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Sulthan Athaya Awdihansyah

3E Accounting Management

Importance of accountant
for coffee shops and
The text says that Accountants help
cafes and coffee shops manage their
bigger financial picture

Budgeting, cash
Efficient record- flow forecasting,
keeping and data and data-driven
extraction using decision making
cloud technology with accounting
Ross Brown says the advent of cloud- software
based technology over the past
The text in the above pointed out the
decade has made running his
benefits of accounting software for a
business much better and easier cafe or coffee shop
Pramita Sindi A
Group 9

Providing cofee Learning how

geek experience people want to be

Some folks wanting full coffee He believed that learning how to
geek experience. They want to CUSTOMER read customer desire will give
geek out about it, like how it great experience. He asks to the
processed. He trained his staff to EXPERIENCE customer about their preferences
then the staff providing the best
be able to answer that question.
Nama : Kholifatur Rofiqoh
Kelas : 3E - AKM
Absen : 14

Consistent with
have a good
marketing idea
the speaker said buy cheaper
ingredients will improve margin
for a while then sales start fall.
so the owner must consistent
the speaker ost people will
jump right in to marketing
ideas social media. so, have
with the product good marketing idea is

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