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1. Fact or Opinion?

a) A teenage Prime Minister is a great idea. ___________________

b) The Prime Minister is head of the UK's government. ___________________
c) Prime Ministers make terrible decisions. ___________________

2. Use the word YOUNGEST or BEST to make a fact.

She is the _________________________ ever Prime Minister.

3. Decide which of the following statements are facts and which are opinions.

a) Pandas are cuter than meerkats.

b) The Houses of Parliament are in London.
c) Apples grow on trees.
d) My cat is the best cat in the world!
e) Ice cream is horrible.
f) Water will become ice if the temperature is cold enough.

4. Below is a selection of different topics. You need to write one fact and one opinion for each

For example: Animals

Fact: Tigers have stripes to help them hide better in their natural environment.
Opinion: Elephants are the funniest animals because of their big ears and trunks.

a) A singer or band
Fact: ______________________________________________________________________
Opinion: ___________________________________________________________________

b) A fruit
Fact: ______________________________________________________________________
Opinion: ___________________________________________________________________

c) Animals
Fact: ______________________________________________________________________
Opinion: ___________________________________________________________________

d) School
Fact: ______________________________________________________________________
Opinion: ___________________________________________________________________

e) Space
Fact: ______________________________________________________________________
Opinion: ___________________________________________________________________

Fonte: (BBC Bitesize, 2023)


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