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1. Descriptive Text

The sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the
serene landscape. The air was crisp, with a gentle breeze carrying the scent of
freshly bloomed flowers. Tall, majestic trees stood proudly, their leaves dancing in
the wind. Birds chirped melodiously, adding a harmonious soundtrack to the
peaceful scene. In the distance, a glistening river meandered through lush green
fields, reflecting the vibrant colors of the surrounding nature. As twilight
enveloped the world, a sense of tranquility settled over the land, inviting one to
pause and appreciate the beauty of the moment.

2. Procedural Text

To make a delicious cup of coffee, start by grinding fresh coffee beans

to the desired coarseness. Then, measure out the appropriate amount of
ground coffee for your desired strength. Next, bring water to a boil in a
kettle or pot. Once the water reaches boiling point, remove it from the heat
and let it sit for a minute to cool slightly. Meanwhile, place a coffee filter in
a drip coffee maker or a French press. If using a drip coffee maker, add the
measured coffee grounds to the filter and attach it to the machine. If using a
French press, simply add the coffee grounds directly into the empty press.
Finally, slowly pour the hot water over the coffee grounds and allow it to
steep for a few minutes. Once the brewing process is complete, remove the
filter or press down on the plunger of the French press to separate the coffee
grounds from the liquid. Pour the freshly brewed coffee into a mug and

3. Problem and Solution Text

One common problem students face when going to school is the lack of
motivation and interest in attending classes. This can lead to absenteeism,
low grades, and a negative impact on their overall academic performance.
To address this issue, it is crucial for schools to create a positive and
engaging learning environment. Teachers can implement interactive
teaching methods, incorporate real-life examples and practical applications,
and encourage student participation. Additionally, promoting extracurricular
activities, clubs, and sports can help students find their passions and develop
a sense of belonging within the school community. Moreover, providing
regular feedback and recognizing students' achievements can boost their
self-confidence and intrinsic motivation to learn. By fostering a supportive
and stimulating educational atmosphere, students will feel more enthusiastic
about going to school and actively participate in their own education .

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