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LONG QUIZ IN ART ____________33-35. What are the three types of Malay wood carving?

NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: _____________
I. Identify the following questions or sentences have been described.
____________1. What type of Cambodian weaving that creates patterns, weavers tie and dye portions of NAME: _____________________________________ SCORE: _____________
wet yarn before weaving begins?
____________2. What type of Cambodian weaving that yields three threads so that the color of one
thread dominates on one side of the fabric? I. Identify the following questions or sentences have been described.
____________3. It is the traditional check scarves made of cotton worn almost universally by ____________1. What are the two types of Cambodian weaving?
Cambodians. ____________2.
____________4. The color of Cambodian natural dyes coming from ebony bark is _______. ____________3. It is the traditional check scarves made of cotton worn almost universally by
____________5. The color of Cambodian natural dyes coming from insect nests. Cambodians.
____________6. This is called Cambodian pictoral tapestries. ____________4. The color of Cambodian natural dyes coming from ebony bark is _______.
____________7. This is a Cambodian wrap skirts made of silk. ____________5. The color of Cambodian natural dyes coming from insect nests.
____________8. ___________is a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard. ____________6. This is called Cambodian pictoral tapestries.
____________9. It is the center of silk industry in Thailand. ____________7. This is a Cambodian wrap skirts made of silk.
____________10. The Lao women’s ankle-long skirt is called _________. ____________8. ___________is a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard.
____________11. Type of batik in which the artist uses the canting, a small copper container with one or ____________9. It is the center of silk industry in Thailand.
more different-sized pipes. ____________10. The Lao women’s ankle-long skirt is called _________.
____________12. Type of batik done by welding together strips of metal to form a metal ____________11. Type of batik in which the artist uses the canting, a small copper container with one or
block. more different-sized pipes.
____________13. Brunei’s batik have designs of their national flower called ____________ ____________12. Type of batik done by welding together strips of metal to form a metal
(pitcher plant), and Brunei's traditional design of ____________. block.
____________14. ____________13. Brunei’s batik have designs of their national flower called ____________
____________15. It is made out of rice paper with a bamboo frame, which contain a fuel cell or small (pitcher plant), and Brunei's traditional design of ____________.
candle. ____________14.
____________16. Handicrafts are part of their traditional culture and their livelihood in what country? ____________15.It is made out of rice paper with a bamboo frame, which contain a fuel cell or small
____________17. What country make paper by hand in the wider region for over 700 years using the bark candle.
of the local sa? ____________16. Handicrafts are part of their traditional culture and their livelihood in what country?
____________18. Silk painting is one of the most popular forms of art in what country? ____________17. What is the Laos term of mulberry tree?
____________19. What do you call in a type of puppet shadow play performed around the Indo-Malay? ____________18. Silk painting is one of the most popular forms of art in what country?
____________20. The puppets come in all sizes, ranging from ______ cm to ______ cm. ____________19. What do you call in a type of puppet shadow play performed around the Indo-Malay?
____________21. ____________20. The puppets come in all sizes, ranging from ______ cm to ______ cm.
____________22. Silk worm production is called ____________. ____________21.
____________23. What do you call in the puppetmaster of Wayang Kulit? ____________22. Silk worm production is called ____________.
____________24. What type of songkok is a piece of cloth tied around the head? ____________23. What do you call in the puppetmaster of Wayang Kulit?
____________25. What type of songkok is a type of cap made from velvet? ____________24. What type of songkok is a piece of cloth tied around the head?
____________26. What type of songkok which resembles a turban and is a typical headdress in the Middle ____________25. What type of songkok is a type of cap made from velvet?
East? ____________26. What type of songkok which resembles a turban and is a typical headdress in the Middle
____________27. What is the famous sculpture in Singapore? East?
____________28. What is the famous sculpture in Cambodia? ____________27. What is the famous sculpture in Singapore?
____________29. What is the famous sculpture in Thailand? ____________28. What is the famous sculpture in Cambodia?
____________30-32. What are the three main types of relief sculpture? ____________29. What is the famous sculpture in Thailand?
____________30-32. What are the three main types of relief sculpture?
____________33-35. What are the three types of Malay wood carving?


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