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—— PALM BEACH eae Our STORY ‘Through a journey of endless exploration, wwe have come to understand what we want, what we do and why we do it. and that is to capture the flavours and essence of Singaporean cuisine, and go above and beyond expectations. At Palm Beach, we strive to create a truly authentic Singaporean dining experience. We believe that each and every one of our dishes embodies the spirit of Singapore and her culture, and this is something that we want to, share with every guest that comes through our doors. Our long journey did not just stop at One Fullerton, now that we set out to bring the experiences and taste of Singapore beyond our borders. The heritage that started fom the humble begining as a pushcart roadside stall in 1956 will countinue on, while keeping the consistency of our recipes and non-compromising policy on food quality. In our menu you will see # indicating our award winning dishes. APPETIZER LOBSTER SALAD 98 Salad Lobster GRILLED SATAY (CHICKEN | MIX | BEEF) 100|120|150 Sate Bakar (Ayam | Campur | Sapi) SINGAPORE STYLE GRILLED OTAH OTAH 98 Otak-otak Ala Singapura Crispy CRULLERS 88 Chakwe Goreng Isi Cumi 1956 Crispy BABY SQUID 98 Gui Muda Garing Saus Special STEAMED Live BAMBOO CLAMS 98 Kerang Bambu Kukus GoLDEN BEANCURD PuFF 88 | 6ecs Tabu Goreng Isi Seafood Special CUTTLEFISH KANGKONG 88 Kangkung Tumis Sotong Saus Special OysTER OMELETTE 88 Telur Dadar Tram Ala Singapore AU prices aren thowands of Raith, and exclude ox and sri. SEAFOOD COLD PLATTER (MARKET PRICE | SEASONAL) Pick 5 out of the 7 options, all items are seasonal and subject to availability, please ask your server for daily selections. Air Flow Paciric OysTERs Tiram Segar SALMON SASHIMI Salmon Sashimi HoKkatwo ScALLop Kerang Kipas Hokkaido TicER PRawN Udang Windw BAMBOO CLAMS Kerang Bambu ALASKAN KING Cras LEGs Kaki Kepiting Raja Alaska Mantis Prawn Udang Mantis/Ronggeng Al prices aren thowands of Rai, and exclude ox and sri, COMBINATION PLATTER 300/rax | mn, 2 PAX 1956 Crispy Baby Squip Gumi Muda Garing Saus Special Crispy CRULLERS Chakiwe Goreng Isi Cumi Marinatep ABALONE WITH JELLYFISH Pauhi dan Uburubr Sans Special Crap Cake Perkedel Kepiting ree ee GRILL & Crap ALA SINGAPURA (MARKET PRICE) Kepiting Ala Singapura Josrer Gritt ALASKAN KING (MARKET PRICE) Kepiting Alaska Panggang % BEEF SKEWER 68/ec | min. 4 pcs Sate Sapi dengan Batang Serai SEASONAL WHOLE FIsH (MARKET PRICE) Ikan Panggang (Musiman) GRILLED LOBSTER (MARKET PRICE) Lobster Bakar GRILLED KING PRAWN 88/ec| mn. 2 cs Udang Raja Bakar Framer) All prices arin thousand of Rapith al excade tax and sevice. SEAFOOD AND SouP SUPERIOR SHARK FIN Soup 328 Sup Sirip Hiu Superior & KinG Prawn Soup 88 Sup Udang Raja SHARK FIN Sour WITH Cras MEAT 238 Sup Sirip Hiu dengan Daging Kepiting Crispy SEA CUCUMBER 168 Teripang Garing BraIsED WHOLE ABALONE WITH FRENCH For Gras 788 Pauhi dan Hati Angsa dengan Saus Superior aiard winning te AU prices aren thowands of Rai, and exclude ox and uric, LOBSTER (MARKET PRICE) Live LossTER SASHIMI WITH LEMON AND Dit HERBS Lobster Sashimi dengan Lemon & Dill %* Coco Lozo Lobster dengan Kaldu Coco Lobo "Hua TiAo" StEAMED LossTER Lobster Stim dengan Arak Shao Xing LogsTER PORRIDGE Bubur Lobster Seawerdwiening Al prices aren thowsands of Rap, and exclude tox and eric. CRAB (MARKET PRICE) Pato Beacu SIGNATURE CHILLI CRAB Kepiting Saus Singapura Ala Palm Beach PALM BEACH SIGNATURE BLACKPEPPER CRAB Kepiting Saus Lada Hitam Ala Palm Beach oe CREAMY Crab Kepiting Saus Mentega GOLDEN CRaB Kepiting Saus Telur Asin DRUNKEN CRAB Kepiting Mabuk (Saus Arak) STEWED CRAB VERMICELLI Bibun Kepiting dengan Saus Superior Bor.ep Cras VERMICELLI Sapo Bibun Kepiting dengan Kuah Superior aiard winning te AU prices aren thousands of Rai, and exclude ox and sri, FIsH (MARKET PRICE | SEASONAL} Emrurau Fiso Tkan Tim Spesial dengan Kulit Garing % Honey TANGy FisH Ikan Goreng Asam Madu PoMFReET VERMICELLI Than Bawal Stim Ala Singapura Crispy ORIGINAL Ikan Goreng Garing Ala Palm Beach Hone Kone StyLe kan Stim Ala Hong Kong TEOCHEW STYLE Ikan Stim Ala Tiochiw Alpe aren thowsonde of Rupiah, and exclude te and serie PRAWNS BLACK SAUCE PRAWN 210 Udang Goreng Saus Hitans DRUNKEN HERBAL PRAWN (MARKET PRICE) Udang Mabuk (Arak Herbal) GOLDEN MILK PRAWN 210 Udang Goreng Saus Mentega Sust ALMOND CEREAL PRAWN 210 Udang Goreng Almond GarLic STEAMED PRAWN (MARKET PRICE) Udang Tim Bawang Putih SALAD PRAWN 210 Salad Udang AU prices aren thousands of Rai, and exclude ox and sri, CHEF’S SPECIAL PEKING DUCK (HALF | WHOLE) 268 | 488 (app on 50) Ha r OnE Way anD WHOLE Two Way (BLACKPEPPER DUCK, GINGER SCALLION, LETTUCE DUCK) Bebek Peking (Setengah Ekor dan Satu Ekor) Setengah Ekor 1 Cara Masak dan Satu Ekor 2 Cara Masak (Bebek Saus Lada Hitam, Bebek Saus Jahe Daun Bawang, Bebek dengan Selada) Crispy FRAGRANT DUCK 268/HaLF Bebek Goreng Aroma BLACKPEPPER BEEF CUBE SERVED IN YAM RING 288 Sapi Lada Hitam dengan Keladi Goreng Roast SPRING CHICKEN (HALF | WHOLE) 90/180 ‘Ayam Muda Panggang POMEGRANATE CHICKEN 20/ec| min. 3 pcs ‘Ayam Kemakmuran CHICKEN WAFER (HALF | WHOLE) 128| 256 Ayam Goreng Kulit Lumpia Mint YaM RING WITH ABALONE 288 Keladi Goreng dengan Pauhi FRIED GOLDEN FRAGRANT Toru 80 Tabu Goreng Aroma Lams RACK 180 Iga Domba Muda GOLDEN SILK BEANCURD 100 Tabu Sutra Eas Al prices aren thomas of Raph, and exclude ox and sri. Cre GREENS YouNG ASPARAGUS WITH HOKKAIDO SCALLOP 298 Asparagus Organik dengan Kerang Kipas Hokkaido GREEN ASPARAGUS WITH SHIMEJI MUSHROOM 78 Asparagus dengan Jamuur Shimeji SEASONAL GREENS 98 Sayuran Musimsan Spicy KANGKONG 65 ‘Tumis Kangkung Terasi Kattan DuaL STYLE 88 Kailan Dua Rasa Al prices aren thowsands of Raph, and exclude ox and sri, RICE AND NOODLES FRAGRANT Frizp Rick wii SILVER Fis 108 Nasi Goreng Teri Jepang SALTED FisH Friep RICE 108 Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin SEAFOOD Friep RIcE 108 Nasi Goreng Seafood Loncevity NOoDLE 108 Mie Panjang Umur (Ulang Tahun) PALM BEACH SIGNATURE FRIED NOODLE 108 palm Beach Chow Mien Patm Beach MEE GORENG 128 Mie Goreng Special Palm Beach Wok Frrep Hor Fun or Gravy VERMICELLI 108 Hor Fun Siram BAMBOO CLAM VERMICELLI 128 Bihun Goreng Kerang Bambu Al prices aren thowsands of Raph, and exclude ox and sri, DESSERTS SWEET YAM PasTE 48 Keladi Tiochin Loncan Toru 48 Puding Almond Longan CHENDOL 58 Cendol Ala Singapura FRIED DURIAN 88 Durian Goreng Manco PoMELo 88 Manga Jeruk Bali TROPICAL FRUITS PLATTER 88 Aneka Buah Sweet PoTaTo AND YAM WITH IcE CREAM 58 Kelads, Ubi Manis, dan Es Krim HOMEMADE IcE CREAM 28 Es Krim TROPICAL FRUITS WITH SANTAN 58 Es Bua Santan Al prices aren thowsands of Rap, and exclude ox and serie, SET MENU FOR 4 1,888 | 4 pax Pam Brac DuAL COMBINATION (CUTTLEFISH KANGKONG AND CHILLED BAMBOO CLAMS) Palm Beach Dua Kombinasi (Kangkung Tumis Sotong dan Kerang Bambu) DRUNKEN HERBAL PRAWN Udang Mabuk (Arak Herbal) * Honey Taney Fis Ikan Goreng Asam Madu & CRAB (CHILLI | BLACK PEPPER | DRUNKEN | CREAMY) Kepiting (Saus Singapura Ala Palm Beach | Saus Lada Hitam Saus Mentega | Kepiting Mabukisaus Arak) FRAGRANT FRIED Rick WITH SILVER FisH Nasi Goreng Teri Jepang Tropicar Frurrs PLATTER Aneka Buah escrd sinning All price aren thowtandsof Rash and exclude na service, SET MENU FOR 6 2,888 | 6 pax COMBINATION PLATTER Sajian Kombinasi * Kinc Prawn Soup Sup Udang Raja * Honey Taney Fist Than Goreng Asam Madu FRIED GOLDEN FRAGRANT TOFU tabu Isi Goreng ® CRAB (CHILLI | BLACK PEPPER | DRUNKEN | CREAMY) Kepiting (Saus Singapura Ala Palm Beach | Saus Lada Hitam Saus Mentega | Kepiting Mabuk/saus Arak) FRAGRANT FRIED RICE WITH SILVER FIsH Nasi Goreng Teri Jepang Sweet YAM PasTE Keladi Tiocin escrd inning All price aren thowtandsof Rash and exclude na service, SET MENU FOR 8 6,888 | 8 pax SEAFooD CoLp PLATTER Sajian Kombinasi Laut Dingin & Kinc Prawn Soup Sup Udang Raja Hone Kone SrzaMep Live MarBLe Gosy Ikan Malas Tint Ala Hong Kong BLACKPEPPER BEEF CuBr WITH YAM RING Sapi Lada Hitam Dengan Keladi Goreng Green AsParacus Witt SHIMEJI MusHRoom Asparagus Dengan Jamu Shimeji se CRAB (CHILLI | BLACK PEPPER | DRUNKEN | CREAMY) Kepiting (Saus Singapura Ala Palm Beach |Saus Lada Hitam Saus Mentega | Kepiting Mabuk/saus Arak) SEAFOOD FRIED RICE Nasi Goreng Seafood Sweet Potato AND YAM WITH IcE CREAM Keladi, Ubi Manis, Dan Es Krim escrd sinning All price aren thomas of Rash and exclude na service, SET MENU FOR 10 8,888 | 10 pax Sraroop Cotp PLari Sajian Kombinasi Laut Dingin %& Kine Prawn Soup Sup Udang Raja Hon Kone SrzaMep Live MARBLE Gosy Ikan Malas Tint Ala Hong Kong Mint YaM Rin WiTH ABALONE Keladi Goreng Dengan Paubi Youne Asparacus with HoKKAipo SCALLOP Asparagus Organi dengan Kerang Kipas Hokkaido se CRAB (CHILLI | BLACK PEPPER | DRUNKEN | CREAMY) Kepiting (Saus Singapura Ala Palm Beach |Saus Lada Hitam Saus Mentega | Kepiting Mabuk/saus Arak) SEAFOOD FRIED RICE Nasi Goreng Seafood Sweet Potato AND YAM WITH IcE CREAM Keladi, Ubi Manis, Dan Es Krim escrd sinning All price aren thowtandsof Rash and exclude na service,

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