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Groupwork Presentations

Topic: Types/Forms of Businesses

 The teacher will place students in groups.
 There will be 6 groups in total.
 Each of the 6 groups will represent a type of business, from the list below.
1. Sole Traders
2. Partnerships
3. Co-operatives
4. Private Limited Companies
5. Public Limited Companies
6. Franchises

 Each group must use the POB textbook to find the following information
stated below.

a) Define the type of business. (1 mark)

b) Give an example of a business that is that type of business. (1 mark)
c) List 3 features/characteristics of that type of business. (3 marks)
d) List 3 advantages of that type of business. (3 marks)
e) List 3 disadvantages of that type of business. (3 marks)

 The information must be typed in a table. (5 marks)

 Each group will present for no more than 15 minutes, based on the type of
business assigned. (4 marks)

 After presentation, a group member must share the presentation in the table
format, in the WhatsApp group chat. (5 marks)

 The marks from this presentation will go toward part of your course mark.

 DUE DATE: Day 4: Tuesday 25th September 2023.


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