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Learning competencies:

At the end of the chapter, the learner should be able to:

• Explain the behavior of mathematical language.

• Differentiate mathematical expression and mathematical language.
• Discuss the four basic concepts of in mathematical language.
• Perform operations on the basic concepts of mathematical language.


Mathematical Language is the system use to convey mathematical ideas. This is usually
express in mathematical symbols like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division
(÷). In addition to this; symbols like greater than (>), lesser than (<), equal (=), not equal (≠ )
are some of the basic symbols frequently use to express mathematical concept.
Mathematical Language is precise, concise and powerful. It is a powerful way of
expressing complex thought to its simplest form. It is precise and concise for it is associated with
accuracy and exactness.
According to Galileo Galilei, “Mathematics is the language created by God for the
universe “. It can be associated that mathematics is the universal language because the concept
and the principles of mathematics are the same throughout the world.

2.1 The Difference between a mathematical expression and a mathematical sentence.

Mathematical Expression is defined as a finite combination of symbols expressing a

certain concept or idea which has an incomplete thought. It cannot be identified if the expression
is true or false. For example 2x + 5 , 3y2, 5x - 3y, 2x2 -3x + 7.
Mathematical Sentence is defined as a finite combination of symbols expressing a
complete thought. It can be determined if the expression is true or false. It uses symbols like
equal (=), 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 (>), less than (<). For instance, 2x = 6, 5x + 4 > 16, 2x2 + 3y < 20,

2.2 The Four Basic Concepts of Mathematical Language.

The four basic concepts of mathematical language are language of set theory, language of
functions and relations, language of binary operations and language of elementary logic.
2.2a Language of Sets

Set is a well-defined collection of things or objects. The object is the element of a set.
The symbol (∈ ) 𝑖𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡. Sets are named using capital letter while the
elements are written in small letter, separated by comma and enclosed by a bracket. There are
two ways of representing a set; (1) Roster method, listing method or tabular form, (2) Set builder
notation or rule method.

There are two ways of writing a set; (1) Roster method, listing method or tabular form, (2) Set
builder notation or rule method.
Roster Method is when the elements are enumerated and separated by comma. For
instance, Set A = {a,b,c,d,e} Set B = {5,10,15,20,25} , Set C = {4,9,16,25}.
Set builder Notation is used to describe the elements of the set.
For example; Set A = { x/x is the first five letters of the English alphabet} read as x such that x
is the first five letters of the English alphabet, Set B = { x / x is the multiple of 5} Set C = { x / x
is a function of f(x) = x2 }

Important terms to be considered in studying sets

• Finite Set is a set which elements are countable, for instance Set A = {f,l,o,w},
Set B = {1,2,3,4,5}, Set C = { James, Jona, Jenny, Joan, Joey, Japheth}
• Infinite set is a set which elements are not countable like Set B = { x / x is a Hindu
Arabic Numeral}, Set B = { number of stars in the universe}, Set C = { fishes in the sea}
• Unit set a set with only one element like Set A = {Angeli}
• Empty set a set with no element. It is denoted by { } or ∅
• Universal set contains all the elements of the given set.
• Equal set two sets which have the same kind and the same number of element, It is
denoted by an equal sign (=), like set A = Set B if all the elements of set A is also the
element of set B. Example. Set A { l,a,m,e} = Set B { m,a,l,e}
• Equivalent set two sets which have the same number of element but of different kind of
element. It is denoted by (↔) , like A ↔ Set B. Example set A = {1,2,3,4} ↔ Set B =
• Cardinality of a set is the number of element in a given set, like Set A = {f,l,u,i,d}, 5 is
the cardinality of set A.
• Subset. It is denoted by ⊂ . A subset that contains some of the elements of the given set
is a proper subset while a subset that contains all the elements of the given set is an
improper subset. Example; Set A { f,l.o.w} , Set B {o,w,l} Set C { w,o,l,f}. Set B is a
proper subset of Set A, in symbol A⊂ set B and Set C is an improper subset of Set A In
symbol Set C ⊆ Set A.
• Joint set two given sets with common element. Example : Set C {f,l,o,u,r} and Set D
{m,o,d,e} is a joint set.
• Disjoint set two given sets with no common element. Example Set G { 1,2,3,4} and Set H
{a,b,c,d} is a disjoint set.

Operations on sets

• Union of sets. A set which contains all the elements of the given sets with no
repetition of elements. It is denoted by the symbol ∪ .
Example : Set A = { a,b,c,d} Set B = { c,d,e,f,g}
A ∪ B = { a,b,c,d,e,f.g}
• Intersection of sets A set which contains the common elements of the given sets.
It is denoted by ∩.
Example : Set A = { a,b,c,d} Set B = { c,d,e,f,g}
A ∩ B = {c, d }
• Complement of a set. A set which contains the elements of the universal set but
not the element of the given set. It is denoted by ( ‘ )
Example : Set A = { a,b,c,d} Set B = { c,d,e,f,g} 𝑈 = {a,b,c.d,e,f,g}
A’ = { e,f,g} B’ = { a,b}
• Difference of a set is obtained by subtracting the elements of the two given sets. It
is denoted by −
Example : Set A = { a,b,c,d} Set B = { c,d,e,f,g}
A− B = { a,b} , B − A = { e,f,g}
• Symmetric Difference is a set which contains the elements of two given sets after
taking the common elements of the two given sets. It is denoted by Ѳ.
Example : Set A = { a,b,c,d} Set B = { c,d,e,f,g}
A Ѳ B = { a,b,e,f,g}

2.2b Language of Relations and Functions.

Relation is a set of ordered pairs. It is a relationship between sets of values, like x-values
and y-values. The set of all x-values is called the domain, and the set of all y-values is called the
range. Function is a special type of a relation. A special relationship where each input has a
single output. It is often written as "f(x)" where x is the input value. For every element in the
domain there is only one corresponding element in the range. A function could only be one to
one correspondence and many to one correspondence.
Different ways of writing a function

• By set of ordered pairs like {(2,4), (3,9), (4,16), (5,25)}. The first element is the x
value or the domain and the second element is the y value or the range.
• By mapping. It is a form of pairing an element in the domain paired to an element
in the range.

(X) Domain (Y) Range



5 y axis
• By graph

16 ●

9 ●

4 ●

x axis

2 3 4
• Table of values. It is a table wherein the x is the independent variable and y is the
dependent variable.

x 2 4 5
y 4 16 25

• By equation like y = x2, variable y is the dependent variable and it also written as
f(x) and the variable x is the independent variable.

Types of a function

• Linear Function. A function is in the form of y = mx + b where b is not equal to

zero. The graph of a linear function is a straight line and the degree of the variable
is equal to one.
y axis

8 ●

6 ●

4 ●

-x axis x axis

2 4 6

-y axis
• Quadratic Function. A function in the form of ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are
constant. The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola and degree of the
variable is 2.
Example y = x2
y axis

-x axis x axis

-y axis

• Polynomial Function. It is in the form of a0+ a1x + a2x2 a3x3+… anxn where
a0,a1,a2,a3,an are all constant. The degree of the variable is greater than 2.

Example: 3x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 5

y axis

-x axis x axis

-y axis
𝑎0 +𝑎1 𝑥+𝑎2 𝑥 2 +𝑎3 𝑥 3 …+𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑛
• Rational Functions. It is in the form of a fraction, like 𝑏0 +𝑏1 𝑥+𝑏2 𝑥 2 +𝑏3 𝑥 3…+𝑏𝑛 𝑥 𝑛
where a0, a1, a2, a3, an and b0, b1, b2, b3…bn are all constants. The function is
defined for every x is an element of real number and the denominator should not
be equal to zero.
3𝑥 2 +2𝑥−5
Example: f(x) = 2𝑥+7

y axis

-x axis x axis

-y axis

• Exponential Function. It is in the form of y = ax where a > 0 and a ≠ 1. The

function is defined for every x is an element of real number and its range is a
positive real numbers.
Example: y = 3x

y axis

-x axis x axis

-y axis
• Logarithmic Functions. It is in the form of y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑎 𝑥, where a and x is constant
and a is the base of the logarithm.
Example: y = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 3
y axis

-x axis x axis

-y axis

Evaluating a Function

How to evaluate a function.

1. Substitute the value of x in the given expression.

2. Perform the indicated operation.
3. Simplify the result if necessary.

Example: f(x) = 3x2 -2x + 4

• f(4) = 3(42) – 2(4) + 4 = 3(16) – 8 + 4 = 48 – 8 + 4 = 44

• f(-7) = 3(-72) -2(-7) + 4 = 3(49) +14 + 4 = 147 + 14 + 4 = 165
2 2 2 4 4 4 4
• f(3) = 3(3)2 – 2 (3) + 4 = 3(9) – 3 + 4 =3 –3+4 = 4
• f(√2) = 3(√2) – 2 √2 + 4 = 3(√4 ) –2 √2 +4 = 6 –2 √2 +4
= 10–2 √2
• f(m-2) = 3(𝑚 − 2)2 -2(m-2)+4 = 3(m2-4m+4)-2m+4+4
= 3m2 -12m +12 -2m + 4 + 4
= 3m2 -14m +20

Operations on Functions

The operations on functions involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: Given the following functions;

2𝑥+4 5𝑥−7 3𝑥+2

f(x) = g(x) = h(x) =
3 4 5

2𝑥+4 5𝑥−7 4(2𝑥+4)+3(5𝑥−7) 8𝑥+16+15𝑥−21 23𝑥−5

1. f(x) + g(x) = + = = =
3 4 12 12 12

2𝑥+4 3𝑥+2 5(2𝑥+4)−3(3𝑥+2) 10𝑥+20−9𝑥−6 𝑥+14

2. f(x) - h(x) = - = = =
3 5 15 15 15

2𝑥+4 5𝑥−7 10𝑥 2 −14𝑥+20𝑥−28 10𝑥 2+6𝑥−28 5𝑥 2 +3𝑥−14

3. f(x) ∙ g(x) = ( )( ) = = =
3 4 12 12 6

𝑔(𝑥) 4 5𝑥−7 5 25𝑥− 35
4. = 3𝑥+2 = ( ) (3𝑥+2) =
ℎ(𝑥) 4 12𝑥+ 8

Composition on Functions. It is denoted by the symbol ( ⃘ ) like f(x) ⃘ g(x) is defined by the
(f ⃘ g) x = f [𝑔(𝑥)] where x is the domain of g and g(x) is the domain of f.

Example; Given the following functions;

5𝑥+2 6𝑥−1 7𝑥+ 3

f(x) = g(x) = h(x) =
7 5 4
5𝑥+2 5𝑥+2 5( 5 )+2 6𝑥−1+2 6𝑥+1
1. f(x) ⃘ g(x) = f (g(x)) = = 𝑓(6𝑥−1) = = = =
7 5 7 7 7 7

7𝑥+ 3 42𝑥+18 1 1(42𝑥+18)−4

6𝑥−1 6( 4 )−1 −1
4 4
2. g(x) ⃘ h(x) = 𝑔(ℎ(𝑥)) = 𝑔(7𝑥+ 3) = = = =
4 5 5 5 5
42𝑥+14 1 42𝑥+14 21𝑥+7
= 4
= ∙5 = =
5 4 20 10
Inverse of a function

How to get the inverse of a function

• step 1. Change f(x) to y
• step 2 Interchange y to x and x to y
• step 3 Solve for new y
• step 4 Change new y to 𝑓 −1 (x)
• step 5 Check the result by performing the composition of f(x) and 𝑓 −1 (x) then
𝑓 −1 (x) and f(x). The result should be x = x


Find the inverse of f(x) = 3x – 7

• y = 3x -7 (step 1)
• x = 3y -7 (step 2) x + 7 = 3y – 7 + 7
• x + 7 = 3y (step 3) adding 7 to both side of the equation then diving both side by 3
• = y
• 𝑓 −1
(x) = (step 4)
• 𝑓(𝑥) ⃘ 𝑓 −1
(x) and 𝑓 −1(x) ⃘ f (x) (step 5)
𝑓(𝑥) ⃘ 𝑓 −1(x) = 𝑓(𝑥+7) 3x -7 = 3( )–7 = x+7–7 = x
3 3

−1 𝑥+7 3x – 7+7 3𝑥
𝑓 −1(x) ⃘ f (x) = 𝑓(3x –7 ) = = = x
3 3 3

2.2c Language of Binary Operations

Binary Operations is an algebraic structures which involves binary operations such as

addition and multiplication (from the word bi means two) which focuses mainly on investigating
sets that satisfy certain axiom. It is denoted by the symbol, asterisk (∗). A binary operation on a
set A is a function from a subset of A x A into a set B, like for example if ∗ is the binary
operation, then a ∗ b ∈ B, for a,b ∈ A x A.

Modulo is denoted by capital Z which is the symbol for positive integer. In the study of modulo
we are after the remainder after performing the binary operation which is addition or
Modular Arithmetic

Example : Under modulo 5 (Z5) in addition. The elements of modulo 5 under addition are Z5 =

a). 2 + 3 = 0 b). 4 + 2 = 1 c). 4 + 4 = 3

Under modulo 5 multiplication, the elements of modulo 5 Z5 are {1,2,3,4}

a). 2(3) = 1 b). 4(4) = 1 c). 3(4) = 2


Group is one of the binary operations which deal with modular arithmetic, like modulo 5
denoted 𝑍5, where Z is an interger. A set of positive integer or a modulo is a
group if it satisfies the following properties;
• Identity property. The identity property of addition is zero. Anything that is added
to zero is equal to the number itself like 8 + 0 = 8. On the other hand, the identity
property of multiplication is 1, anything that you multiply with 1 is equal to the
number itself like 9 times 1 = 9.
• Inverse Property. The inverse property of addition is the opposite sign of the
integer which is negative and the result is zero, like 8 + (-8) = 0. On the other
hand the inverse property of multiplication is the reciprocal of the given integer
and the result is 1 like 7(7) = 1.
• Closure Property. An integer added or multiplied to an integer the sum or product
is an integer like 6 + 9 = 15 or 6(9) = 54.
• Associative Property. Changing the grouping of the addends will not affect the
sum and changing the grouping of the factors will not affect the product.

Example # 1: The element of modulo 5 (Z5) under addition, G = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

• Identity property is 0, which is included in the element of G.

• Inverse property: inverse of 0 is 0, 1 is 4, inverse of 2 is 3, inverse of 3 is 2, and
inverse of 4 is 1.
• Closure Property. 3 + 4 = 2, 2 + 3 = 0 , 4 + 4 = 3
• Associative Property. (3 + 4) + 2 = (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + 2 = 0 + 4 = 4 = 4
(1+3) + 4 = (4+ 3)+ 1 = 4 + 4 = 2 + 1 = 3 = 3

Therefore, Z5 is a group under addition it satisfies the four properties a group.

Table structure of Z5 under addition

+ 0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 2 3 4
1 1 2 3 4 0
2 2 3 4 0 1
3 3 4 0 1 2
4 4 0 1 2 3

Example # 2: The element of modulo 5 (Z5) under multiplication, G = {1, 2, 3, 4}

• Identity property is 1, which is included in the element of G.

• Inverse property: inverse of 1 is 1, inverse of 2 is 3, inverse of 3 is 2, and inverse
of 4 is 4.
• Closure Property. 3( 4 ) = 2, 2( 3) = 1 , 4 (4 ) = 1
• Associative Property. (3 ∙ 4) ∙ 2 = (2 ∙ 4) ∙ 3 = 2 ∙ 2 = 3 ∙ 3 = 4 = 4

Therefore, Z5 is a group under multiplication; it satisfies the four properties of a


Table structure of Z5 under multiplication

∙ 1 2 3 4
1 1 2 3 4
2 2 4 1 3
3 3 1 4 2
4 4 3 2 1

• 2.2d Elementary Logic

Logic is a branch of science that deals with reasoning that help us to differentiate good
reasoning from a poor reasoning. In mathematics, logical reasoning helps us to prove theorems,
like propositions. Proposition is a statement which is answerable by yes or no, or true or false but
not both. The truthfulness or falsity of a statement is called its truth value. Some statements are
composite, that is composed of sub statements and various connectives such as and, or, not, if
then, if and only if. Statements are denoted by p, q, and r.
1. Conjunction. Any two statements can be combined by the word “and” to form a
composite statement which is called the conjunction of the given statements.
Symbolically, the conjunction of the two statements is denoted by p ^ q.
• Let p be “It is windy” and let q be “It is raining”. Then p ^ q denotes the statement
“ It is windy and it is raining”
• Let p be “2x + 4 = 8 when x is 2” and let q be “ The cube root of 8 is 4. Then p ^
q denotes the statement “2x + 4 = 8 and cube root of 8 is 4.

Truth Value
p q p ^ q

The truth value of the composite statement p ^ q states that when p is true and q
is true, then p ^ q is true, otherwise it p ^ q is false.

2. Disjunction. Any two statements can be combined by the word “or” to form a composite
statement which is called the disjunction of the given statements. Symbolically, the
disjunction of the two statements is denoted by p ˅ q.
• Let p be “There will be a program tomorrow” and let q be “There will be a
seminar tomorrow”. Then p ˅ q denotes the statement “There will be a program
tomorrow” or “There will be a seminar tomorrow”.
• “Let p be “2x – 4 > 10 when x is 5” and let q be “3x + 5 < 14 when x is 1. Then
p ˅ q denotes the statement 2x – 4 > 10 when x is 5” or “3x + 5 < 14 when x is 1”.

Truth Value
P Q p ˅ q

The truth value of the composite statement p ˅ q states that it is only false
when p is false and q is false otherwise p ˅ q is true.

3. Negation. It is opposite of the given statement. Symbolically, it is denoted by ~p or ~q

• Let p be “There will be classes tomorrow” and ~p should be “ There will be no
classes tomorrow”.
• “Let p be “2x2 – 5 ≤ 4 when x is equal to 2 “, and ~p should be “ 2x2 – 5 ≥ 4
when x is equal to 2”.

Truth Value
P ~p

4. Conditional. Many statements are of the form “if p then q” and it is called conditional
statements. It is denoted by p → 𝐪. It can also be read as “p implies q”.

• Let p be “There is a storm” and let q be “There is a typhoon”. Then p → 𝐪
denotes the statement “If there is a storm then there is a typhoon” .
• Let p be “The graph of a linear function is a straight line” and let q be “The graph
of a quadratic function is a parabola”. Then p → 𝐪 denotes the statement “The
graph of a linear function is a straight line then the graph of a quadratic function is
a parabola”.

Truth Value
P Q p → q

The conditional p → 𝐪 is only false when p is true and q is false, otherwise p → q

is true.

5. Biconditional. It is a statement in the form of “p if and only if q”or simply p iff q. It is

symbolically denoted by p ↔ q.
• Let p be “Jean can pass the exam” and let q be “She will study”. Then p ↔ 𝐪
denotes the statement “Jean can pass the exam if and only if she will study”.
• Let p be “An integer is divisible by 2” and let q be “The integer is an even
number”. Then p ↔ q denotes the statement “An integer is divisible by 2” if and
only if “The integer is and even number”.
Truth Value
P q p ↔ q

The biconditional p ↔ q is true if and only if p is true or false and q is true or

false, otherwise p ↔ q is false.
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 2.1

Determine if the following statement is a mathematical expression or mathematical


1. 2x + 3y > 10

2. 3x2 – 7x + 5

3. 4m – 3n > 5m + 3

4. 10y – 8 = 15y + 2

5. The square root of 144

6. The sum of 2x + 3y

7. (x-2)2 = x2 – 4x + 4

8. √125

9. The product of a and b ≥ xy

10. 5x is subtracted from 11x

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 2.2

Determine the elements of the following sets using listing, roster or tabular method.

Set A = {x / x is a letter from the word


Set B = { x / x is an even number between 15

to 30}

Set C = { x / x is a prime number from 1 to


Set D = { x / x is an odd number between 20

to 30 and the number is divisible by 3}

Set E = { x / x is a multiple of 4 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ ≤


Set F = { x / x2 = 16 and 2x =8}

Set G = { x / x2 – 2x -24 and x2 + 2x -24}

Set H = { x / x is a letter after v in the English


Set I = { x / x is a number between 25 to 40

which is divisible by 4}

Set J = { x / x2 – x -12 and x2 – 9 }

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 2.3

Write the following sets using rule method or set builder notation.

Set A = {m, r, k, t, e, a}

Set B = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25}

Set C = { June, July, August, September}

Set D = { 2, 3, 5, 7, }

Set E = { m, a, r, n, i, e}

Set F = {a, e, i, o, u}

Set G = { < , >, ≤, ≥ }

Set H = { x, ( ), [ ], ● }

Set I = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

Set J = {3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13}

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 2.4
A. Determine if the given set is finite or infinite set.

1. Set A = { number students enrolled in BS Biology}

2. Set B = { subjects offered in a university}

3. Set C = { stars in the universe}

4.Set D = { number of fishes in the ocean}

5. Set E = { number of foreign students enrolled in Lyceum

Northwestern University}

B. Identify if the given sets are equal set or equivalent set.

1. Set A= {d, e, f, g, h….} and Set B = {x / x is a letter after

c in the English alphabet.

2. Set A = (f, o, w, l}and Set B = { w, o ,l, f}

3. Set A = {2,4,5,6,7}and Set B= {b, c, d, e , f}

4. Set C = {x / x2 – x – 12) and Set D = { 4,-3}

5. Set G = { x / x2 – 5x + 6} and set H = {2,3}

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 2.5

Given the following set;

A = { c, h, e, m, i, s, t} B = { m, a, c, h, i, n, e} C = {c, h, l, o, r, i, n, e}


1. A ∪ B

2. B ∩ C

3. Universal Set

4. {A ∩ B} ∪ { A - C}

5. A - B

6. {A ∩ C} ∪ {B - C}

7. A’ ∩ B’

8. { A ∪ B}’ ∩ { B ∪ C}’

9. B’ ∩ C’

10. { B ∩ C} - { A - B }
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score : ______

Activity # 2.6

Construct a Venn diagram for the given sets.

1. A = {c h, e, m, i, s, t} B = {m, a, c, h, i, n, e} C = {c, h, l, o, r, i, n, e}

2. C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} D = (2. 4, 6, 8, 10} E = {2, 5, 7, 9, 10}

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.7

Determine if the following set of ordered pairs is a function or not a function.

1. A = { (2,4), (3,9), (4,16), (5,25)}

2. B = {(a, b), (c, d), (d, e), (f, g)}

3.C = {(coffee, sugar), (juice, sugar), (coffee, cream)}

4. D = {(4,7), (5,8), (6,9), (7,10)}

5. E = {( , ), ( , ), ( , )}

6. F = {(5,25), (6,30), (7,35), (-5,25)}

7.G = {(red, blue), (orange, yellow), (white, black),

(green, blue)}

8.H = {(2,4), (-2,4), (3,9), (4,12)}

9.I ={( , ),( , ), ( , ), ( , )}

10. J = {(m, n) , (o, p), (n, m), (r, p}

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.8

A. From the given function, f(x) = 3x2 – 5x + 11, find;

1. f (-3)

2. f ( )

3. f (7)

4. f (√2)

5). f (m + 3)
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.9

3𝑥 2 −7𝑥+3
Given the function, f(x) = , find;

1. f (6)

2. f (4)

3. f (-5)

4. f (√3)

5. f ( a – 1)
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.10

A. Given the following functions;

f(x) = 2x2 -7x + 5 g(x) = x + 4 h(x) = 3x2 + 2x – 9

1. f(x) + h(x)

2. f(x) – h(x)

3. f(x) ∙ g(x)

4. h(x) ÷ g(x)

5. f(x) + g(x) – h(x)

2𝑥−3 5𝑥+7 3𝑥− 4
B. From the given function m(x) = , n(x) = and p(x) = , find;
4 3 6

1. m(x) + n(x)

2. n(x) – p(x)

3. m(x) ∙ p(x)

4. n(x) ÷ m(x) =

5. m(x) ∙ n(x) ÷ p(x) =

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.11

Determine the composition of the following functions.

2𝑥−5 3𝑥−4 5𝑥−3
f(x) = g(x) = h(x) =
7 5 4

1. f(x) ⃘ g(x) =

2. g(x) ⃘ h(x)

3. f(x) ⃘ h(x)

4. [ h(x) ⃘ f(x)] ⃘ g(x)

5. g(x) ⃘ [ f(x) ⃘ h(x)]

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.12

Find the inverse of the given function and then prove;

1. f(x) = 3x – 4

2. f(x) = 7x + 3
𝑥− 5
3. f(x) = 4

4. f(x) = 7

5. f(x) = 4
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.13

A. Construct a table for modulo 7(𝑍7 ) under addition, and then prove if it is a group.

B. Construct a table for modulo 7 (𝑍7 ) under multiplication and then prove if it is a

Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.14

A. Construct a table for modulo 11 (𝑍11 ) under addition, and then prove if it is a group.

B. Construct a table for modulo 11 (𝑍11 ) under multiplication and then prove if it is a
Name: ____________________________ Date: _________ Score: ______

Activity # 2.15

Determine the truth value of the following composite propositions.

1. 2x + 3y is a mathematical expression and

5x – 2y is a mathematical sentence.

2. If 5x – 3 = 7 when x is 2 then x4 = 8 when x is 2.

3. The graph of a linear function is a straight line and the graph of

a quadratic function is a straight line.

4. The perimeter of a rectangle is length times the width if and

only if the area of a triangle is 3s.

5. If octagon is an eight sided polygon then a pentagon is a six

sided polygon

6. The square root of 16 is four or the square root of 121 is


7. 2x is an exponential function if and only if f(x) = is a
rational function.

8. x2- 4x + 4 is a perfect trinomial square and (x-2)2 is a perfect

binomial square.

1 3 3 6
9. If 2 is the lowest term of 6 then 4 is the lowest term of 12.

10. The probability of getting a head when a coin is tossed is 2
and only if the probability of getting 6 when a dice is rolled is 6.

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