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Mixed Modals Board Game

Start What should

What might
you do if it is
What would a
Why should
you go to the
Lose your
parent do if dentist every
you do if you raining? turn.
their child is year?
see someone
choking? hungry?

When should
What is you have your
What would you oil changed (in
something you What would you
do if the fire your car)?
Why would could do but like to eat right
alarm rang?
someone want Why might a now you can’t? now?
to go to person say
Why should you college? “God bless
listen to your you!”?
When may you
get your driver’s
What will you Move ahead 3 What can a licence in the
do when you child do that What should US? What will
learn English? you can’t? you do if you happen if you
smell smoke? run or jump on
wet floors?
Switch places
What should with your
What can you do to stay What could
people do that you ask partner
What might What would you healthy?
happen if you animals can’t? do first if you someone if
have an allergy won the lottery? you are lost?
to something?

Do you think Where would

people should you go on your
be allowed to Why might a Go back 3 What job would dream Why should
smoke person gain spaces you do if vacation? people be
What might
anywhere? too much money were no concerned
happen if you
weight? object? tell a lie? about the
What are some

The Roll the dice

When should a
person get Why would
reasons you
might steal?


and go back What will married?
those spaces happen if you become
break the law in extinct?
this country?

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