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Student Name: Mazumder, Atiqul Haq

Student ID: 2442365

Faculty: Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (FBMM)
Principal Supervisor: Professor Seppo Vainio
Date of Submission: November 07, 2017

Reflective Learning Diary

Basics of University Pedagogy
Task 1a

1. Lessons learnt today:

1) “Something I learned” ⏤ For the first time in my life I have learnt to utilize the stunning
teaching tool, Mentimeter, which is really nice to experience and use.

2) “Something I felt reassured by” ⏤ I was liberal in my personal view about teaching. But my
vision was not susceptible to the contemporary way of teaching. By the fascinating learnings of this
course I got reassured of my personal philosophy of teaching.

3) “Something that surprised me” ⏤ I am surprised at how much progressive some school of
thought (most encouragingly, Finnish Education System, in general), about the scientifically proven
advanced methods of teaching.

4) “Something I disagreed with” ⏤ I have some degree of disagreement in the assessment

methodology. In most assessment tools, there are some final assessments along with continuous
assessments. In my opinion, continuous assessments should be the most accurate one in absence of
any final assessment. Because, nothing could be judged finally: because learning is a continuous
process (like evolution; it could have no end point for final ‘results’!

5) “Something I would like to know more about” ⏤ Scientific and Authentic Research findings
on effective teaching modules.

2. Set for myself one learning outcome as the one thing that I would like to retain
from this course after leaving it:
I must focus on the advancement of my existing knowledge and the development of personal skill
as a successful teacher, not merely to fulfill required credits or to pass the doctoral thesis.


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