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;WITH ReceivedTransfers AS (

select distinct i.[Transfer Order No_]

from [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Item Ledger Entry] i
inner join [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Item] it with (nolock, readuncommitted) on it.
[No_] = i.[Item No_]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Product Group] as ProdGroup on
it.[Product Group Code] = ProdGroup.Code
left join [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Transfer Shipment Header] tsh with (nolock,
readuncommitted) on
tsh.[Transfer Order No_] = i.[Transfer Order No_]
(SELECT [Item Ledger Entry No_], [Product Group Code], sum([Cost per Unit])
[Cost per Unit], sum([Cost Posted to G_L]) [Cost Posted to G_L]
FROM [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Value Entry] with (nolock, readuncommitted)
group by [Item Ledger Entry No_],[Product Group Code]) ve ON
ve.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = i.[Entry No_]
AND i.[Entry No_] = ve.[Item Ledger Entry No_]
where i.[Location Code] NOT LIKE '%INTST%'
AND i.[Document No_] like '%TRRP%'
---and i.[Global Dimension 1 Code] = '001'
LSRTransfers as (
SELECT --count(*)
i.[Item No_]
,i.[Item Category Code]
,it.[Product Identification Code]
,it.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]
,it.[Container Identification Code]
----,i.[Global Dimension 1 Code] as [Region Centre]
,i.[Global Dimension 3 Code] as [Cost Centre]
,i.[Transfer - Budget Center]
,i.[Prod_ Order No_]
,tsh.[Transfer-to Code]
, case when ProdGroup.Description like '%RAW%' then 'RAW MATERIALS' WHEN it.[Item
Category Code] = 'PRODUCTS' then 'PRODUCTS'
WHEN ProdGroup.[Description] = 'PRODUCTION SPARES' then 'PRODUCTION SPARES' when
it.[Item Category Code] = 'SPARES' THEN 'SPARES'
ELSE ProdGroup.Description END AS [Item Group], i.[Unit of Measure Code], i.
[Location Code],i.[Transaction Dimension 5 Code], i.[Document No_], i.[External
Document No_], i.[Transfer Order No_]
, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), i.[Posting Date], 120) AS "Posting Date"
, ( select top 1 gl.[User ID] from [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$G_L Entry] gl with
(nolock, readuncommitted) where i.[Document No_] = gl.[Document No_]
and gl.[User ID] is not null and gl.[User ID] != '' ORDER BY gl.[timestamp] ASC) as
[User ID],i.[Entry Type]
, CASE WHEN i.[Unit of Measure Code] = 'BOTTLE' THEN i.Quantity/24 ELSE i.Quantity
END AS Quantity --, i.*
, CASE WHEN i.[Unit of Measure Code] = 'BOTTLE' THEN i.[Invoiced Quantity]/24 ELSE
i.[Invoiced Quantity] END AS [Invoiced Quantity]
,ve.[Cost per Unit]
,ve.[Cost Posted to G_L]
from [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Item Ledger Entry] i with (nolock, readuncommitted)
inner join [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Item] it with (nolock, readuncommitted) on it.
[No_] = i.[Item No_]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Product Group] as ProdGroup on
it.[Product Group Code] = ProdGroup.Code
left join [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Transfer Shipment Header] tsh with (nolock,
readuncommitted) on
tsh.[Transfer Order No_] = i.[Transfer Order No_]
(SELECT [Item Ledger Entry No_], [Product Group Code], sum([Cost per Unit])
[Cost per Unit], sum([Cost Posted to G_L]) [Cost Posted to G_L]
FROM [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Value Entry] with (nolock, readuncommitted)
group by [Item Ledger Entry No_],[Product Group Code]) ve ON
ve.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = i.[Entry No_]
AND i.[Entry No_] = ve.[Item Ledger Entry No_]
where i.[Transfer Order No_] in (Select aux.[Transfer Order No_] from
ReceivedTransfers aux)
and i.[Location Code] NOT LIKE '%INTST%'
AND i.[External Document No_] = ''
and i.[Document No_] like '%TRRP%')

select * from LSRTransfers

where [Item Group] is null

--from [dbo].[SEVEN-UP - IKEJA$Item Ledger Entry] i with (nolock, readuncommitted)
--WHERE [Item No_] = 'FMB001'

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