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RCreative growth
RThe Divine Feminine
RMother Earth
ROpen to receive*
RAbundant beauty
ROvercoming creative blocks
RSuppressed desires or emotions
RFeeling dissatisfied
RRemoving blockages to abundance
RFocus on self-care
The Empress is a symbol of opening and growth. Suppose, in a Year Ahead
spread, you pull The Empress for that year. That means this will be an
incredible year of giving birth, of bringing into the world your divinely
inspired seeds. On a question about your passionate endeavors, this birth
announces a period of energized, tangible growth in the creations and
pursuits you have already started. In spiritual matters, The Empress stands
for the Divine Feminine, calling on you to connect with your innate
wisdom and abundant power. As a guidance card, it may suggest getting
in touch with nature—with Mother Earth—as a source of medicine and
nourishment. In any type of relationship, The Empress invites an opening
of the hearts to receive, allowing the love and gifts of others to reach us.
Even in receiving, The Empress as a personality is a card of personal
power, signifying an enjoyment of pleasure and beauty.
Standing for the foundation of an issue, The Empress reversed indicates
that there may be inner or outer creative blocks stunting your growth.
It’s time to address what’s preventing your expansion and to unfetter once
again the power of your inspiration. If this reversal appears in a
relationship reading, it suggests that the desires or emotions of one of the
partners are being suppressed, pointing the way to emotional healing
through opening up. If things remain the same, the reversed Empress in
the Future position may show you continuing to feel dissatisfied,
prompting you to use the present as an opening to change course. As a
guidance card, this reversal prescribes a good dose of self-care. Bring
some much-needed medicine to your heart, mind, and body!

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