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John Paul Rey S.

Jacinto BSBA FM 1-5 Sir Wendell Padilla October 6, 2023

Written Activity 1

Answer the following questions:

1. During this new normal, what do you think is the importance of physical activities in your own
personal life and also with your family?

We're literally delving to new depths of our lives, or at least the glimpse of how everything
used to be. As the post-pandemic era has dawned, it's essential to reflect on the lessons learned
during the pandemic itself. Hence why in the context of the "new normal" shaped by the COVID-
19 pandemic, the importance of physical activities for individuals and families cannot be
overstated. Personally, engaging in physical activities has become an essential pillar of
maintaining physical and mental well-being. As I see it in my own, incorporating regular exercise
into my routine has helped me manage stress and anxiety that emerged during the pandemic.

On a family level, physical activities have taken on a new significance. They have served
as a unifying force, creating opportunities for bonding and quality time together. Activities like
jogging, doing household chores together or even home workouts have allowed my family to stay
connected and support each other's health goals. This shared commitment to physical fitness has
not only improved our physical health but also strengthened our emotional bonds.

Furthermore, physical activities have served as a vital counterbalance to the increased

screen time and sedentary lifestyles that many individuals, including myself, adopted during
lockdowns and remote work or schooling. These activities encourage healthier habits, ensuring
that we maintain our physical health amidst the challenges of the new normal.

2. What were the ways that you coped effectively in the early COVID-19 pandemic situation?
Explain your answer.

The world found itself facing an unprecedented crisis, demanding resilience and
adaptability from individuals and communities alike. Which seems impossible for most of us in
that dark times. Coping effectively during the early COVID-19 pandemic required a complex and
holistic approach. It certainly varies upon the person and their circumstances. Yet I personally
found that establishing a daily routine was not only crucial, but literally life changing. This routine
helped create a sense of normalcy in a time of uncertainty. It involved setting regular school hours,
allocating time for exercise, devoting leisure time for mental well-being, thoroughly spending time
entertainment and even maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.

Moreover, staying informed but not overwhelmed was essential. I ensured I received
accurate information from reputable sources while limiting exposure to excessive news coverage
that could induce anxiety. This approach allowed me to make informed decisions while
maintaining mental well-being.Another effective coping strategy was staying socially connected
despite physical distancing measures. Video calls, virtual game nights, and online support groups
helped bridge the gap created by isolation. These interactions provided emotional support and a
sense of belonging particularly to the ones like myself.

Furthermore, engaging in hobbies and creative outlets served as a valuable distraction

and source of personal fulfillment. Whether it was learning a new skill, listening to music, or
pursuing academic and artistic endeavors, these activities offered me a reprieve from the
pandemic's stressors. There’s a lot to think of in those unpromising and doubtful times. Yet
mindfulness and self-care significantly contribute in maintaining mental health. Regular
meditation, deep breathing exercises, and setting aside time for self-reflection were practices that
helped me manage anxiety and promote a positive mindset.

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