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1. An entomologist compared the effects of two insecticides, Furadan and Tamaron on maize stem
borers. The data recorded are shown in the table below:

Furadan Tamaron
4.60 4.00
5.00 5.20
6.00 7.00
5.20 5.20
6.10 6.30

Did the Insecticide differ in their effect? Explain


t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

Furadan Tamaron
Mean 5.38 5.54
Variance 0.422 1.328
Observations 5 5
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 6
t Stat -0.270449362
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.39793846
t Critical one-tail 1.943180281
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.795876919
t Critical two-tail 2.446911851

From the table above the calculated value (0.270) is lower than the tabulated value (2.45). Since
the cal. value of 0.270 is lower than the tab value of 2.45 the null hypothesis which states that
there is no significant difference between the effect of Furadan and Tamaron on plants is
accepted. Nevertheless, the mean value obtained for Tamaron is relatively higher than that of
Furadan. This further suggest that the active ingredients in Furadan and Tamaron are similar.
Emeka (2021) had recorded similar findings when he noted that the effect of Furadan on insect is
similar to that of Tamaron. In the same vien, Adesope (2020) found that Furadan and Tamaron
contain the same ingredient at same concentration, that the difference lies only in the company

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