl-J tkl
LG ilkyiroclmetaom amto RY, gut at iols mot bomsailr GT emi s`ai amsail e tklrnowl``. Mo tlnplreturl creial
YO hornetaom emi tklrne` rlebtaoms. Ykl rliox rlebtaoms om ovlr tkl bete`yst gli.
tkl bete`yst emi bojl hornetaom wlrl amb`uili am tkl noil` tket Ykl bonnlrbae` arom bete`yst wes bruskli to
bomteams 25 perenltlrs, 52 oh wkabk wlrl lstanetli hron ovlre`` oh 6.7<-6.97 nn, to evoai amtlrme` iahhusaom `
jamltab nlesurlnlmts, wklrles tkl otklrs (subk es eisorptaom wes naxli watk tkl senl pertab`l sazl oh W-E`7O
MorVro, I-11) am e wlackt retao oh 548. Glbeu
* Yo wkon borrlspomilmbl skou`i gl eiirlssli. Yl`.4 +5-131-;9<-
2285. Hex4 + 5-131-;9<-8998. L-nea`4 c.hronlmtFbkl.tenu.liu. tugl iaenltlr to bete`yst pl``lt iaenltlr as .56,

Vrlslmt eiirlss4 Borporetl W&I, @C Bkln, @ti./Wlslerbk Verj, amsail tkl rlebtor bem gl bomsailrli to gl oh tkl
Noomda-Iomc, Quslomc, Ieldlom, 26<-2;6, Jorle. Ykl bete`yst-amlrts naxturl wes p`ebli am tkl
56.5675/al63561;u BBB4 $96.3< © 766; Enlrabem Bklnabe` Robalty
Vug`askli om Slg 67/68/766;

of 12 
15;9 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

oh tkl rlebtor, emi ats gli ilptk verali gltwllm 2 emi < bn,
Related titles
ilplmiamc om tkl enoumt oh bete`yst. Ykl upplr emi `owlr

slbtaoms oh tkl rlebtor wlrl ſt``li watk W -E`7O2 gleis to slrvl

two humbtaoms4 prlkletamc emi naxamc oh rlebtemts emi ilbrlesamc
tkl hrll vo`unl am tkl rlebtor.
E sne`` hrebtaom oh tkl lxat ces wes slmt to e Rkaneizu 53E
ces bkronetocrepk watk e tklrne` bomiubtavaty iltlbtor (YBI),
ho``owli gy e Klw`lttsVebjeri (KV) <;16 ces bkronetocrepk
watk e ﬇enl aomazetaom iltlbtor (HAI) hor om`aml eme`ysas. Ywo
ces bkronetocrepks wlrl bommlbtli am slrals, emi kl`aun wes
usli es e berralr ces. Ykl Rkaneizu 53E ces bkronetocrepk
wes lquappli watk two ve`vls to amdlbt tkl ceslous proiubts
emi swatbkli tkl ve`vls gy nlems oh e tanamc procren storli
am tkl ces bkronetocrepk. Ykl ovlm tlnplreturl procrens oh
tkl Rkaneizu 53E emi KV <;16 ces bkronetocrepks emi ve`vl Hacurl 5. Lhhlbt oh tlnplreturl om tkl ltky`glmzlml (L
swatbkamc tanamc procren wlrl netbkli to ebbonp`ask tkl styrlml (RY) hor Y ) 866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69
ilsarli slperetaom oh e`` bonpoumis. Ykrll bepa``ery bo`unms ger: K7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: RY-to-LG no
wlrl usli4 KV V@OY No`lbu`er Ralvl <E bo`unm (Eca`lmt, to-LG no`er retao ) 6. 3/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
15;9 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

oh tkl rlebtor, emi ats gli ilptk verali gltwllm 2 emi < bn,
Related titles
ilplmiamc om tkl enoumt oh bete`yst. Ykl upplr emi `owlr

slbtaoms oh tkl rlebtor wlrl ſt``li watk W -E`7O2 gleis to slrvl
two humbtaoms4 prlkletamc emi naxamc oh rlebtemts emi ilbrlesamc
tkl hrll vo`unl am tkl rlebtor.
E sne`` hrebtaom oh tkl lxat ces wes slmt to e Rkaneizu 53E
ces bkronetocrepk watk e tklrne` bomiubtavaty iltlbtor (YBI),
ho``owli gy e Klw`lttsVebjeri (KV) <;16 ces bkronetocrepk
watk e ﬇enl aomazetaom iltlbtor (HAI) hor om`aml eme`ysas. Ywo
ces bkronetocrepks wlrl bommlbtli am slrals, emi kl`aun wes
usli es e berralr ces. Ykl Rkaneizu 53E ces bkronetocrepk
wes lquappli watk two ve`vls to amdlbt tkl ceslous proiubts
emi swatbkli tkl ve`vls gy nlems oh e tanamc procren storli
am tkl ces bkronetocrepk. Ykl ovlm tlnplreturl procrens oh
tkl Rkaneizu 53E emi KV <;16 ces bkronetocrepks emi ve`vl Hacurl 5. Lhhlbt oh tlnplreturl om tkl ltky`glmzlml (L
swatbkamc tanamc procren wlrl netbkli to ebbonp`ask tkl styrlml (RY) hor Y ) 866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69
ilsarli slperetaom oh e`` bonpoumis. Ykrll bepa``ery bo`unms ger: K7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: RY-to-LG no
wlrl usli4 KV V@OY No`lbu`er Ralvl <E bo`unm (Eca`lmt, to-LG no`er retao ) 6.
6.<2 nn AI Ó 7< ¼n Ó 5< n), hor tkl slperetaom oh K7 emi
M7: CR-U bepa``ery bo`unm (D&S, 6.<2 nn AI Ó 26 n), hor
tkl slperetaom oh M7, BO, BO 7, BK9, B7K9, emi K7O: emi e
KV-< bepa``ery bo`unm (Eca`lmt, 6.<2 nn AI Ó 5.< ¼n Ó
26 n), hor tkl slperetaom oh eronetab bonpoumis.
M7 wes usli es e pranery amtlrme` stemieri hor tkl YBI
eme`ysas. LG wes bkoslm es e slbomiery amtlrme` stemieri,
glbeusl at epplerli om gotk YBI emi HAI es oml oh tkl nedor
bonpoumis emi bou`i gl usli to ‐tal„ tkl eme`ysls om tkl two
LG bomvlrsaom, bomvlrsaoms oh LG to proiubt d , emi sl`lbtava-
tals to proiubt d wlrl be`bu`etli usamc tkl ho``owamc ilſtmataoms4
LG bomvlrsaom (%) ) 566 Ó 6 Hacurl 7. RY sl`lbtavaty es e humbtaom oh LG bomvlrsaom
HLG emi 896 ¶ B, V Y ) 5.69 ger: V M7 ) 6.927 ger: K 7O-to-LG
no`/no`: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) 6: K7-to-LG no`er re
Hd - Hd
Bomvlrsaom oh LG to proiubt d (%) ) 566 Ó 6 2. Lxplranlmte` Wlsu`ts
Lxplranlmte` iete wlrl bo``lbtli gy amdlbtamc
Hd - Hd 8-56 tanls amto tkl om`aml CB sltup umilr tkl
Rl`lbtavaty to proiubt d ( %) ) 566 Ó 6
HLG - HLG bomiataoms. Ykl iete p`ottli am tkl ho``owamc ſtcu
of 12 
oh tkosl ve`uls. Ykl stemieri ilvaetaom oh leb
Vraor to bomiubtamc tkl lxplranlmts, tkl hrlsk arom bete`ysts wlrl oh tkl evlrecl ve`ul.
ebtavetli. Ykl tlnplreturl wes ambrlesli to 876 ¶ B umilr e M7 Hor e`` tkl tlnplreturls, tkl LG bomvlrsaom i
﬇ow hor 57 k. E typabe` pertae` prlssurl oh M7 wes 6.927 ger. epprlbaeg`y wklm tkl spebl tanls lxbllili 36 c
Setlr wes amdlbtli to tkl prlkletlr 5 or 7 nam glhorl tkl LG
Related titles glbeusl tkl rlebtaoms epproebk lqua`agraun et k

wes eiili. E typabe` K7O-to-LG hlli retao wes 55 no`/no`. Ykl so`ai `amls am tkl ho``owamc ſtcurls erl irew
Rlvlre` ieys wlrl rlquarli hor tkl bete`yst to gl hu``y ebtavetli. Hacurl 5 skows tkl lhhlbt oh tlnplreturl om tkl
Iuramc tkl mackt, tkl hlli oh LG emi wetlr wes e`weys skut to RY hor e no`er stlen-to-LG retao oh 55. Ykl re
ohh, wka`l tkl tlnplreturl wes neamteamli et 876 ¶ B umilr M7 oh RY hron LG ilbrlesli es tkl spebl tanl
﬇ow. be`bu`etli lqua`agraun bomvlrsaoms oh LG to
Jamltab iete wlrl bo``lbtli et veraous tlnplreturls, spebl ;<.6%, emi ;;.;% et Y ) 866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B
tanls, emi hlli no`er retaos oh K7O emi LG, RY emi LG, emi Ykl borrlspomiamc lxplranlmte` ve`uls et S/H
K7 emi LG. Rpebl tanl as ilſtmli es tkl wlackt oh bete`yst k/no` skowm am Hacurl 5 wlrl 86.6%, 35.8
iavaili gy tkl hlli no`er ﬇ow retl oh LG. Rpebl tanl wes am rlsplbtavl`y, a.l., wl`` gl`ow tkl lqua`agraun v
tkl remcl oh 8-36 c-bet k/(no` LG). Lxplranlmts wlrl skows tkl RY sl`lbtavaty es e humbtaom oh tkl LG
plrhornli et tkrll iahhlrlmt tlnplreturls4 866, 876, emi 896 tkl bonp`ltl tlnplreturl remcl. Ykl RY sl`lbt
¶B. Ykl jamltab lxplranlmts wlrl e`weys bomiubtli et rl`etavl`y em opposatl wey to tkl LG bomvlrsaom. Ykl RY
`ow bomvlrsaoms, her ewey hron lqua`agraun. E rlhlrlmbl e tlmilmby to ilbrlesl es tkl tlnplreturl amb
rlebtaom bomiataom wes usli to bklbj wkltklr tkl bete`yst wes tkl bonpltatavl rlebtaoms tket proiubl gypr
mot ilebtavetli gy bojl ebbunu`etaom, potessaun `oss, or promoumbli watk ambrlesamc tlnplreturl. Hacur
rliubtaom glhorl bomiubtamc jamltab lxplranlmts. Ah emy `oss oh tkl GT emi YO sl`lbtavaty, es e humbtaom oh LG b 4/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
HLG - HLG bomiataoms. Ykl iete p`ottli am tkl ho``owamc ſtcu
of 12 
oh tkosl ve`uls. Ykl stemieri ilvaetaom oh leb
Vraor to bomiubtamc tkl lxplranlmts, tkl hrlsk arom bete`ysts wlrl oh tkl evlrecl ve`ul.
ebtavetli. Ykl tlnplreturl wes ambrlesli to 876 ¶ B umilr e M7 Hor e`` tkl tlnplreturls, tkl LG bomvlrsaom i
﬇ow hor 57 k. E typabe` pertae` prlssurl oh M7 wes 6.927 ger. epprlbaeg`y wklm tkl spebl tanls lxbllili 36 c
Setlr wes amdlbtli to tkl prlkletlr 5 or 7 nam glhorl tkl LG
Related titles glbeusl tkl rlebtaoms epproebk lqua`agraun et k

wes eiili. E typabe` K7O-to-LG hlli retao wes 55 no`/no`. Ykl so`ai `amls am tkl ho``owamc ſtcurls erl irew
Rlvlre` ieys wlrl rlquarli hor tkl bete`yst to gl hu``y ebtavetli. Hacurl 5 skows tkl lhhlbt oh tlnplreturl om tkl
Iuramc tkl mackt, tkl hlli oh LG emi wetlr wes e`weys skut to RY hor e no`er stlen-to-LG retao oh 55. Ykl re
ohh, wka`l tkl tlnplreturl wes neamteamli et 876 ¶ B umilr M7 oh RY hron LG ilbrlesli es tkl spebl tanl
﬇ow. be`bu`etli lqua`agraun bomvlrsaoms oh LG to
Jamltab iete wlrl bo``lbtli et veraous tlnplreturls, spebl ;<.6%, emi ;;.;% et Y ) 866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B
tanls, emi hlli no`er retaos oh K7O emi LG, RY emi LG, emi Ykl borrlspomiamc lxplranlmte` ve`uls et S/H
K7 emi LG. Rpebl tanl as ilſtmli es tkl wlackt oh bete`yst k/no` skowm am Hacurl 5 wlrl 86.6%, 35.8
iavaili gy tkl hlli no`er ﬇ow retl oh LG. Rpebl tanl wes am rlsplbtavl`y, a.l., wl`` gl`ow tkl lqua`agraun v
tkl remcl oh 8-36 c-bet k/(no` LG). Lxplranlmts wlrl skows tkl RY sl`lbtavaty es e humbtaom oh tkl LG
plrhornli et tkrll iahhlrlmt tlnplreturls4 866, 876, emi 896 tkl bonp`ltl tlnplreturl remcl. Ykl RY sl`lbt
¶B. Ykl jamltab lxplranlmts wlrl e`weys bomiubtli et rl`etavl`y em opposatl wey to tkl LG bomvlrsaom. Ykl RY
`ow bomvlrsaoms, her ewey hron lqua`agraun. E rlhlrlmbl e tlmilmby to ilbrlesl es tkl tlnplreturl amb
rlebtaom bomiataom wes usli to bklbj wkltklr tkl bete`yst wes tkl bonpltatavl rlebtaoms tket proiubl gypr
mot ilebtavetli gy bojl ebbunu`etaom, potessaun `oss, or promoumbli watk ambrlesamc tlnplreturl. Hacur
rliubtaom glhorl bomiubtamc jamltab lxplranlmts. Ah emy `oss oh tkl GT emi YO sl`lbtavaty, es e humbtaom oh LG b
ebtavaty wes iltlbtli, tkl bete`yst wes rlp`ebli. Ykl stemieri retl oh GT hornetaom as om`y s`ackt`y ehhlb
ebtavaty wes lesa`y rlproiubli. Amtlrhebae` creialmts oh tlnplr- bomvlrsaom (or spebl tanl), gut tkl retl oh Y
eturl emi pertae` prlssurl wlrl mlc`acag`l am e`` lxplranlmts sacmaſtbemt`y lmkembli es tkl LG bomvlrsaom
rlportli klrl. ambrlesls.

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Related titles

Hacurl 2. Glmzlml (GT) sl`lbtavaty es e humbtaom oh LG bomvlrsaom hor Y )

866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B, V Y ) 5.69 ger: V M7 ) 6.927 ger: K 7O-to-LG no`er
retao ) 55 no`/no`: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) 6: K7-to-LG no`er retao ) 6. 5/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Related titles

Hacurl 2. Glmzlml (GT) sl`lbtavaty es e humbtaom oh LG bomvlrsaom hor Y )
866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B, V Y ) 5.69 ger: V M7 ) 6.927 ger: K 7O-to-LG no`er
retao ) 55 no`/no`: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) 6: K7-to-LG no`er retao ) 6.

Hacurl 8. Lhhlbt oh RY-to-LG hlli retao om (e) tkl LG b

tkl RY sl`lbtavaty hor Y ) 876 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69 ger: K7O-
) 55: K7-to-LG no`er retao ) 6.

rlsu`ts et 866 emi 896 ¶ B erl mot amb`uili. Ykl

K7O-to-LG hlli retao iai mot rlsu`t am em ambr
bomvlrsaom or tkl RY sl`lbtavaty hor S/H6LG 0
Lvlm hor S/H 6LG = 26 c-bet k/no`, tkl lhhlbt oh
K7O-to-LG hlli retao om tkl LG bomvlrsaom we
Ykl lhhlbt oh tkl K7O-to-LG hlli retao om tkl sty
Hacurl 9. Yo`ulml (YO) sl`lbtavaty es e humbtaom oh LG bomvlrsaom hor Y )
kowlvlr, glbonls promoumbli es tkl LG bomvl
866, 876, emi 896 ¶ B, V Y ) 5.69 ger: V M7 ) 6.927 ger: K 7O-to-LG no`er Lhhlbt oh tkl Rtyrlml-to-Ltky`glmzlml Hlli
retao ) 55 no`/no`: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) 6: K7-to-LG no`er retao ) 6. 8 skows tkl lhhlbt oh tkl RY-to-LG hlli re
bomvlrsaom emi tkl RY sl`lbtavaty et 876 ¶ B. E
retao am tkl hlli ambrlesls, tkl LG bomvlrsaom ilb
oh tkl bonpltatavl eisorptaom oh RY emi tk
lqua`agraun. Hurtklrnorl, tkl eisorgli RY
bkemcls to e bergomeblous ilposat, wkabk
of 12  ilebtavetaom. Es tkl RY-to-LG hlli retao amb
sl`lbtavaty ilbrlesli.
Lhhlbt oh Kyiroclm-to-Ltky`glmzlml Hlli W
skows tkl lhhlbt oh kyiroclm eiiataom om tkl
Related titles

emi tkl RY emi YO sl`lbtavaty et 866 ¶ B. Kyiro

am tkl hornetaom oh YO hron RY, so tket wkl
hlli retao as ambrlesli, tkl YO sl`lbtavaty as hev
RY sl`lbtavaty suhhlrs hron sail rlebtaoms. Y
kyiroclm hurtklr rliubls tkl arom bete`yst hron k
to necmltatl (Hl2O9), wkabk kes e `owlr ebtava

9. Wlebtaom Rbklnl emi Wetl Lquetaoms

9.5. Yklrne` Wlebtaoms. Yklrne` reiabe`

bemmot gl acmorli am tkl ilravetaom oh tkl jamlta
ilkyiroclmetaom. Ykly obbur am tkl zomls watk
am tkl voais oh zomls tket bomteam om`y amlrt
voai hrebtaom oh tkl bete`yst gli atsl`h. Yklsl rl
Hacurl <. Lhhlbt oh K7O-to-LG hlli retao om (e) tkl LG bomvlrsaom emi (g) hrll-reiabe` nlbkemasns: kowlvlr, cavlm tk
tkl RY sl`lbtavaty hor Y ) 876 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69 ger: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) bomvlrsaoms, tkly wlrl epproxanetli am tkl prl
6 K LG ` a 6 79 7< 6/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
q ,
bkemcls to e bergomeblous ilposat, wkabk
of 12  ilebtavetaom. Es tkl RY-to-LG hlli retao amb
sl`lbtavaty ilbrlesli.
Lhhlbt oh Kyiroclm-to-Ltky`glmzlml Hlli W
skows tkl lhhlbt oh kyiroclm eiiataom om tkl
Related titles

emi tkl RY emi YO sl`lbtavaty et 866 ¶ B. Kyiro
am tkl hornetaom oh YO hron RY, so tket wkl
hlli retao as ambrlesli, tkl YO sl`lbtavaty as hev
RY sl`lbtavaty suhhlrs hron sail rlebtaoms. Y
kyiroclm hurtklr rliubls tkl arom bete`yst hron k
to necmltatl (Hl2O9), wkabk kes e `owlr ebtava

9. Wlebtaom Rbklnl emi Wetl Lquetaoms

9.5. Yklrne` Wlebtaoms. Yklrne` reiabe`

bemmot gl acmorli am tkl ilravetaom oh tkl jamlta
ilkyiroclmetaom. Ykly obbur am tkl zomls watk
am tkl voais oh zomls tket bomteam om`y amlrt
voai hrebtaom oh tkl bete`yst gli atsl`h. Yklsl rl
Hacurl <. Lhhlbt oh K7O-to-LG hlli retao om (e) tkl LG bomvlrsaom emi (g) hrll-reiabe` nlbkemasns: kowlvlr, cavlm tk
tkl RY sl`lbtavaty hor Y ) 876 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69 ger: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) bomvlrsaoms, tkly wlrl epproxanetli am tkl prl
6: K7-to-LG no`er retao ) 6. sanp`l no`lbu`er sbklnl.79,7< Ykl jamltab peren
Lhhlbt oh tkl Rtlen-to-Ltky`glmzlml Hlli Wetao. Hacurl < rlebtaoms erl cavlm am Yeg`l 5. Ykly wlrl ogteam
skows tkl am﬇ulmbl oh tkl K7O-to-LG hlli retao om tkl LG sanu`etaoms gesli om tkl iltea`li reiabe` sbkln
bomvlrsaom emi tkl RY sl`lbtavaty et 876 ¶ B. Ykl lxplranlmte` ho``owamc no`lbu`er nlbkemasn4

of 12 
15;8 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

Related titles LG { P jt5

} RY + K7 (
rt5 ) jt5 VLG -
Rbklnl 5. Bete`ytab Wlebtaom Rbklnl oh Ltky`glm

jt5 - 5 Jlq

1; GT + B7K9
LG rt7 ) jt7VLG

1; YO + BK9
LG + K7 rt2 ) jt2VLG

Gy wey oh lxenp`l, tkl bomvlrsaom oh LG to RY tket rlsu`ts

hron tklrne` rlebtaoms wes sanu`etli hor e typabe` glmbk-sbe`l
lxplranlmt et 876 ¶B, es rlportli am Hacurl 5. \samc tkl jamltab metaom. Ykl rlebtaom RY + K 7 h GT + B 7K9 am
perenltlrs cavlm am Yeg`l 5 emi ebboumtamc hor tkl tlnplreturl iroppli ler`y am tkl jamltab noil`amc probliur
proſt`ls or `lvl`s am tkl prlkletlr, bete`ytab, emi gotton slbtaoms worj. Ykl sl`lbtli retl lquetaoms erl
oh tkl rlebtor, tkl tklrne` bomvlrsaom oh LG to RY enoumtli
j5JLGZVLG - (VRYVK ⁉ Jlq)^
to <.3%, wklrles tkl nlesurli LG bomvlrsaom to RY skowm am rb5 )

Hacurl 5 wes 87.9%. (5 + JLGVLG + JK7VK7 + JRYV

9.7. Bete`ytab Wlebtaoms. Rbklnl 5 skows tkl bete`ytab 7/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
15;8 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

Related titles LG { P jt5

} RY + K7 (
rt5 ) jt5 VLG -
Rbklnl 5. Bete`ytab Wlebtaom Rbklnl oh Ltky`glm

jt5 - 5 Jlq

1; GT + B7K9
LG rt7 ) jt7VLG

1; YO + BK9
LG + K7 rt2 ) jt2VLG

Gy wey oh lxenp`l, tkl bomvlrsaom oh LG to RY tket rlsu`ts

hron tklrne` rlebtaoms wes sanu`etli hor e typabe` glmbk-sbe`l
lxplranlmt et 876 ¶B, es rlportli am Hacurl 5. \samc tkl jamltab metaom. Ykl rlebtaom RY + K 7 h GT + B 7K9 am
perenltlrs cavlm am Yeg`l 5 emi ebboumtamc hor tkl tlnplreturl iroppli ler`y am tkl jamltab noil`amc probliur
proſt`ls or `lvl`s am tkl prlkletlr, bete`ytab, emi gotton slbtaoms worj. Ykl sl`lbtli retl lquetaoms erl
oh tkl rlebtor, tkl tklrne` bomvlrsaom oh LG to RY enoumtli
j5JLGZVLG - (VRYVK ⁉ Jlq)^
to <.3%, wklrles tkl nlesurli LG bomvlrsaom to RY skowm am rb5 )

Hacurl 5 wes 87.9%. (5 + JLGVLG + JK7VK7 + JRYV

9.7. Bete`ytab Wlebtaoms. Rbklnl 5 skows tkl bete`ytab
rlebtaom sbklnl tket as clmlre``y ebblptli hor LG ilkyirocl- j7JLGVLG
rb7 )
rb2 )
rb9 )
Yklsl retl lquetaoms borrlspomi to tkl retl-il
om iue` satls emi amvo`vl em eisorgli kyir
no`lbu`er`y eisorgli kyiroclm, bomſtrnamc tkl
saoms oh Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt.78 Ywlmty-ho
gesli am Rbklnl 5 emi bonprasli oh noi
iltlrnamamc stlps tket bou`i gl samc`l-satl or i
taom, ilsorptaom, or rlebtaom emi watk no`lbu`e
proiubli kyiroclm am tkl rlebtaom stlp proplr w
iasbranametaom wes gesli om tkl H-tlst emi
amtlrve`s oh tkl perenltlrs. E momsacmaſtbem
eisorptaom lqua`agraun bomstemt hor wetlr wes o
amc wket wes rlportli am tkl slbtaom om tkl a
stlen-to-LG hlli retao. Momsacmaſtbemt ve`uls wl
of 12  hor tkl perenltlrs rl`etli to tkl bomvlrsaom oh R
as tkl rlesom wky tkas rlebtaom iols mot epple

<. Verenltlr Xe`uls

Related titles

<.5. Bomtamuaty Lquetaoms hor tkl Wlebtamc R

eme`ysas oh tkl iete ogteamli am tkl amtlcre` rl
﬇ow prlvaous`y ilsbragli rlquarls e slt oh bomt
hor tkl rlebtamc splbals, ebboumtamc hor gotk bete`
rlebtaoms am tkl bete`yst gli emi voais. H
oplretaom, tkl ho``owamc bem gl wrattlm hor Rbk

) γ5rb5 + γ7rb7 + γ2rb2 + (rt5 + r
i(S ⁉ H6LG)
i[RY 
Hacurl 3. Lhhlbt oh K7-to-LG hlli retao om (e) tkl LG bomvlrsaom, (g) tkl 6
) γ5rb5 - γ9rb9 + rt5
i( S ⁉ HLG ) HG
RY sl`lbtavaty, emi (b) tkl YO sl`lbtavaty hor Y ) 866 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69 ger:
K7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) 6.
i[GT 
) γ7rb7 + rt7
Yeg`l 5. Vrl-lxpomlmtae` Hebtors emi Ebtavetaom Lmlrcals hor tkl i(S ⁉ HG
Yklrne` Wlebtaoms
i[ 8/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
stlen-to-LG hlli retao. Momsacmaſtbemt ve`uls wl
of 12  hor tkl perenltlrs rl`etli to tkl bomvlrsaom oh R
as tkl rlesom wky tkas rlebtaom iols mot epple

<. Verenltlr Xe`uls

Related titles

<.5. Bomtamuaty Lquetaoms hor tkl Wlebtamc R
eme`ysas oh tkl iete ogteamli am tkl amtlcre` rl
﬇ow prlvaous`y ilsbragli rlquarls e slt oh bomt
hor tkl rlebtamc splbals, ebboumtamc hor gotk bete`
rlebtaoms am tkl bete`yst gli emi voais. H
oplretaom, tkl ho``owamc bem gl wrattlm hor Rbk

) γ5rb5 + γ7rb7 + γ2rb2 + (rt5 + r
i(S ⁉ H6LG)
i[RY 
Hacurl 3. Lhhlbt oh K7-to-LG hlli retao om (e) tkl LG bomvlrsaom, (g) tkl 6
) γ5rb5 - γ9rb9 + rt5
S ⁉ HLG ) HG
RY sl`lbtavaty, emi (b) tkl YO sl`lbtavaty hor Y ) 866 ¶ B: V Y ) 5.69 ger:
K7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55: RY-to-LG no`er retao ) 6.
i[GT 
) γ7rb7 + rt7
Yeg`l 5. Vrl-lxpomlmtae` Hebtors emi Ebtavetaom Lmlrcals hor tkl i(S ⁉ HG
Yklrne` Wlebtaoms
a Eta Zjno`/(n2 k ger)^ Lta ZjD/no`^ i[K7
) γ5rb5 - γ2rb2 - 7γ9rb9 + (rt5
5 7.775< Ó 5658 737.72 i(S ⁉ H6LG)
7 7.9753 Ó 5676 2<7.31
2 2.;779 Ó 5653 252.68 watk amatae` bomiataoms

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Yeg`l 7. Verenltlr Xe`uls emi Rtetastabe` Ylsts Ilravli hron tkl Iete et 876 ¶ B
Related titles

1<% Bomſtilmbl
perenltlr umat lstanetl stemieri ilvaetaom t ve`ul `owlr ve`ul

JLG ger-5 ;.988 5.65 ;.23 8.986

JRY ger-5 29.66 5.<5 77.8 25.67
JK7 ger-5 2.615 6.993 8.15 7.769
j5 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.737< 6.6535 5<.1 6.72;<
j7 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.66<99 6.666<69 56.; 6.66999
j2 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.65;9 6.66;39 7.55 6.66561<
j9 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.6267 6.66<8< <.88 6.6516

Yeg`l 2. Xe`uls oh tkl Jamltab Verenltlrs Ilravli hron tkl

Lstanetaom Gesli om tkl Iete et E`` Ylnplreturls
syngo` ve`ul

Vrl-lxpomlmtae` Hebtor oh Bete`ytab Wlebtaom a Zjno`/(jc-bet k)^

E5 9.<19 Ó 561
E7 5.686 Ó 565<
E2 5.798 Ó 5678
E ; 679 5656 9/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Yeg`l 7. Verenltlr Xe`uls emi Rtetastabe` Ylsts Ilravli hron tkl Iete et 876 ¶ B
Related titles

1<% Bomſtilmbl
perenltlr umat lstanetl stemieri ilvaetaom t ve`ul `owlr ve`ul
JLG ger ;.988 5.65 ;.23 8.986
JRY ger-5 29.66 5.<5 77.8 25.67
JK7 ger-5 2.615 6.993 8.15 7.769
j5 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.737< 6.6535 5<.1 6.72;<
j7 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.66<99 6.666<69 56.; 6.66999
j2 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.65;9 6.66;39 7.55 6.66561<
j9 jno`/(jc-bet k) 6.6267 6.66<8< <.88 6.6516

Yeg`l 2. Xe`uls oh tkl Jamltab Verenltlrs Ilravli hron tkl

Lstanetaom Gesli om tkl Iete et E`` Ylnplreturls
syngo` ve`ul

Vrl-lxpomlmtae` Hebtor oh Bete`ytab Wlebtaom a Zjno`/(jc-bet k)^

E5 9.<19 Ó 561
E7 5.686 Ó 565<
E2 5.798 Ó 5678
E9 ;.679 Ó 5656
Vrl-lxpomlmtae` Hebtor oh Eisorptaom Rplbals d Zger-5^
ELG 5.659 Ó 56-<
ERY 7.83; Ó 56-< Hacurl ;. Lhhlbt oh tlnplreturl om (e) tkl retl bolhſtbal
EK7 9.<51 Ó 56-3 eisorptaom lqua`agraun bomstemts Jd. Ryngo`s rlprlslmt
plr tlnplreturl: `amls rlprlslmt be`bu`etli ve`uls hron
Ebtavetaom Lmlrcy ZjD/no`^
L5 53<.2;
L7 718.71
L2 939.38
L9 752.3;
Eisorptaom Lmtke`py ZjD/no`^
∈Ke,LG -567.77
∈Ke,RY -569.<8
∈Ke,K7 -553.1<

[d ) 6 et 6

Rne`` bete`yst pertab`ls wlrl usli to l`anametl amtlrme`

iahhusaom `anatetaoms emi, tkus, ogteam amtramsab jamltabs. Am tket
besl, tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors (γa) erl lque` to 5. Ykl tklrne`
rlebtaoms amsail tkl porls oh tkl bete`yst wlrl mot tejlm amto
ebboumt. Hacurl 1. Bonperasom oh be`bu`etli emi lxplranlmte`
of 12  humbtaom oh spebl tanl. Ryngo`s rlprlslmt lxplranlmte` ie
<.7. Verenltlr Lstanetaom. Ykl perenltlr lstanetaom wes be`bu`etli ve`uls usamc tkl lstanetls oh tkl jamltab per
gesli om tkl amtlcre` nltkoi es ilsbragli gy Hronlmt emi hron e`` tlnplreturls sanu`temlous`y. Y ) 876 ¶ B: K 7O
Gasbkohh73 emi Hronlmt.7; Ykl slt oh stahh iahhlrlmtae` lquetaoms ) 55 no`/no`: V Y ) 5.699 ger: V M7 ) 6.927 ger.
(lqs <e-i) wlrl amtlcretli munlrabe``y usamc Cler‑s nltkoi.71
Related titles

Ykl perenltlrs wlrl lstanetli tkrouck tkl namanazetaom oh tkl jamltab perenltlrs `lei to em lxbl``lmt ſtt oh tk
nu`tarlspomsl ogdlbtavl humbtaom, wkabk wes plrhornli gy iete. Gy wey oh lxenp`l, Hacurl 1 bonperls tk
nlems oh tkl Nerquerit e`coratkn. Ykl namanazetaom oh tkl sun emi be`bu`etli bomvlrsaoms, es e humbtaom oh sp
oh squerls oh rlsaiue`s bem gl rlprlslmtli gy ¶B.
<.2. Vkysabobklnabe` Ylsts om tkl Noil
 Gouiert emi boeutkors26‒27 proposli slvlre` ru`l
R() ) ∕ Zya - h(xa, )^7 1; Nam (8) jamltab perenltlrs. Ykl ho``owamc tlst probli
a)5 gy tkl worj oh Nlers emi Gouiert,22 Xem Yra
[u emi Hronlmt,2< emi Hronlmt emi Gasbkohh.
Ykl perenltlr ve`uls, tkl stetastabe` tlsts, emi tkl epproxanetl
(5) Hor em lmiotklrnab rlebtaom, tkl tklrnoi
1<% bomſtilmbl amtlrve`s ilravli hron tkl lxplranlmte` iete
tkl ebtavetaom lmlrcy oh rlebtaom (La) to lxbl
et 876 ¶ B erl cavlm am Yeg`l 7. Ykl perenltlr ve`uls ogteamli
rlebtaom (∈Kr,a)4
hron tkl iete et e`` tlnplreturls sanu`temlous`y erl skowm am
Yeg`l 2. Ykl ecrllnlmt gltwllm tkl two slts oh perenltlrs bem La = ∈Kr,a
gl ogslrvli am Hacurl ;, wkabk skows tkl tlnplreturl ilplm-
ilmbl oh tkl eisorptaom lqua`agraun bomstemts emi retl bolh- Ykl ebtavetaom lmlrcals hor rlebtaoms oh LG to 10/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
rlebtaoms amsail tkl porls oh tkl bete`yst wlrl mot tejlm amto
ebboumt. Hacurl 1. Bonperasom oh be`bu`etli emi lxplranlmte`
of 12  humbtaom oh spebl tanl. Ryngo`s rlprlslmt lxplranlmte` ie
<.7. Verenltlr Lstanetaom. Ykl perenltlr lstanetaom wes be`bu`etli ve`uls usamc tkl lstanetls oh tkl jamltab per
gesli om tkl amtlcre` nltkoi es ilsbragli gy Hronlmt emi hron e`` tlnplreturls sanu`temlous`y. Y ) 876 ¶ B: K 7O
Gasbkohh73 emi Hronlmt.7; Ykl slt oh stahh iahhlrlmtae` lquetaoms ) 55 no`/no`: V Y ) 5.699 ger: V M7 ) 6.927 ger.
(lqs <e-i) wlrl amtlcretli munlrabe``y usamc Cler‑s nltkoi.71
Related titles

Ykl perenltlrs wlrl lstanetli tkrouck tkl namanazetaom oh tkl jamltab perenltlrs `lei to em lxbl``lmt ſtt oh tk
nu`tarlspomsl ogdlbtavl humbtaom, wkabk wes plrhornli gy iete. Gy wey oh lxenp`l, Hacurl 1 bonperls tk
nlems oh tkl Nerquerit e`coratkn. Ykl namanazetaom oh tkl sun emi be`bu`etli bomvlrsaoms, es e humbtaom oh sp
oh squerls oh rlsaiue`s bem gl rlprlslmtli gy ¶B.
<.2. Vkysabobklnabe` Ylsts om tkl Noil
 Gouiert emi boeutkors26‒27 proposli slvlre` ru`l
R() ) ∕ Zya - h(xa, )^7 1; Nam (8) jamltab perenltlrs. Ykl ho``owamc tlst probli
a)5 gy tkl worj oh Nlers emi Gouiert,22 Xem Yra
[u emi Hronlmt,2< emi Hronlmt emi Gasbkohh.
Ykl perenltlr ve`uls, tkl stetastabe` tlsts, emi tkl epproxanetl
(5) Hor em lmiotklrnab rlebtaom, tkl tklrnoi
1<% bomſtilmbl amtlrve`s ilravli hron tkl lxplranlmte` iete
tkl ebtavetaom lmlrcy oh rlebtaom (La) to lxbl
et 876 ¶ B erl cavlm am Yeg`l 7. Ykl perenltlr ve`uls ogteamli
rlebtaom (∈Kr,a)4
hron tkl iete et e`` tlnplreturls sanu`temlous`y erl skowm am
Yeg`l 2. Ykl ecrllnlmt gltwllm tkl two slts oh perenltlrs bem La = ∈Kr,a
gl ogslrvli am Hacurl ;, wkabk skows tkl tlnplreturl ilplm-
ilmbl oh tkl eisorptaom lqua`agraun bomstemts emi retl bolh- Ykl ebtavetaom lmlrcals hor rlebtaoms oh LG to
ſtbalmts. Ykl syngo`s rlprlslmt tkl ve`uls oh tkl jamltab GT, wkabk erl lmiotklrnab rlebtaoms, erl cavlm a
perenltlrs lstanetli hron veraous slts oh iete bo``lbtli et e erl amilli `erclr tkem tkl borrlspomiamc klet
cavlm tlnplreturl, wklrles tkl `amls borrlspomi to tkl ve`uls ;12.5< J, wkabk enoumt to 579.; emi 565.< j
lstanetli hron tkl bonp`ltl slt oh iete et e`` tlnplreturls. Ykl tavl`y, es be`bu`etli hron tkl tklrnoiymenabs

of 12 
15;; Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

5 - G g(5 - G)
Z ^
Yeg`l 9. Eisorptaom Lmtropals emi Rtemieri Lmtropals hor
Ltky`glmzlml (LG), Rtyrlml (RY), emi Kyiroclm (K7)
Related titles h) e+

2 Wl

-R6e,d -R6c,d <5 - 6.6659 ∈Ke,d G
bonpomlmt ZD/(no` J)^ ZD/(no` J)^ e
ZD/no`^ Hor by`amirabe` pebjamcs, tkl bolhſtbalmts e
ltky`glmzlml, LG 1<.85 285.8< 519.5 emi 9<;, rlsplbtavl`y.2; Ykl prlssurl irop gltw
styrlml, RY ;3.<2 298.7< 513.9 glis as mlc`lbtli.
kyiroclm, K7 575.< 5;8.5 758.5 8.7. Bomtamuaty Lquetaoms hor tkl Bonp
Xe`uls erl ogteamli hron Rtu`` lt e`. 28 tkl Vorous Bete`yst. Ykl bomtamuaty lquetaoms
mlmts amsail e porous bete`yst tket ebboumt h
(7) Ykl klet oh eisorptaom (-∈Ke,d) nust gl posatavl, glbeusl rlebtaoms obburramc am tkl voai spebl amsail tkl
tkl eisorptaom as lxotklrnab. E`` tkl lstanetls oh tkl klets oh erl cavlm es ho``ows4
eisorptaom setashy tkas bomstreamt.
(2) Ykl eisorptaom lmtropy nust setashy
7 ir (
5 i 7 iVs,LG
)ZH (r + rb7 + rb2) + s(
Il,LG s b5
6 0 - ∈Roe,d 0 Roc (;)

Ykl amlque`aty bonls hron tkl rl`etaom 5 i 7 iVs,RY

7 ir(r
I )
ZHs(rb5 - rb9) + 11/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
15;; Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

5 - G g(5 - G)
Z ^
Yeg`l 9. Eisorptaom Lmtropals emi Rtemieri Lmtropals hor
Ltky`glmzlml (LG), Rtyrlml (RY), emi Kyiroclm (K7)
Related titles h) e+

2 Wl

-R6e,d -R6c,d <5 - 6.6659 ∈Ke,d G
bonpomlmt ZD/(no` J)^ ZD/(no` J)^ e
ZD/no`^ Hor by`amirabe` pebjamcs, tkl bolhſtbalmts e
ltky`glmzlml, LG 1<.85 285.8< 519.5 emi 9<;, rlsplbtavl`y.2; Ykl prlssurl irop gltw
styrlml, RY ;3.<2 298.7< 513.9 glis as mlc`lbtli.
kyiroclm, K7 575.< 5;8.5 758.5 8.7. Bomtamuaty Lquetaoms hor tkl Bonp
Xe`uls erl ogteamli hron Rtu`` lt e`. 28 tkl Vorous Bete`yst. Ykl bomtamuaty lquetaoms
mlmts amsail e porous bete`yst tket ebboumt h
(7) Ykl klet oh eisorptaom (-∈Ke,d) nust gl posatavl, glbeusl rlebtaoms obburramc am tkl voai spebl amsail tkl
tkl eisorptaom as lxotklrnab. E`` tkl lstanetls oh tkl klets oh erl cavlm es ho``ows4
eisorptaom setashy tkas bomstreamt.
(2) Ykl eisorptaom lmtropy nust setashy
7 ir (
5 i 7 iVs,LG
ZH (r + rb7 + rb2) + s(
Il,LG s b5
6 0 - ∈Roe,d 0 Roc (;)

Ykl amlque`aty bonls hron tkl rl`etaom 5 i 7 iVs,RY

o o
) Re - Rc
(1) r
7 ir
ZH (r - rb9) +
Il,RY s b5

wklrl Roc as tkl stemieri lmtropy oh tkl ces emi Roe as tkl lmtropy
oh tkl eisorgli no`lbu`l. Hor eisorptaom, Roe as sne``lr tkem Roc, r
7 ir
r (
5 i 7 iVs,GT
(H r + s
Il,GT s b7
glbeusl oh tkl trems`etaome` bomtragutaom to Roc.22 Ykl ces-pkesl
stemieri lmtropals oh LG, RY, emi K7 am Roc,d bem gl ogteamli
hron Rtu`` lt e`.28 ∈Roe,d wes be`bu`etli hron tkl rl`etaom r ir
r (
5 i 7 iVs,K7
) - )
ZH (r - rb2 - 7rb9) +
Il,K7 s b5

∈Re,d ) W `m Ed (56)
watk goumiery bomiataoms
Yeg`l 9 skows tket tkl ru`l as setasſtli.
(9) Ykl `est bratlraom kes gllm epp`ali gy Lvlrltt,23 Xemmabl Vs,d ) Vd et r ) W
lt e`.,25 emi Gouiert lt e`.26
95.; 0 - ∈Roe,d l <5 - 6.6659∈Ke,d (55) )6 et r ) 6
Yeg`l 9 skows tket tkas ru`l e`so as setasſtli. wklrl Vs,d as tkl pertae` prlssurl oh bonpoml
8. Ranu`etaom oh e Ykrll-Gli Eiaegetab Wlebtor watk Ykl lhhlbtavl iahhusavatals erl be`bu`etli hro
Exae` H`ow gamery no`lbu`er iahhusavatals, tkl voai hrebtaom
8.5. Bomtamuaty, Lmlrcy, emi Nonlmtun Lquetaoms. E
pertab`l (6.9), emi tkl tortuosaty hebtor (2.6)
nu`tagli amiustrae` eiaegetab rlebtor watk exae` ﬇ow wes lxp`eamli am Hronlmt emi Gasbkohh.73
sanu`etli, gesli om e kltlroclmlous rlebtor noil` (a.l., Ykl munlrabe` amtlcretaom oh tkas slt oh lque
ebboumtamc hor amtlrme` iahhusaom `anatetaoms). Ykl stleiy-stetl proſt`ls oh tkl rlebtamc splbals amsail tkl bete`
of 12
bomtamuaty lquetaoms hor tkl rlebtamc splbals kevl e`rleiy gllm cavlm posataom am tkl rlebtor emi provails a
cavlm am lqs <. Satk tkl bete`yst pertab`l sazls usli am amiustrae` anportembl oh iahhusaom `anatetaoms om tkl ver
proiubtaom umats, tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors γ a erl iahhlrlmt hron Yklsl `anatetaoms bem e`so gl lxprlssli am tl
munglr4 tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor (γa). Ebboumta
Related titles
5. Hor tkl sanp`aſtli psluiokonoclmlous rlebtor noil` am

wkabk iahhusaom `anatetaoms erl mot tejlm amto ebboumt, γ a ) 5. oh gotk tkl bete`ytab rlebtaoms emi tkl tklrne`
Satk tkl slt oh retl lquetaoms usli klrl, tklrl as mo eme`ytabe` voai spebl amsail tkl porous bete`yst, tkl lhhlb
lxprlssaom hor tkl be`bu`etaom oh tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors, am γa bem gl be`bu`etli hron tklsl proſt`ls gy nl
tlrns oh e noiu`us, so tket tkl so`utaom bem om`y gl ogteamli X
gy lxp`abat`y bomsailramc tkl tremsport lquetaoms amsail tkl ∪6 Zrba(Vs,d)Hs + rta(Vs,d)s^ iX
bete`yst pertab`l. γa )
Zrba(Vd)Hs + rta(Vd)s^X
Ykl lmlrcy lquetaom as wrattlm es
8.2. Munlrabe` Vrobliurls. Ykl bomtamuat
8 nonlmtun lquetaomsslqs <, 57, 52, emi 59
∕ nˑdbpd i S ⁉ H6
d)5 (
) HLG - ∈Kr5 γ5rb5 + rt5 ( 

) - munlrabe``y, usamc Cler‑s nltkoi. Hor lebk a
e`omc tkl rlebtor `lmctk, tkl slt oh lquetaoms i
( γ7rb7 + rt7

HG ) (
- ∈Kr2 γ2rb2 + rt2

) - ∈Kr9γ9rb9 (57)
^ 5< wes so`vli gy nlems oh tkl ortkocome` bo``
watk sax amtlrme` bo``obetaom poamts, wkosl bo
ogteamli munlrabe``y hron tkl Debogaem ortkocom
emi tkl nonlmtun lquetaom as cavlm es Be`bu`etaoms usamc maml amtlrme` bo``obetaom poam
tkl senl rlsu`ts.
iV CH 12/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
sanu`etli, gesli om e kltlroclmlous rlebtor noil` (a.l., Ykl munlrabe` amtlcretaom oh tkas slt oh lque
ebboumtamc hor amtlrme` iahhusaom `anatetaoms). Ykl stleiy-stetl proſt`ls oh tkl rlebtamc splbals amsail tkl bete`
of 12
bomtamuaty lquetaoms hor tkl rlebtamc splbals kevl e`rleiy gllm cavlm posataom am tkl rlebtor emi provails a
cavlm am lqs <. Satk tkl bete`yst pertab`l sazls usli am amiustrae` anportembl oh iahhusaom `anatetaoms om tkl ver
proiubtaom umats, tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors γ a erl iahhlrlmt hron Yklsl `anatetaoms bem e`so gl lxprlssli am tl
munglr4 tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor (γa). Ebboumta
Related titles
5. Hor tkl sanp`aſtli psluiokonoclmlous rlebtor noil` am

wkabk iahhusaom `anatetaoms erl mot tejlm amto ebboumt, γ a ) 5. oh gotk tkl bete`ytab rlebtaoms emi tkl tklrne`
Satk tkl slt oh retl lquetaoms usli klrl, tklrl as mo eme`ytabe` voai spebl amsail tkl porous bete`yst, tkl lhhlb
lxprlssaom hor tkl be`bu`etaom oh tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors, am γa bem gl be`bu`etli hron tklsl proſt`ls gy nl
tlrns oh e noiu`us, so tket tkl so`utaom bem om`y gl ogteamli X
gy lxp`abat`y bomsailramc tkl tremsport lquetaoms amsail tkl ∪6 Zrba(Vs,d)Hs + rta(Vs,d)s^ iX
bete`yst pertab`l. γa )
Zrba(Vd)Hs + rta(Vd)s^X
Ykl lmlrcy lquetaom as wrattlm es
8.2. Munlrabe` Vrobliurls. Ykl bomtamuat
8 nonlmtun lquetaomsslqs <, 57, 52, emi 59
∕ nˑdbpd i S ⁉ H6
d)5 (
) HLG - ∈Kr5 γ5rb5 + rt5 ( 

) - munlrabe``y, usamc Cler‑s nltkoi. Hor lebk a
e`omc tkl rlebtor `lmctk, tkl slt oh lquetaoms i

∈Kr7 γ7rb7 + rt7

) (
- ∈Kr2 γ2rb2 + rt2

) - ∈Kr9γ9rb9 (57)
^ 5< wes so`vli gy nlems oh tkl ortkocome` bo``
watk sax amtlrme` bo``obetaom poamts, wkosl bo
ogteamli munlrabe``y hron tkl Debogaem ortkocom
emi tkl nonlmtun lquetaom as cavlm es Be`bu`etaoms usamc maml amtlrme` bo``obetaom poam
tkl senl rlsu`ts.
iVt usCHLG 8.9. Wlsu`ts emi Iasbussaom. Ykl hlli bomiat
- ) hW (52)
i(S ⁉ H6LG) HGipℨ ianlmsaom hor tkl sanu`etaom oh e tkrll-gli e
watk exae` ﬇ow erl cavlm am Yeg`l <. Ykl sanu`e
Ykl hrabtaom hebtor (h) as be`bu`etli usamc tkl Lrcum rl`etaom4 cavlm am Yeg`l < emi skowm am Hacurls 56 emi

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Yeg`l <. Hlli Bomiataoms, Wlebtor Ianlmsaoms, emi Ranu`etaom
Wlsu`ts oh e Ykrll-Gli Eiaegetab Exae` H`ow Wlebtor \samc tkl
Related titles

Kltlroclmlous Noil`
perenltlr gli 5 gli 7 gli 2

wlackt oh bete`yst Zjc^ 371<6 ;7676 3;226

spebl tanl Zjc-bet k/(jno` LG)^ 562.5; 751.51 271.1;
`lmctk oh lebk gli Zn^ 5.22 5.<6 5.92
[LG Z%^ 28.;1 8<.3; ;2.38
RRY Z%^ 1;.91 1<.56 16.92
RGT Z%^ 5.666 5.972 5.3<9
RYO Z%^ 6.<63 2.9;6 3.;61
Vam Zger^ 5.7< 5.68 6.3;2
Yam ZJ^ ;;8 ;1;.7 ;13.8
Yout ZJ^ ;55.28 ;9<.35 ;32.8

perenltlr ve`ul

ammlr reiaus oh rlebtor Zn^ 2.<6

hlli no`er ﬇ow retl Zjno`/k^
LG 363 Hacurl 55. Lvo`utaom oh lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors am e tkrll-g 13/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Yeg`l <. Hlli Bomiataoms, Wlebtor Ianlmsaoms, emi Ranu`etaom
Wlsu`ts oh e Ykrll-Gli Eiaegetab Exae` H`ow Wlebtor \samc tkl
Related titles

Kltlroclmlous Noil`
perenltlr gli 5 gli 7 gli 2

wlackt oh bete`yst Zjc^ 371<6 ;7676 3;226

spebl tanl Zjc-bet k/(jno` LG)^ 562.5; 751.51 271.1;
`lmctk oh lebk gli Zn^ 5.22 5.<6 5.92
[LG Z%^ 28.;1 8<.3; ;2.38
RRY Z%^ 1;.91 1<.56 16.92
RGT Z%^ 5.666 5.972 5.3<9
RYO Z%^ 6.<63 2.9;6 3.;61
Vam Zger^ 5.7< 5.68 6.3;2
Yam ZJ^ ;;8 ;1;.7 ;13.8
Yout ZJ^ ;55.28 ;9<.35 ;32.8

perenltlr ve`ul

ammlr reiaus oh rlebtor Zn^ 2.<6

hlli no`er ﬇ow retl Zjno`/k^
LG 363 Hacurl 55. Lvo`utaom oh lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors am e tkrll-g
RY 3.569 ﬇ow rlebtor hor Yam ) ;;8, ;1;, emi ;13 J: Vam ) 5.7
GT 6.712 no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/k.
YO 9.18;
K7O 3333
tote` hll i no`er ﬇ow r etl Z jno`/k^ ;918. 23

Ykl bonperasom oh sanu`etli proſt`ls oh LG bomvlrsaom emi

RY sl`lbtavaty gltwllm tkl psluiokonoclmlous noil` emi tkl
kltlroclmlous noil` as p`ottli eceamst tkl spebl tanl am Hacurl
56. Ykl LG bomvlrsaom et tkl lxat oh tkl rlebtor sanu`etli gy
nlems oh tkl kltlroclmlous noil` wes ;2.38%, vlrsus ;8.;7%
hor tkl psluiokonoclmlous noil`, acmoramc iahhusaom `anate-
taoms. Ykl RY sl`lbtavaty hor tkl kltlroclmlous noil` wes
16.92%, vlrsus 15.92% hor tkl psluiokonoclmlous noil`. Ykl

of 12 

Related titles

Hacurl 57. Lhhlbt oh tote` prlssurl om (e) tkl LG bomvlrs

sl`lbtavaty am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab exae` ﬇ow rlebtor usamc
noil` hor asogerab bomiataoms emi hor Y am ) ;;8, ;1;, em
LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/k.

iahhusaom `anatetaoms, lxprlssli am tlrns oh tk

hebtors (γ5, γ 7, emi γ 2) erl skowm am Hacurl 55.
oh tkl glis, tkl tlnplreturl as kack emi tkl am
retl as hest. Ebboriamc`y, tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebto
5 emi 7 (tkl hornetaom oh RY hron LG emi ho
hron LG, rlsplbtavl`y) erl `ow, nlemamc tke
iahhusaom-bomtro``li. Yklsl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor
tkl gli es tkl amtramsab rlebtaom retls ilbrlesl.
Hacurl 56. Bonperasom gltwllm proſt`ls prliabtli gy tkl kltlroclmlous lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor hor rlebtaom 9 (tkl horneta
i k i k i ` h ( ) k LG a i (g) k 14/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 

Related titles

Hacurl 57. Lhhlbt oh tote` prlssurl om (e) tkl LG bomvlrs
sl`lbtavaty am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab exae` ﬇ow rlebtor usamc
noil` hor asogerab bomiataoms emi hor Y am ) ;;8, ;1;, em
LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/k.

iahhusaom `anatetaoms, lxprlssli am tlrns oh tk

hebtors (γ5, γ 7, emi γ 2) erl skowm am Hacurl 55.
oh tkl glis, tkl tlnplreturl as kack emi tkl am
retl as hest. Ebboriamc`y, tkl lhhlbtavlmlss hebto
5 emi 7 (tkl hornetaom oh RY hron LG emi ho
hron LG, rlsplbtavl`y) erl `ow, nlemamc tke
iahhusaom-bomtro``li. Yklsl lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor
tkl gli es tkl amtramsab rlebtaom retls ilbrlesl.
Hacurl 56. Bonperasom gltwllm proſt`ls prliabtli gy tkl kltlroclmlous lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor hor rlebtaom 9 (tkl horneta
emi tkl psluiokonoclmlous noil` oh (e) tkl LG bomvlrsaom emi (g) tkl RY) as vlry kack et tkl lmtrembl, glbeusl at as
RY sl`lbtavaty proſt`ls am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab exae` ﬇ow rlebtor hor Y am )
;;8, ;1;, emi ;13 J: V am ) 5.7< ger: K 7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/
no`: H6LG ) 363 jno`/k. Ro`ai `aml rlprlslmts tkl kltlroclmlous noil`, Hacurl 57 bomsailrs em asogerab rlebtor e
ieskli `aml rlprlslmts tkl psluiokonoclmlous noil`. rliubamc tkl prlssurl hron 5.7< to 6.36 ger, wk

of 12 
1516 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

Yeg`l 8. Hlli Bomiataoms, Wlebtor Ianlmsaoms, emi

Related titles Wlsu`t oh e Ykrll-Gli Eiaegetab Weiae` H`ow Wlebto

Kltlroclmlous Noil`
perenltlr gli 5 gl

wlackt oh bete`yst Zjc^ 37 1<6 ;7

spebl tanl Zjc-bet k/(jno` LG)^ 562.5; 751
bete`yst gli ilptk Zn^ 6.859 6.3
[LG Z%^ 28.<1 89.
RRY Z%^ 1;.92 12.
RGT Z%^ 5.65 5.<
RYO Z%^ 6.<8 9.<
Vam Zger^ 5.7< 5.7
Yam ZJ^ ;;8 ;1;
Yout ZJ^ ;57.69 ;<6


ammlr reiaus oh bete`yst gli Zn^

`lmctk oh lebk rlebtor Zn^
Ha 52 Ra `aſt i ia ` ﬇ ſt a h i ` ﬇ t Zj `/k^ 15/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
1516 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

Yeg`l 8. Hlli Bomiataoms, Wlebtor Ianlmsaoms, emi

Related titles Wlsu`t oh e Ykrll-Gli Eiaegetab Weiae` H`ow Wlebto

Kltlroclmlous Noil`
perenltlr gli 5 gl

wlackt oh bete`yst Zjc^ 37 1<6 ;7

spebl tanl Zjc-bet k/(jno` LG)^ 562.5; 751
bete`yst gli ilptk Zn^ 6.859 6.3
[LG Z%^ 28.<1 89.
RRY Z%^ 1;.92 12.
RGT Z%^ 5.65 5.<
RYO Z%^ 6.<8 9.<
Vam Zger^ 5.7< 5.7
Yam ZJ^ ;;8 ;1;
Yout ZJ^ ;57.69 ;<6


ammlr reiaus oh bete`yst gli Zn^

`lmctk oh lebk rlebtor Zn^
Hacurl 52. Ranp`aſtli reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor bomſtcuretaom. hlli no`er ﬇ow retl Zjno`/k^
e bomstemt stlen-to-LG retao, ambrlesls tkl RY sl`lbtavaty et tkl GT
lxat hron ;7.5;% to 16.52%. Ykas as e bomslqulmbl oh tkl skaht K7O
oh tkl lqua`agraun bomvlrsaom to e kacklr ve`ul. tote` h lli no`e r ﬇ow retl Zjno`/k^

3. Ranu`etaom oh e Wlebtor watk Weiae` H`ow emi Ykrll sanu`etaoms oh e reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor emi em exa
Eiaegetab Glis watk lebk oh tkrll eiaegetab glis, usamc tkl
noil`. Ykl oplretamc bomiataoms wlrl ailmtabe
Ykl prlssurl irop am e reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor as nubk sne``lr watk reiae` ﬇ow, tkl LG bomvlrsaom enoumt
tkem tket am em exae` ﬇ow rlebtor, glbeusl oh tkl kacklr bross- bonperli to ;2.38% am tkl exae` ﬇ow rlebtor. Yk
slbtaome` erle oh tkl bete`yst gli. At plrnats oml to usl sne``lr am tkl reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor, watk ats `ercl bross-
pertab`ls, wkabk `leis to kacklr lhhlbtavlmlss hebtors. Ykl wes 6.69 ger, wklrles tkl prlssurl irop enoum
iahhlrlmbls am tkl plrhornembl oh tklsl two typls oh rlebtor am tkl exae` ﬇ow rlebtor, es skowm am Hacurl 5<
erl iasbussli gl`ow.
3.5. Bomtamuaty, Lmlrcy, emi Nonlmtun Lquetaoms. Hac-
url 52 sbklnetabe``y rlprlslmts e reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor bomſtcu-
retaom. Ces ﬇ows am e blmtrahuce` iarlbtaom ebross tkl bete`yst
gli bomteamli am e by`amirabe` gesjlt. Ykl bross-slbtaome` erle
oh tkl bete`yst gli verals watk tkl reiae` booriametl r. Ykl
bomtamuaty lquetaom hor tkl bonpomlmts bem gl lxprlssli am
tlrns oh spebl tanl, S/H6LG, watk S ) φ zHG(r7 - r 67)4
12 
) γaWd (53)
i(S ⁉ HLG )
wklrl Wd as tkl tote` retl oh rlebtaom oh bonpomlmt d.
Related titlesYkl stleiy-stetl lmlrcy lquetaom bem gl wrattlm am tlrns oh

8 9
∕ ˑ dbpd
i(S ⁉ H6LG)
) HLG ∕ (-∈Kra)γara (5;)
d)5 a)5

emi tkl nonlmtun lquetaom as cavlm es

6 7
iVt HLGHcus
- ) hW (51)
i(S ⁉ H6LG) 7φzrHGip

Ykl bomtamuaty, lmlrcy, emi nonlmtun lquetaoms (lqs 53,

5;, emi 51, rlsplbtavl`y) nust gl amtlcretli sanu`temlous`y. Hor
tkl reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor, tkl bross slbtaom oh tkl bete`yst gli as
ilplmilmt om tkl spebl tanl, a.l., reiae` posataom, so tket tkl
suplrſtbae` vl`obaty (us) nust gl eieptli am lebk amtlcretaom stlp
tkrouck tkl rlebtor.
Ha 59 B a h a ` i ( ) LG a 16/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
tlrns oh spebl tanl, S/HLG, watk S ) φ zHG(r r 6 )4
12 
) γaWd (53)
i(S ⁉ HLG )
wklrl Wd as tkl tote` retl oh rlebtaom oh bonpomlmt d.
Related titlesYkl stleiy-stetl lmlrcy lquetaom bem gl wrattlm am tlrns oh

8 9
∕ ˑ dbpd
i(S ⁉ H6LG)
) HLG ∕ (-∈Kra)γara (5;)
d)5 a)5

emi tkl nonlmtun lquetaom as cavlm es

6 7
iVt HLGHcus
- ) hW (51)
i(S ⁉ H6LG) 7φzrHGip

Ykl bomtamuaty, lmlrcy, emi nonlmtun lquetaoms (lqs 53,

5;, emi 51, rlsplbtavl`y) nust gl amtlcretli sanu`temlous`y. Hor
tkl reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor, tkl bross slbtaom oh tkl bete`yst gli as
ilplmilmt om tkl spebl tanl, a.l., reiae` posataom, so tket tkl
suplrſtbae` vl`obaty (us) nust gl eieptli am lebk amtlcretaom stlp
tkrouck tkl rlebtor.
3.7. Wlsu`ts emi Iasbussaom. Ykl hlli bomiataoms emi rlebtor Hacurl 59. Bonperasom oh sanu`etli (e) LG bomvlrsaom p
sl`lbtavaty proſt`ls usamc tkl kltlroclmlous noil` glt
ianlmsaoms erl skowm am Yeg`l 8. Ykl `lmctk oh lebk rlebtor eiaegetab reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor emi e tkrll-gli eiaegetab
emi tkl ammlr reiaus oh tkl bete`yst gli wlrl essunli to gl 3 hor Y am ) ;;8, ;1;, emi ;13 J: V am ) 5.7< ger: K 7O-to
emi 5.< n, rlsplbtavl`y. Yeg`l 8 emi Hacurls 59 emi 5< bonperl 55 no`/no`: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/k.

of 12 

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of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

Related titles

Hacurl 58. Lhhlbt oh hlli prlssurl om sanu`etli (e) LG b

RY sl`lbtavaty am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab reiae` ﬇ow rlebto
Hacurl 5<. Bonperasom oh sanu`etli (e) tlnplreturl proſt`ls emi (g) prlssurl emi ;13 J: K 7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: H 6LG
irop proſt`ls usamc tkl kltlroclmlous noil` gltwllm e tkrll-gli eiaegetab
reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor emi e tkrll-gli eiaegetab exae` ﬇ow rlebtor hor Yam )
;;8, ;1;, emi ;13 J: V am ) 5.7< ger: K 7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/
no`: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/k.

bomvlrsaom am tkl reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor as beusli gy tkl `owlr

prlssurl irop, nlemamc tket tkl bomvlrsaom lsslmtae``y obburs
b`osl to tkl hlli prlssurl. Am tkl exae` ﬇ow rlebtor, e sugstemtae`
hrebtaom oh tkl bomvlrsaom obburs et `owlr prlssurls. Ykl RY
sl`lbtavaty, wkabk as stromc`y ilplmilmt om tkl prlssurl, es
prlvaous`y lvailmbli gy Hacurl
of 12 57, wes ;2.79% hor reiae` ﬇ow,
vlrsus 16.92% hor exae` ﬇ow.
Ykl iahhlrlmbl am tkl YO sl`lbtavaty (59.86% vs 3.;1%) wes
sugstemtae`, gut tkl iahhlrlmbl am tkl GT sl`lbtavaty (7.57% vs
Related titles
5.3<%) wes amsacmaſtbemt.

Yklsl rlsu`ts nackt `lei to tkl bomb`usaom tket tkl reiae` ﬇ow
rlebtor as `lss hevoreg`l tkem tkl exae` ﬇ow vlrsaom: kowlvlr,
Hacurl 58 rlvle`s tkl eivemtecl oh tkl reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor, wkabk Hacurl 53. Lhhlbt oh K7O-to-LG no`er hlli retao om iy
plrnats oplretaom et nubk `owlr hlli prlssurls. Et V am ) 6.36 bojl bomtlmt proſt`ls am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab reiae` ﬇ow
ger, wkabk as e `ow ve`ul tket bemmot gl usli am tkl exae` ﬇ow ;;8, ;1;, emi ;13 J: V am ) 5.7< ger: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/
rlebtor, tkl RY sl`lbtavaty enoumtli to 15.27%, bonperli to
;2.79% et 5.7< ger hor lsslmtae``y tkl senl LG bomvlrsaom. Ykas
rlsu`t as quatl sana`er to tket ilravli hron tkl sanu`etaom oh tkl hor tkl bojl hornetaom wes gesli om e two-st
exae` ﬇ow rlebtor hor tkl asogerab bomiataom skowm am bojl prlbursor hornetaom emi bojl crowtk.21 Bo
Hacurl 57. wes essunli to obbur et tkl licls oh tkl bergo
oxaiazli gy wetlr.96 Ykl lhhlbt oh tkl oplre
(pertabu`er`y tkl stlen-to-LG hlli retao) om
;. Ranu`etaom oh e Weiae` H`ow Wlebtor watk Ykrll
lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt e`omc tkl tkrll-gli e
Eiaegetab Glis Ebboumtamc hor Bojl Hornetaom emi
emi tkl lhhlbt oh bojl hornetaom om tkl rlebto
erl iasbussli gl`ow.
Bojl hornli om tkl potessaun-pronotli arom oxail bete`ysts ;.5. Noil` Lquetaoms. ;.5.5. Wetl Lqu
7 18/27
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sl`lbtavaty, wkabk as stromc`y ilplmilmt om tkl prlssurl, es
prlvaous`y lvailmbli gy Hacurl
of 12 57, wes ;2.79% hor reiae` ﬇ow,
vlrsus 16.92% hor exae` ﬇ow.
Ykl iahhlrlmbl am tkl YO sl`lbtavaty (59.86% vs 3.;1%) wes
sugstemtae`, gut tkl iahhlrlmbl am tkl GT sl`lbtavaty (7.57% vs
Related titles
5.3<%) wes amsacmaſtbemt.

Yklsl rlsu`ts nackt `lei to tkl bomb`usaom tket tkl reiae` ﬇ow
rlebtor as `lss hevoreg`l tkem tkl exae` ﬇ow vlrsaom: kowlvlr,
Hacurl 58 rlvle`s tkl eivemtecl oh tkl reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor, wkabk Hacurl 53. Lhhlbt oh K7O-to-LG no`er hlli retao om iy
plrnats oplretaom et nubk `owlr hlli prlssurls. Et V am ) 6.36 bojl bomtlmt proſt`ls am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab reiae` ﬇ow
ger, wkabk as e `ow ve`ul tket bemmot gl usli am tkl exae` ﬇ow ;;8, ;1;, emi ;13 J: V am ) 5.7< ger: H 6LG ) 363 jno`/
rlebtor, tkl RY sl`lbtavaty enoumtli to 15.27%, bonperli to
;2.79% et 5.7< ger hor lsslmtae``y tkl senl LG bomvlrsaom. Ykas
rlsu`t as quatl sana`er to tket ilravli hron tkl sanu`etaom oh tkl hor tkl bojl hornetaom wes gesli om e two-st
exae` ﬇ow rlebtor hor tkl asogerab bomiataom skowm am bojl prlbursor hornetaom emi bojl crowtk.21 Bo
Hacurl 57. wes essunli to obbur et tkl licls oh tkl bergo
oxaiazli gy wetlr.96 Ykl lhhlbt oh tkl oplre
(pertabu`er`y tkl stlen-to-LG hlli retao) om
;. Ranu`etaom oh e Weiae` H`ow Wlebtor watk Ykrll
lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt e`omc tkl tkrll-gli e
Eiaegetab Glis Ebboumtamc hor Bojl Hornetaom emi
emi tkl lhhlbt oh bojl hornetaom om tkl rlebto
erl iasbussli gl`ow.
Bojl hornli om tkl potessaun-pronotli arom oxail bete`ysts ;.5. Noil` Lquetaoms. ;.5.5. Wetl Lqu
as et `lest pertae``y rlnovli gy cesaſtbetaom watk stlen.7 Vrlvaous Hornetaom oh Bojl Vrlbursor. Ykl hornetaom o
jamltab amvlstacetaoms kevl acmorli bojl hornetaom emi bojl eisorgli bojl prlbursor hron LG emi RY, gotk
cesaſtbetaom: kowlvlr, norl rlblmt`y, Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt52 lqua`agraun watk tkl ces pkesl, as essunli
ilvl`opli iltea`li jamltab noil`s hor tklsl rlebtaoms. Ykl noil` iltlrnamamc stlp.73

of 12 
1517 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

iBBV 6
Ykl jamltab noil` hor bojl hornetaom emi c
rs )
Related titles ) ιrs ΨB ) boup`li to tkl jamltab noil` hor tkl neam r

it p

jLG,pJLGVLG + jRY,pJRYVRY sanu`etaoms oh e tkrll-gli eiaegetab rlebtor w

ι Ó ( 5 - WpBBV)ms(76) usamc tkl kltlroclmlous noil`. Lquetaoms 7<
(5 + JLGVLG + JRYVRY)ms bomtamuaty lquetaoms hor tkl bonpomlmts, ebboum
Ykl ve`uls oh ι, ms, Ws, jLG,p, emi jRY,p wlrl lstanetli gy hornetaom hron gotk LG emi RY.
Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt.52,95Yklsl ve`uls wlrl ogteamli om e
bete`yst tket wes mot tkl senl es tket usli am tkl worj rlportli ) γ5rb5 + γ7rb7 + γ2rb2 + (rt5 + rt7 + r
klrl. Mlvlrtkl`lss, tklar amslrtaom am tkl prlslmt noil` `leis to i(S ⁉ H6LG)
uslhu` amsackt emi rl`aeg`l trlmis.
;.5.7. Wetl Lquetaom hor Bojl Crowtk. Hurtklr ilkyiro-
clmetaom oh tkl bojl prlbursor horns tkl satls om wkabk tkl i[RY 
G r
) γ5rb5 - γ9rb9 + rt5 -
bojl ebbunu`etls. Ykl amtramsab retl oh bojl crowtk bem gl i(S ⁉ H6LG) HG
lxprlssli es tkl proiubt oh tkrll hebtors4 tkl amtramsab retl oh
bojl crowtk plr ebtavl satl, tkl tote` munglr oh ebtavl satls om i[GT 
) γ7rb7 + rt7
tkl crowamc bojl, emi e ilebtavetaom humbtaom4 i( 6
S ⁉ HLG ) HG
rcr ) rcrBtcrΨcr (75) i[K  19/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
1517 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

iBBV 6
Ykl jamltab noil` hor bojl hornetaom emi c
rs )
Related titles ) ιrs ΨB ) boup`li to tkl jamltab noil` hor tkl neam r

it p

jLG,pJLGVLG + jRY,pJRYVRY sanu`etaoms oh e tkrll-gli eiaegetab rlebtor w

ι Ó ( 5 - WpBBV)ms(76) usamc tkl kltlroclmlous noil`. Lquetaoms 7<
(5 + JLGVLG + JRYVRY)ms bomtamuaty lquetaoms hor tkl bonpomlmts, ebboum
Ykl ve`uls oh ι, ms, Ws, jLG,p, emi jRY,p wlrl lstanetli gy hornetaom hron gotk LG emi RY.
Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt.52,95Yklsl ve`uls wlrl ogteamli om e
bete`yst tket wes mot tkl senl es tket usli am tkl worj rlportli ) γ5rb5 + γ7rb7 + γ2rb2 + (rt5 + rt7 + r
klrl. Mlvlrtkl`lss, tklar amslrtaom am tkl prlslmt noil` `leis to i(S ⁉ H6LG)
uslhu` amsackt emi rl`aeg`l trlmis.
;.5.7. Wetl Lquetaom hor Bojl Crowtk. Hurtklr ilkyiro-
clmetaom oh tkl bojl prlbursor horns tkl satls om wkabk tkl i[RY 
G r
) γ5rb5 - γ9rb9 + rt5 -
bojl ebbunu`etls. Ykl amtramsab retl oh bojl crowtk bem gl i(S ⁉ H6LG) HG
lxprlssli es tkl proiubt oh tkrll hebtors4 tkl amtramsab retl oh
bojl crowtk plr ebtavl satl, tkl tote` munglr oh ebtavl satls om i[GT 
) γ7rb7 + rt7
tkl crowamc bojl, emi e ilebtavetaom humbtaom4 i( 6
S ⁉ HLG ) HG
rcr ) rcrBtcrΨcr (75) i[K7 
) γ5rb5 - γ2rb2 - 7γ9rb9 + (rt5 - rt7)
Ykl noil` hor tkl retl oh bojl crowtk as i(S ⁉ H6LG) H

( r LG
; )
( )
i Bcr b
rcr ) ) 75 +7
m m
jLG,crVLG LG + j RY,crVRY RY Bb
m5 wklrl rb(LG) rlprlslmts tkl retl oh bojl h
(5 - WcrBcr)mcr(77) ltky`glmzlml emi rb(RY) rlprlslmts tket hron s

m2 m7
(5 + JK OVK O ⁉ VK
7 7 7
+ JK VK )
7 7
VK7 Ykl lmlrcy lquetaom as wrattlm
Ykl ve`uls oh mLG, m RY, m5, m7, m 2, mcr, W cr, j LG,cr, emi j RY,cr wlrl 8
lstanetli gy Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt52,95 emi erl usli am tkl
prlslmt worj. Ykl amtramsab retl oh bojl hornetaom, ebboumtamc
∕ nˑ dbpd i S ⁉ H6
d)5 (
) HLG - ∈Kr5 γ5rb5 + rt5
Z ( 


hor tkl bojl prlbursor hornetaom emi bojl crowtk, bem gl

lxprlssli es tkl sunnetaom oh lqs 76 emi 77.
;.5.2. Wetl Lquetaom hor Bojl Cesaſtbetaom. Ykl retl
Z γ7rb7 + rt7 ( )^
- ∈Kr2 γ2rb2 + rt2 ( )^

( r LG
; )
( )
lquetaom hor bojl cesaſtbetaom wes ilvl`opli umilr tkl essunp- ∈KB,LG - ∈KB,R
taom tket tkl retl-iltlrnamamc stlp as tkl arrlvlrsag`l ilbonposa-
taom oh em oxaiazli bergom bonp`lx to BO emi hrll bergom.52 emi tkl nonlmtun lquetaom as umbkemcli,
\samc tkl psluio-stleiy-stetl epproxanetaom hor tkl surhebl lq 51.
amtlrnliaetls, tkl retl oh bojl cesaſtbetaom as cavlm gy Ykl slt oh bomtamuaty, lmlrcy, emi nonlmtun
7<, 78, emi 51swes amtlcretli sanu`temlous`y e

{( }
j7VK O
rC )
BtC (72) ;.7. Wlsu`ts emi Iasbussaom. Hacurl 53 skow
5 + J2∔VK7)Z(VK7 ⁉ J5) + (j7 ⁉ j5)^ + VK7O tkl K7O-to-LG no`er retao om tkl iymenab lq
of 12  bomtlmt am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab rlebtor watk r
Ykl perenltlr ve`uls am lq 72 wlrl e`so ogteamli hron tkl worj iymenab lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt wes `ow et k
oh Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt.52,95 hlli retaos. E kack stlen-to-LG retao as mot e`w
;.5.9. Bojl Hornetaom emi Cesaſtbetaom4 Iymenab amiustrae` oplretaom, glbeusl oh tkl bost oh stl
Lqua`agraun Bojl Bomtlmt. Ykl LG bomvlrsaoms am tkl neam
Related titles Et tkas poamt, optanazetaom as rlquarli to ogtea

rlebtaoms ilbrlesl umta` tkl bojl bomtlmt oh tkl bete`yst rlebkls stlen-to-LG hlli retao, e`so ebboumtamc hor tkl
e stleiy stetl. Ykl stega`azetaom problss as vlry hest, so tket tkl bete`yst.
ilebtavetaom oh tkl bete`yst as `anatli to e vlry ler`y stecl oh Hacurl 5; skows tkl lhhlbt oh bojl hornetaom o
tkl oplretaom. Ehtlr at as rlebkli, tkl bojl bomtlmt, wkabk as LG bomvlrsaom emi RY sl`lbtavaty am e tkrll-gli e
be``li tkl iymenab lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt emi as ilplmilmt watk reiae` ﬇ow. Ebboumtamc hor bojl hornetao
om`y om tkl tlnplreturl emi tkl bonposataoms, rlneams bom- RY `leis to e irestab ilbrlesl am tkl RY sl`lbtav
stemt.52 Mo ilebtavetaom lhhlbt as ogslrvli hron tklm omweri. oh tkl am﬇ulmbl oh tkl lqua`agraun, e s`ackt amb
Et iymenab lqua`agraun, tkl retl oh hornetaom oh bojl prlbursor bomvlrsaom.
emi tkl retl oh bojl crowtk erl bonplmsetli gy tkl cesaſtbetaom,
so tket tkl iymenab lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt bem gl ogteamli 1. Bomb`usaom
Ykl lxtlmsavl slt oh lxplranlmte` iete
iBBV 6 bonnlrbae` bete`yst am tkl lxplranlmte` per
) ιrs ΨBV - rC ) 6 (79e)
it rlportli klrl provails e bonprlklmsavl ge
iBcr ebburetl lve`uetaom oh tkl lhhlbt oh tkl ve
) rcrBtcrΨcr - rC ) 6 (79g) perenltlrs om tkl sl`lbtavaty oh styrlml p
it 20/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM
{( 5 + J2∔VK7)Z(VK7 ⁉ J5) + (j7 ⁉ j5)^ + VK7O
of 12 
Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
tC ( )
tkl K7O-to-LG no`er retao om tkl iymenab lq
bomtlmt am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab rlebtor watk r
Ykl perenltlr ve`uls am lq 72 wlrl e`so ogteamli hron tkl worj iymenab lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt wes `ow et k
oh Ilvo`ilrl emi Hronlmt.52,95 hlli retaos. E kack stlen-to-LG retao as mot e`w
;.5.9. Bojl Hornetaom emi Cesaſtbetaom4 Iymenab amiustrae` oplretaom, glbeusl oh tkl bost oh stl
Lqua`agraun Bojl Bomtlmt. Ykl LG bomvlrsaoms am tkl neam
Related titles Et tkas poamt, optanazetaom as rlquarli to ogtea

rlebtaoms ilbrlesl umta` tkl bojl bomtlmt oh tkl bete`yst rlebkls stlen-to-LG hlli retao, e`so ebboumtamc hor tkl
e stleiy stetl. Ykl stega`azetaom problss as vlry hest, so tket tkl bete`yst.
ilebtavetaom oh tkl bete`yst as `anatli to e vlry ler`y stecl oh Hacurl 5; skows tkl lhhlbt oh bojl hornetaom o
tkl oplretaom. Ehtlr at as rlebkli, tkl bojl bomtlmt, wkabk as LG bomvlrsaom emi RY sl`lbtavaty am e tkrll-gli e
be``li tkl iymenab lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt emi as ilplmilmt watk reiae` ﬇ow. Ebboumtamc hor bojl hornetao
om`y om tkl tlnplreturl emi tkl bonposataoms, rlneams bom- RY `leis to e irestab ilbrlesl am tkl RY sl`lbtav
stemt.52 Mo ilebtavetaom lhhlbt as ogslrvli hron tklm omweri. oh tkl am﬇ulmbl oh tkl lqua`agraun, e s`ackt amb
Et iymenab lqua`agraun, tkl retl oh hornetaom oh bojl prlbursor bomvlrsaom.
emi tkl retl oh bojl crowtk erl bonplmsetli gy tkl cesaſtbetaom,
so tket tkl iymenab lqua`agraun bojl bomtlmt bem gl ogteamli 1. Bomb`usaom
Ykl lxtlmsavl slt oh lxplranlmte` iete
iBBV 6 bonnlrbae` bete`yst am tkl lxplranlmte` per
) ιrs ΨBV - rC ) 6 (79e)
it rlportli klrl provails e bonprlklmsavl ge
iBcr ebburetl lve`uetaom oh tkl lhhlbt oh tkl ve
) rcrBtcrΨcr - rC ) 6 (79g) perenltlrs om tkl sl`lbtavaty oh styrlml p
it ltky`glmzlml.
Yklsl lquetaoms e`so lxprlss tket bojl hornetaom, `ajl emy Ykl iltea`li emi racorous jamltab noil` tket k
bete`ytab rlebtaom, as sugdlbt to ilebtavetaom, gut cesaſtbetaom as hron tkl lxplranlmte` ietegesl e`so ebboumtl
mot. croumi tklrne` brebjamc, wkabk stromc`y ambrl

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

C ) suplrſtbae` ness ﬇ow vl`obaty, jc/(nr7 k)
Related titles -∈Ke,d ) eisorptaom lmtke`py oh eisorgli bonpo

-∈Kr ) klet oh rlebtaom, jD/no`

Jd ) eisorptaom lqua`agraun bomstemt oh bonpoml
Jlq ) lqua`agraun bomstemt, ger
ja ) retl bolhſtbalmt oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a, jno`/
jta ) retl bolhſtbalmt oh tklrne` rlebtaom a, jno`/(
` ) vebemt ebtavl satl om tkl bete`yst
nˑ d ) ness ﬇ow retl oh bonpomlmt d, jc/k
Vd ) pertae` prlssurls oh bonpomlmt d am gu`j ﬇ua
Vs,d ) pertae` prlssurl oh bonpomlmt d amsail tkl b
Vt ) tote` prlssurl, ger
W ) reiaus oh bete`yst pertab`l, np
Wd ) tote` retl oh rlebtaom oh tkl bonpomlmt d , jn
Wl ) Wlymo`is munglr gesli om pertab`l iaenltl
r ) reiae` booiametl oh rlebtor, nr
ro ) ammlr reiaus oh bete`yst gli am e reiae` rlebt
rb ) retl oh bojl hornetaom, jc bojl/(jc-bet k) 21/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 

Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo.

C ) suplrſtbae` ness ﬇ow vl`obaty, jc/(nr7 k)
Related titles -∈Ke,d ) eisorptaom lmtke`py oh eisorgli bonpo

-∈Kr ) klet oh rlebtaom, jD/no`
Jd ) eisorptaom lqua`agraun bomstemt oh bonpoml
Jlq ) lqua`agraun bomstemt, ger
ja ) retl bolhſtbalmt oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a, jno`/
jta ) retl bolhſtbalmt oh tklrne` rlebtaom a, jno`/(
` ) vebemt ebtavl satl om tkl bete`yst
nˑ d ) ness ﬇ow retl oh bonpomlmt d, jc/k
Vd ) pertae` prlssurls oh bonpomlmt d am gu`j ﬇ua
Vs,d ) pertae` prlssurl oh bonpomlmt d amsail tkl b
Vt ) tote` prlssurl, ger
W ) reiaus oh bete`yst pertab`l, np
Wd ) tote` retl oh rlebtaom oh tkl bonpomlmt d , jn
Wl ) Wlymo`is munglr gesli om pertab`l iaenltl
r ) reiae` booiametl oh rlebtor, nr
ro ) ammlr reiaus oh bete`yst gli am e reiae` rlebt
rb ) retl oh bojl hornetaom, jc bojl/(jc-bet k)
rba ) retl oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a, jno`/(jc-bet k)
rC ) retl oh bojl cesaſtbetaom, jc bojl/(jc-bet k)
rcr ) retl oh bojl crowtk, jc bojl/(jc-bet k)
r6cr ) amatae` retl oh bojl crowtk plr ebtavl blmtlr,
rs ) retl oh satl bovlrecl, jc bojl/(jc-bet k)
r6s ) amatae` retl oh satl bovlrecl, jc bojl/(jno` k
rta ) retl oh tklrne` rlebtaom a , jno`/(nh2 k)
R() ) ogdlbtavl humbtaom
-∈R6e,d ) stemieri lmtropy oh eisorptaom oh bonp
R6c ) stemieri lmtropy oh tkl ces, D/(no` J)
Hacurl 5;. Lhhlbt oh bojl hornetaom om (e) LG bomvlrsaom emi (g) RY R6e ) stemieri lmtropy oh tkl eisorgli no`lbu`l,
sl`lbtavaty am e tkrll-gli eiaegetab reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor hor Y am ) ;;8, ;1;, Y ) tlnplreturl, J
emi ;13 J: K 7O-to-LG no`er retao ) 55 no`/no`: H6LG ) 363 jno`/k. Ro`ai
`amls rlprlslmt tkl rlsu`ts ebboumtamc hor tkl bojl hornetaom hron ltky`-
Yr ) evlrecl tlnplreturl, J
glmzlml emi styrlml: ieskli `amls rlprlslmt rlsu`ts mlc`lbtamc tkas lhhlbt. us ) suplrſtbae` vl`obaty, nh2/(nr7 s)
X ) bete`yst pl``lt vo`unl, np2
plreturl. Ykl optane` oplretaom oh toiey‑s `ercl p`emts e`so nust S ) wlackt oh bete`yst, jc-bet
bomsailr tkl `ettlr esplbt4 tkl jamltab stuiy eanli et ilravamc [LG ) bomvlrsaom oh ltky`glmzlml
amtramsab retl lquetaoms. Ykl iahhusaom `anatetaoms lmboumtlrli [d ) bomvlrsaom oh ltky`glmzlml amto bonpomlmt
watk tkl bete`yst pertab`l sazls usli am amiustrae` rlebtors erl T ) `lmctk oh reiae` ﬇ow rlebtor, nr
amtroiubli tkrouck tkl noil`amc. Ykl bete`ytab emi tklrne`
jamltab noil`s wlrl epp`aliof 12am sanu`etaoms ohtkl oplretaom oh Crllj @lttlrs
nu`tagli eiaegetab bonnlrbae` bomſtcuretaoms watk exae` or reiae` W ) bomvlrsaom hebtor am nonlmtun lquetaom
﬇ow tket e`so amb`uili iahhusaom `anatetaoms emi bojl ilposataom  ) noil` perenltlr
emi cesaſtbetaom. Yklrlhorl, at glbonls possag`l to amvlstacetl, ι ) bomvlrsaom hebtor am tkl retl oh bojl satl bov
Related titles
umilr rle`astab bomiataoms, tkl bonp`lx am﬇ulmbl oh tkl veraous

oplretamc veraeg`ls, am pertabu`er, tkl oplretamc prlssurl emi tkl G ) voai hrebtaom oh gli, nh2/nr2
stlen-to-ltky`glmzlml retao, wkabk as em anportemt hebtor am tkl 2
s ) bete`yst amtlrme` voai hrebtaom, nh /np
lbomonabs oh tkl problss. ΨBV ) ilebtavetaom humbtaom hor bojl prlbursor
Ψcr ) ilebtavetaom humbtaom hor bojl crowtk
Monlmb`eturl γ ) lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor
Ea ) prl-lxpomlmtae` hebtor oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a , jno`/(jc-bet k) HG ) gu`j ilmsaty oh gli, jc-bet/nr2
Ed ) prl-lxpomlmtae` hebtor hor eisorptaom oh splbals d, ger-5 Hc ) ces ilmsaty, jc/nh2
Eta ) prl-lxpomlmtae` hebtor oh tklrne` rlebtaom a , jno`/(nh2 k ger) Hs ) bete`yst pl``lt ilmsaty, jc-bet/np2
BBV ) bojl prlbursor bomtlmt, jc bojl/jc-bet ℨ ) bross slbtaom oh rlebtor, nr

B` ) no`er bomblmtretaom oh vebemt ebtavl satls ` oh bete`yst, jno`/

jc-bet Ebjmow`licnlmt
Bp ) splbaſtb klet oh ﬇uai, jD/(jc J)
Il,d ) lhhlbtavl iahhusavaty oh bonpomlmt d, nh2/(nr s) Ykl eutkors erl cretlhu` to Ir. W. C. Emtkomy,
ip ) bete`yst lquave`lmt pl``lt iaenltlr, np Ilpertnlmt oh Bklnabe` Lmcamllramc, Ylxes E&
La ) ebtavetaom lmlrcy oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a , jD/no` emi stanu`etamc iasbussaoms. 22/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
amtroiubli tkrouck tkl noil`amc. Ykl bete`ytab emi tklrne`
jamltab noil`s wlrl epp`aliof 12am sanu`etaoms ohtkl oplretaom oh Crllj @lttlrs
nu`tagli eiaegetab bonnlrbae` bomſtcuretaoms watk exae` or reiae` W ) bomvlrsaom hebtor am nonlmtun lquetaom
﬇ow tket e`so amb`uili iahhusaom `anatetaoms emi bojl ilposataom  ) noil` perenltlr
emi cesaſtbetaom. Yklrlhorl, at glbonls possag`l to amvlstacetl, ι ) bomvlrsaom hebtor am tkl retl oh bojl satl bov
Related titles
umilr rle`astab bomiataoms, tkl bonp`lx am﬇ulmbl oh tkl veraous

oplretamc veraeg`ls, am pertabu`er, tkl oplretamc prlssurl emi tkl G ) voai hrebtaom oh gli, nh2/nr2
stlen-to-ltky`glmzlml retao, wkabk as em anportemt hebtor am tkl 2
s ) bete`yst amtlrme` voai hrebtaom, nh /np
lbomonabs oh tkl problss. ΨBV ) ilebtavetaom humbtaom hor bojl prlbursor
Ψcr ) ilebtavetaom humbtaom hor bojl crowtk
Monlmb`eturl γ ) lhhlbtavlmlss hebtor
Ea ) prl-lxpomlmtae` hebtor oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a , jno`/(jc-bet k) HG ) gu`j ilmsaty oh gli, jc-bet/nr2
Ed ) prl-lxpomlmtae` hebtor hor eisorptaom oh splbals d, ger-5 Hc ) ces ilmsaty, jc/nh2
Eta ) prl-lxpomlmtae` hebtor oh tklrne` rlebtaom a , jno`/(nh2 k ger) Hs ) bete`yst pl``lt ilmsaty, jc-bet/np2
BBV ) bojl prlbursor bomtlmt, jc bojl/jc-bet ℨ ) bross slbtaom oh rlebtor, nr

B` ) no`er bomblmtretaom oh vebemt ebtavl satls ` oh bete`yst, jno`/

jc-bet Ebjmow`licnlmt
Bp ) splbaſtb klet oh ﬇uai, jD/(jc J)
Il,d ) lhhlbtavl iahhusavaty oh bonpomlmt d, nh2/(nr s) Ykl eutkors erl cretlhu` to Ir. W. C. Emtkomy,
ip ) bete`yst lquave`lmt pl``lt iaenltlr, np Ilpertnlmt oh Bklnabe` Lmcamllramc, Ylxes E&
La ) ebtavetaom lmlrcy oh bete`ytab rlebtaom a , jD/no` emi stanu`etamc iasbussaoms.
Lta ) ebtavetaom lmlrcy oh tklrne` rlebtaom a, jD/no`
Hd ) no`er ﬇ow retl oh d , jno`/k
@atlreturl Batli
Hod ) hlli no`er ﬇ow retl oh d, jno`/k
h ) hrabtaom hebtor am nonlmtun lquetaom (5) Vroiubt Hobus4 Rtyrlml. Bkln. Sllj 7667, (Ne

of 12 
1519 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

(7) Denls, I. K.: Bestor, S. N. Am \``nemm‑s Lmbyb`opliae oh Amiustrae` (75) Qll, E. J. Q.: Wey, E. J.: Wemceaek, C.
Bklnastry: Benpgl``, H. Y., Vhlhhlrjorm, W., Woumseva``l, D. H., Lis.:
Related titles Optanazetaom oh em Amiustrae` Rtyrlml Wlebtor. Bonput.

Sa`lysXBK4 Slamklan, Clrnemy, 5119: Xo`. E7<, p 271. 73, 555‒526.

(2) @ll, L. K. Arom-Oxail Bete`ysts hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml (77) Rklpperi, B. N.: Nealr, L. L. Ltky`glmzlml
am Vrlslmbl oh Rtlen. Bete`. WlX.sRba. Lmc. 5132, ; , 7;<‒26<. Wlebtor Noil`. Ami. Lmc. Bkln., Vroblss Ils. IlX. 51
(9) Bou`tlr, J.: Cooinem, I. S.: Noorl, W. C. Jamltabs oh tkl (72) Rbku`l, E.: Rkljkek, O.: Wemjl, S.: Rbk`oc
Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml to Rtyrlml ovlr \mpronotli emi J- Nabrojamltab Noil``amc oh tkl Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`g
Vronotli Noil` Arom-Oxail Bete`ysts. Bete`. @ltt. 511<, 25 , 5‒;. ovlr \mpronotli Arom Oxails. D. Bete`. 766<, 725 , 537
(<) Rtoggl, I. L.: vem Gurlm, H. W.: vem Ia``lm, E. D.: Clus, D. S. (79) Rumieren, J. N.: Hronlmt, C. H. Noil`amc oh Y
Votessaun pronotaom oh arom-oxail ilkyiroclmetaom bete`ysts supportli om Jamltabs. 5. Yklrne`-Brebjamc oh Ltkeml, Vropeml emi
necmlsaun-oxail. 5. Vrlperetaom emi bkerebtlrazetaom. D. Bete`. 5117, 52< , Bkln. Lmc. Rba. 5133, 27 , 865‒86;.
<22. (7<) Rumieren, J. N.: Reriame, K.: Hlrmemilz-Geuda
(8) Nuk`lr, N.: Rbk`oc`, W.: Wl``lr, E.: Lrt`, C. Ykl Meturl oh tkl Ebtavl D. N. Rtyrlml V`emt Ranu`etaom emi Optanazetaom. Kyir
Vkesl oh tkl Hl/J-Bete`yst hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Bete`. 5115, (Demuery), 12 .
@ltt. 51;1, 7 , 765‒756. (78) Ilvo`ilrl, J. W.: Hronlmt, C. H. \mpug`askli
(3) Karemo, Y. Ebtavl Vkesl am Votessaun-Vronotli Arom-Oxail Bete`yst (73) Hronlmt, C. H.: Gasbkohh, J. G. Bklnabe` Wle
hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Epp`. Bete`. 51;8, 78 , ;5‒16. Ilsacm, 7mi Liataom: Sa`ly4 Mlw Qorj, 5116.
(;) Karemo, Y. Wo`ls oh Votessaun am Votessaun-Vronotli Arom-Oxail (7;) Hronlmt, C. H. Noil` Iasbranametaom emi Veren
Bete`yst hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Epp`. Bete`. 51;8, 78 , 8<‒ Kltlroclmlous Bete`ysas. EABkL D. 513<, 75 , 5695‒56<
31. (71) Cler, B. S. Munlrabe` Amatae` Xe`ul Vrog`
(1) Karemo, Y. Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml ovlr Votessaun- Iahhlrlmtae` Lquetaoms: Vrlmtabl Ke``4 Lmc`lwooi B`ahh,
Vronotli Arom-Oxail Bomteamamc Blraun emi No`ygilmun Oxails. Epp`. (26) Gouiert, N.: Nlers, I. L.: Xemmabl, N. E. Ami. B 23/27
9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…

of 12 
1519 Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls., Xo`. 93, Mo. 72, 766;

(7) Denls, I. K.: Bestor, S. N. Am \``nemm‑s Lmbyb`opliae oh Amiustrae` (75) Qll, E. J. Q.: Wey, E. J.: Wemceaek, C.
Bklnastry: Benpgl``, H. Y., Vhlhhlrjorm, W., Woumseva``l, D. H., Lis.:
Related titles Optanazetaom oh em Amiustrae` Rtyrlml Wlebtor. Bonput.

Sa`lysXBK4 Slamklan, Clrnemy, 5119: Xo`. E7<, p 271. 73, 555‒526.
(2) @ll, L. K. Arom-Oxail Bete`ysts hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml (77) Rklpperi, B. N.: Nealr, L. L. Ltky`glmzlml
am Vrlslmbl oh Rtlen. Bete`. WlX.sRba. Lmc. 5132, ; , 7;<‒26<. Wlebtor Noil`. Ami. Lmc. Bkln., Vroblss Ils. IlX. 51
(9) Bou`tlr, J.: Cooinem, I. S.: Noorl, W. C. Jamltabs oh tkl (72) Rbku`l, E.: Rkljkek, O.: Wemjl, S.: Rbk`oc
Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml to Rtyrlml ovlr \mpronotli emi J- Nabrojamltab Noil``amc oh tkl Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`g
Vronotli Noil` Arom-Oxail Bete`ysts. Bete`. @ltt. 511<, 25 , 5‒;. ovlr \mpronotli Arom Oxails. D. Bete`. 766<, 725 , 537
(<) Rtoggl, I. L.: vem Gurlm, H. W.: vem Ia``lm, E. D.: Clus, D. S. (79) Rumieren, J. N.: Hronlmt, C. H. Noil`amc oh Y
Votessaun pronotaom oh arom-oxail ilkyiroclmetaom bete`ysts supportli om Jamltabs. 5. Yklrne`-Brebjamc oh Ltkeml, Vropeml emi
necmlsaun-oxail. 5. Vrlperetaom emi bkerebtlrazetaom. D. Bete`. 5117, 52< , Bkln. Lmc. Rba. 5133, 27 , 865‒86;.
<22. (7<) Rumieren, J. N.: Reriame, K.: Hlrmemilz-Geuda
(8) Nuk`lr, N.: Rbk`oc`, W.: Wl``lr, E.: Lrt`, C. Ykl Meturl oh tkl Ebtavl D. N. Rtyrlml V`emt Ranu`etaom emi Optanazetaom. Kyir
Vkesl oh tkl Hl/J-Bete`yst hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Bete`. 5115, (Demuery), 12 .
@ltt. 51;1, 7 , 765‒756. (78) Ilvo`ilrl, J. W.: Hronlmt, C. H. \mpug`askli
(3) Karemo, Y. Ebtavl Vkesl am Votessaun-Vronotli Arom-Oxail Bete`yst (73) Hronlmt, C. H.: Gasbkohh, J. G. Bklnabe` Wle
hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Epp`. Bete`. 51;8, 78 , ;5‒16. Ilsacm, 7mi Liataom: Sa`ly4 Mlw Qorj, 5116.
(;) Karemo, Y. Wo`ls oh Votessaun am Votessaun-Vronotli Arom-Oxail (7;) Hronlmt, C. H. Noil` Iasbranametaom emi Veren
Bete`yst hor Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Epp`. Bete`. 51;8, 78 , 8<‒ Kltlroclmlous Bete`ysas. EABkL D. 513<, 75 , 5695‒56<
31. (71) Cler, B. S. Munlrabe` Amatae` Xe`ul Vrog`
(1) Karemo, Y. Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml ovlr Votessaun- Iahhlrlmtae` Lquetaoms: Vrlmtabl Ke``4 Lmc`lwooi B`ahh,
Vronotli Arom-Oxail Bomteamamc Blraun emi No`ygilmun Oxails. Epp`. (26) Gouiert, N.: Nlers, I. L.: Xemmabl, N. E. Ami. B
Bete`. 51;8, 7; , 551‒527. 27, 7;5.
(56) Nuk`lr, N.: Rbkutzl, D.: Slslnemm, N.: Weynlmt, Y.: Ilmt, E.: (25) Xemmabl, N. E.: Kyum, R. K.: Je`pejba, G.: @aeu
Rbk`oc`, W.: Lrt`, C. Ykl Meturl oh tkl Arom Oxail-Gesli Bete`yst hor oh Eisorptaom am Kltlroclmlous Bete`ytab Wlebtaoms. D
Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml to Rtyrlml. 5. Ro`ai-Rtetl Bklnastry emi 2<;.
Gu`j Bkerebtlrazetaom. D. Bete`. 5116, 578 , 221‒286. (27) Gouiert, N. Ywo-Rtlp Bete`ytab Wlebtaoms. EABk
(55) Eiialco, S. V.: Lstreie, B. E.: Cooinem, I. S.: Wosymlj, N. V. (22) Nlers, I. L.: Gouiert, N. Ykl Ilkyiroclmeta
Em Amhrerli Rtuiy oh tkl Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml to Rtyrlml ovlr om Bete`ysts Vrlperli gy Roiaun Gorokyirail Wliubtaom
Arom-Gesli Bete`ysts. D. Bete`. 5119, 598 , 963‒959. 57, 252.
(57) Rkljkek, O.: Wemjl, S.: Rbk`oc`, W. Rtyrlml Rymtklsas4 Am satu (29) Xem Yranpomt, V. E.: Neram, C. G.: Hronlmt,
Bkerebtlrazetaom emi Wlebtavaty Rtuials oh \mpronotli emi Votessaun- Nltky`byb`oklxeml Ilkyiroclmetaom om Ru`ſtili Bon
Vronotli Arom Oxail Noil` Bete`ysts. D. Bete`. 7669, 77< , <8. E`uname emi V`etamun-Wklmaun E`uname Bete`ysts.
(52) Ilvo`ilrl, J. W.: Hronlmt, C. H. Bojl Hornetaom emi Cesaſtbetaom Humien. 51;8, 7< , <99‒<<2.
am tkl Bete`ytab Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ltky`glmzlml. Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Wls. (2<) [u, D. C.: Hronlmt, C. H. Nltkeml Rtlen Wlhorn
5111, 2; , 7878‒7822. emi Setlr-Ces Rkaht. 5. Amtramsab Jamltabs. EABkL D. 51
(59) Slmmlr, W. W.: Iygie`, L. B. Bete`ytab Ilkyiroclmetaom oh (28) Rtu``, I. W.: Slstrun, L. H., Dr.: Ramjl, C.
Ltky`glmzlml. Bkln. Lmc. Vroc. 519;, 99 , 73<. Yklrnoiymenabs oh Orcemab Bonpoumis : Sa`ly4 Mlw Q
(5<) Berre, R.: Horma, @. Jamltabs oh Bete`ytab Ilkyiroclmetaom oh (23) Lvlrltt, I. K. Ykl Yklrnoiymenabs oh Eis
Ltky`glmzlml to Rtyrlml. Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Vroblss Ils. IlX. 518<, 9 , 7;5. Eme`ysas emi Iasbussaom oh Lxplranlmte` Iete. Yrems. H
(58) Rkll`, D. C. V.: Browl, B. N. Ranu`etaom emi Optanazetaom oh em 98, 1<3.
Lxastamc Ltky`glmzlml Ilkyiroclmetaom Wlebtor. Bem. D. Bkln. Lmc. 5181, (2;) Kemi`ly, I.: Klccs, V. D. Nonlmtun emi Klet
93, 5;2. masns am Wlcu`er Rkepli Vebjamcs. Yrems. Amst. Bkln. Lm
(53) L`meskeal, R. R. L.K.: Egie``e, G. J.: Kuckls, W. Ranu`etaom oh (21) Gllbjnem, D. S.: Hronlmt, C. H. Bete`yst Ilebt
tkl Amiustrae` Haxli-Gli Bete`ytab Wlebtor hor tkl Ilkyiroclmetaom oh Ratl Bovlrecl emi Vorl G`objecl. Ami. Lmc. Bkln. Humie
Ltky`glmzlml to RtyrlmlsKltlroclmlous Iusty Ces-Noil`. Ami. Lmc. Bkln. 7<8.
Wls. 5112, 27 , 7<23‒7<95. (96) Nans, B. E.: Bk`uizamsja, D. D.: Vegst, D. J.:
(5;) Iattnlylr, W.: Ko``lam, X.: Uuabjlr, V.: Lnac, C.: Keusamclr, C.: Votessaun-Bete`yzli Cesaſtbetaom oh Crepkatl am Oxyc
Rbknait, H. Hebtors Bomtro``amc tkl Vlrhornembl oh Bete`ytab Ilkyirocl- Bete`. 51;9, ;; , 13‒568.
metaom oh Ltky`glmzlml am Ve``eiaun
of 12 Bonposatl Nlngreml  Wlebtors. Bkln. (95) Hronlmt, C. H. \mpug`askli worj, Nerbk 766<
Lmc. Rba. 5111, <9 , 5925‒5921.
(51) Jo`aos, C.: Laclmglrclr, C. Rtyrlml Rymtklsas am e Wlvlrsl-H`ow WlblaXli hor rlXalw
Wlebtor. Bkln. Lmc. Rba. 5111, <9 , 7823. WlXasli nemusbrapt rlblaXli Il
(76) Revorltta, E. E.: Gorao, I. O.: Gube`e, X.: Vorres, D. E. Mom- Ebblptli Il
Related titles
eiaegetab Weiae`-﬇ow Wlebtor hor Rtyrlml Vroiubtaom. Bkln. Lmc. Rba. 5111,

<9, 76<‒752.

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9/27/23, 5:30 PM Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation Into Styrene: Kinetic Modeling and Reactor Simulation | PDF | Gas Chromatography | Chemi…
Rbknait, H. Hebtors Bomtro``amc tkl Vlrhornembl oh Bete`ytab Ilkyirocl- Bete`. 51;9, ;; , 13‒568.
metaom oh Ltky`glmzlml am Ve``eiaun
of 12 Bonposatl Nlngreml
 Wlebtors. Bkln. (95) Hronlmt, C. H. \mpug`askli worj, Nerbk 766<
Lmc. Rba. 5111, <9 , 5925‒5921.
(51) Jo`aos, C.: Laclmglrclr, C. Rtyrlml Rymtklsas am e Wlvlrsl-H`ow WlblaXli hor rlXalw
Wlebtor. Bkln. Lmc. Rba. 5111, <9 , 7823. WlXasli nemusbrapt rlblaXli Il
(76) Revorltta, E. E.: Gorao, I. O.: Gube`e, X.: Vorres, D. E. Mom- Ebblptli Il
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eiaegetab Weiae`-﬇ow Wlebtor hor Rtyrlml Vroiubtaom. Bkln. Lmc. Rba. 5111,

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