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DRAJA MICKAHARIC oN as sie More than 100 Carian cs Bere ae: ree A Century of Spells Draja Mickaharic @MESERBOOKS San Faneien,CA/Newbunpong MA Fin pled in 1950 by Red Whee Weise, 1c ‘With fie at 500"Third Src, Suite 230 San Fanci, CA 94107 ‘eemtraterrcon Copyright © 1988 Daj Mickahaic All igh seseved. No put ofthis publication may be reproduced ot teamed in any form or by any mets, earonic or mechanic inclding photocopying reoning or by any information storage ad rere sytem, without perminon in writing fom Red Wheel Weise Reviwers may quot bie page Library of Congres Catsloging-in-Publcion Da ISBN 978.0-67728.6479 Mian Do ‘esa of pt | Di Mic Inceion 2 Magi Tie, Brissaai3 1968 Teds 19 18 17 16 15 14 The paper wed in his publication meets the minimurn requirements of ‘he American Natonl Standard fo Information Sciences Permanence (of Paper for Pinte Library Materials 239 48-1992(R1997), CONTENTS Introduction Publisher's Note Protection Spells Reversing Spells, ‘Water Spells Tneense Spells Spalls Using Oils Spells Using Herbs Spells of Obesh and Wanga ‘Spoken Spells 3. Written Spelis Miscellaneous Spells Reading List Index Beenesterr xii 1 1 " “6 Omnisciently ‘humanity requires so simple a task as to fulfill desires Man is created to praise, everunce and serve God our Lord, ‘and by this means to save his soul. Allother things on the face ‘of the earth are created for man to help im fulfl the end for ‘which he is crested. From this it follows that man is to use these things to the exctent that they will help him to attain his fend. Likevrse he mut rid imelf of thom as so far as they ‘prevent him from attaining it. St. Ignatius Loyola ‘The Spiritual Bxercises* Gado Cy, NY: Doabodey. 196.47 ‘Therefore I say to you, Anything you pray for and ask, Believe that you will receive it, ‘And it will be done for you ‘And when you stand up to pray, Forgive what you have against any man, ‘So that your Father in heaven will forgive you your trespasses, ‘But if you will not forgive, ‘Even your Father in heaven will not forgive ‘you your trespasces. Mark 11: 24-96 For you God subjected all that is in the heavens ‘And on earth all from Him. ‘Beboldt In that are signs for people Who reflec, Koran 45:18 A Caution tthe inexperienced inthis ART, anda Word of, Advice t9 those who would be Adepts. Brother, 1t is neoossary for me to inform thee, Uhat whatever thy desire are in the pursuit of this at, which we call Magic, #0 ‘wilt thy connection and answer be. If in the pursuit of revenge, {tis but proper thou shouldest know that thou wilt, in any of these experiments here lid dow, draw to thyself « evengeful ‘demon, or an infernal furious apr, serving in the principe of the wrath of God: if worldly riches and aggrandizement, then thou shalt have an earthial or flery spirit, which will delude ‘thee withthe riches of the contral world: if fame, or the ble of slory, then the sprit of pride wil be allotted to thee, who wil {ratify thy inordinate desire of vain glory; for al Unee offices ‘te there oprits alloted and will be eagar to mix with thy ‘spirit wil attract thee to is own nature, and serve all thy ‘Purposes secording to the extent of God's permission; and as thy desires are and from what principal they proceed, so shalt thou be answered: but f chou desirest to know nothing but for the honor and glory of God, and the help of thy neighbor, and, in great humility chy heart with the love of God, thou shalt then have pure spirit which will grant (by the Lord's permis: sion) they desires. Thorefore sook for that which is good; avoid tllevl either in thought word or action: pray to Goa to fill thee with wisdom, and chou shalt reap an abundant bnarvest. There fre two ways magically set before thee; chuse which thou wit, thou shalt be sure of thy reward. Farewel. London 1800 rancis Barrett From The Magu 14-18, Avaale rom Cadel ro, Secaeat, NJ- INTRODUCTION ‘This book is practical introduction to natural magic. It may ‘be considered a textbook, or, better, a workbook. You can learn ‘natural magic from working through this book as much ait is possible to learn magic from any text. The book is also Intended to be useful es « reference work for the practicing ‘magician "This book contains examples of many different types of spells, slong with examples of spells from a numberof differ tent magical practices, It will give you an overview of the field fof natural magic so you can decide whether or not you wish to pursue the study of magic. Atall times, my intent has been to Clearly explain the advantages and limitations of the magical a ‘The development of magical abilities is the result of the ‘pirtualization of the buman soul. The closer we grow to our Creator, the greater are our ablities and perceptions of the ‘divine reality, Te inthis divine reality that is the true reality our physical universe imporfecty reflects ‘Those who have refined their senses by harmonizing them ‘with the divine reality can see interconnections between other ‘wise unrelated things. The ability to sense ths interconnection forms the bass forall magical operations. Those who are true ‘depts have doveloped thoir moral and ethical senses slong ‘with thei magical powers. They do not display their abilities ‘randomly or in a negative manner ‘ACENTURY OF SPELLS Judalam, Christianity and Islam all recognize that human- Ikind has beon granted dominion over the things ofthe earth by ‘our creator. Poulm 8, verss 4 through 6, isan excllot testi ‘mony for this concept. This isa real dominion, freely given by God to all who are abie to take advantage of it. It Is another {foundation of natural magic ‘Because true priests or priestesses have achieved a har mony with the divine reality of the creator, they are able to ‘demonstrate their dominion over creation, Being able to dem ‘enstrate this dominion is what separates the true priest or priestess from the false ‘True magic always has a physical result on the earth. It does not end in dreams, delusions, and selfdeception. True ‘magic is a natural ability that i developed asa raul of spie- tual growth. It is never the product of a search for power or privilege. Ts wise to keep this in mind as you read this book Draja Mickaharic PUBLISHER'S NOTE [Nothing in this book wil heal « physical condition, or in any wey replace the skill and experience of a medical practitioner. Consult your physician for physical llnesses, This work is con- corned only with spiritual conditions. ‘Devialing from the instructions given i this book may be Iharmful and could even cause serious damage to the spiritual ‘nature ofthe experimenter. The baths mentioned herein are for ‘external use only and could cause physical harm if taken inter. pally Because some ofthe following spells may sound “simple fd interesting, dont get the idea to "do a variation.” When You try to work magic using only your own enthusiasm you {tre treading in dangerous waters Follow the directions as they {te presented here, The publisher and author assume no lish ity for personal harm that may result from any deviation from ‘he instructions. Protection Spells {In our normal everyday lives we are influenced ~ ‘mentally and emotionally by many things. We absorb and shed these influences, giving them no thought. As we enter {nto the study of magic and the occult we lose the protection ‘that our ignorance provides. We may also begin to expose our selves to people who may not be particularly well disposed toward us. We need (o learn to protect ourselves as our aware: reas ofthe divine reality gradually increases. "There area numberof ways by which we are influenced by others. The most obvious way is through conversation. And we fre all aware of advertising and that i influences us. But how Imany of us are really conscious of the effects of advertising tnd persuasion in ovr dally lives? When we are not aware of how we are influenced by something that isso apparent in oar lives is it any surprise to find that we completely ignore the ‘more subile influences which dally impinge upon ust “4 | Acextuny oF spetis Human beings exist mentally and emotionally as well as physically. When wo ae influenced, either by another person Or by an advertising campaign, we are responding to conscious imental influence, When we are influenced by another perwon (or by a group of other people to behave in an uncharacteristic ‘way, we are Usually responding to subconscious mental inf fences. For example, how many times have you “gone with the ‘upto another bar when you relly just wanted to go home? ‘Cheering wildly at a sporting event is an obvious case of conscious emotional response. But feeling sed or lonely with ‘out apparent cause is an example of subconscious emotional responsein this ease we arv feeling and displaying an emo- tion, but we are not consciously aware af why. ‘Once we become consciously aware of the various pars of cor being, we are able to understand how we are being intl ‘enced, and whether we are being influenced by another person. While working toward the goal of conscious awareness, we should follow a regular program of self-protection and spiritual ‘cleansing, This will erve to assist us in our development while ‘keeping the influences of our daly ives away from us. "You should familiarize yourself with two books that pro- ‘ide information regarding the process of spiritual cleansing tand paychie protection, Spiritual Cleansing and Psychic Self Defense: Fellow the program for spiritual cleansing given on page 91 of Spiritual Cleensing. ‘Tis will protect you as you ‘pan yourself Lo a greater awareness ofthe divine reality ‘There are two basic kinds of protection you can learn. The ‘moat important is « passive type, and involves protecting Yourself against th influences that come from life in general ‘The second type is the reversal of spells, or “work,” consciously ‘sent Lo you from someone else. In this chapter we will discus ‘the more passive forms of protection. In the next chapter we ‘ill discuss reversing spells and negative magic ‘Ss Papi a Deft by Din Ferane eligi Estat: The tone Puoing Gre, 187 eae ne USA tr San! Wey, ee Si Spinal Cag Oy Dre Rca oP, ME Sano Protection Spl 3 “The magician’s primary instrument is him or herself. Tae development of your own natural abilities isthe first step in fany form of magical training. This isa process that begins with the repetitive practice of certain exercises, Tt also involves understanding certain things through selfobservation. The Information T am giving you here is the same information 1 ‘was given by my first tacher many years ago. While it may (teem very introductory, even ehildshly simple, it must be fol lowed through to obtain success. "Throughout the cours of each day you are surrounded by the forces of the divine creation. Some of these forces are visi- bile, in that they impact upon your senses. We aee the bright- tnees of the sun, or the haze of an overcast day. We ean hear and feel the wind in either gentle gusts or gales. We can feel and smell the rain andthe earch, Other forces of te divine creation fre invisible, in that they do not Impact upon our senses. We feannot physically ense the motions and interrelationships of the planets in the heavens or the energies radiated by those ‘round us, but we are influenced by them nonetheless. "The sum total ofthe forces of the divine reation manifest ‘bemseives in each of us individually. ‘They manifest vhem- elves in the flux of our emotions or changes in our mental States, The fact that our emotions fluctuste inexplicably, or that our mental states change from moment to moment, isan indication that neither relates to our real personality ‘One of the first principles to understand in any occult study is that you are ot just mind or emotion. This is abasic tenet of any religious practice, whether you study Christianty, adaism, Hindoiem, Islam, Buddhism, or whatever. Iti also a ery diffcule concept for most people to accept. “Once we are able to observe ourselves, we can sense those ‘conscious influences mich as we senso the physical presence of Wind, rain and sunlight. The attempts of others to sway us [nentaly are brought cut clearly und we se them for what they lar. Subconscious influeoce we can sense emotionally. We can tend know that ithas a quality that differentiates from - apprehension or the emotional blockage of inhibition. ‘Once we are able to sense these influences upon us, we will two important things: firs, they cannot harm our true AcENTURY OF SPELLS fesenee; and second. our accepting these influences into the selfs our own conscious choice. We can deny others any inf ‘This is obviously not something that we can doinitaly. It tea uae that we mst develop, We develop tis tate trough Tt is necessary that you develop a base within yourself—a ‘base that isnot affected by your changing surface emotions or ‘your changing mental states. This base must become a point of ‘contact for your real personality, the essence of the divine whichis within you and within everyone els. From this base ‘you can reach Out to know your emotions or to quiet your mind. This base, once established, gradually becomes apace of ‘stability, allowing you to develop an internal awareness that cannot be disturbed by influences from any external source. ‘The development of this internal base takes a great deal of time years, actually. Once this base is developed it will pay reat dividends in terms of personal development. Obviously, Some of you will find your internal base more quickly than others. This development cannot be lft to chance, nor can you ‘sume that it is naturally present. This base Ia brought into boeing only through concerted effort. ‘The easieat way 0 ‘develop your base is through the daily practice ofthe following ‘exercise: For half an hour every day relax your body. Relax by letting all ofthe tension out of your muscles. Allow your mind torun free, without paying theleast attention to any thoughts that may enter it. Do this us part of your daly routine until it ‘becomes second nature to you By using this exercise you will eventually begin to under: stand that there is more to you then just your bedy, emotions sand mind, This may star as an intellectual understanding, but it will become a deep inexpreesble truth, When you contact this par of yourself, focus your attention on it when you aren relaxed state. Gradually you wil find it possible to contact it ‘in your normal waking state. Gradually allow this part of your self to enter your dally Ife, Direct your attention to it when lever you are able todo so during the day and you wil discover that it ean guide you. Ifyou follow the guidance it gives, you will discover that it can become an active participant in your Prustin Spee 8 ie, and it can malce your ifs easier in many ways. This part of Yous the true eternal you. You may commune with that part Zryourel on a daly basis, casting offal the influences which ‘may come to you during the day. After you practice this for Some time you will find that you no longer accapt external influences and you have actually begun acting in harmony twth your true personaly. If you have any religious practic, regardless of what ta, you should make «daily routine of praying. Every religious Dractie has its regular prayers, and these should be made Dart of your daily routine ts well If you have no religious practice you should return to the religious practice of your Thldhoed and enter into with new perception that tis acta- Sly valuable and worthwhile. Ifyou grew upin home wth no religious practice you should look around and find one that is ‘Comfortable for you. Enter into the practice and use the pray- fre from that practice. Ifthe practice uses prayers ina foreign Iimguage, you should learn the language, atleast well enough to understand the prayers. ‘Popular opinion to the contrary, it realy doesn't matter which prayers you use or what form they take. What matters Te whether or not you pray regularly. Prayer (and the attempt at praying) acta to stabilize and keep you protected from vari- Sone xl i ani ‘True prayers the most magical act chere i, andif you are in communion with the divine, you live your lf ina state of Continual prayer. Prayer ina real force in th universe, and the process of leering how to pray is one of the most important Ieeeons you can lar “Tt you want to tae a more active part in protecting your sit from conscious influence, you can learn to close your aura ‘You can clove off your surs deliberately and wilful to pro- hibit external influence from impinging oni. Men who regu larly wear belte may do this by using the buckling of the belt ts 2 Jaliberate action that seals them off from any extern {iluences, People who do not regularly wear bets may close themeelves off by obtaining a length of small cotton cord stbout «fot longer than thet wait measurement. Te the cord round your waist ax you dress n the morning. This becomes & Aaliborate actor ritual) to protect yourself fom external infl- fences and the ritual wil seal you off. The cord should be tied found the waist and worn under your clothes, "You may alao seal your aura through the proces of a regu: Jar morning and evening prayer. Any number of prayers have’ the effec of limiting the kinds of influences which you accept ‘during the course ofthe day. Any prayer may be used for this ‘purpose, including a prayer of your own devising. The follow- {ng prayer is typical of those which may be employed for this purpose: ‘The Lord surrounds me with light, love and protec toa. Tam safe within this sphere of love fom all which ‘ay seek to harm me. Your own balief that you are protected is one of the most {important factors in any form of protection. The stronger and sore cartain your bale, the more you are protected from external influence ‘The effect (either intentionally or as a secondary effect) of, many spiritual exercises given to students is the removal of imany external influences which have affected them. Theae fnfluences are both conscious and subconscious, and they ‘must be removed in order for the students to progress on their of St Ignatius find thay are no longer subject to the typos of influence which formery afflicted them. Eventually, as the students develop, they are no longer subject to any external influence whatso- ‘over. This isa rare achievement, fr it means that they are no longer suggeetible in any way. To limit suggestibility is one of the goals of our evalution. Like everything else inthe develop: ‘meat of the soul, itis reached by one person sta time. HHeegs Bonk, Douay & Ca, Garden Cy. NY, 1964, Reversing Spells Almost all the popular spell books, books about candle burning or praying for magical purposes have the pr- ‘mary goal of influencing another person. Fortanately most people who are initiated into the practico of magic have a Highly developed sense of morality and are not intarested in controling others. However, this chapter is devoted to keeping yourself free ofthe magicians who don't fel that way. When you try to influence another person, for good or for 4, you are in some sense practicing a form of black magi. The black magician attempts to influence the subconscious of another person by changing his or her behavior, action, or mo- tional response. So all the curses, love spells, and spells to” rake debtors pay are forme of black magic. Biack magie ean induce feelings of hate or guilt, and high-pressure ‘emotionally oriented advertising is considered a form Obviously there are many varieties and degrees of #1 Acenruny or speiis Iagie—some forms are more negative than others yet ll are sttempes to tnflvence + deon of some oe, “Any frm of tek mage nvlves hema I snow as. form of"ora mapectic and wil be paid back eo ara {state existence The concopt that we need to understand ie simple eventually the oul wl learn not to atompe tof ence others A the preset stage of human developmen, hone ‘vt, many people doe tht tagic might eo wel be wed to stan the nds they dene This haptri devoal ovens ing the spall that may be sent your way by a aeodent Cin, or tn individual who as sad aie Lo gn pores over others Tein relatively simple mater to re a curse an wl show you how ta do this with eas, But bfore we go nto "eversing procures, itis important 1 undarsand «tle of wat ye mayne ok or side tom Knowing how to Maay people who think they have ben cursed are ster ing nt fom a cure, bt fe slack of lf iportancs. People who re mentally unbalanced, people who man tobe power Ad important, sometimes think they have be care, hea {becuse ite ives them foi of importance So you nn doa reversing pal for omeone whs has convinced ys ehe he she is under some torre influence end whe yo hans dane th vers wor thing cango Which meas tat te parton wan't under any spelacope the opel af setdaonon ‘hat conton needs ch, to, und you ue spend rscttione you wil learnt redirect the indus des, tic that woal be more bent ‘Aa you cntinve to study magic your senses wil become sore tated, and your intuition and srarenes lvl wil gee Certain conditions in people tht you may not hae aad before For example, you may so someone Chat yous is abvioly under some kind of «spa, but the indict ovat now i Wan you try to ay something ot pose hao be make it dur thatthe chang soe that hee oe ‘ade ona volucary Bain In this eeutin, yo can oo sore Revering Spas 9 But you may be curious to understand how someone could drastically and not be aware of what happened. Well, human mind is a wonderful mechanism! The rational mind Jexplain any situation it finds itself in, and even the young- child can provide a reasonable explanation as to why he oF id something, This process of self justification which uncontrolled in almost everyone—rationalizes any in behavior very easily, and ean even convince us that the change i desirable ‘Some people may think they have been cursed, and its a ‘good idea to ask if they have been to a storefront psychic or fortune teller. Storefront paychies make money by talling heir clients that they are cursed. Then the client pays the ‘tore front psychic to take the curse away. Innocent people sometimes realy beliove this, and may come vo you to have a ‘Curse removed. Hefore removing It, mako sure it's there. The ‘chances are that the peraon has no curse at all. Making money by fipbing about being cursed or under a spell brings its share of karma to the practitioner. ‘The most common curse that might have to be broken is the potty curse sot up by amateur magicians. Here, the stu: dnt learns a ritual and itis successful, and this one success ‘convinces him (or ber) that he has great magical ability. This ‘causes two kinds of problems. Fist, the student enters the realm of fantasy and thinks he has abgolute control over his Le and the lives of others Uhrough ects of magic. He rational ines every faire and can actually block sensory awareness if the physical world doosn't correspond to the world of fantasy {that be lives in. Magicians, or would-be magicians, ofthis cal ber enter into a world of delusion and self-deception. They may continue to function inthe real world to some exten, but there fra tendency to exert influence upon themselves which further encourages elf

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