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The Border at Kapikule smugglers have to find new places to hide the drugs.

Trucks are the most popular places to hide drugs because

In 2022, TIR parks opened on both sides of the Kapikule of time limitations. It takes 2 hours to search a car, 4
border, in Bulgaria and in Turkey. Until 2022, truck hours to search a bus, and 6-8 hours to search a truck.
drivers who were waiting to enter Bulgaria had to park
their trucks along the E80, and wait to be inspected. This Things frequently go wrong. Drivers can be delayed or get
line of trucks - which was sometimes over 15km long - lost, and codes can be misunderstood, which means that
was very important to the mafia and to organised crime. drivers often arrive at the wrong place or the wrong time.
If you had gone to Kapikule before 2022, you would have In fact, one police officer commented that organised
seen that the trucks were often parked next to others crime is difficult to fight because it is so disorganised!
from the same company. Drivers were required to park Nevertheless, the police work hard to figure out the signs
together, so that they could guard each others' trucks of drug smuggling, and they search especially for things
from the mafia while one of them slept. The wait to cross which do not fit into the normal pattern. Making a round
the border into Bulgaria often lasted 48 hours or more. trip without a load is suspicious. A car that has just had
work done on it can have been "prepared" with storage
The reason is that the mafia targetted those trucks for space; new bolts are a sign of this. A car that has been
drug smuggling. freshly sprayed is also suspicious. If the goods don't fit
within the usual route of origin and destination, or if a
When heroin is produced, it is not worth a lot of money. truck has an unusual driver, or if there is vague or no
Each time it is refined, its value increases. When it advertising on the truck, the police will take note of it.
crosses the border from Turkey to Bulgaria, it has usually They also watch for unusual documents and packaging,
been fully refined in Turkey and it is worth a lot of or when a truck and a car with registration numbers from
money. Smugglers are aiming for the markets of western the same place are driving one after the other for a long
Europe, and they frequently use innocent truck drivers to time.
carry the heroin for them. Mehmet1, a driver for a major
logistics firm, has had experience with this three times in Source: The Turkish Mafia: A History of the Heroin
his career. The first time, when he crossed the border Godfathers by Frank Bovenkerek & Yücel Yeşilgöz
from Bulgaria into Romania, sniffer dogs alerted the
police to his truck and trace amounts of heroin were Look online and answer the questions below:
found in the undercarriage. "The mafia loaded my truck
with heroin while I was waiting at Kapikule," Mehmet 1. What is the "street price" of a kilogram of heroin in
says. "Then, they followed me into Bulgaria and took the western Europe?
drugs when I stopped to eat or sleep. It's a risk-free way
for them to get drugs across the border: if the police at 2. Is Kapikule Turkey's biggest border crossing?
Kapikule had found them, I would have gone to jail but
nobody would have caught the drug mafia." Mehmet is 3. What is an example of a punishment for smuggling
fairly certain that he has carried drugs into Bulgaria two drugs from Turkey to the EU?
more times: once, he was alerted when CCTV showed
some people stealing something from his truck at a 1. Now complete the summary of the reading with
Bulgarian restaurant; and another time he noticed that a word(s) in each space.
car was following his truck. "It may have been more than
three times," he says. "I'm just lucky that I was never Kapikule is a/an ______________ when people
caught. The police would never believe that I was research drug smuggling from Turkey to the EU.
innocent." _____ study it carefully because heroin
________ into Bulgaria in many _______.
Mehmet might be innocent but many drivers are not. The Sometimes, _________ take heroin into
Kapikule border is a major transport point for heroin and Bulgaria: they might pay money to the guards,
the police estimate that 150 kg of drugs pass through it or sometimes they take it without _________. In
every day. Another driver who carried drugs says he paid the second situation, the criminals follow their
bribes to not be inspected. However, it is very difficult to trucks so that they can ________ in Bulgaria.
bribe the correct inspector before you arrive at the The guards don't always search trucks because it
border, so drivers have to carry cash and just hope that it ________.
will be accepted. "I lost ten kilos in body weight on one The police study ___________ so that they can
trip from Lebanon to the Netherlands, through nervous find drugs more easily.
sweat!" he says.
Now listen to the T/F quiz and write your
The police are aware of the drug smuggling and answers to the ten questions.
conferences on Kapikule are organised every year. The
drug smugglers and the police never stop working: when 1. The police think that 15 kg of drugs are taken
the police discover a new popular hiding place, the drug into Bulgaria every day.
Not his real name 2. Heroin is refined in Afghanistan, not in Turkey.
3. The example driver called "Mehmet" is in the
4. The example driver called "Mehmet" is now in
5. It takes 6-8 hours for a normal truck to pass
through Kapikule.
6. Truckers had to guard their trucks while they
waited to pass through Kapikule.
7. The article discusses sniffer dogs at Kapikule.
8. It is hard for the police to fight organised crime
because the criminals are often disorganized.
9. If you are driving a new car across the border,
the police will probably want to search it for
10. If you are driving a car with new paint across the
border, the police will probably want to search it
for drugs.

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