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PROPER NOUN- A noun that refers to a specific person, place,
thing, event or idea.
EXAMPLE: Galileo, and Galilee

COMMON NOUN- A noun that refers to generic person, place,

thing, event, or idea.
EXAMPLE: Scientist, and River
CONCRETE NOUN- A noun that refers to something that can be
percieved by the senses.
EXAMPLE: Blackboard, and Greenhouse

ABSTRACT NOUN- A noun that refers to something that cannot be

percieved by the senses.
EXAMPLE: White lie, and Principle

COLLECTIVE NOUN- A noun that refers to a collection of persons,

places, things, or ideas.
EXAMPLE: Bouquet and troupe

NON-COLLECTIVE NOUN- A noun that does not refer to a

collection of persons, places, things, or ideas.
EXAMPLE: Bridegroom and Representative

COUNT NOUN- A noun that refers to something that can be

EXAMPLE: Kilowatt and Megabyte

NOUN COUNT/ MASS NOUN- A noun that cannot be counted, but

can be measured.
EXAMPLE: Mineral water and Powder
SIINGULAR NOUN- A noun that refers to only one person, place,
thing, event, or idea.
EXAMPLE: Diary and Tooth

PLURAL NOUN- A noun that refers to two or more persons, places,

things, events, or ideas.
EXAMPLE: Diaries and Teeth

SIMPLE NOUN- A noun that is composed of only one word.

EXAMPLE: Editor and Officer

COMPOUND NOUN- A noun that is composed of two or more

EXAMPLE: Editor-in-chief and Officer-in-charge
MUSCULINE NOUN- A noun that refers to a person, animal or thing
of the male kind.
EXAMPLE: Boy and Songster
FEMININE NOUN- A noun that refers to a person, animal or thing
of a female kind.
EXAMPLE: Girl and Songstress
COMMON NOUN- A noun that refers to a person, animal, or
thing of either the male or the female kind.
EXAMPLE:Pilot and Driver

COMMON NOUN- A noun that refers to a person, animal, or thing

of either the male or the female kind.
EXAMPLE:Pilot and Driver

NEUTER NOUN- A noun that refers to an inanimate object, idea, or

thing of neither the male nor the female kind.
EXAMPLE: Footprint and Sandcastle
SUBJECT- A noun that serves as the topic of a sentence.

DIRECT OBJECT- A noun that recieves directly the action of the

INDIRECT OBJECT- A noun that recieves indirectly the action of
the verb.
OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION- A noun that follows a preposition.
OBJECT OF VERBAL- A noun that serves as an object of a gerund,
participle, or infinitive.

OBJECTIVE COMPLEMENT- A noun that serves to complement a

direct object.
NOUN COMPLEMENT- A noun that serves to complement a

INTRODUCTORY WORD- A noun that is used in direct address.

APPOSITIVE- A noun that identifies or describes another noun

before it.

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