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Effects of Cyber Warfare

This cyberwarfare has resulted in death and physical destruction. Without dropping a bomb or
firing a shot, these strikes have stunned and paralyzed the country and generated a profound new
sense of vulnerability.

The following are some effects of cyberwarfare:

Disrupt Essential Government Services:
The function of identities and social practices is currently a problem for the international system.
Cyberwarfare might impair vital government functions including electricity, healthcare, and
banking services in today's socially connected society.

Influence on Stock Rate:

A cyber-attack may cause the bank balances to
become zero. Furthermore, if data is leaked by
hackers, stock prices may change. Large losses
could result from this, but some people might also
win since they could purchase equities for less

Disrupt Transportations
Hackers may try to take over or interfere with workstations and servers at airports and train
stations. Train and Aeroplan delays, aviation and rail traffic congestion, and other types of
prolonged delays could result from this.

Conflicts Among Nations

Cyberwarfare is causing international conflicts to develop. Cyberwarfare has the potential to be
both aggressive and defensive. Numerous cybercriminals are gathering data and dealing with
buying and selling this sensitive information to the highest bidder without concern for the
repercussions. National security could be at risk worldwide as a result of this action.

Impact on Private Sector

Cyberwarfare has not only weakened the government sector but also resulted in highly negative
impacts on the private sector. The world faces millions of cyberwarfare in a day but all of these
get unnoticed as it receives less media attention.

Cyber-attack prevention
So, how to protect your organization against cybercrime. Some of the best ways to approach
cyber-attack defense include:
Educate staff about cyber security:
For all businesses, making sure that staff are aware of the importance of cyber security is
essential. Provide regular, updated cyber security training so that users know to:
Check links before clicking them
Check email addresses from received email
Think twice before sending sensitive information. If a request seems odd, it probably is. User
training, education and awareness will reduce the likelihood of social engineering attempts being

. Keep your software and systems fully up to date.

Often cyber-attacks happen because your systems or software aren’t fully up to date, leaving
weaknesses. So cybercriminals exploit these weaknesses to gain access to your network. Once
they are in – it’s often too late to take preventative action.

To counteract this, it’s smart to invest in a patch management system that will manage all
software and system updates, keeping your
system resilient and up to date.
Encrypt and backup data

Companies often collect and store personally

identifiable information, which can be obtained
by cybercriminals and used to steal identities
and therefore further compromise business data.
In the event of a cyber attack, it’s important that
your data is backed up to prevent serious
downtime, loss of data and financial loss. If
ransomware attacks and wreaks havoc, your backup software could itself be attacked which
could corrupt your backup files, even if you have robust security measures in place. Make sure
you encrypt all sensitive data, including customer and employee information.

Wifi Security.

Any device can get infected by connecting to a network, if this infected device then connects to
your business network your entire system is at serious risk.
Securing your wifi networks and hiding them is one of the safest things you can do for you
systems. With wireless technology developing more and more everyday there’s thousands of
devices that can connect to your network and compromise you.

Install a firewall:
Placing your network behind a firewall is one of the
most effective ways to defend yourself from a cyber-
attack. A firewall system will help to block brute force
attacks made upon your network or systems before they
can do any damage.
Ensure a best practice password policy
Ensure that an appropriate password policy is in place and followed. A sensible and enforced
password policy will prevent users from selecting easily guessed passwords and should lock
accounts after a specified number of failed attempts. Employees should create strong
passwords using letters, special characters, and numbers. They should also enable multi-factor
authentication to prevent unauthorized access to their devices. Companies may opt to use
passphrases instead of passwords to provide additional system security. It’s important not to use
the same passwords or passphrases throughout the company and remember to set a password to
secure your Wi-Fi network.
Ensure endpoint protection
Endpoint security is the process of protecting devices like desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and
tablets from malicious threats and cyber attacks. Endpoint security software enables businesses
to protect devices that employees use for work purposes either on a network or in the cloud from
cyber threats. You can read more about endpoint security and endpoint protection here.

Employee personal accounts.

Every employee needs their own login for every application and program. Several users
connecting under the same credentials can put your business at risk. Having separate logins for
each staff member will help you reduce the number of attack fronts. Users only log in once each
day and will only use their own set of logins. Greater security isn’t the only benefit, you’ll also
get improved usability.

10 Ways to Prevent Cyber Attacks. (n.d.). Retrieved from leaf:

airen, D. (n.d.). Cyber Warfare And Its Impact. legal sevice india E-Journal.

How to prevent cyber attacks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Kaspersky:


What are the Effects of Cyberwarfare? (n.d.). Retrieved from tutorialspoints:

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