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1. Childhood
 Would you like to tell about your childhood?
 Did your habit change a lot when you grow up?
 Would you like to tell about your old friend?
 Have you ever visited hometown or village when you were young?
 Should parent limit the teenager’s activity?
 What do teenagers do in their environment?
2. Family
 What do you always do with your family at home?
 What is the difference between spending time at home and having holiday?
 Is the any change when you go travelling nowadays?
 What is the most beautiful thing you ever received from your parents?
 What should good parents do?
3. Language
 What is the importance of English in a company?
 What is the use of bilingual language in your life?
 Can Multilanguage help the company to develop?
 Tell your experience in English lesson!
4. Food and Vegetables
 What is your favorite vegetable?
 Which one do you prefer fresh vegetable to cooked vegetable?
 How many times do you eat in a day?
 How often do you eat healthy food?
 How important is healthy food for our body?
 How many do you have a dinner together with your family or friends?
 What is the meaning of birthday cake?
5. Job
 What major are you taking recently?
 What kind of business that you really admire?
 Do the people in your country work hard in business?
 Which one is better for young people like you continue your study or work?
6. Place
 Which one do you prefer apartment to house?
 Which one do you prefer living in town to suburb?
 Would you like to tell about your hometown?
 Why most of people like to live in apartment?
 Would you like to tell about your city?
 What is your favorite city?
 How should a city look like?
 How does your future house look like?
 Do you like the crowded place?
7. Advertisement
 Which one do you prefer advertisement on billboard to top up one?
 How does the advertisement attract people to buy the products?
 What is the most interesting advertisement in your opinion?
 Do you like using online shop?
8. Personal opinion
 What do you think about someone who always changes his/her job?
 What are the factors that make people changed in their whole life?
 Should parents give training to the children?
 What subject do you really need?
 Would you like to tell about your best friend?
9. Social Media
 What is the use of internet?
 What are advantages and disadvantages of internet?
 Which one do you prefer email to call in order to have communication
 Which is better to save memory, diary or photo?
 Please explain the recent website that you visit!
10. Sport
 Have you ever joined or seen sport competition?
 Which one do you prefer watching competition directly to through television?
 What is the advantage of participating in sport?
 Which one do you prefer outdoor or indoor sport?
11. Computer
 Do you always use your computer?
 Is there any difference between the previous computer with the new one?
 What is the maximum use of computer?
 Is it difficult for parents to use computer?
 Is it important for someone to learn how to use computer?
12. Technology
 Would you like to tell about the new invention which is used in home?
 Would you like to tell about the new invention which is used for education?
 Would you like to tell about the new invention which is used for transportation?
 Would you like to tell about the new invention which is used for memorizing?
 Why should we ban to put television in the class?
13. Time
 How long do you spend your time in the school?
 What do you always do in your leisure time?
 Do you need time to be alone?
 Why does everyone need me time?
 When and where do people always feel happy?
14. Public Transportation
 Have you ever used public transportation?
 Which one do you choose land or water transportation?
 Do you like using boat?
 Do the people in your country use boat?
 Do you want to have a boat?
15. Leisure activity
 What do you always do at home?
 What do teenagers always do nowadays?
 Which place do you prefer to spend your leisure time sport centre to cinema?
 Do you like ocean leisure activity?
 What should we prepare for ocean activity?
 What will you do if you go to beach?
16. Culture
 Was your name taken from historical culture?
 Is there any special activity in your culture when there is a new baby?
 What is the meaning of your name?
 Can you tell about a cultural event in your country?
17. Concert
 Have ever attended to a concert?
 Why do you like to watch concert?

1. Favorite teacher
 Who is she/he?
 What subject does she/he teach?
 Why do you like him / her?
 When and where did you meet him / her for the first time?
2. Memory
 What is the best memorable moment that you have ever had?
 Why do you think that is was the best?
 When and where did it happen?
 How did you feel?
3. Language
 Tell me about your experience in learning English!
 Who was your best teacher?
 Why do you like her?
 What do you think about multilingual teacher!
4. House
 How does your future house look like?
 What style of house do you want to make?
 Why do you choose the style architecture?
 Where is the most appropriate place to build your new house?
5. Ocean
 Have you ever joined with ocean leisure activity?
 What equipments should someone prepare for the ocean activity?
 What are the advantage and disadvantage of sea transportation?
 What is the advantage of exploring the sea?
6. Pop Star
 Who is the pop star that you really admire?
 What does she/he do?
 Why do you like him/her?
 Does he/she give you any influences?
7. Organization
 What organization that you have ever joined?
 What does the organization do?
 Why do choose that organization?
 What is your position there?
 What is the benefit of joining an organization?
8. Car Travel
 Where and when did you rent it?
 Where did you want to go?
 Whom did you go with?
 Why did you choose car?
 When is the best time to use public transportation?
9. Favorite Public Transportation
 What is it?
 Why do you like to use it?
 How did you feel when you tried to use it?
 When and where did you use it for the first time?
10. The most memorable birthday party
 When and where was it?
 Who celebrated it for you?
 What did you do at that time?
 What was the best present at that time?
11. Crowded place
 Have you ever visited the crowded place?
 When and where was it?
 Whom did you go with?
 What did you do there?
 How did you feel?
12. Furniture
 Explain about the furniture in your house
 Who arranged them?
 What are the materials of the button?
 What people think about the furniture?
13. Volunteer job
 Have you ever help people?
 When and where did you do that?
 Who did you help
 What did you do?
 Did you ever give advice to someone?
14. Shopping
 What thing do you buy to make you happy?
 When and where did you buy it?
 Why do you choose it?
 How did you feel and did it make you happy?
 How did you adapt with the new thing?
15. Driving experience
 Can you drive a car?
 When and where did you learn how to drive?
 Who taught you?
 Can driving ability help for your job?
 When is the best time to learn how to drive?
16. Teaching activity
 Have you ever taught someone?
 When did you teach?
 Who did you teach?
 What did you teach?
 Which one is more difficult teaching adult or young one?
17. Traditional product
 Describe traditional product you like!
 Explain how to make it!
 Why do you like that product?
 In what occasion does it usually use /serve?
18. Rain
 How many times do you see rain?
 What was the terrible one?
 How was the intensity?
 What did you do at the time?
19. Shopping
 Where is your favorite place for shopping
 What do you always buy?
 Why do choose that place and the product?
 How do you manage you finance to buy that product?
20. Major in university
 What major will you take?
 Why do you like that major?
 Which part do you like most in this major?
 What do you do to enter to that major?
21. Achievement
 What was your recent achievement that you got?
 What should we do to get achievement?
 What did make it special?
 Why should we give a reward to them?
 What should we give as a reward, thing or money?

22. Place
 What does your favorite house look like?
 Where is the best place for building your house?
 Why do you choose that place
 How do you build your house?

1. Memory
 How do you save your memory?
 In what age can you remember the best memory in the past?
 Do you know how to regain your memory back?
 What kind of memory that you have to remember?
 Have you ever met with your old friends?
2. Language
 Is multilingual teacher really important?
 Should a language teacher go abroad to continue his / her study?
 What is the use of language in advertisement?
 How does mobile phone influence the use of language?
3. Advertisement
 What is the important of advertisement in promoting a product?
 Which one do you prefer advertisement through billboard to top up?
 Can advertisement guarantee the quality of a product?
 What do you know about traditional culture and how to promote it?
 What is different between traditional and modern product?
 Can traditional product be exported?
4. Shopping
 Why do people like shopping?
 What is the cause which makes people do not like shopping?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping?
5. Places
 Which one do you prefer house to apartment?
 How does the geographic location affect the city?
 Please explain the natural resources in your county!
 What is the natural disaster that happened in your country?

6. Feeling / Emotion
 Why people always feel love to someone?
 Explain event that you made people love and laugh?
 In what occasion should we show or hide our emotion?
 What did you feel when you entered to new school?
7. Time management
 How do you arrange your time well?
 Which one do you prefer come earlier to on time?
 Is it really important to come earlier?
 Which one is better in managing time, young or adult?
 Can you explain the solution to help the late people to manage their time!
8. Character
 What do you think about the politeness in the past and present?
 Do the children have the same intelligence when they were born?
 What do you think about the smart and clever people?
 Will the smart people have weakness in other abilities?
 Can you tell me about the habits of smart people?
9. Moving house
 Have you ever moved to another place?
 What did you feel when you moved?
 How do people adapt with the new environment? (Direct or slow)
 Does adult have different way to adapt with the children?
10. Furniture
 Why do people like to change the furniture?
 What is the reason for those who try to change their home as beautiful as possible?
 Why do the materials of furniture always change?
 Why do people like to apply the new trends?
11. Work
 Should old people retire earlier?
 Should people find a work based on their previous education background?
 Should the workplace be limited for old jobseekers?
 Does organization background can guarantee people to get a job?
 What is difference between volunteer and paid job?
 What should people do to get higher position in your company?
12. Natural resources
 What is the most useful natural resource in your country?
 Is the sunlight good for people?
 What is the use of sunlight?
 How do the people use natural resources?
13. Fashion
 How does the development of fashion?
 Is fashion really important?
 What is the difference between previous fashion and the recent one?
14. Rain
 What is the influence of rain towards the social life?
 What is the cause of hard rain?
 Does rain influence someone’s behavior?
 What is the effect of rain?
 Do you ever use umbrella or raincoat?
15. Book
 What book do you like to read?
 What is the function of reading fiction for children?
 Which one is better reading novel first and then watching the movie or vice versa?
 Why should the producer cut the scene which is stated in the novel?
16. Tourism
 Which one is the most favorite site in Indonesia for tourists?
 Which place is left by tourists nowadays?
 Would you like to explain how to prevent the environment?
 Can technology help in preventing the environment?
 What is the role of government to help the prevention?
17. Healthy
 How do people do to make them stay alive?
 Is there any difference between man and woman in staying healthy?
 Can you explain how to do any sport activities if we are busy?
 Why is the recent food unhealthy?

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