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Winter population dynamics, of Pseudomonas syringae pv.

syringae on
cherry buds.

Donoso E.1; Caballero J. 1; Bratti J1. y Garcia C2

Fitnova SPA, Maule, Chile. 2Bio Insumos Nativa SPA, Maule, Chile.


The main disease of Cherry Tree in Chile is Bacterial Cancer, caused by Pseudomonas
syringae Pv. syringae (PSS). Where the control strategy are based in cooper and biological
control agents (BCA), but there isn’t a criterion of winter applications, so we consider,
establish the winter dynamics of the populations of Pss, during the winters of 2016 to18. For
this goal cherry bud were sampled weekly, from leaf fall to bud break, from a Bing/colt
orchard located in Talca (Lat 32° S). The buds were subjected to bacteria extraction, both
surface and inside, accounting bacterial populations of. These populations were correlated
with climatic information and disease incedence. This was done in plants without treatments
and treated with coppers and BCA (Nacillus ®).

The results indicate a high correlation of the internal populations with disease incidence (R
= 0,68; P < 0.05), with isease incidence treshold than 1x105 CFU/bud.
The second result shows a population dynamic, responding to the combination of temperature
(R = 0.75; P < 0.001), humidity (R = 0,69; P < 0.05) and rainfall (R = 0.55; P < 0.05), In cold
winters (2017-18,), showed populations below the threshold until the second week of August,
whereas, in 2016, a warm and dry winter, we obtain risk population levels in full winter.
There are differences in plants with applications and control. This indicates that winter
applications could be adjusted to conditions favorable to the bacterium, such as temperatures,
greater than 15 °c, followed by frost or rain

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