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Biological control over sources of powdery mildew inoculum (Erysiphe necator), gray rot (Botrytis

cinerea) and arm death (Diplodia seriata), in periods of winter dormancy of Vitis vinifera.

The use of biological control agents, allow a more ecological management for plant diseases, using
population ecology. This study evaluates the effect of applications of biological agents, in
dormancy of Vitis vinifera, aiming to evaluate the effect of formulations of Trichoderma spp,
(Mamull ®) and Bacillus spps (Nacillus pro), during the pruning period, on the control of wood
diseases (Diplodia spp) incidence and parasitism of pycnidia’s, incidence of powdery mildew
(Erysiphe necator), as well as incidence of gray rot (Botrytis cinerea) and parasitism in sclerotia.
A field trial was established, with random blocks, with 5 replications by treatments, each replica
had 10 plants, the treatments were Control, without spray; Chemical pruning paste
(pyraclostrobin), sulfur between bud break and breaking calyptra, Fluidioxonyl + Cyprodinil (Swith
® Syngenta ) and pyraclostrobin and boscalid (Bellies® BASF) in flowering , and Fluopyran +
Tebuconoazole (Luna Experience® BAYER) in fruit set. and biological treatment, consistent in a
Trichoderma spp and Bionectria ochreoleuca commercial formulation, to control wood fungus and
reproductive melanized fungal structures (Mamull ®BioNativa) and Bacillus spps (Nacillus
pro®BioNativa) strain selected to control Powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator)m, this treatment .
biological, to foliage 24 hours post pruning and pruning debris. 180 days after pruning, wood
damage in pruning cuts (Figure 1), as percentage of parasitism in pycnidia (figure 2), in dead wood
were assess. In flowering, samples of litter were assessed to isolation of Botrytis sclerotia, and this
sclerotia, were incubated in water agar, to determine germination of Botrytis or isolation of
Trichoderma (figure 3). 100 flower cluster, were subjected to wet chamber to assess frequency of
Botrytis presence, in veraison 100 cluster and 100 leaf per replica, were evaluated for Powdery
mildew incidence.
The results showed a significant effect (P< 0,05) of the treatments, both chemical (3.5%), and
biological (0.5%) showed reduction damage to wood with respect to control (15.8%), only the
biological showed a parasitism of pycnidia 73.4%, in Botrytis the control showed an 82.5%
incidence, chemical 3.5% and the winter biological of 56.5% and 60% of sclerotia parasitism. In
oidium, control 100% of incidence in clusters and 74% in leaves in veraison, while the chemical
5.2% in bunches, 1.2% in leaves, the biological reached 45% in clusters and 34% in leaves. This
study shows the possibility to use biological control agents, in dormancy to reduce inoculum with
significative effect in full season diseases.

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