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Yaw Kyemkrom, near Nsenoa-Offinso Stool Land


Kumasi- Ghana


+1 (718) 501-0318
The management of Jemilex farms write to propose an exciting and innovative venture in the

field of agriculture that promises not only substantial financial returns but also contributes

significantly to sustainable farming practices and the overall well-being of our community

and country at large. With a deep passion for agriculture and a keen interest in sustainable

practices, kindly go through this comprehensive business proposal for your consideration.


Jemilex farms is an existing farm dedicated to the production of botanical perennials. This

incredible farm is located in Asempanaye, off the Techiman road; 30 minutes away from

Kumasi. Jemilex has been working hard since 2014 and has over the years, become one of the

leading producers of fruits plants for the natural supplement industry as well as

plantnurseries. By leveraging a well thought out business plan executed by a skilled

management team, Jemilex will generate over GHS 216,000 in year three sales. Jemilex also

aim to establish an eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural enterprise. Our primary goal is

on organic farming, agroforestry, and innovative agricultural technologies to enhance crop

yields, conserve resources, and promote environmental responsibility. We intend to achieve

this through meticulous planning, modern farming techniques and community engagement.


Our main objectives include

 Implementing organic farming methods to produce high-quality, chemical-free crops

 Introducing agroforestry practices for diversified and sustainable farming.

 Integrating modern agricultural technologies such as precision farming and data

analytics for optimized production.

 Collaborating with local farmers and communities to share knowledge and promote

sustainable agriculture practices.

 Establishing a farmers' market and community-supported agriculture (CSA) program

for direct marketing and consumer outreach.


Jemilex has identified three keys that has been instrumental in their success. The first is the

implementation of strict financial controls. By having the proper controls,

production efficiency will be maximized. The second key is the never-ending pursuit for the

industry's highest concentration levels of botanical ingredients in each plant. The third key is

the recognition and implementation of the philosophy that 100% customer satisfaction is

required to ensure a profitable business. Profits are a byproduct of satisfying customers, not

the other way around.


Jemilex hosts 5 different sites. Site one boasts of an amazing 11 acres of juicy pineapple

ready to be harvested and enjoyed. The second site is a vast 55 acres of land featuring

groundnuts and newly planted mangos with 20 acres already developed. With site three, we

have 18 acres dedicated to the cultivation of cashew trees. The demand for cashew is pressing

and pressing, which makes this an excellent investment opportunity. Site four is a picturesque

15 acres of coconut plantation where the palms sway in gentle breeze. Coconuts are not just a

delicious tree but also a versatile commodity with a high market value. The fifth and final site

is a farmer’s dream; spanning 90 acres and featuring a variety of crops such mangoes,

pawpaw and a touch of oranges. All these products are cultivated to concentrate on the

growing of botanical Medicinals. They also have significant market demand as well being

well suited for growth in the agricultural industry.

We operate as a fully integrated agricultural business encompassing organic crop cultivation,

agroforestry, and technology-driven farming solutions. We offer a variety of products,

including organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, and value-added products. Our approach involves

responsible water management, eco-friendly pest control, and soil enrichment practices to

ensure sustainable agricultural production.


Extensive market research indicates a growing consumer preference for organic produce and

sustainable farming practices. The demand for high-quality, locally sourced organic products

also presents a lucrative opportunity for our business. Additionally, partnerships with local

restaurants, grocery stores, and farmers' markets provides a strong avenue for sales and brand


This luxurious farm has several distinct customers: supplement companies like Blue Sky is

one of them as well as processors of these produce. Jemilex feeds all local markets in the

country and also boasts of its success in exports. The local market customers purchase the

produce for use in their respective areas which they ultimately sell to the end consumer. The

market for fruits is quite exciting. Surveys show that over 158 million consumers (over 55%

of Ghana’s population) feed on fruits as deserts. An estimated 115.3 million consumers buy

fruits for themselves, and 55.8 million purchase them for other members of their family,

including children. Consumer surveys consistently find that nearly half of all Ghanaians now

use know the importance of these produce.


 Mr. Alex Fordjour

Director, Jemilex farms
+1 (718) 501-0318
 Mrs. Florence Larbi
+1 (347) 777-2870


Detailed financial projections have been prepared, outlining operational expenses, revenue

forecasts, and profit margins. We anticipate a steady increase in revenue over the next few

years, driven by market demand, strategic partnerships and operational efficiency.

The management, over the last two years, they have worked out all of the bugs related to

production. The farm has been, and is still hungry to succeed, creating one of the premier

organic farms in the country. To finance our growth and full-time production, we need to

purchase $50,000 worth of new equipment as long-term assets. These include but not limited

to the following:

 2 Tractors

 2 motors locally known as “aboboyaa”

 Farm house

 Pineapple planter

 Harrow

 2 boom sprayers

 1 maize planter

 1 peanut planter

 1 rotary cultivator

 1 trailer

 1 pickup

 2 motors

 1 peanut harvester

 1 plow

We are seeking funding to initiate and sustain our operations. The funding will be allocated

for the purchase of machinery, infrastructure development, technology integration, marketing

and working capital. We therefore seek sponsorships from investors and business personnels

interested in this project. Sales forecasts conservatively indicate that huge revenue will be

generated in the coming years, an estimate of about to $216,000


Jemilex represents an opportunity to invest in the future of sustainable agriculture. By

supporting our venture, you are not only investing in a profitable business but also

contributing to environmental conservation, community development, and the promotion of

healthy living.

We would be delighted to discuss this proposal in detail at your earliest convenience. Thank

you for considering our proposal, and we look forward to the opportunity to work together

and make a significant impact on the agricultural landscape.


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