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names adjectives

time person year way day beautiful handsome cute strong upset

thing man world life hand young old dry hard big

part child eye woman place small funny dangerous ice good

work week case point government bad tall short serious secret

company number group proble fact full empty sad happy foolish

verbs more words

be have do say get the be to of and

make go know take see a in that have I

come think look want give it for not on with

use find tell ask work he as you do at

seen feel try leave call this but his by from

adjectives names
beautiful handsome cute strong upset time person year way day

young old dry hard big thing man world life hand

small funny dangerous ice good part child eye woman place

bad tall short serious secret work week case point government

full empty sad happy foolish company number group proble fact

more words verbs

the be to of and be have do say get

a in that have I make go know take see

it for not on with come think look want give

he as you do at use find tell ask work

this but his by from seen feel try leave call

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