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J- Hi guys, How are you?

I think that you don't arrive

D-Hi, friends!
Fine, thanks
Why did you think that?

F-Hi, DIana. Hello Jesus

Everything it's good

J.- It's great, I´m fine too,

it's good to see you
Amm, I don´t know Diana. I just was looking at these tables and spent the time while you
arrived and I thought that was really late but it was not.

D- Yeah, it's a long time, I think that the last time was at the university
Do you want coffee or tea?
I tasted tea with milk and is really amazing

J.- I want milk with coffee please

It's rarely that I drink Tea but I like it
and you Francisco ?

F.- Yeah, some tea please. Yes you are right Diana, the last time was when We were
taking a material class.
D- Oh it's right. But It's so cool that we can see you again.
What did you do last weekend?

J.- Yes, I hope that we can join each other more frecuently.
Well, about my weekend I visited my parents in Oaxaca city and I had to travel all Friday
night but I arrived at Oaxaca city at 6:00 am on Saturday. I think that is wonderful and

● F- I slept a lot, ate good food, and read book.

● I walked a lot in my weekend.
D- I went to concert called Vive Latino on the last weekend. I went to my sister and my
boyfriend and we spended a lot of money because bought a lot of food and beer.
I was really exciting because my favorite band was here.

J.- Oh really??
I never went at vive latino but I hope that next year I´m going to go at the festival.
Was a festival right ?

D.- Yes, you have to go with us.

The festival lasted two days.
There were many musical artists of various genres, but you never get bored.
You can dance, scream, jump or take a photos with the musicians

J.- Yeah, I think that be there is very exciting and interesting. I hope that you enjoyed the
festival and the next year I´m going to join with us.
My weekend began really awful because when I was arriving at oaxaca city I did lost all my
money and I had to call my Dad because I needed to take a taxy and I didn´t have any of

F.- Oh no Jesus, and How did you feel ?

What did you do?

D.It´s so bad, but tell us. How you lost your money?
If I lost my money at the festival I was crying here and I didn´t do anything afterwards.
What did you do?

J.- Ummm it was rare, Allways when I was arriving at my destination , stand up of my seat
and take all my things but these day I forgot my jacket and when I did came back to the
seat I just took it and I didn´t see if my money was here. At the end I just took a taxi and
my dad waited me at the station and payed. My dad was worry because he thought that I
didn´t arrive at home, but after that We decide took a breakfast at the terranova restaurant.
But tell us, What did your favorite part of the concert?
were you dancing when your favorite band started to play?
F-You weren't hungry?
I would like everything, and no money.
I spend it resting

D- Well. You thought about of the taxi

I imagine that you were scare, without jacket and money. But it's good to know that you
can fixed it. Sometimes is difficult if you don´t know the city.
Do you visit your parents every weekend?

J.- Yes, you are right. For one moment I felt scare but everything was good
Ammm No, I´m not visit my parents every weekend, I visit them in vacations or holidays.

D.-Well I forgot answer the question about the festival, sorry but my favorite band is The
Fabulosos Cadillacs, and Dread Mar I, they remind me of my brother, didn't dancing but if
jumped exciting.

J.- It´s so cool, I think that all the people did jump and sang very hard

F- Yes, When I was 20 years old I went at vive latino and It was one of my favorite

J-But Did you stay in the concert saturday and sunday ?

D- Yes, two days

Yesterday I was very tired from standing.
We need another coffe break with friends I happing.

J.- That´s really amazing, sorry but I have to go.

I hope that we are going to see you next week and we can talk about our family and our

F. Yes, you next week friend

D-But next week, pizza for everyone!

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