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End of Term Examinations 2023


1 a Many LEDC's have a high birthrate. Suggest three reasons that might be causing this. 3


b Write down the formula used to calculate population change in a country . 1


c Suggest why some countries in the world have experienced a decrease in population . 4


d For a named country you have studied, explain how it has managed to reduce population growth . 7


e What is population density? 1


f State two natural factors that can cause an area to be sparsely populated. 2


g Explain why the availability of resources may lead to an area becoming densely populated. 4


h Many people are migrating from Mexico to USA. Which country is the source country between the two
? 1


I Describe problems likely to be faced by the immigrants in the USA. 4

2 a In which part of the town would you find the buildings above . 1


b Besides high rise buildings state other three characteristics of the Central Business District. 3


c Suggest two reasons why most buildings in the CBD are built tall . 3


d Littering is major problem in urban areas. Suggest any three ways of managing this problem . 3


e For named area you have studied, describe how they control traffic congestion . 7


f Explain what is urbanization. 2


g The picture above shows one major problem found in towns . What do we call this problem? 1


h Explain the causes of traffic congestion in the CBD of many large urban areas . 4


I Why would a transport company prefer to put there company structures in the outskirts of a town than
in the inner city 2


3 a Describe the system of agriculture shown above. 3


b Define these terms 3

arable farming

commercial farming


mixed farming


c State any three processes in an agricultural system. 3

d Explain giving examples what are inputs in an agricultural system . 3


e State and explain on any three natural factors that affect agriculture . 4


d Differentiate between extensive and intensive agriculture. 3


e Explain how irrigation has increased food production across the world. 3


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