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Unit Three

What are friends for?

Learning Outcomes

After we have studied this unit, we will be able to

• ask and answer questions

• talk about familiar events

• read and understand texts

• write answers to questions

• write short compositions

Lesson 1: Prize-giving day at school

Key words: eminent outstanding performance

A) Look at the picture and discuss the following questions.

1. Who can you see in the picture?

2. What are they doing?

Class_7, Unit Three

Key words:

eminent adj.- famous in particular proffession; িবিশষ্ট।

outstanding adj.- exceptionally good; অসাধারণ।

performance n.- the act of achieving something; কৃিততব্।

In the picture, I can see three boys and a lady. May be the lady is a teacher
and the boys are her students. The boys are standing in a queue. The lady is
handing over a gift to a student. I think, this is the picture of a prize-giving

Class_7, Unit Three 2

B) Read the text about a prize-giving ceremony.

Farabi is Flora's best friend. They live in the same area. Also they are both in
class 7. But they go to different schools.

It is a school holiday. Flora has come to visit Farabi. They are talking. Flora
wants to know about the prize-giving ceremony of Farabi's school.

“Yesterday was our school prize-giving day," Farabi says. “On this occasion
our school auditorium and its dais were brightly decorated. Prizes were also
neatly displayed on a separate table on the dais. All the students were
present at the function. Among others, the guardians and some eminent
persons of the locality attended the function,” Farabi continues. “The
principal of PN College was the chief guest."

"When did the function start?" Flora asked.

"Oh, it started on time—just at 4 pm," Farabi says. "Our Head Teacher first
read out the annual report. Then the Chief Guest gave a short speech. He
highly praised the overall performance of the school and its excellent JSC
and SSC Exam results. Then he gave away the prizes among the students for
their outstanding activities."

"Did you get any prize, Farabi?" Flora enquires.

"Yes, I did," Farabi replies. "I've got two prizes—one for regular attendance
and the other for good results in the last annual exams."

Class_7, Unit Three 3

অনু বাদ

ফারািব েফ্লারার সবেচেয় ভােলা বন্ধু। তারা একই এলাকায় বাস কের। তারা উভেয়ই ৭ম েশৰ্িণেত পেড়।
িকন্তু তারা আলাদা স্কুেল যায়।

স্কুল ছু িটর িদন। েফ্লারা ফারািবর সােথ েদখা করেত এেসেছ। তারা কথা বলেছ। েফ্লারা ফারািবর স্কুেলর
পুরস্কার িবতরণী অনু ষ্ঠান সম্পেকর্ জানেত চায়।

“গতকাল আমােদর স্কুেলর পুরস্কার িবতরণী িদবস িছল,” ফারািব বেল। “এ উপলেক্ষ আমােদর স্কুেলর
িমলনায়তন এবং এর মঞ্চ চমৎকারভােব সাজােনা হেয়িছল। পুরস্কারগ‌ুেলাও মেঞ্চ একিট আলাদা েটিবেল
সু ন্দরভােব সািজেয় রাখা হেয়িছল। সকল িশক্ষাথর্ীরা এ অনু ষ্ঠােন উপিস্থত িছল। অন[ান[েদর মেধ[, অিভভাবক
এবং স্থানীয় িকছু িবিশষ্ট ব[িক্তবগর্ অনু ষ্ঠােন অংশগৰ্হণ কেরিছেলন,” ফারািব বলেত থােক। “িপএন কেলেজর
অধ[ক্ষ পৰ্ধান অিতিথ িছেলন।”

েফ্লারা িজজ্ঞাসা করল, “অনু ষ্ঠান কখন শ‌ুরু হেয়িছল?”

“ওহ, এটা যথাসমেয় শ‌ুরু হেয়িছল – িঠক িবকাল ৪ টায়,” ফারািব বেল। “আমােদর পৰ্ধান িশক্ষক পৰ্থেম
বািষর্ক পৰ্িতেবদন পাঠ কেরন। তারপর পৰ্ধান অিতিথ সংিক্ষপ্ত বক্তৃতা েদন। িতিন িবদ[ালেয়র সািবর্ক কৃিততব্
এবং েজএসিস ও এসএসিস পরীক্ষায় চমৎকার ফলাফেলর জেন[ উচ্ছব্ািসত পৰ্শংসা কেরন। এরপর িতিন
িশক্ষাথর্ীেদর মােঝ তােদর অসাধারণ কীিতর্র জন[ পুরস্কার িবতরণ কেরন।

“ফারািব, তুিম িক েকােনা পুরস্কার েপেয়িছেল?” েফ্লারা জানেত চায়।

“হ[াঁ, আিম েপেয়িছলাম,” ফারািব উত্তর েদয়। “আিম দু িট পুরস্কার েপেয়িছ --- একিট িনয়িমত উপিস্থিত এবং
অন[িট গত বািষর্ক পরীক্ষায় ভােলা ফলাফেলর জেন[”।

Class_7, Unit Three 4


Activity (n.) কমর্কাণ্ড (doing something as work or for a particular purpose)

Among (pre.) মেধ[ ( being members of )

Annual (adj.) বািষর্ক ( occurring once every year )

Attend (v.) উপিস্থত হওয়া ( be present at an event, meeting, or function )

Attendance (n.) উপিস্থিত ( the act of remaining present somewhere )

Brightly (adv.) চমৎকারভােব ( having a very light and strong colour )

Ceremony (n.) অনু ষ্ঠান ( a formal religious or public occasion )

Chief Guest (n.) পৰ্ধান অিতিথ ( an important person who is invited )

Different (adj.) িভন্ন ( not the same )

Display (v.) পৰ্দশর্ন করা ( to arrange something so that they can be seen )

Enquire (v.) িজজ্ঞাসা করা ( to ask for information )

Excellent (adj.) চমৎকার ( extremely good )

Function (n.) অনু ষ্ঠান ( an official ceremony or a formal social event )

Guardian (n.) অিভভাবক ( a person who is legally responsible for taking care of

Holiday (n.) ছু িটর িদন ( a day when someone does not go to work or school )

Class_7, Unit Three 5


Locality (n.) এলাকা ( a particular area )

Neatly (adv.) সু ন্দরভােব ( in a tidy way )

Occasion (n.) উপলক্ষ ( a special event or time )

Praise (v.) পৰ্শংসা করা ( to admire someone or something )

Regular (adj.) িনয়িমত ( doing something at uniform intervals )

Reply (v.) উত্তর েদওয়া ( say something in response to a question )

Same (adj.) একই ( exactly like someone or something else )

Separate (adj.) আলাদা ( different )

Speech (n.) ভাষণ ( a piece of spoken language )

Visit (v.) পিরদশর্ন করা ( to go to see )

Key Points

‘Present' শlিট একই সােথ noun, adjective ও verb িহেসেব ব[বহৃত হয়।
• I want to give him a present. (noun)
• I presented him a book. (verb)
• All the students were present at the function. (adjective)

Class_7, Unit Three 6

C) Match words with their meanings.

Words Meanings

visit • speak highly something or somebody

ceremony • extremely good
eminent • go to see a person or place
praise • put something in a place where you can see it easily
outstanding • function
display • people having lots or power and influence


visit • go to see a person or place

ceremony • function

eminent • people having lots or power and influence

praise • speak highly something or somebody

outstanding • extremely good

display • put something in a place where you can see it


Class_7, Unit Three 7

D) Ask and answer in pairs. Make questions and then choose answers from
this table.

Quastions Answers

How the prize-giving function The Principal of PN

was held? College.

What the auditorium In the school auditorium.

Who the chief guest at the Read out the annual
function? report.

Where the Head Teacher do at Brightly.

the beginning of the


Question 1: Where was the prize-giving function held?

Answer 1: In the school auditorium.

Question 2: How was the auditorium decorated?

Answer 2: Brightly.

Question 3: Who was the chief guest at the function?

Answer 3: The Principal of PN College.

Question 4: What did the Head Teacher do at the beginning of the function?

Answer 4: Read out the annual report.

Class_7, Unit Three 8

E) Complete the passage with the verbs in the box. Give their correct forms.

be sing speak stage

At the end of the prize-giving function there ______ a cultural show. The
students _______, danced and _______ a one-act play. It was so good that
everyone _______ highly of it.


At the end of the prize-giving function there was a cultural show. The students
sang, danced and staged a one-act play. It was so good that everyone
spoke highly of it.

Class_7, Unit Three 9

F) Do you have a sports day at your school? First tell the class about it and
then write about it in your notebook.


This is what is written in my notebook.

A Sport Day at Our School

Games and sports give us amusement. They provide us with an opportunity

to take physical exercise. Beside, one can earn one's bread and butter by
playing games and sports. However, we have sports day at our school every
year. During sports day the entrance and exit gates of our school are
colourfully decorated. On the occasion our school auditorium and its dais
are brightly adorned. During the sports day all the students of our school
attend. Among others, the guardians and some eminent persons of our
locality attend. Games and sports like football, badminton, race, hadudu,
gallachut, long jump, high jump, cock fight, throwing discus, javelin are
arranged during our sports day. Besides a pleasant cultural show is also held
during the day. We get dressed as we like. We sing songs, dance and stage
a play. At the end prize giving ceremony is held. Our head teacher first
reads out the annual report of our school. Then the chief guest gives a short
speech. After that, he gives away prizes among winners and the brilliant
students for their outstanding results. Thus our sports day is observed at our

Class_7, Unit Three 10

Grammar Insight

কখেনা কখেনা বােক[ ব[বহার উপেযাগী Subject না থাকার কারেণ It েক েকােনা েকােনা Sentence-এর
সূ চনাকারী িহসােব ব[বহার করা হয়। বাক[ শ‌ুরু করার জন[ ব[বহার করা হয় বেল এেক Introductory
‘It’ বলা হয়। Introductory ‘It’ এর েকােনা অথর্ েনই। বাক[ শ‌ুরু করার জন[ এিট ব[বহৃত হয়।
েযমন: It is a school holiday.
It is raining.

Enhance Your Knowledge

Introductory ‘It’ এর ব$বহার:

• Sentence-এর Subject েক introduce করেত ‘It’ ব[বহৃত হেত পাের। It was a nice

• পূ েবর্ উেল্লিখত Subject েক িনেদর্শ করেত Introductory ‘It’ ব[বহার করা হয়। It seems he is

Writting Summary

Farabi described the prize-giving ceremony of his school to Flora. Their

school auditorium and its dais were decorated and prizes were displayed on
the table. All the students, teachers and guardians were present at the
function. Their Headteacher read out the annual report. The chief guest
delivered speech and gave away the prizes among the winners.

Class_7, Unit Three 11

Now choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given

and write the corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.

0.5 ´ 10 = 5

1. Which one of the following words has a similar meaning of 'eminent’?

(i) unknown (ii) obscure

(iii) acquainted (iv) prominent

2. Then he gave away the prizes among the students for their outstanding

activities. Here 'outstanding’ means

(i)ordinary (ii) banal

(iii) eminent (iv) common

3. He highly praised the overall performance of -------- . Here ‘performance’


(i) failure (ii) achievement

(iii) exploit (iv) realization

4. They live in the same area. Here 'live' means

(i) exist (ii) rest

(iii) stay (iv) dwell

5. Which one of the following words has a similar meanings of ‘area’?

(i) environment (ii) region

(iii) locality (iv) scene

Class_7, Unit Three 12

6. But they go to different schools. Here ‘different' means

(i) alike (ii) similar

(iii) same (iv) various

7. The prize-giving ceremony began with

(i) the speech of chief guest

(ii) the Head Teacher reading out the annual report

(iii) the announcing of results

(iv) the distribution of prizes

8. Farabi got the prize because

(i) He helped the other students. (ii) He was regular in class.

(iii) He respected his teachers. (iv) He was serious.

9. What is true about Farabi and Flora?

(i) They don't like each other. (ii) They live in different areas.

(iii) They are in different classes. (iv) They go to different schools.

10. Flora has come to visit Farabi because

(i) It is a school holiday. (ii) It is a school prize-giving day.

(iii) He is sick. (iv) He is absent from the school.

Class_7, Unit Three 13

Lesson 2: Flora’s first day at school(1)

Key words:

recall v. -to bring memory of past event into one’s mind; স্মরণ করা।

add v. –to put something with another thing; যু ক্ত করা।

chat v. –to talk to someone in a friendly or informal way; আলাপ করা, েখাশ গল্প করা।

A) Talk about the picture and read the story.

Next week Farabi comes to visit Flora in her house. They are having a chat.
"Can you remember your first day at school, Flora?" Farabi asks.

"Oh, yes, I can," Flora says. "I can recall exactly what happened. Would you
like to hear it?"

"I'd love to," says Farabi. "Please tell me."

Class_7, Unit Three 14

"Okay," says Flora. "It was 2006. I was then 6 years old.'' One day my mother
said, "Flora, you're going to start your school tomorrow."

I was very excited. I couldn't think of anything else. I was always thinking
about the school, the teachers and the students of our school. I couldn't
even sleep well that night.

The next morning my mother woke me up early in the morning. I had a bath
and put on my best clothes. Then I had breakfast and started for the school
with my mother.

The school was not very far from our home. So we walked all the way.

অনু বাদ

পেরর সপ্তােহ ফারািব েফ্লারােদর বািড়েত েবড়ােত আেস। তারা আলাপ করেছ। “তুিম িক িবদ[ালেয় েতামার
পৰ্থম িদেনর কথা মেন করেত পােরা, েতামার পৰ্থম িদেনর কথা মেন করেত পােরা, েফ্লারা?” ফারািব
িজজ্ঞাসা কের।

“ওহ্, হ[াঁ, আিম পাির,” েফ্লারা বেল। “যা ঘেটিছল তা আিম হুবুহু স্মরণ করেত পাির। তুিম িক তা শ‌ুনেত

“আমার শ‌ুনেত ভােলা লাগেব,” ফারািব বেল। “দয়া কের আমােক বেলা।”

“িঠক আেছ,” েফ্লারা বেল। “এিট িছল ২০০৬ সাল। তখন আমার বয়স িছল ৬ বছর।” একিদন আমার মা
বলেলন, “েফ্লারা, তুিম আগামীকাল েথেক িবদ[ালেয় যাওয়া শ‌ুরু করছ।”

আিম খুবই উৎফুল্ল হলাম। আিম আর অন[ িকছু ভাবেত পারিছলাম না। আিম সারাক্ষণ আমােদর িবদ[ালয়,
িশক্ষকবৃ ন্দ এবং িশক্ষাথর্ীেদর কথা ভাবিছলাম। এমনিক আিম েসই রােত িঠকমেতা ঘুমােত পািরিন।

Class_7, Unit Three 15

পরিদন সকােল মা আমােক খুব সকােল জািগেয় েদন। আিম েগাসল কের আমার সবেচেয় ভােলা কাপড়
পের িনই। তারপর আিম নাস্তা েখেয় আমার মােয়র সােথ িবদ[ালেয়র উেদ্দেশ[ রওনা হই।

িবদ[ালয়িট আমােদর বািড় েথেক খুব েবিশ দূ ের িছল না। তাই আমরা সারা রাস্তা েহঁেট িগেয়িছলাম।


Exactly (adv.) যথাযথভােব ( in every respect or accurately )

Excited (adj.) খুব আনিন্দত বা উেত্তিজত বা উৎফুল্ল ( very enthusiastic and eager )

Far (adv.) দূ ের ( to or at a particular distance)

Happen (v.) ঘটা ( to take place )

Remember (v.) মেন করা ( to be able to bring to ane’s mind )

Start (v.) শ‌ুরু করা ( to begin an activity )

Think (v.) িচন্তা করা ( to imagine or to form a mental picture )

Visit (v.) েবড়ােত আসা ( to come to see )

Class_7, Unit Three 16

B) Say whether the following statements are true or false. If false, give the
correct information.

1.Farabi and Flora are talking at school.

2. Flora is talking about her school.

3. Flora first went to school at the age of 6.

4. Her mother dressed her in her best clothes.

5. Flora walked to school.


Questions Answers

1. Farabi and Flora are talking at 1.False.

school. Corr. Info. They are talking about at
Flora’s house.

2. Flora is talking about her school. 2. False.

Corr. Info. Flora is talking about her
first day at school.

3. Flora first went to school at the 3. True.

age of 6.

4. Her mother dressed her in her best 4. False.

clothes. Corr. Info. Flora dressed herself in her
best clothes.

5. Flora walked to school. 5. True.

Class_7, Unit Three 17

C) Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Flora is a student. She is _________ class 7. She can remember her _________
day at school even today. She _________ to school in 2006. Her mother
_________ her to school. The school was _________ a long way from their house.
_________ Flora walked to school _________ her mother.


Flora is a student. She is in class 7. She can remember her first day at school
even today. She went to school in 2006. Her mother took her to school. The
school was not a long way from their house. So Flora walked to school with
her mother.

D) Match the words with their meanings.

Words Meaning

chat precisely
recall feeling happiness
exactly a friendly conversation
excited remember


1. chat - friendly conversation

2. recall – remember

3. exactly – precisely

4. excited – feeling happiness

Class_7, Unit Three 18

E) Do you remember your first day at school? Write a short composition about
it answering the questions below.

1. How old were you at that time?

2. What is the name of the school you went to?

3. What did you put on?

4. How did you feel before you started for the school?

5. Who did you go with?

My First Day at School

Human life is the collection of some important events. Of those events, some
are forgotten, but some others are so important and heart touching that they
cannot be forgotten and remain fresh in the mind. My first day at school is
one of those events which will remain forever in my mind.
Now, I am in class VIl but I can remember my first day at school very clearly.
The day was difficult but enjoyable for me. It was January 2012. I was then six
years old. One night; my father told me that he would take me to school the
next morning. I felt both joy and fear. That night, I couldn't think of anything
else. I was always thinking about the school, the teachers and the students of
the school. I couldn't even sleep at night.
The next day, my mother woke me up early in the morning. She prepared me
well. I started for school with my father in a rickshaw. It took about half an
hour. I was charmed to see the buildings of the school. I read the name of the
school in the school gate. It was Nurpur Govt. Primary School.

Class_7, Unit Three 19

I saw many students in the school campus. Some were playing and some
were talking to one another. But I did not know any one. So, I got little
After some time, my father took me to the Headmaster's room. Suddenly, my
heart beat became fast. But the smiling face and gentle words of the
Headmaster eased me to a great extent. He asked me my name and I told
him. Then he pointed to a letter chart and asked me to say some letters. I
could say them all. My mother had taught them all at home. The Headmaster
was very pleased.
He then called a teacher to take me to my class. The teacher welcomed me
and took me to the class. When I entered the class, everyone looked at me
with great interest but they received me warmly. I felt very happy. I could
make friends with two or three students sitting close to me.
A new place is a new experience. My first day at school was a new
experience for me. It was a very memorable day in my life. I will remember
the day as long as I live.

Grammar Insight

Going to সাধারণত Present indicating future tense এ ব[বহৃত হয়। অথর্াৎ ইেতামেধ[
পিরকিল্পত েকােনা কাজ করেত যাওয়া েবাঝােত going to ব[বহার করা হয়।
Structure: Sub + to be verb + going to + মূ ল verb এর base form + extension.

• Flora is going to start her school tomorrow.
• We are going to cinema tonight.

Class_7, Unit Three 20

Enhance Your Knowledge

মেন রাখেব ‘going to’ এর সােথ ব[বহৃত ‘to’ preposition নয়। এিট infinitive এর ‘to’ যা
পরবতর্ী verb েক non-finite কের।

Writting Summary

This lesson is about Flora’s preparation for her first day at school. It was 2006
when Flora’s mother told Flora about her going to school for the first time.
Being excited, Flora could not sleep at night. The next morning Flora’s mother
took her to school. As the school was not far away, they went to there on

Class_7, Unit Three 21

Now choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given
and write the corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.
0.5 ´ 10 = 5

1. Next week Farabi comes to visit Flora in her house. Here ‘next’ means

(i) previous (ii) preceding

(iii) adjacent (iv) before

2. Which one of the following words has a similar meaning of ‘visit’?

(i) see (ii) tour

(iii) travel (iv) inspect

3. They are having a chat. Here ‘chat’ means

(i) narrate (ii) gossip

(iii) discuss (iv) discourse

4. I can recall exactly what happened. Here ‘recall’ means

(i) forget (ii) realize

(iii) remember (iv) revoke

5. Which one of the following words has a similar meaning of ‘happen’?

(i) mar (ii) occur

(iii) hinder (iv) baffle

6. Would you like to hear it? What does ‘hear’ mean?

(i) heed (ii) overlook

(iii) listen (iv) catch

Class_7, Unit Three 22

7. Farabi and Flora are having a chat

(i) in the class

(ii) in Farabi’s house

(iii) in Flora’s house

(iv) in the school field

8. Flora told Farabi about her first day at school because

(i) He requested her to tell him about it.

(ii) She was interested to tell him about it.

(iii) He wanted to pass the time.

(iv) She wanted to pass the time.

9. What is true about Flora’s school?

(i) It stood at a distance from their home.

(ii) It was near their home.

(iii) It was away from their home.

(iv) It was very far from their home.

10. Flora couldn’t think of anything else because she was always thinking


(i) the school (ii) the teachers

(iii) the students (iv) all the above

Class_7, Unit Three 23

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