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“I How to Make Others Obey Your Command Dy Anna Riva 3 E = = = = = = = s s happen in y Enjoy the successful accomplishments: 479969 See Title Page | for other wy HI na Anna Riva Books ISBN 0-943832-23-3, (CLSLSIOLG1OLGLG1810 1010118101810 10L OSL SLSLCLSLSLSSLele1e1e) 5 s s s = = = E s s 5 H 5 s 5 z= r at) ART Cli Cer ES tials) bend others to eles wil Powerful Indian® Spray my Aerosol Indio Poderoso® bs ry hc rs cr DOMINATION » Anna Riva Authorof Prayer Book Power of the Psalms Candle Burning Magic Devotions to The Saints Secrets of Magical Seals ‘The Modern Herbal Spellbook Modern Witcheraft Spellbook Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils Magic With Incense and Powders Spellcratt, Hexcraft a Witchcraft Voodoo Handbook of Cult Secrets ‘Your Lucky Number... Forever How to Conduct a Seance ‘ rspunona ors sere tea, wos BEIM tooo coma sae tae amen DISCLAIMER The legendary spelisin this book ate compiled from ancient folklore, various occult writings, regional superstition and other mystical sources. It is presented as curiosa only, and no claims of supernatural powers are made for any ritual or materials, and no guarantees are offered or implied. Neither the author nor publisher assume any responsibilty for the outcome from the use of any of these ritual, materials or ingredients. Casting Spells Preparedness Bath . Hand Washing Altar Incense, Salts, Candles . Astrological Candles . . Seal Astral Figure Primary Ritual ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Wandering Lover Spell... . Astral Chart Color Chart Psalms Notes 10 at 12 14 15 - 16 20 24 - 23 . 29 .31 . 32 CASTING SPELLS Casting a spell is a very personal struggle to gain control, It is your way of communicating with a superior force. It is your method of begging a deity to listen to your plea and impart the powers for your will 10 reach your goals, You must be in control. You dominate the conditions. You are without a rival. Your personality is perfect. Your subject will bow to your determination. You will overcome all obstacles and bo the master. ‘The spells you create must be personal to be all powerful. You must feel the potency of your Personality in every circumstance. This book will act as a guide to your ambitions. You will refer to the CHARTS. They will allow you to customize and personalize every spell to its most powerful degree. To fully personalize and customize an enchantment, it is important to know the birth date of the person you are determined to influence. Then, you will be able to refer to the Astral Chart to find the best days ‘on which to cast the spell and the strongest herbs and roots to include with your talisman. You will know the colors that are most significant to your future servant. From the charts on Domination and Control you will select the most potent Washes and Sprays. You will choose the proper Oils and Scents be to apply to your own body and to use in your spiritual sessions with the all powerful force. These charts will advise you on the proper Incense to burn for maximum mastery. Every source is available to you, but the final selection Is left in your hands so that you may have personal control over every part of your achievement. Understanding the power that is yours alone, you ‘must bear the responsibility of your decisions. To control another human being, to be the dominant force in a relationship, carries with it a very big responsibility. You must accept the obligation and be willing to conquer in any situation, With these limits in mind, you will create those spells, that will best serve everyone invalved. PREPAREDNESS It is crucial that you be properly prepared to engage in the ritual Choosing the proper time is important to the right spell. Refer to YOUR sign on the Astral Charts to select the best day of the week to perform your spell. You must be in harmony with the stars to perform the most effective spell Bath Your personal purity is necessary for the success of the spell. The ritual bath will purify you in body and. spirit. Allow a tablespoon of hyssop to soak in a quart of water for 24 hours; strain and reserve. Add 2 portion to your bath waters. To be most effective, choose the most appropriate Bath Wash. You are obligated to be free of any evi jrits. If you feel crossed or cursed, add Uncrossing -8- or Jinx Removing Bath Wash. Read and mediate of Psalm 40 or Psalm 145, After the bath, anoint your arms, legs and chest with Uncrossing Oil and dust Uncrossing Powder onto your body. Allow at least fifteen minutes for this cleansing ritual. Mt you are free of evil influences, write your aspiration on a sheet of parchment paper and place it under a white candle. As you bathe, allow the candle to burn and the melted wax to fall onto the seal. While you relax and refresh your spirit in the fragrant Domination Bath, read Psalm 47. Focus on your goal. When you withdraw from the bath, dust, your body with Controlling Powder. Your personal aura is a central part of every spell. © Anoint your body with a Controlling Oil, the most powerful are John the Conqueror, Magnet Oil, and Bend Over Oil. Wear the oil at all times; wherever you go, let its fragrance be your signature. -9- HAND WASHING Choose the Root or Hetb that is most appropriate to your desires: Controt polecat weed, goat's leaves, elder bark Uncrossing: rmullien, poke root Love: lavender, ladies thumb, hyssop, magnolia leaves, vervain Money: red clover, alfalfa, mistletoe, may apple, spearmint, trilfium, thyme, black snake root, chamomile Boll in rain water. Cool and strain, Reserve this enchanted water in a sterile jar and use to wash hands immediately before beginning every ritual. -10- ALTAR Your altar is of spe: importance. The altar covering should be of pure white. The tools for your ritual should be placed with reverence on the altar. A suitable arrangement is given here but you may determine that there is an arrangement that is more appropriate for your intention. When in doubt: Incense to the east candle to the south water to the west salt to the north “11. INCENSE Fill your surroundings with fragrance by burning incense. Place Incense Powderinto a metal container or incense burner. Be sure it does not come in contact with wood or plastic. Formit into a cone and light the tip. After a good start, blow out the flame. ‘The incense will continue to sparkle and glow as it burns and creates the delightful, exotic atmosphere that you desire. Recite and meditate on a psalm in harmony with the focus of your control ‘The use of incense by the ancients was connected with the att of astrology and the making of all fumigations was in accordance with the rules of this ancient science, You will choose to use Dominating Incense or Controlling Incense to gain power over the person or situation of your choice. Incense will be an Important part of any spell you originate. SALTS Sprinkle a small amount of Salts at the front door and in all corners of the house. A coarse salt is @ symbolic element in purification, Cleanse you altar by wrapping a few lumps of salt in a clean cloth, dipping in warm water and scrubbing the surface. eal CANDLES Your altar should include at least five candles for the execution of any ritual ave AE COLOR Colors may be selected from the Astral Chart and from the Color Chart for maximum potency in your chosen ritual At least two white candles should be placed in the upper left and right corners of the altar. White represents the purity of your Intentions and the virtue of your pleadings. The white candles should always be dressed with Peace Oi Other colors should be selected for their symbolic, value in accord with your ambitions and desires. -13- ASTROLOGICAL CANDLES ‘Melt candle, or block paraffin, of the correct astral color. While the wax is soft, blend in a selection of Zodiacal Herbs. Place wick in center of mold and Pour in the herb and wax blend. When cool and hard, thisis a potent talisman for attracting favorable vibrations. For extra strength, add a few drops of your astrological oil or perfume to the soft wax. ENGRAVING Use a new nail, or other carving tool, to engrave the ‘name of your subject into at least one of the candles used in your ritual. As the candle burns, the name will be consumed and thus your control aver the subject will intensify and increase. Anoint two of the colored candles with Commanding or Controlling Oil and one or more of the other colored candles with Domination Oil Your desire to be the master of the situation must be @ major part of the ritual = “Is While the candles are burning, you must be present and reading an appropriate Psalm especially chosen for the occasion. - 14. SEAL The seal is an incantation inscribed on a sheet of virgin parchment paper. It is imperative that the seal be copied in your own hand. Each seal is dedicated to a specific objective. Symbols which may be included: When the writing and drawing are complete, the seal, should be anointed with Controlling Oil. ‘The seal or talisman is basically a symbol, not a power in itself. It concentrates energy from the spiritual force behind all matter. The symbols represent specific purposes, which evoke emotional feeling such as desire. -15)- ASTRAL FIGURE Domination Doll To customized doll figure, choose color of fabric from Astral or Color Chart Stuffing: talismans from person to be dominated: {clothing shredded, hair, nail clippings, jewelry, etc.) Herbs: from the Astral Chart Seal: parchment, dove’s blood ink and dip style pen Adorn: jewelry, eyes Anoint: Domination Oil for figure Gain control over the person you have focused on. Personalize the figure you will use in your ritual. Using the pattern in this section, cut and sew your figure, Refer to the Color Chart or the Astral Chart to choose the fabric color that will best suit your purpose. In sewing the figure, be sure to leave a seam open 80 that you can pack the figure. To be truly effective, the dominated figure must be fully personalized. Stuffing should be made of a piece of clothing belonging to your subject, [the more intimate the wearing apparel, the better the -16- Your Figure -17- spell]. Shred the cloth into a container (a box or bowl} large enough to mix with other personalizing ingredients. itis possible, add some hair and fingernail clippings from the person you will dominate. Pubic hair is by far the most potent ingredient. Any small item worn or used by the subject may be added (in whole or in part) ‘The Astral Chart: The birth date of your subject will prove to be an invaluable aid in making selections that will truly personalize your figure and make it most effective in gaining control over the person you have chosen. The packing for the figure should contain an odd number of items: 3, §, 7,9, 11 or 13 (never an even number) mixed with the shredded cloth, Select several items from the Astral Chart: herbs, and a gem to combine with those items you have acquired from the subject you will control. When all the items are blonded, carefully pack the figure. Using a dip style pen and dove's blood ink, write the person's name on a piece of parchment. inside the figure. Finally sew the figure ‘Adorn the figure with a small piece of jewelry worn, by the subject, or you may adorn it with an appropriate Anna Riva necklace. Glue on eyes in blue or brown to match those of your subject. Lastly, anoint the figure with Controlling Oi -18- Enshrine your Dominating Doll in a place of Importance on your altar so it can be used in casting a spell to bring your subject under your complete control. CAUTION: You have created a powerful figure. Be mindful that it is the force of your personality that dominates the person of your focus. When you control someone, you will be eternally held accountable for his/her well-being. Do not take this responsibility lightly The figure is eternally dedicated to a single person. If you wish to dominate another person, a new figure must be personalized, If the figure will not be used for some time, wrap it in red cloth and hi away in a dark place, PRIMARY RITUAL ‘You come to the ritual pure and flawless. Cleansed in body and in spirit. Your ambitions are ‘commendable. Your altar is arranged to your satisfaction inspired by the instructions you have been given earlier In this booklet. Your Domination Doll is placed prominently in the center of the altar. You have consulted the Astral Charts for the suitable day on which to begin your ritual. The white candles are at the head of the altar. The colors of the other candles have been chosen to match your desires. Reverently, light the Incense. Dress the candles with Domination Oil. Use a new nail to engrave the name of your subject on one candle that will be closest to you. Light the candles. Read and meditate on Psalm 40 or Psalm 145. You will alternate the Psalm each time you carry out the ritual. Make eye contact with the Domination Doll. Do not touch it; your control is through the spitit. It is not physical, itis in the mind. Beg the superior spiritual force to confer on you the will to dominate the subject of your focus for the good of all concerned. Bow your head to confirm your reverence to the superior spiritual force which now surrounds you. Accept your tole of Domination knowing that your subject will be fortunate under your control. -20- CONTROL THE WANDERING LOVER Materials: White altar cover, mirror, gold ring Candles: blue and red - candle holders Talismans from the loved one (pubic hair, lock of hair, nail clippings, etc.) Container: purple cloth conjure bag - closed with golden thread Seal: virgin parchment, dove’s blood ink, porcupine quill pen Anoint: Attraction Oil Procedure: Place a mirror on your altar which has been freshly covered with a white cloth. In the center of the for, place a gold ring, symbolizing the unending circle of your love. Light two candles: a blue candle symbolizing your desire to subdue your wandering lover and a red candle signifying the life force and your love, While reciting Psalm 126, and with great care, allow the candles to burn and drip their wax filling the ring. They will create 2 powerful purple wax. When the ting Is filled, place the candies, in holders, on the altar and allow them to burn while you complete your ritual. While the wax that has filled the ring is still warm, form it into a conjure ball. As you mold the Ole wax, encase the talismans you have collected from the subject of your desire -- pubic hairis best, a lock of hair, nail clippings .. When the conjure ball has cooled and hardened, imprisoning the intimate items of your lover, place it in a purple cloth bag along with other items of your personal choice which might include a picture, a piece of clothing or a piece of jewelry. Be sure the ‘umber of items included adds up to an odd number, 3, 5, 7, 9 of 11; no more than 13. Create your personal seal of domination. Write the name of your wandering lover with Dove's Blood Ink on virgin parchment which has been cut into the shape of a heart. Touch the edges of the parchment with Attraction Oil and place it in the conjure bag. To add additional power, anoint the edges of the bag with Attraction Oil and consecrate it to your purpose. Tie the conjure bag closed with golden thread and secret it under the head of the bed. Your wandering lover will quickly return ... drawn by the strength of your personal force and your spell. And, you will dominate your lover for as long as you wish. 22. ASTRAL CHART Aquarius: January 20-February 18 BLUE*, black, pink, white Friday 455 - 932 - 852 - 112 - 181 - 391 - 64a Herbs: Frankincense, myrrh, snake root, southernwood, spikenard, valerian Gems: Garnet, rock crystal Avoid: Aquamarine, beryl, carbuncle, emerald Rely on: January 26th, 27th, 28th; and February 11th Avoid: February 7th, 10th, and 17th Ari March 21 - April 19, Colors: PINK*, orange, red, white Lucky: Thursday Numbers: 2-179 - 51-81 - 551-995-791 Herbs: Blessed thistle, cowslip, king's ferns, garlic, gentian hemp, marjoram, mustard seed, nettle, yellow dock Gems: Bloodstone Avoid: Ruby, emerald, jet (black amber), malachite Rely on: March 24th; April 6th, 15th, and 16th Avoid: March 28th; April 7th, 10 and the first Monday of April * Strongest color is printed in CAPITALS -23- Cancer: Colors: Day: Numbers: Herbs: Gems: Avoid: Rely on: Avoid: June 22 - July 22 GREEN, blue, brown, white Tuesday 893 - 177 - 782 - 254 - 100 - 841 - 805 Agrimony, betony, hyssop, lemon verbena, marigold Cat's eye, chalcedony, emerald, moonstone Bloodstone, lapis lazuli June 22nd, 25th; July Sth, 14th, 18th, and 20th None Capricorn: December 22-January 19 Colors: Day: Numbers: Herbs Gems: Avoid: Rely on: Avoid: RED, black, brown, green, white Monday 989 - 12-191 -918- 410-914 - 367 Comfrey, knotweed, slippery olm, thyme Chrysoprase, jet, malachite, ruby, sapphire Lapis lazuli, emerald December 22nd, 23rd, 26th; January Ast, 2nd, and 15th Last Monday in December; January 4th, Sth, 10th, 17th, and 19th -24- Herbs: Colors: Day: ‘Numbers: Herbs: Gems Avoid: Roly on: Avoid: May 21 - June 21 RED, black, blue, white Saturday 10 - 339 - 492 - 607 - 611 - 843 - 900 Caraway seed, dog grass, king’s fern, flaxseed, lavender, mandrake, skullcap, vervain, yarrow flowers Agate, topaz Jade, emerald May 31st; June 10th, 11th, and 15th June 4th July 23 - August 22 RED, green, orange, pink, Monday 478 - 689 - 232 - 44 - 324 - 555 - 316 Angelica, anise, bay leaves, dill, fennel seed, laurel, lavender, marigold, mint, mistletoe, poppy seed, rue, St. Johnswort Amber, chrysolite, jasper, olivine, onyx Aquamarine, beryl, carbuncle, emerald August 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 20th August 1st, 19th; and second Monday in August -25- Libr Colors: Day: Numbers: Herbs: Gems: Avoid Rely on: Colors: Day: Numbers: Herbs: Gems: Avoid: Rely on: Avoid: September 23 - October 22 BLACK, blue, green, red, yellow Thursday 459 - 742 - 600 - 911 - 725 - 264 - 170 Archangel, burdock, heart's ease, pennyroyal, primrose, thyme, violet, uuva utsi, verbena Beryl, chrysolite, lapis lazuli, opal Malachite, emerald, jet (black amber) September 23rd; October 3rd, 7th, 21st and 22nd October 4th, and 16th February 21 - March 20 WHITE, black, green, pink Wednesday 744 - 810 - 807 - 531 - 317 - 216 Irish moss, king's fern, sea lettuce, sea spirit Amethyst, aquamarine, carbuncle, sapphire Topaz, moss agate, chrysolite, chrysoprase, emerald February 21st, 25th, 26th; and March 10th February 27th, 28th; March 15th and 16th -26- Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21 Colors: GOLD, blue, green, purple, red Day: Friday Numbers: 395 - 693 - 239 - 315 - 397 - 27-246 Herbs: Agrimony, betony, burdock, dandelion, may apple, red clover Gems: Chrysolite, topaz Avoid Jade, emerald Rely on: December 14th, 15th, 19th, and 20th Avoid: November 28th, 29th; December 6th, 7th, 9th and 17th Scorpio: October 23- Novernber 21 Colors: BROWN, blue, red, yellow Day: Saturday Numbers: 325 - 579 - 563-610 - 908-5 - 167 Herbs: Basil, blessed thistle, _horehound, sarsaparilla, wormwood Gems: Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, barbuncle, coral, diamond, lodestone, tourmaline Avoid: Emerald Rely on: November Sth, 14th, and 20th Avoid: October 24th; and November 6th -27- Taurus: Colors: Day: Herbs: Gems: Avoid: Rely on: Avoid: go: Colors: Day: Numbers: Herbs: Gems: Avoi Rely on: Avoid: April 20 - May 20 YELLOW, blue, green, red Tuesday 781 - 210 - 731- 941 - 517 - 454 - baz Coltsfoot, dandelion, flax, lovage, plantain, sage, thyme Carnelian, coral, opal, sapphire, turquoise Amber, garnet, jacinth, emerald April 20th, 28th; May 3rd, 13th and 18th April 21st; May 7th, 15th and 20th ‘August 23 - September 22 GOLD, black, blue, pink, yellow Wednesday 786 - 409 - 210 - 485 - 806 - 903 - 568 Fennel seed, licorice, maiden hair, skullcap, valerian Carnelian, emerald, jade, olivine Topaz, moss agate, chrysoprase August 25th; September 4th, 8th, Sth, 17th and 18th August 29th, 30th; September 3rd, 6th, 7th, 21st and 22nd -28- COLORS Choose the colors you will use in creating your spells, according to their symbolic meaning. Use the right color for the result you desire, Black: Blue: Brown: Green: Gold: Orange: Pink: Purple: enemies, evil, hexing, black magic, sadness, mourning, fears, depression spiritual understanding, holy blessings, subduing, calmness, serenity, spirituality, devotion untangling, general good, magnetism, attracting money, general success, non specific desires money, wealth, good luck, financial success power, attracting wealth, financial success, prosperity with distinction peace of mind, good health, courage, vitality, spirit love attraction, joyous love, promotions, conquering bad influences commanding others, power, ‘overcoming enemies, healing -29- Red: life force, romance, passionate love, strength, power, incredibly sexy, PSALMS: capable of anything, uncompromising, attraction, friendship, well-being conta a7 ta Teieiones ote Yellow: jirix removing, dispelling evil, FE 70) te. oveteomea| enemies uncrossing, attracting money, prosperity, driving away jealousy and Uncrossing 11& 12 Jinx removing envy, calming tensions, attaining Gat a Love 138 aid to love and friendship White: peace, purity, spiritual enrichment and 197 ee strength, truth (use with other candles malice 0 en it aa 139 to increase love in marriage 140 to repair hatred between man and wife Luck 4 gambling Money 72 prosperity Spiritual Strength 29 visions - spiritual strength - blessings woul, nutlyy, \\ = Zrpagys INTERNATIONAL IMPORTS PUBLISHER & DISTRIBUTOR OF NEW AGE BOOKS. 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